How To Use Bivouac In A Sentence

  • The children made a bivouac at the bottom of the garden with some poles and an old blanket.
  • Participants with experience of the wilderness will be welcome to bivouac through the night.
  • Their stories, honed by years of sharpening in barracks and bivouacs around the world, usually touch upon three subjects; beer, women and running away from cops.
  • They were forced to bivouac for the night, without oxygen, near the summit, huddled together at 28, 700 feet not knowing if they would survive the night or the psychological netherworld of creeping hypoxia.
  • Their bivouac in the rain and snow was less comfortable than at their former stations, where they had constructed some shelter.
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  • The free hand propelled itself away with uncalled-for violence, before describing a ragged arabesque in the air and finally bivouacking on Daniel's hipAll emotional and psychological perception aside, the precise physical depiction of this tiny event recalls Winer's earlier training and practice as a painter. Peter Clothier: The Marriage Artist
  • There were two hours until full darkness when they would bivouac for the night somewhere in the scrub. WHEN THE APRICOTS BLOOM
  • 16 At about 1: 30 a.m., on April 9, the Second Brigade passed over the Pocolatigo Bridge, and marched a short distance before bivouacking.
  • Barracks, garrisons, bivouacs and encampments thus far spared came under a blitz of laser-guided bombs first used in the Gulf War.
  • The two movements would be identical if only tea partiers also camped out for months in public spaces, disrupted day-to-day life in communities, covered up serious crimes committed in their bivouacs and called for an end to capitalist exploitation. 'Twins' That Look Nothing Alike
  • ‘Many men might bivouac in fields outside these towns, waiting for ships to pick them up,’ Aldril continued.
  • Barracks, garrisons, bivouacs and encampments thus far spared came under a blitz of laser-guided bombs first used in the Gulf War.
  • We bivouacked for the evening in that area.
  • Riflemen positioned in the bluffs north of camp fired blindly into the bivouac throughout the night.
  • The children made a bivouac at the bottom of the garden with some poles and an old blanket.
  • It remained apparently undiscovered until, in 1920, British troops left over from World War I stumbled across fragments of murals while bivouacking in the area. Rare Objects, Rarer Practices
  • He tells Woolford that earlier, while the porters prepared our dinner, he went to scout our route for the next morning and stumbled across seven tribesmen crowded in a tiny bivouac about a mile from our camp.
  • Mr. Abbott had earlier angered indigenous-rights groups with remarks concerning the status of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy, a 40-year-old collection of bivouacs and tent shelters in the capital. Opposition Seeks Inquiry Into Leak by Gillard Aide
  • They sell their trinkets, junk, cigarettes, DVDs, etc, to our guards and the Pakistani truck drivers bivouacking outside awaiting entrance onto the base.
  • The climbers bivouacked halfway up the mountain.
  • Mayor Art Agnos invited the homeless to bivouac in Civic Center for more than a year while he chewed on the problem.
  • But it was not the splendent aspect of this unexpected bivouac itself so much as the colors and designs of the flags and banners floating above which aroused the wonderment of the tillers of the soil. Under the Rose
  • I finally reached a garden like terrace of stunted trees, where the whole team set up the fourth bivouac.
  • Elsewhere, the only restraint is the presence of coalition forces at the airports or in temporary bivouacs, and these troops are poised to leave at any time.
  • He reminded Blanche that the previous summer, he, Remenyi, and another friend had gone horse-riding in the Alps, bivouacking most nights. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • The sun dropped below the horizon, the minutes ticked by and an involuntary bivouac began to seem a possibility.
  • We were prepared for a bivouac, the quad were not, wearing nothing more than t-shirts, shorts, and boots.
  • Located below the 13,500-foot Homestake Peak - where troops bivouacked in snow caves and performed mock battles amidst blizzards - it recalls a division legend.
  • The National Guard had been bivouacked in and were stationed at Patton Park, right up on dix, but on the Detroit side. A Country Called AMREEKA
  • There were two hours until full darkness when they would bivouac for the night somewhere in the scrub. WHEN THE APRICOTS BLOOM
  • We bivouacked for the evening in that area.
  • Barracks, garrisons, bivouacs and encampments thus far spared came under a blitz of laser-guided bombs first used in the Gulf War.
  • She followed Will over to where their tents were, but then Will took her arm and pulled her to the edge of the army bivouac.
  • There, on the river's western bank, he bivouacked for the night.
  • It may readily be understood how much the idea of bivouacking inside a plant pleased the fancy of our young companion; and perhaps we should have assisted in realizing his wish, if the barking of a dog had not attracted our attention; so we recommenced our march in better spirits. Aventures d'un jeune naturaliste. English
  • We bivouacked on the open plain.
  • By evening they came to the ruins of an ancient city and bivouacked within a building that, though roofless, otherwise remained stood intact.
  • Scampering up soapy slopes for the It's a Knockout Challenge, bivouacking for the night and abseiling down Ilkley's famous Cow and Calf rocks are some of the tasks.
  • Now then, I want this truck off-loaded so we can get it out of here and settle into a proper bivouac. TISHOMINGO BLUES
  • Neville called good night to him as he was tying down the flap of his bivouac. MOONDROP TO MURDER
  • At 6pm, we gathered on a tiny 2 X 3 meter ledge; our second bivouac.
  • Now then, I want this truck off-loaded so we can get it out of here and settle into a proper bivouac. TISHOMINGO BLUES
  • It would take a nervier gang than Arizona owns to try and rob this outfit," and Blake looked complacently around among the shadowy forms of the troopers flitting about the bivouac. A Wounded Name
  • From their bivouacs on mountains, they attacked and burned villages, government offices, TNI posts, cars, buses and trains.
  • They captured him, but left most of his baggage, together with a lot of papers, scattered about the bivouac where they had captured him.
  • Mayor Art Agnos invited the homeless to bivouac in Civic Center for more than a year while he chewed on the problem.
  • British athletes lived at home or bivouacked with friends. Smithsonian
  • The battered bivouac has been replaced with a modern tent and a pickup.
  • Massachusetts and Vermont, when Georgia and Ohio, when all the South and all the North march side by side in behalf of Old Glory, then at the bivouac, then around our council fires, the sons will recall the valorous deeds their fathers wrought upon either side and under opposing flags during the civil strife, as the loudest call and the strongest inspiration to awaken effort in behalf of the rescued and re-united country. Modern Eloquence: Vol II, After-Dinner Speeches E-O
  • Our cozy shelter had become a miserable bivouac.
  • It is more a gathering of those that are too old to be in the reserves anymore and very few younger reservists want to listen to these old and bold talking about the old days of bivouacs and hard tack.
  • It is more a gathering of those that are too old to be in the reserves anymore and very few younger reservists want to listen to these old and bold talking about the old days of bivouacs and hard tack.
  • But a new obstacle now arose in his troop; they had reckoned on a civic supper with their comrades of the guard; and the notion of bivouacking in front of the Abbaye, under the chilling wind and fierce showers which now swept down the dismal streets, was too much for their sense of discipline. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 55, No. 341, March, 1844
  • Frustrated and chagrined that they had been outfoxed yet again by the Comanches, the Fourth had no choice but to countermarch, bivouacking for the night at the site of the abandoned village.25 EMPIRE OF THE SUMMER MOON
  • For me, the most fun part of climbing was bivouacking – getting up on a wall and sleeping in god-awful conditions, in hammocks, or just hanging from your ropes all night trying to sleep. '180° South: Conquerors of the Useless'
  • Not even abandoned tents lay on the American's campgrounds, just scraps of rubbish and a few scant reminders that only hours previously a force of nine thousand men had bivouacked there.
  • We reckoned the improvements of the art of war among the triumphs of science, and yet Napoleon conquered Europe by the bivouac, which consisted of falling back on naked valor, and disencumbering it of all aids.
  • It was a four-days 'hard march to the locality where Captain Buxton counted on finding his victims; and when on the fourth day, rather tired and not particularly enthusiastic, the command bivouacked along the banks of a mountain-torrent, a safe distance from the supposed location of the Indian stronghold, he sent forward his Apache Mojave allies to make a stealthy reconnoissance, feeling confident that soon after nightfall they would return with the intelligence that the enemy were lazily resting in their "rancheria," all unsuspicious of his approach, and that at daybreak he would pounce upon and annihilate them. Starlight Ranch and Other Stories of Army Life on the Frontier
  • Lifted up on this stately mound, whose top is fanned with air as light to breathe as nitrous oxide gas -- and bivouacked on its very ridge, (where nought on earth is seen in distance save the thousand treeless, bushless, weedless hills of grass and vivid green which all around me vanish into an infinity of blue and azure), stretched on our bears 'skins, my fellow-traveller, Mr. Wood, and myself, have laid and contemplated the splendid orrery of the heavens. Letters and notes on the manners, customs, and conditions of the North American Indians
  • He bivouacked in the open, exposed, at 25,600 feet, on a ledge cut from the ice.
  • You would think that Battlefield Bob had bivouacked in a foxhole a few hundred yards from an enemy position. Backstage Drama
  • The government hadn't supplied the surveyors with tents, so they rigged bivouacs to sleep in, toasted food over the fire and munched on hard square ship's biscuits.
  • Others roamed the bivouac sporting buckskin clothing and moccasins rifled from the camp.
  • They then turned back but halted their descent and bivouacked at about 7,000 meters after Kuribara became weak, it said.
  • Initial concerns were ultimately allayed, for the battle group reached Helmstedt without incident and bivouacked for the night at an airfield.
  • That night the troops again bivouacked is the same position in the woods they had held the night before. Illustrations of the War in America
  • The combat raged without intermission until nightfall: three cannon shots, discharged at the extremity of either line, then marked as if preconcertedly, the pause of battle; and both armies bivouacked exactly where the morning light had found them. The History of Napoleon Buonaparte
  • This is not a sedentary fishing, there are no bivouacs or campsites involved with this style of fishing.
  • Mayor Art Agnos invited the homeless to bivouac in Civic Center for more than a year while he chewed on the problem.
  • By night the protesters retire to their bivouacs, presumably to read some self-improving literature. Railing Against ... Whatever
  • The children made a bivouac at the bottom of the garden with some poles and an old blanket.
  • But I was afraid of bivouacking; we were soaking wet, had no sleeping bags, nothing dry or warm to change into and we were still at a high elevation. Richard Bangs: Climbing the Killer Prince -- Merapi Volcano of Java, Part 3
  • They captured him, but left most of his baggage, together with a lot of papers, scattered about the bivouac where they had captured him.
  • The ants set up temporary camps, called bivouacs, and don't always venture forth to eat on a given day. Ars Technica
  • Many had very recently struggled from chrysalids in cocoons bivouacked on grass stems, and so their colours were vivid and their flights strong. Country diary
  • While "bivouacking" a little behind this hill the enemy's skirmishers a little after dark made quite a determined onset on our Reminiscences of a soldier of the Orphan brigade,
  • WORD CORRECT PRONUNCIATION bivouac _biv'wak_ chargé d'affaires _shar zha'daffar'_ connoisseur _connissur_ dishabille _dis'abil_ ennui _onwe_, not _ongwe_ finale _finah'le_ foyer _fwaya'_ massage _masahzh_ naïve _nah'ev_ papier maché _papya mahsha_ piquant _pe'kant_ prima facie _prima fa'shie_ pro tempore _pro tem'pore_ régime _razhem'_ Practical Grammar and Composition
  • Our only casualties from the bivouac were a slightly melted toe on my left plastic boot shell and Curt's taste for York peppermint patties (our only bivvy food).
  • And effectively, 30 minutes later, the Finnish line-up reached the bivouac, having covered nearly 1600 km.
  • At noon, after an exhausting two and a half-mile march, Miles ordered the troops into an early bivouac in a horseshoe bend of the river and directed the Crow scouts to reconnoiter the valley.
  • For their part, Kondo and Ueno bivouacked at the same height for two nights, waiting to be rescued before moving lower for the pickup.
  • Before that I'd been living directly opposite, in a luckless bivouac best forgotten, sharing with two couples.
  • They bivouacked quickly, and with as little noise as possible, set up an ambush to the rear in case they had been followed.
  • They had been bivouacked on the steep slopes of the southern Krell for three days now, growing restless despite the drills and constant patrols Bartmae dispatched into the surrounding hills and hollows. Dust and Blood
  • Let us pray I am not forced to bivouac in Oval for any similar length of time.
  • Pakistan troops train by bivouacking at high altitudes and conducting routine administrative activities and route marches.
  • Frustrated and chagrined that they had been outfoxed yet again by the Comanches, the Fourth had no choice but to countermarch, bivouacking for the night at the site of the abandoned village.25 EMPIRE OF THE SUMMER MOON
  • To emphasize the cold, inhospitable emptiness of the West, O'Sullivan had to aim his lens elsewhere than at the roads and bivouacs just out of camera range. Western Development
  • According to the hut radio report, they had bivouacked for two nights on the wall, then called in a rescue after almost getting killed by falling ice and rock.
  • The regiments that had fought at Quatre Bras arrived earlier and managed to set up bivouacs, such as they were, before nightfall.
  • Thus it was that Bruce missed his wontedly uproarious welcome as he cantered, at sunset one July day, into a smashed farmstead where his friends, the "Here-We-Comes," were bivouacked for the night. Bruce
  • bivouacked" with his tail round your office and threatened to "kill you as he would a fly. Lectures and Essays
  • As a soldier learns more in a week of war than in years of parades and pipeclay, so, cut off from all distractions, moving from bivouac to precarious bivouac, and depending, to some extent, for my life on my muscles and wits, I rapidly learnt my work and gained a certain dexterity. The Riddle of the Sands
  • By nightfall, Hallowell's brigade had covered sixteen miles and had bivouacked at Spring Hill.
  • Spend two days working your way up the 22 pitches of the Lotus Flower Tower, bivouacking alongside a sea of granite after the first ten pitches.
  • Neville called good night to him as he was tying down the flap of his bivouac. MOONDROP TO MURDER
  • Abdul gives the order to bivouac - in another set of coffinlike holes in the riverbank - and signals that he'll go ahead and kill some soldiers to get some food.
  • Soldiers bivouacked inside the half-built Capitol building, the unfinished dome leaving them open to the night skies. Michael Giltz: The Civil War Rages On...In Books, Music and DVD
  • A trip round the whole island would take at least 10 days, and kayakers are allowed to stay in bivouacs on the beach from dusk till dawn as long as they leave no trace. Beat this: what's new in the Balearics

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