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black bead

  1. erect shrub with small if any spines having racemes of white to yellow flowers followed by curved pointed pods and black shiny seeds; West Indies and Florida

How To Use black bead In A Sentence

  • It was so close that I could finally see its black beady eye.
  • She had finally chosen a black skirt and a white wrap blouse and black beads.
  • I tossed my cell and some lip gloss into a black beaded clutch and rushed out the door to get to his house on time.
  • Allie wound a string around a black bead and glanced at the child decorating her removed armlets with tassels and a tan fringe.
  • In an NLRB hearing, some promanagement employees said they saw lines of pennies, half-empty cups of water and a prounion employee twisting black beads in her hands, which they took as voodoo signs and veiled threats. NLRB charges nursing home that alleged use of voodoo
  • The long black beads at her waist rattled against the desk as she sat in the chair next to his.
  • It was shiny from top to toe, resplendent with black beads and sequins so that it glimmered and glistened.
  • Bonnie Raitt in illusion lace with black beading.
  • She had several ropes of long black beads around her neck which she absent-mindedly played with in her hand, and her thin hair was done up in an elaborate style.
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