How To Use Black bream In A Sentence
It is a magical place, truly a dream for the roving angler; outsize black bream, sole, conger, plaice, wrasse, undulate rays, tope, pollack and mullet reside within casting distance of the shore.
Tope packs come in shallow and work the edges of stony reefs looking for black bream, school bass, rockling and even small dogfish.
There are a myriad of other fish that I love to eat in UK seas - scad, cuttlefish, john dory, ling, conger (makes the best scampi), rays, dabs, black bream, turbot, garfish (makes great, outstanding roll-mops) cod, squid and others.
The tarwhine can be caught in all places where there are black bream.
For an Anglicised version of this curry, use firm-fleshed fish with a good bony head such as black bream, grey mullet and gurnard, to help make the stock rich.

The Murchison River is fishing well for black bream and whiting, with a few smallish mulloway about. | Top Stories