

  1. a dry cold north wind in southeastern France

How To Use bize In A Sentence

  • For decades, the Party actively tried to Arabize much of the country.
  • The telephone girl's heavily syllabized voice cut into his thoughts from the annunciator. Science Fiction Hall of Fame
  • Church and school choirs produce singers as happy to sing a Bizet chorus as a folk tune. Times, Sunday Times
  • Inside the theatre, they were giving a performance of Bizet's Carmen.
  • We Will Islamize America and Arabize Africa The Arab-Islamic elite holds the view that it has a messianic mission to Islamize and arabize the South, in particular, and Africa, in general. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • The clearly syllabized words fell upon delighted ears. Children of the Market Place
  • It is hard to say why the French foster these Arab maraboutic tendencies as opposed to the saner ideals of the Berber stock; perhaps they think it politic to _arabize_ the older race in this and a few other particulars, though it signifies, almost invariably, a retrograde movement of civilization. Fountains in the Sand Rambles Among the Oases of Tunisia
  • Finally, a nap is raised on the surface of the chechia by means of an implement made from the elongated, dried flower-head of a type of teasel (genus Dipsacus) grown and harvested near the village of el-'Aliya near Bizerte on the north coast.
  • The production features all Bizet's original music with new lyrics in English.
  • What is very sad is that it was critically panned at its opening and three months later Bizet died, a broken man.
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