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Black Death

  1. the epidemic form of bubonic plague experienced during the Middle Ages when it killed nearly half the people of western Europe

How To Use Black Death In A Sentence

  • Margo would've faced the prospect of viewing piles of people left dead by the Black Death with less distaste than the coming interview with doss-house prostitutes. Ripping Time
  • The other nightmare he remembered in detail was the one about the Black Death.
  • But Kelly, not content to accept the Black Death as offspring of the deadly bubonic, also looks at new evidence that the medieval plague ‘may, in fact, have been an outbreak of anthrax or an Ebola-like filovirus.’
  • Most of our understanding of the Black Death has come from documentary sources.
  • The second segment is about German economy is rapidly revival after the Black Death.
  • Another plague that really made the “dark” Middle Ages dark was the Black Death, or bubonic plague, which is caused by the bacterium Yersinia Pasteurella pestis. Modern Science in the Bible
  • The next building in the area was a ‘pentice’ - a first-storey extension supported on wooden columns oversailing the pavement - built in about 1460 using much cheaper timbers than had been used before the Black Death.
  • But to come back to Lorna again (which I always longed to do, and must long for ever), all the change between night and day, all the shifts of cloud and sun, all the difference between black death and brightsome liveliness, scarcely may suggest or equal Lorna Doone
  • Regardless of this, the casualty figures for the Black Death were massive.
  • I have a book on poisons that suggests that the Black Death may have been brought on by immunocompromisation due to widespread ergotism that year... Seanan_mcguire: 100 Books That Rocked My World, 2009 Edition.
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