How To Use Bitty In A Sentence
It has a laxative effect, however it does not make your stools runny or bitty, which is a big down side of laxatives.
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I'm just a pebble in the stream, a little bitty shareholder.
Other containers house giant cockroaches and itty-bitty arachnid hatchlings, a few months old and smaller than a pinky nail.
It is so often the case that choral concerts tend to be rather bitty, a less than carefully thought out selection of items from a choral society's current repertoire.
Ali, who was two at the time, loved the story about the little girl who lived in a teeny, weeny house and played with itty, bitty toys.

With far less immediate commercial potential than Brassed Off or Herman's last picture Little Voice, Purely Belter feels thrown together and bitty.
I mean, here was this guy who wanted to run this great big river in these itty-bitty boats that broke every time they hit a rock.
You can use a mixture of different finishes to distinguish the parking area from the pathway to the front door, but don't use more than three different surfaces or it will start to look bitty and disjointed.
Other containers house giant cockroaches and itty-bitty arachnid hatchlings, a few months old and smaller than a pinky nail.
But Kansas City brings it all together with more than 90 barbecue joints - from little bitty eateries to full-blown, nothing-but-barbecue restaurants.
The itty-bitty biscuits and cornbread muffins remain in fine form, so the arrival of the breadbasket here is something to anticipate.
June 9, 2010 at 7:22 pm awwwww! too TOO kyoot! lookee teh big eyez an teh pinkee noze an teh itty bitty wite wiskurrs! an teh wite pawses! an–
How many sockses - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
If successful, those itty-bitty stalks will fill out to a dense grass -- a prospect my hosts from the estuary program assured me would happen in short order, no problem.
Bill Chameides: Working on the Wetlands: One Blade of Grass at a Time
Taylor Swift said she liked sausage and gravy from Cracker Barrel, so I did an itty bitty sausage and gravy thing for a passed hors d'oeurve.
Top Chef's Stephanie Makes Good Gravy for Taylor Swift, CMT Artists of the Year
They wheeled in the rocket scientists, who started to carve up mortgage securities into itty-bitty pieces.
The trouble with all of the mud being hurled at her is that it's so 'bitty' - none of it amounts to a hill of beans.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
The word of the day wasn't the invocation by Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., of something that rhymes with "itty" and "bitty. Local News
I know there's stuff for little bitty kids, but I don't know the publisher.
My very first Brookie brook trout itty bitty brookie
Field & Stream
With Claire standing, facing her mom, and me sitting, and in an itty-bitty, teeny-weeny kids-size chair, my arm started to get all strained.
I walked out, careful not to trip in the metallic gold thigh-high boots I had on with an itty-bitty gold bikini.
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More often than not, the itty-bitty details of your daily life aren't useful or interesting to your followers -- unless and until those details help them solve their own problems.
Arielle Ford: It's Not a Diary ... or a Rant ... It's a Blog
I was afraid I might crush her itty-bitty body just by standing near her, through sheer gravitational force alone.
My little bitty Boston terrier has racked up over $2,000 in vet bills when she fell off a counter a couple of weeks ago.
Christmas without presents « Dating Jesus
The evidence and theory behind the work was described in a great 2003 review article which notes that the importance lies not so much in the subject or action words, but in the 'bitty' parts of speech, such as the use of pronouns (I, you, we and so on).
Mind Hacks
It gives the collection a bitty, inconclusive air.
Below is a bitty paraphrase of a section of the lecture, a section concerning Derrida.
The camera is, in fact, tracking them, but they are moving so slowly, in such little bitty steps, and the distance between them remains so steady, that they look as if they're not moving at all.
The two of them exist on bitty meals, isolation and grief.
Jim Bakker walks in with his little itty-bitty shorts.
An itty-bitty Howard and Blair and a supposedly statesman-like Kennedy looking like he's carved into Mount Rushmore.
Jessica was young, but she still remembers seeing his itty-bitty hands and his itty-bitty feet and feeling a sense of awe.
All in all, the site is quick to load, but much too bitty and busy.
It's possible something has been lost in the translation; the story feels bitty and cluttered by digressions, while the whimsical air is irritating rather than amusing.
The little bitty kids who were selling KoolAid were so excited that I was walking and willing to wave at them that they didn't seem the least bit disappointed that I didn't buy their KoolAid.
Mrissa: Hello birds hello sky hello Molesworth hello library
They're scrunched into nine pages, which means lots of itty-bitty type and eyeball fatigue.
Ali, who was two at the time, loved the story about the little girl who lived in a teeny, weeny house and played with itty, bitty toys.
But it is Wales's floodlit Test in Paris a little later which brings down the curtain on 2011's Six Nations Championship, and let's hope the last trumpets will be nice and resounding: it's been a bitty tournament so far.
Dragon dreams of Barry John, Gareth Edwards and springtime in Paris | Frank Keating
By the time it has wandered into its final room, this bitty exhibition has proved that Degas was a genius, British painters were absurdly doomy, Toulouse - Lautrec was a difficult talent to trap and Sickert had concrete wrists.
Yes, when we moved out from New York I was a little bitty girl and the first people to welcome us to the neighborhood were the Hopes.
86 mins: Despite the chances and the goal in this second half, it's been very patchy, bitty, stop-start and dreary.
Speaker size is a big factor in sound quality, and LCDs dwarf the itty-bitty speakers in laptops.
This creep is willing to risk the ruin of Health Care Reform for millions, because his itty bitty sissy feelings are hurt because the Dems dumped on him in his last election, which he won anyway.
Hadassah Lieberman under attack over industry ties
The new book is less successful; it's bitty and incomplete, suggesting that even the visual form needs time and distance from its subject before it can hope to get to grips with it.
I mean, here was this guy who wanted to run this great big river in these itty-bitty boats that broke every time they hit a rock.
Other containers house giant cockroaches and itty-bitty arachnid hatchlings, a few months old and smaller than a pinky nail.
Alastair pointed and called excitedly, Look how itty-bitty the paddle boats are!
And this explained why his book had seemed so huge: it was huge in proportion to his little bitty hands.
There is a slightly 'bitty' start with the flashbacks to Cormac's childhood not providing a smooth introduction to the story, but once you leap over that hurdle the story progresses much more satisfyingly.
The Shadow of the Scorpion by Neal Asher
How such a bitty thing could be so heavy I had no clue.
It's been a bitty week running wise, one 14 miler and two 5 milers isn't ideal.
They wheeled in the rocket scientists, who started to carve up mortgage securities into itty-bitty pieces.
Bitty Schram is suitably superficial and irritating as Hallie.
Terror indeed," thought I. "Pannum nossum quotditty hamminum da nobs holyday, e missy nobs debitty nossa si cut nos demittimissibus debetenibas nossimus e, ne, nos hem-duckam in, in, in temptationemum, sed lillibery nos a ma -- ma --" Here a heavy lash brought the very Oh! that was "caret" to complete the sentence.
Frank Mildmay Or, The Naval Officer
They walk on into their water kingdom with grounded certainty and are quickly obscured by the dark and bitty sea.
Oh you have to try just an itty bitty taste of that before you die.
I’m NO Foodie « Bored Mommy
Jim Bakker walks in with his little itty-bitty shorts.
God I love the Internet. crm3006: Maybe someday your itty-bitty marbles will reach their final destination and you will post under your real name.
Why I Hate the Booth Babe Story, a Guest Editorial by Holly A.
It's an amazing sight to see: Little bitty ducklings hunting bugs like cats after mice.
There's your life, and then you get a glimpse of the vastness of the unknown all around that little itty-bitty island of the known.
I was afraid I might crush her itty-bitty body just by standing near her, through sheer gravitational force alone.
It totally would fit in my little bitty purse and still give me room for my phone, wallet, and other stuff.
My very first Brookie brook trout itty bitty brookie
Field & Stream
They have annoying bitty schedules that demand endless driving, busing or pushing prams, leaving very little time to do anything of substance in between.
The youngest is too small to do flips, but she's constantly entertaining us with her itty-bitty helium voice and 40-yr old attitude.
Secondly, McGreevy's compositions, although littered with a hodgepodge of essentially bitty elements, are cohesive.
They wheeled in the rocket scientists, who started to carve up mortgage securities into itty-bitty pieces.
I have been worried that my entries here have become bitty.
The 500 will need its considerable European charm to overcome Americans' aversion to itty-bitty cars, not to mention their lingering memories of Fiat's shoddy reputation for quality.
Can The First Lady Of Fiat Make It In America?
The are also screaming that Medicare is going to go bankrupt because of the government, but leave out the itty bitty detail that it will primarily be due to Medicare Part D which was championed by the Republicans.
RNC to unveil new health care video
With Claire standing, facing her mom, and me sitting, and in an itty-bitty, teeny-weeny kids-size chair, my arm started to get all strained.
The only wines that need decanting - just before serving, please - are true vintage and crusted ports, or old reds such as claret that have thrown a bitty or fine sediment that gets stuck in the teeth, and can muddy the taste.
It's so bitty, and it doesn't actually address the root cause (whatever that may be).
Then he got on his hands and knees and crawled a few feet, then pulled out the body of the sorriest-looking, mangiest little bitty deer.
Keep It Simple
Look at this little bitty mammal, barely bigger than a paper clip.
I have a 2 year old and their throats are itty bitty and so when it swells it doesn't take much to occlude it.
Through a series of bitty stories, we meet her family.
March 17, 2008 at 3:08 pm ai hav notised taht …teh liddle bitty kittehz…..wunz dis sise….r lowder dan teh growed up kittehz……ok maybe dey nowt say Moar… reel lif dey sey…iz moar lik ….
New MGM mascot. - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
Also unlike the young child, your teen is no longer itty-bitty and you can't simply tell them what to do.
The use of the T-shirt here, with him looking down on it, I think captures the feel of the film terrifically, as I hear the film is a very "bitty" look at various episodes in the two's relationship.
All About My Movies.
I think the adversarial part of it comes from the fact that the technicians from the testing lab are beat up and worn out, and they're driving a little bitty pickup truck with 50 cylinders in the back.
At Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles and PNC Park in Pittsburgh, Levy Restaurants introduced three-inch "dinkie dogs" (normally seven inches) and 1. 5-ounce "bitty burgers" (normally 5.3 ounces) that it plans to roll out this season at dozens of stadiums nationwide.
Speaker size is a big factor in sound quality, and LCDs dwarf the itty-bitty speakers in laptops.
I watch these young'uns up on this mountain walking past on their way to the school bus, just little bitty things.
When I was that bitty little sprite's age, I was already this tall and swiftly approximating this shape.
Mrissa: They don't make things like they used to, Part 712.
It has a bitty and disjointed feel at times, which is inevitable given its many-authored composition.
The youngest is too small to do flips, but she's constantly entertaining us with her itty-bitty helium voice and 40-yr old attitude.
My friends get upset over itty-bitty problems they have.
My great-great uncle's funeral was held in Winchester, this little bitty town outside of Giddings which is on the way to Austin.
Yet today, the same set of leaders in Israel, Palestine, Egypt, Jordan, the US Congress, State Department, Arab League and European Union are still trying to resuscitate these dead talks by suggesting itty-bitty, incremental steps that they hope will breathe some life into this cadaver.
Sharmine Narwani: Kill the "Peace Game"
I have changed. perhaps for the better and just a teeny bitty of worseness. the better thing would be I supposed I have learnt to ignore what people think of me, how they see me, judge me.
Jaeaxe Diary Entry
An itty-bitty Howard and Blair and a supposedly statesman-like Kennedy looking like he's carved into Mount Rushmore.
This creep is willing to risk the ruin of Health Care Reform for millions, because his itty bitty sissy feelings are hurt because the Dems dumped on him in his last election, which he won anyway.
Hadassah Lieberman under attack over industry ties
To describe Polly Toynbee as a "raddled old bag" and Harriet as "bitty" for campaigning for womens rights to breastfeed in public - says more about the true views of the average Tory, than any cuddly stuff from Dave cameron!
Harriet Harman: Thank you, Thank you, Thank you
LOVE the apples and itty bitty ric rac or is it ricrac?
A little bitty tin bell, two, maybe three feet high.
August 24, 2009 at 9:09 am omgsssssshhhhh lil bitty kitty wants a carr evn tho he haz no license
THIS ONE!!! - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
Miller, too, was in that issue - with another itty-bitty alleged malfeasance.
Still, even though their itty-bitty brains have doubts, they don't really want to know the truth.
I've only seen the bitty roaches out here in Brooklyn.
Why doesn't the guy behave like a 45-year-old man instead of a little bitty boy?
They're scrunched into nine pages, which means lots of itty-bitty type and eyeball fatigue.
Even with that little bitty voice she had, she could sort of scare you a little bit.
Still, even though their itty-bitty brains have doubts, they don't really want to know the truth.
Jessica was young, but she still remembers seeing his itty-bitty hands and his itty-bitty feet and feeling a sense of awe.
Combine the yoghurt, iced water or stock, sea salt and pepper in a liquidiser or blender (more successful than a food processor, which leaves it slightly bitty).
But this cross-country cyberview of a multiton animal in synch with a relatively itty-bitty human is a very apropos way to dither.
‘What Shamu Taught Me About Life, Love and Marriage’
I heard on the Discovery Channel that they have little bitty legs, like nubs.
Also can accompany right now have horrible sex psychedelic or bitty covet, even motility of person of self-wounding, injury, spirit is excited, utterance is abrupt, directional force is lost.
Many of the issues the protesters raise - the environment, endemic poverty, redistribution from rich to poor - cannot be tackled at the level of bitty, fragmented states, no matter how well-meaning their governments.
Graci we call Ru Ru or Itty Bitty and George we call Little Buddy or Itty Bittyle.
Columnist: Stephen Miller
Miller, too, was in that issue - with another itty-bitty alleged malfeasance.
Do you like sexy, itty-bitty, see-through and see-all silky lingerie?
They make little bitty cubicles and stuff people in them.
They have annoying bitty schedules that demand endless driving, busing or pushing prams, leaving very little time to do anything of substance in between.
There are a few primitive forms that secrete toxins—the platypus has poison spines, and an unusual insectivore on a few Caribbean islands, Solenodon, has grooved fangs and secretes a salivary toxin, and itty-bitty shrews have toxic saliva—but our class just hasn't had much natural talent for venom.
The Panda's Thumb: June 2005 Archives
He wanted to be a marine since he was a little bitty guy.
They are funny, but feel like separate films and don't connect with the rest of the characters, which merely adds to the film's random, bitty feel.
There are certain films that are not much fun on our little bitty TV at home limited in its size since it is housed in an antique ice box--namely dopey fun action films.
Archive 2005-10-01
Do you like sexy, itty-bitty, see-through and see-all silky lingerie?
Reeking of cash-in, this bitty, piecemeal approach only served to fill in details of Croft's relationships with other characters, and was nothing more than a snack for fans of the series.
Usually they're in those awful Martha Stewart-ey sort of catalogues, stained a deep cherry and then polyurethaned for the storage of itty-bitty curios (which are sold on the facing page).
Well, it's essentially a regurgitated digest of the original, in which D'Souza stamps his itty-bitty feet and insists that Obama's following in his father's Kenyan footsteps in his "determination" to "confiscate" the "wealth" of "those on top.
Dinesh D'Souza Docks In America's Safest Harbor For Lackwits [UPDATE]