
How To Use Black and white In A Sentence

  • They will not see through the superficial machinations of modern baaskap whose heart is filled with envy at seeing the dream becoming true, of a people united in a social contract, working together black and white, to determine a better future for themselves. SPEECH BY NKOSINATHI NHLEKO, CHIEF WHIP OF THE MAJORITY PARTY ON THE STATE OF THE NATION ADDRESS
  • The black and white images suggested a lunar surface with bright elevated land masses, grooved by sloping drainage channels and seemingly surrounded by dark, still pools of oily liquid.
  • They wanted me to bring my US passport, and Mexican Visa, but instead of two black and white infantil size photos, they wanted color photos here in Morelos and they only wanted a color copy of the pages in my passport and FM3 visa showing my photo and the page of the FM3 visa that I had then showing the prorrogas (renewals) to verify who I am and that I live here legally. Page 2
  • The movie was shot in black and white.
  • For the fruits, I used candied bitter orange peels, green raisins, and dried apricots, figs (black and white), and peach.
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  • It looked very old and traced with lacy patterns of swirls, vines, and flowers, but it wasn't just white or just black; it was a twisted mixture of both black and white.
  • A number of photographs, in colour and black and white, show the various facets of the process in great detail.
  • Photographers made use of the pandanus to lend striking silhouettes to black and white photographs of Reef twilight.
  • There was an awkward semicircle of wheeled vehicles arranged around the wreck, all black and white with lights on.
  • Schumacher opens the film in terrific style with a black and white section set in 1919 Paris, which gradually melts into a full colour flashback to the bustling 1870s.
  • That divine spirit whose course is marked with black and white stains, who is the supporter of fire, and who, though free from sin, is the accomplisher of desired karma, whom the wise regard as a great Rishi, is the fire Kapila, the propounder of the Yoga system called The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 1 Books 1, 2 and 3
  • The black and white dress code was given a splash of colour by members of the Army, who attended in their Reds, and Colchester Town Watch appeared in medieval regalia.
  • Each day, in visibility of over 30 metres, we encounter black and white-tipped reef and grey sharks, large pelagics like dogtoothed tuna and many of the four hundred other species of fish which inhabit these waters.
  • In the grainy black and white photo I can still make out the sheen of A.'s hair oil and the way he slicked his dark locks back on the sides.
  • One day, Karzai wore the grey karakul hat from the north, the next day the black and white silk turban from his Pathan homeland in the south.
  • Order the ‘Black and White Series’ and you'll get Baerii caviar served on blinis or toasts; ‘French Masterpiece’ is duck or goose foie gras served on toast.
  • The black and white woman above Arnie is Buscema inked by Alcalá. The New Header...Up Close and Personal!
  • Tones wore a black mousseline dress over a cream satin foundation and a black and white picture hat.
  • We sat and watched the screen as it fizzed black and white shapes that during the course of the last three hours had scrambled my tiny mind.
  • The featured style is Elyot and comes in purple, green, caramel, black and white!
  • We begin by modifying the photo to create an image which is amenable to analysis: calculations of box dimension require a completely black and white image - no greyscale is allowed.
  • This outfit is one of her more hideous concoctions in the way of outfits: white wedge sandals, a mini skirt made from Dalmatian-patterned suede, and a black and white checked t-shirt with a plunging neckline.
  • More than 100 cars, 10 black and white limos and a jazz band followed and up to 500 people attended the funeral at the Conservative Club, of which he was member.
  • Other forms of art are welcome too (digital, black and white in pencil or pen, or bizarre stuff). We Need Cover Art « Survival By Storytelling Magazine
  • Chris, in a murder case we know the black and white letter of the law says the state does not have to prove motive.
  • There's black and white pictures of presidential iconography: the oval office, motorcades, and the Presidential helicopter Marine One.
  • One cat is black and white, the other solid black.
  • Please spell everything out for me in clear, unmistakeable black and white. Don't ask me to think.
  • There are photos, in black and white and in color, of the event.
  • Instead of staying indoors, healthily watching a black and white screen – Grandstand, Hancock, Terry and June – they were out canvassing, attending ward meetings, collecting ministers' autographs, drafting position papers and generally behaving in a way unbefitting to young persons. The Ed Balls roadshow: enough to make you weep
  • This opossum, which is black and white, swims in the streams like a muskrat or otter, catching fish and living in burrows which open under water. IV. The Headwaters of the Paraguay
  • The sound was tinny and the picture was black and white.
  • A number of photographs, in colour and black and white, show the various facets of the process in great detail.
  • If your party requires a tux, your best bet is a classic black and white combination.
  • Their black and white poster-size prints use video projections as light sources, providing time-elapsed post-exposures of the images.
  • Glossy, visually pleasing vertical bars of black and white enamel intersect a variety of colorful, hard-edge shapes and geometric figures in reds, yellow, blues and greens.
  • They demanded that the agreement be written in black and white.
  • The en suite bathroom is fully tiled in black and white and includes a wash hand basin, bidet, step-in shower unit and toilet.
  • He turned over a matt black and white that had been lying on the blotter in front of him, and pushed it towards her so that she got the full impact of the divided face, the kecked nose and slewed eye, the mouth askew showing long, sharp teeth protruding over his lip on the right side, in a kind of snarl. Bottled Spider
  • Both can print at a speed of 16 pages per minute in color or in black and white.
  • The director's brilliant conceit was to film this tale in black and white.
  • It contains many descriptive black and white drawings, as well as tables, charts, and graphs, to illustrate information in the text.
  • But this isn't a simple black and white affair, Marianne.
  • The whole room is a zebra pelt of black and white and that colour that has been the fashion staple for so long they've invented a dozen names for it - taupe, camel, fawn, buff.
  • The ads display black and white photos of the party's Legco candidates taken from a video portraying its members in a similar vein to the fictional presidential cabinet in the TV series.
  • I guess the Oxford English Dictionary cuts it more cleanly with a black and white approach.
  • The phrase "British cinema documentary" came to mean a black and white collage of steam locomotives, slag heaps, women in grubby kitchens and men in flat caps, searchlights and bomb damage. A British fleet with no aircraft carrier. Unthinkable!
  • Maybe you vividly remember watching the occasion unfold in monochrome as you crowded round a black and white TV with family and friends.
  • When four months pregnant the mother, a multipara of 30, was startled by a black and white collie dog suddenly pushing against her and rushing out when she opened the door. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 5 Erotic Symbolism; The Mechanism of Detumescence; The Psychic State in Pregnancy
  • The copy of it that slid out was a contrasty translation of the original, all the gentle blue and yellow turned into black and white. The Legacy
  • There is a brooding melancholy in his black and white photography.
  • Toss in some truly spine-tingling, horrifying imagery (the monsters are really scary folks, be it in color or the black and white version available on DVD/Blu Ray), plus one of the most obscenely-grim endings in cinema history, and you have the makings of a genuine horror classic. Scott Mendelson: Just in Time for Halloween: 10 of the Scariest Horror Films of the Last 20 Years.
  • The ambient subdued lighting enhances the Art Deco boldness as the black and white tiled floor and sculpted bar invoke memories of speakeasy days and jazz filled nights.
  • Now 60 years on, the process has been repeated, but reversed, as the commonplace colour of modern films returns to nostalgic black and white.
  • There are small primate populations of potto Perodicticus potto, western black and white colobus Colobus polykomos, red colobus Colobus badius (EN), diana monkey Cercopithecus diana (EN), lesser bushbaby Galago senegalensi and chimpanzees Pan troglodytes (EN) which are close neighbors of the tool-using population in Bossou. Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve, Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire
  • You'll find plenty of satisfying dishes here, such as marinated ahi tuna coated in black and white sesame seeds with a mango-cucumber coulis.
  • The zebra is a wild African horse with black and white stripes.
  • Her sewing machine had a "treadle" and our TV was a 5 "black and white with fuzzy images. Propeller Most Popular Stories
  • Cheaper options will typically involve theming a venue around a simple visual principle - hence the enduring popularity of the black and white night - or adding simple table novelties such as masks.
  • If the light striking a blue surface is predominantly blue, the blue object will appear almost white in a black and white photograph.
  • The floor was a checkerboard of black and white lino tiles.
  • When their concepts were finalized, students made a working model by proofing their work in black and white on the artroom's laser printer.
  • Even the floors and ceilings were different: the former was high and covered with stalactites, whereas the latter was no longer simply white marble but a checkerboard of black and white.
  • The butterfly is black and white with a blue stripe running down each wing.
  • Her black and white study of proud Paul holding Mary is the most surprising.
  • Within the realm of the image, the two ends of the chromatic scale stand out via the characters' insistence on evoking black and white animals, especially the zebra.
  • I was in the Ralembergs' garden where something black and white was floating in the small carp pond.
  • I glanced down and Charlie, Zachery's black and white tomcat, was sitting beside his bowl, a smug and fairly self satisfied look on his face.
  • But since his own daughter's death, he has dredged bucketloads of remorse from the depths of his own soul, and no longer sees the world in black and white terms.
  • The dashes of red had gone and there were a number of highly contrasting garments in black and white.
  • This particular dolphin is noted for its distinctive black and white markings.
  • While Galambos' black and white pen drawings at times seem a little scratchy and lacking in polish, he has a nice sense of design.
  • They rented a home by the Tar River, right between the black and white sections of town.
  • For me that photo - which is very straightforward in a way - just kind of crystallizes such a major moment for me personally, the melding together of punk and rap, black and white, etc. Any thoughts on that whole timeframe and era?
  • The three back-to-back episodes of the original seven-part Daleks story, in soot-and-chalk black and white, with William Hartnell sleepwalking through the script, correcting his own fluffed lines as he goes, was slow stuff. Whoctor Do « We Don't Count Your Own Visits To Your Blog
  • Was it the Greek verse, containing one senarius with a long syllable before the caesura in the fifth foot, as Herbert pointed out to his brother on the very evening when that hideous oversight -- say rather crime -- had been openly perpetrated in plain black and white on a virgin sheet of innocent paper? Philistia
  • The poem begins along the right edge of a rice paper sheet next to a vertical strip of black and white photographs picturing Cha obscuring her face with her hands.
  • a dark brown black and white. the black is that which most predominates, and wh [i] te feathers are irregularly intermixed with those of the black and dark brown on every part, but in greater proportion about the neck breast and belley. this mixture gives it very much the appearance of that kind of dunghill fowl which the hen-wives of our country call dommanicker Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806
  • Species in danger of economic extinction in this LME include the cabrilla, black and white seabass, Gulf grouper, yellowtail, dog snapper and sierra. Gulf of California large marine ecosystem
  • Trailer highpoints for me included the “Pit and the Pendulum Power Tool” business, the black and white flash back to the woman “from over the road” for those of you not paying attention, and the amusing photofit sketches. The Stepfather Remake Movie Trailer | /Film
  • Wills, a three-year-old black and white cat, decided to go adventuring.
  • The Pies wore white guernseys with a black yoke, with black and white striped socks, while Swan Districts wore their traditional black and white stripes.
  • Or why not just smudge the black and white together to create a faintly uninspiring shade of grey?
  • There was a brass nameplate with the name Diane Brown on it and a black and white picture of a young woman and a rather handsome young man on what must have been their wedding day.
  • For example, my recent browse of the description of the Werckmesiter Harmonies, an austerely beautiful black and white film by the Hungarian director, Bela Tarr led me via Netflix's Cinematch recommendation system to the Devil's Backbone by the Mexican filmmaker, Guillermo del Toro; a look at the terrifically exciting 60s thriller Blow Up led me to Nicholas Roeg's 70s thriller Don't Look Now. Tom Silva: Netflix Opens a Pandora's Box
  • The great photographer and documenter (gallery) of West London Charlie Phillips documented many black funerals at Kensal Green: somehow the black and white photos seem to emphasise the coldness of the ground in which people born under a warm Caribbean sun were buried. January « 2009 « Squares of Wheat
  • It was full of black and white and beige people, silly cocktail frocks worn with gumboots.
  • The black and white kaffiyeh is often associated with Fatah; the red and white with Hamas.
  • The chandelier crashed into the tiled floor, sending out shrapnel of black and white chippings. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • It soon began appearing on video in both scratchy black and white and colourized versions from nearly every public domain house around.
  • Dressed in an oriental-style black and white top and designer jeans, Georgina held her hand up to her face as the car swept past the waiting crowds.
  • Hello I have a question, I have seen wings (black and white) and I wish listed the white wings and it is angelic woofer or something, can someone tell me where to buy them if they are able to get?
  • Later, House of Jazz playfully lifted up the sternness of black by mixing it with psychedelic colours and black and white chequered-patterns, creating a collection that pleased especially the young generation.
  • With lots of black and white, they revert to this year's trend of reflecting '50s screen sirens and '20s flappers.
  • Photographers made use of the pandanus to lend striking silhouettes to black and white photographs of Reef twilight.
  • A deep red paint and several black and white photos adorned the walls, giving off a very polished and sophisticated feel.
  • While bright color and multicolored nubs and slubs enlivened the tweeds, the houndstooth wovens were often found in black and white.
  • First, she lines the bottom of a rectangular plastic wastebasket with several thicknesses of black and white newspaper.
  • This is a large sea snail type thing that is black and white and is not even close to scallop or konk. Plantain?
  • The piece refers to an Asian strategy game usually played with polished black and white stones on a checkered game board.
  • Black and white show a clear.
  • BLACK and white family snaps always tug at the heartstrings - and especially this one of a giant panda with her young twins. The Sun
  • That perception of inferiority in turn means that some sort of caste barrier is erected between black and white.
  • Light micrographs were taken in digital form and as conventional black and white negative and colour transparencies.
  • Executed in a mixture of black and white marble, red, orange and brown terracotta and blue and green glass, the mosaics retain their voluptuous, dazzling intensity.
  • The puppies are both crossbred males, one is black and white and smooth-coated and the other is nearly all black with some tan colouring.
  • Some were beautifully illustrated in color; no doubt providing the source of some of the polychrome flower painting that sometimes complemented black and white penwork in the late 1820s and 1830s.
  • The all familiar contours and figures in black and white come with the fresh smell of newsprint and stay forever fresh in the mind.
  • He was wearing a blue jacket with white piping, blue denim jeans and either blue or black and white trainers.
  • A generation of sell-out shows and peak-time television audiences witnessed the Black and White shows.
  • Colour negatives will often lith print very well and much better than they do with other black and white printing methods.
  • The black and white illustrated plates are impressive and provide adequate detail for field identification and taxonomical purposes.
  • Black and white do not exist, they creep into the story due to the unpredictable magic of film processing or defective film stock.
  • She had placed some diamond pins in her hair and was dressed in an elaborate black and white ball gown.
  • Shocking half-page pictures in colour and black and white underline the story throughout.
  • I never thought they'd put it in black and white on the front page.
  • This release adds a new MultiTones module for creating black and white or multitone images, with color filtering, film grain, and toning effects. MacInTouch
  • With the lantern, she looked just like a character from one of those old black and white films, like the daring heroine bold enough to uncover ghastly secrets hidden deep within the woods.
  • For example, skin colour assigns individuals to racial statuses such as black and white but this merely reflects the conventions of particular societies.
  • Sections devoted to elaborately beaded, exquisitely embroidered and sleekly tailored garments in black and white, red, greige (Armani's trademark, a subtle mixture of grey and beige) or romantic floral prints, are accompanied by text comparing them to the paintings of Ad Reinhardt, Rothko and Matisse.
  • The colors - simmered shades of red, yellow and blue - are more urban decay than Mondrian, turning up as rusty orange, bilious yellow, bruised blue, teal blue and off-red, with smears of black and white.
  • Back at the ladder, Fred shoots his last few frames on a large school of oldwives, black and white fish that look a lot like the angelfish I had in an aquarium when I was a kid.
  • Notables, some were of balass-ruby and some of carnelian, others of coral or Comorin aloes-wood and yet others of ebony or silver or gold; and each had his own idol, after the measure of his competence; whilst the idols of the common soldiers and of the people were some of granite, some of wood, some of pottery and some of mud; and all were of various hues yellow and red; green, black and white. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Perhaps, too, certain effusions of Ruysbroeck, seeming to spurt forth in twin jets of black and white flame, were worthy of comparison with the divine befoulment of Grünewald. Là-bas
  • It is a black and white film about a teenaged girl with big dreams of becoming an actress.
  • Entries can be in colour or black and white and must be prints not slides.
  • They have formed the basis for the collection of black and white and coloured snaps, which I now possess.
  • Camp Henry upgraded its brochures, going from basic black and white with no photos to four-color presentation with lots of photos of campers in action.
  • Shot in black and white with dramatic and significant flashes of colour it's three stories rolled into one.
  • The Viswarupa Darshan of Lord Krishna is marvellously brought out in the open-handed use of hushed but powerful tones of red, yellow, black and white.
  • Choose from five different slim, flip design styles with varying embellishments, including black and white sapphire crystals, gold, diamonds and mother-of-pearl – they range from $6,500 to $13,400.
  • Mad Madge carries coloured and black and white photographs in 16 pages and a facsimile of a love letter that Margaret wrote to William in 1645.
  • It was the early seventies and there were a lot of black and white photos of models in bejeweled sweaters and knits infused with shimmery threads.
  • You know, I was usually covered in soot when I was a kid, and everything was in black and white, the factory chimneys and smoke and all that, and when I looked on the screen it was the same thing. Ballardian » Escaping the gaze: A review of John Foxx's Tiny Colour Movies
  • Looking in the mirror above the sink, he saw that his face was covered in a thin layer of sooty grime, like a black and white minstrel half way through putting on his make up.
  • This kersey is made of black and white wool, carded together and wove with cotton warp, which makes a kind of black and white, which we call nits and lice. Narrative of events in the life of William Green : (formerly a slave) : written by himself,
  • She mated a black Shih Tzu bitch to a black and white Pekingese dog, who had unusually straight front legs for a Pekingese.
  • The eatery's basic colours are black and white, creating a tranquil atmosphere that is most suitable for business lunches.
  • However his enthusiasm soon waned when he became disorientated by the black and white print map.
  • That awful pouty smile aside, the black and white striped tube dress just looks awful on Nelly.
  • Then she sprinkles everything with toasted black and white sesame seeds and cilantro.
  • On the cover, Charlize sprawls on a white chaise lounge in front of a green screen "pool," bedecked in a black and white dress as she stares down the camera. Charlize Theron Falls Victim To Photoshopping On 'Los Angeles Confidential' Cover (PHOTOS)
  • The government must redress the imbalance in spending on black and white children.
  • The viewer is introduced to the programme with Guillem playing with the camera in sharp black and white dressed in a black tutu and pointe shoes.
  • One way of producing detail-rich, high impact photographs while staying within reasonable bounds on download time and webspace usage is to go black and white.
  • But at the end of the day you've got to hand it to kids: their world is black and white, cool and uncool.
  • They like dark blue, blue, pale yellow. Contrast of black and white – reflexion of internal conflict a child cannot consult in any way.
  • There are photos, in black and white and in color, of the event.
  • The black and white photographs emphasized her fine bone structure.
  • Buford Pusser was a black and white moggy, and my Gpa used to tell daring tales of his adventures. Naming Rights « Write Anything
  • His only ornaments were the earring and the tiny black and white posy. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • Frankdadank - 3XL seahawk design and 3XL black and white Shoryuken
  • The home shirt, with the typical vertical black and white bands, also has red details (" pimento ") decorating the collar rim, the sleeves and the bottom hem together with the Nike logo.
  • All subjects had participated in an earlier experiment in which they pecked at black and white symbols to procure food rewards.
  • In case any artifact is found, it should be photographed in colour as well as in black and white.
  • If you give them your measurements in advance you ought to be okay - I've had both black and white tie from there without fittings and it's been okay.
  • Andy Sumners, a West Village resident shopping for a cat, may have had a different opinion as he stroked Tess, the five-month-old black and white domestic, shorthaired kitten. Cat Brigade on Wheels
  • After that pressing, strict black and white was used, and most versions looked like something produced on a gas station copy machine.
  • Their stormy, nocturnal pigments of brown, rust, orange and ocher, mixed with black and white, seem to thicken like wet sand.
  • Black and white films, with their obvious remove from everyday life, achieve this psychological distance more readily than those shot in color.
  • To me, the past is black and white, but the future is always color.
  • Sauntering around the black and white checked floor, I spun my boa attractively at anyone who gave me a second glance.
  • It is therefore hard to see personal identification as the main evolutionary pressure leading to the famous black and white pattern.
  • The figure is wearing military fatigues over a black shirt and a black and white checked scarf wrapped around his head.
  • My husband said ‘no’ because we've got to stick to the club colours of black and white.
  • In other words, instead of a “child pornography” exception which is pretty black and white, it should be more nuanced as seen in obscenity law and have a number of components, namely: The Volokh Conspiracy » Challenge to High School Policy That Excludes from Extracurricular Activities Students Whose Out-of-School Speech “Reflects Discredit Upon [the] High School”
  • The striking visual appearance of that black and white outline has sparked off innumerable creative ideas.
  • As "colorized" is to black and white movies, "dimensionalized" will soon be for conventional footage which is later converted to stereo. Boing Boing: March 26, 2006 - April 1, 2006 Archives
  • Often in a palette of blue, red, black and white, these kaleidoscopic paintings have been related to the intricate stained-glass windows of Rhenish cathedrals.
  • The wooden board had a checkered pattern of sixty-four black and white squares and a compartment on either side of the board.
  • In the war against drugs, which is probably an unwinnable one, it is one of the few black and white issues.
  • What I did notice is that this season's colours - black and white and pinstripes - have really taken off in Cape Town, as almost everyone wore one or the other.
  • Brown argues his points with excellent colour plates and black and white prints, but I found his semiotic approach to reviewing the literature difficult.
  • A reflective road sign with diagonal stripes of black and white thrusts itself upward through the picture plane.
  • The use of the black and white media works well with the water droplets and the dark sky creating a foreboding feeling, which is in sync with the content of the image.
  • The black and white photographs emphasized her fine bone structure.
  • A black and white spaniel frolicked in front of them, then began digging at the bank in frantic haste. A ROOMFUL OF BIRDS - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES 1990
  • It is photographed in glamorous monochrome that mixes black and white and all pearly shades in between.
  • The book is fully illustrated with 30 colour plates, over 350 black and white photographs and illustrations, and eight plans.
  • Lakshmi Prima Donna lakshmi transgender diva in black and white prima donna we danced all night sorrow and sadness we did spite pearls birthday oystered invite the dancing floor in flames passions ignite panoramic sight open air chikungunya dengue malarial fever love like Lakshmi Prima Donna « bollywoods most wanted photographerno1
  • Prints in black and white or black and cream will be very strong in 2004 and this scheme translates well into other mood designs such as ethnic prints on various fabrics like crêpes, seersucker, sheers, viscose georgette and satin.
  • The columns and arches are painted in diaper and other patterns in indian red, black and white.
  • He passed her a black and white riverscape of towering cliffs on either hand and a cascade of water that seemed to fall from the heavens to dwarf the tiny figures of half-naked men and boats in the foreground. The Seventh Scroll
  • Filkins shows us that black and white ideologies – political, moral or otherwise – may be easy to stand by in our comfortable, peaceful world, but they become much harder to proclaim from the other side of the world, in the grey heart of war. The Forever War: Summary and book reviews of The Forever War by Dexter Filkins.
  • He came out in a white chef's coat and shorts, but quickly peeled the jacket off to reveal a black and white silk shirt, much more in keeping with the Miami locale.
  • The volume includes over 500 excellently reproduced black and white photos and 53 color photos.
  • I never thought they'd put it in black and white on the front page.
  • He has printed out his latest graph in black and white and is contentedly preoccupied with colouring in the pieces of pie by hand.
  • They were dressed in traditional black and white pinafores, with perky white hats, like something from a previous age, but the cuisine was nouvelle in comparison.
  • If a client wants a color of a lighter value than was originally rendered, the black and white version has to be redone and the whole rendering recolored.
  • They'll use a lot of legalisms and a lot of semantic language so that it won't be quite so black and white.
  • Gray is intermediate between black and white.
  • This game is grimmer than an EastEnders omnibus on a black and white TV.
  • At the baithak of the Khas Mahal, the sitting room with its cusped arches, a shaft of moonlight came to strike the floor and lend radiance to the ceiling of white marble inlaid with precious stones that were blue, green, and red in the day, now a dark indigo—like a painting captured in black and white. Shadow Princess
  • If a client wants a color of a lighter value than was originally rendered, the black and white version has to be redone and the whole rendering recolored.
  • The forest contains a wealth of birds and other animals like the bushbuck which are easily glimpsed between ancient cedar trees or the striking black and white colobus monkeys climbing along their branches.
  • Had Ron Davies become First Secretary we would now be living in shanty towns, stuck at home watching re-runs of Satellite City and evenings with Max Boyce on our black and white TV sets. Archive 2009-09-01
  • The main colours are black and white broken by touches of yellow, grey and sky blue.
  • One advantage the Republicans have is that everything is black and white to them, or at least they often can effectively express their thoughts clearly, if wrongheadedly. Stephen Kaus: Professor Kennedy Teaches Plain Talk 101
  • Such a response might help to get us past that frozen, defensive moment of offence which casts everything in black and white, into moral dualities of good and evil, progressive and reactionary.

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