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black marketeer

  1. deal on the black market
  1. someone who engages illegally in trade in scarce or controlled commodities

How To Use black marketeer In A Sentence

  • Under the old regime black marketeers would buy almost anything from Western tourists and resell it at an enormous profit.
  • Under the old regime black marketeers would buy almost anything from Western tourists and resell it at an enormous profit.
  • One of the choicest ironies is that he now speaks with disapproval about black marketeers, spivs and touts and unofficial operators, and has nothing but praise for his new friends in the RFU.
  • Under the old regime black marketeers would buy almost anything from Western tourists and resell it at an enormous profit.
  • Pavlov's allegations contradicted earlier official statements which portrayed the currency confiscation as an attack on black marketeers and excess money supply.
  • Expect ripe language, prostitution, low-life characters, black marketeering, drug abuse and more - but there may be a little bit of romanticism even in this grim tale.
  • For Kurzlinger, until then just a Berlin black marketeer and gangster, it became a profession.
  • Under the old regime black marketeers would buy almost anything from Western tourists and resell it at an enormous profit.
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