
Black Muslim

  1. an activist member of a largely American group of Blacks called the Nation of Islam

How To Use Black Muslim In A Sentence

  • But that year, he announced his membership in the Black Muslim movement and changed his name, and in 1967, he refused induction into the U.S. armed forces for service in Vietnam.
  • The department also maintained a list of 28 countries that, along with "American Black Muslim," it described as "ancestries of interest. The Seattle Times
  • They applauded, I suspect, for much the same reason so many members of the black Christian middle-class applaud the harangues of Black Muslim minister Louis Farrakhan.
  • In the 1960’s, most people — including NOI members — were much more likley to use the term Black Muslim, and almost no one mistook the term to mean Muslims who happened to be black. The Volokh Conspiracy » U.S. Denying Entry Visas to People Who Work on Israel’s Dimona Nuclear Reactor?
  • Malcolm X was an American Black Muslim minister and a spokesman for the Nation of Islam.
  • It was Umar al-Khattab, who was to be the second caliph after the Prophet's death, who suggested that a person call the others to prayer, to which the Prophet instructed a black Muslim youth, Bilal, to make the call to prayer (hence the name Bilal in some languages becoming synonym to the word 'muezzin'). Politics101malaysia
  • I have nothing to make you wanna vote for me; so I'll just throw a bunch of Fear, Smear, Lies and Spin all over the airwaves to make you wanna NOT vote for that black guy who sounds like a Black Muslim, which is the Middle East version of a Gook, this is why I can't tell them terrorists over there apart; they're ALL Gooks ... and did I mention that my opponent is Black, and his name sounds like that terrorist that we won't even go after because he's all tied in with the Bushes ... so don't vote for my opponent ... Propeller Most Popular Stories
  • The department also maintained a list of 28 countries that, along with "American Black Muslim," the department labeled "ancestries of interest. CIA investigates whether laws broken helping NYPD
  • One of the best known Black Muslim ministers during this period was Malcolm X, converted while he was in prison in 1947, who broke with the movement in March 1964 and was assassinated 11 months later.
  • Malcolm X was an American Black Muslim minister and a spokesman for the Nation of Islam.
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