How To Use Birthright In A Sentence

  • Our birthright is the propensity to dream, dance, and evolve. - Boing Boing
  • It is not a mere matter of citizenship; it is a birthright and a shared inheritance.
  • The two sides have little in common, other than a visceral attachment to the land which both claim as their birthright. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is an elegant explanation, one that leads to Mauser's equally elegant peroration: ‘capacitating students to be competent citizens is our birthright.’
  • Gaudiness and its companion brilliance, are your birthright as a bicyclist!
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  • All of our anger, resentment, and con flict come from our anguish and ignorance over needing to reclaim the love, security, and freedom that we know is our birthright. God is Not a Christian, Nor a Jew, Muslim, Hindu …
  • Titled Esau studies, the group chose that name explicitly to reflect the younger brother's undercutting of the older brother's birthright.
  • I was a child of the suburbs, I felt cheated and robbed of my birthright of ease and pleasure.
  • Once mollified, they are possessed once again of that calm which is their birthright, their black gaze deep.
  • There were valid arguments on both sides, but generally the race-blind believers in birthright made a better case: that ten of the thirteen original states allowed free black men to vote; that Americans of African descent had been recognized as citizens by the federal government in various ways (even Andrew Jackson had hailed his free black soldiers as "fellow citizens" after the Battle of New Orleans). Van Gosse: Birthright Citizenship Is Bedrock Americanism
  • It is my birthright, as it is everyone else's in this town.
  • This was our birthright as intellectuals, but to possess it we needed to withstand the terror, loneliness, and isolation inherent in intellectual life.
  • My appeal to all pastors, bishops, reverends and other church leaders, is that they should not sell their birthright to any organisation for the sake of money.
  • Esau sold his birthright to Jacob for a mess of pottage
  • Even Yates made a slight mistake regarding her on one occasion, when they were having an evening walk together, with that freedom from chaperonage which is the birthright of every American girl, whether she belongs to a farmhouse or to the palace of a millionaire. In the Midst of Alarms
  • The two sides have little in common, other than a visceral attachment to the land which both claim as their birthright. Times, Sunday Times
  • Liu posted his letter to Brown on his campaign (for City Comptroller) website: "It's outrageous and insulting for you to suggest it would 'behoove' us to adopt another name, to give up our birthright and a part of our own identity, in order to exercise our right to vote" and suggest she resign if she doesn't apologize. Gothamist
  • I am a woman, possessing the softness and warmth that is my birthright, and I love what I am.
  • Economically, it can enhance women's security, by giving them birthrights in property that cannot be willed away by men.
  • With the calls of moderate Republican senators Lindsay Graham and John McCain to change the law to end what is known as "birthright citizenship," the issue is no longer relegated to the fringe. The Full Feed from
  • They see their fight as being a battle to secure a birthright, they are adamant that they will not be denied.
  • free public education is the birthright of every American child
  • It is not a mere matter of citizenship; it is a birthright and a shared inheritance.
  • Kerry County Council has received a warning from the top that the sale of holiday homes in the county is akin to selling family birthrights.
  • We will put a stop to Labour's politics of envy and give to tenants in London what is every other tenant's birthright and reinstate the right to buy.
  • Dissolving negative, harmful patterns leads toward the sense of ease, grace, lightness, freedom and good health that are every human being's natural birthright.
  • The royalties go to Birthright; let's hope they find a way to prevent tragic cot deaths.
  • Rather, in this character test, Esau has denigrated the birthright and has proven himself unworthy of its privileges and obligations.
  • They are simply exercising their birthright to worship as they choose.
  • It is not a mere matter of citizenship; it is a birthright and a shared inheritance.
  • DEAL: Well, the United States is in a small minority of countries in the world that continue to grant what we call birthright citizenship, and that is, to grant citizenship to a child regardless of the legal status of the parents. CNN Transcript Apr 5, 2005
  • The birthright of Christian education was not stolen by skeptics and rationalists.
  • We're selling off our birthright for a mess of potage in the form of a few container ships of flat-screen TVs. Ian Fletcher: Gov. Buddy Roemer Calls for Withdrawal From NAFTA, WTO
  • Awaken my child and uncover new ways to embrace the destiny that is your birthright.
  • “That's what I'd sign up for,” he said, explaining he'd want to defend the right “to learn and think what you want” as Canadians have now taken as a birthright. Daimnation!: There is hope: Bruce Cockburn--a man with principles who can and will shoot
  • Freedom of speech is every American's birthright.
  • By way of contrast, natural resource industries were essentially a birthright.
  • Let the love of liberty that is our birthright enflame your match and lend its bedazzlement to your cigarette. Light Up Fair Albion
  • You know, you learn how to do justice by looking at examples of injustice - Cain killing his brother Abel, Jacob cheating his father and his brother about his birthright and then being cheated.
  • Example: the rise of the bourgeoisie over the aristocracy comes through a redefinition of material influence from connections and birthrights to pure wealth and educational knowhow.
  • The wingdings only use protection of rule of law when it suits their purposes. (see guantanamo, habeas corpus, birthright citizenship etc.) GOP Rep Submits Bill To Require Birth Certificates From Prez Candidates
  • For the one got possession of the birthright, and the other transferred the wealth of the Egyptians to the host of the Israelites.
  • Arwen herself makes the decision to remain in Middle Earth (which makes her a less passive character than in the book), and the consequence of giving up her birthright is that she will die if Aragorn and his allies do not save their world from Sauron’s rule. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Lessons from Lord of the Rings, Part 2
  • censoriousness," of perpetual nagging, and fault-finding developed to such a pitch that it has eaten out at last the fair heart of human forbearance and kindness which is the birthright of everyone. Memoir and Letters of Francis W. Newman
  • The property is the birthright of the eldest child.
  • When gas first spread along a city, mapping it forth about evenfall for the eye of observant birds, a new age had begun for sociality and corporate pleasure-seeking, and begun with proper circumstance, becoming its own birthright. Virginibus Puerisque and other papers
  • “I would hardly,” said the Marquis, “consent to your throwing away your birthright in this manner, were I not perfectly confident that Lady Ashton, or Lady Douglas, or whatever she calls herself, will, as Scotchmen say, keep her threep; and that her husband dares not contradict her.” The Bride of Lammermoor
  • By way of contrast, natural resource industries were essentially a birthright.
  • The birthright is the prerogative of the eldest son.
  • The estate is the birthright of the eldest son.
  • Or will they instead, like so many lambs led willingly to the slaughter, allow themselves to be demutualised - like Esau in the Bible surrender their birthright for a mess of pottage?
  • This ancestral knowledge comes naturally to us; it is our birthright.
  • So he waited, chafing, while Mervo examined the situation, turned it over in its mind, discussed it, slept upon it, discussed it again, and displayed generally that ponderous leisureliness which is the Mervian's birthright. The Prince and Betty
  • She seemed to regard an easy, comfortable life as some kind of birthright.
  • Note, Grace despised is grace forfeited, like Esau's birthright. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • Both my parents were secretly vexed that I had come into the world an hour sooner than my brother; and Gerald himself looked upon it as a sort of juggle, -- a kind of jockeyship by which he had lost the prerogative of birthright. Devereux — Volume 01
  • If you learn too many other things, then this natural birthright will become almost impossible to remember and relearn.
  • Winning national championships is not their birthright, and everyone's going to survive if Duke were to somehow have a few back-to-back 15-loss seasons.
  • The book is divided into sections and he deals with the various geographic regions, the monarchy, Buddhism, the life of the people and how it encompasses birthright, education, food, fun, death and doctors.
  • Perhaps they will need more than some mere railings outside No. 10 to resist the righteous anger of the British people whose birthright is so casually being stolen. EU to Seize Control of UK Passport Format
  • American legal scholars, lawyers, and politicians simply adapted the English law of birthright subjectship to the terms of republican citizenship. Van Gosse: Birthright Citizenship Is Bedrock Americanism
  • For instance, someone born in Britain may be a citizen of that country by birthright, even though his or her parents were not holders of British passports.
  • Given his feats, birthright, and fortunes, he concludes that he does, in fact, deserve Portia.
  • Steve describes his journey from birthright Quakerism to the zendo in very personal terms, but most of the pamphlet is a deep meditation on Quakerism and the wisdom of early Friends. 2004 October
  • Erasmus and Montaigne are the ideal types; the Renaissance humanist, with his motto humani nil a me alienum puto, belongs to the species almost by birthright—More, Castiglione, Vives, Reuchlin, Sidney. The fox’s apology
  • Americans see freedom of expression as their birthright.
  • This has nothing to do with our American birthright, which is government by the consent of the governed. Printing: Exclusive Interview with Democracy Warrior, Nancy Tobi
  • It's your natural birthright, but they make you pay for it.
  • Which will leave hundreds of thousands of football fans deprived of their natural birthright: when in doubt, blame the ref.
  • They picked rulers on the basis of achievement, not birthright.
  • Freedom of speech is every American's birthright.
  • The two sides have little in common, other than a visceral attachment to the land which both claim as their birthright. Times, Sunday Times
  • For example, Talmudic law distinguishes individuals by both birthright and ritual purity.
  • His words set me thinking, and I had to recognise, rather bitterly, that what I call pluck did not form a great part of my birthright. A Poor Man's House
  • ` ` It's outrageous and insulting for you to suggest it would 'behoove' us to adopt another name, to give up our birthright and a part of our own identity, in order to exercise our right to vote, '' he said. --1010 WINS Newswatch Headlines
  • His settlement he regarded as his birthright or his freehold.
  • As yet, there is only speculation that Charles will relinquish his birthright.
  • Their birthright is the right to be tried in a court of law by an independent judiciary when accused of a crime. As Senate Blocks Guantanamo Closing Funding, Habeus Hating Judge Allows Indefinite Imprisonment There
  • Restore to them their stolen childhoods, their birthright, which is a taste of heaven. Bradley Burston: A Jew's Prayer for the Children of Gaza
  • Americans see freedom of expression as their birthright.
  • Ms. MacIntosh portrays The Fourth as a former good-time Charlie indulging in booze, babes and fast cars before pulling himself together to claim his royal birthright. This Bud's For Sale
  • We also have a birthright: rhetoric's role in civic education.
  • Although we tend to imagine the Renaissance humanists to be encaged in a closed universe, awaiting the liberating flights of Columbus and Copernicus, Federico da Montefeltro's rise from military captain (with questionable birthright) to duke offers an example of the capacity, through shrewd diplomacy, to seduce fortuna and intervene in one's own fate. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • But it was selling out the McGunn heritage, despoiling your own - "he choked on the word - `birthright. THE TARTAN RINGERS
  • Head and shoulders above the other players stood Julius Caesar, a patrician who regarded glory as his birthright.
  • It is by now, they feel, a simple birthright, as natural as the air they breathe.
  • I'd say he worries too much about muddied bloodlines and sullied birthrights - purity is the most overrated virtue and one he really need not envy.
  • The spiritual know-how we seek was given to our African ancestors in the beginning, and it is our birthright to rediscover what has been forgotten and lost. The Bushman Way of Tracking God
  • Freedom is the natural birthright of every human.
  • In other parts of the world, female infants and children are still selectively denied their birthrights, food, and education.
  • Today, good design is the birthright of every citizen, from suburban dads to stereotyped gay men on great TV shows.
  • As the sighted child of blind parents Gareth Owens has always regarded the task of translating complexities into simple language as his birthright.
  • A generally accepted tenet of the American dream is that a high-quality education is a birthright.
  • In this patrilineal society, property is a male birthright.
  • If we are to have a figurehead as the leader of the nation, let it be the people's choice via the ballot box and not someone's birthright.
  • A despiser of Western religions, he was an ardent polygamist, convinced that promiscuity was man's natural birthright.
  • Overall, TAU students project a sense of a birthright to education that is rare at UMB.
  • He did not own anything that could make him a born leader — no birthright, no pedigree and certainly no extraordinary attributes.
  • `One brother gives his birthright to the other for some breakfast. THE BINGO PALACE
  • In Genesis, Jacob gave Esau, in exchange for his birthright, a meal of red potage, probably a red lentil stew.
  • His seeming indifference to attempts to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons, his support for a constitutional amendment to deny birthright citizenship to children of illegal aliens, and his opposition to the Nafta and Cafta free trade agreements in the name of doctrinal purity are at odds with most libertarians. Why Ron Paul Matters
  • It returns the heart and mind to its birthright, naturally luminous and free.
  • He reminds the king that he reversed the natural order of birthright when he gave his daughters the crown.
  • My first instinct was to spring forwards, grab at what she offered me as mine, my knowledge, my birthright. A DEATH IN THE FAMILY
  • The birthright is the prerogative of the eldest son.
  • But it was selling out the McGunn heritage, despoiling your own - "he choked on the word - ` birthright. THE TARTAN RINGERS
  • Mary Tudor acted swiftly to reclaim her birthright; her counter coup was decisive.
  • Diana, Princess of Wales was patron of the charity Birthright.
  • No Jewish organization on earth provides it more inspirationally than Birthright. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: Rebirthing Birthright
  • In a letter to Brown, Liu said Thursday: "It's outrageous and insulting for you to suggest it would 'behoove' us to adopt another name, to give up our birthright and a part of our own identity, in order to exercise our right to vote. Statesman - AP Sports
  • It could suggest Jacob's willingness to hand Esau back his birthright.
  • The Middle Kingdom was established on the principle that those who are of lower rank and wish to better themselves can do so by means of great deeds and accomplishments rather than by birthright.
  • Freedom is the non-negotiable demand of human dignity; the birthright of every person - in every civilization.
  • For them, Birthright was a powerful, emotional affirmation of everything they already believed.
  • Being the good brother he is, Jacob offers Esau some lentil soup - on one condition: Esau has to forgo his birthright and inheritance as eldest son.
  • Awaken my child and uncover new ways to embrace the destiny that is your birthright.
  • Freedom is the non-negotiable demand of human dignity; the birthright of every person - in every civilization.
  • But he was a gamesome professor, a huntsman, a man of the field; also he was wedded to his lusts, which he did also venture to keep, rather than the birthright.
  • Did it mean she could return to Romulus and demand her birthright as a fullblood? CATALYST OF SORROWS
  • When we suffer reverses, difficulties, disease or tragedy, we may feel deep down that our birthright as believers has been taken from us.
  • The dynamics between an arcanist to whom power is a birthright, and one who paid dearly (and stands to pay more dearly still) for it, could be quite interesting to explore. EN World D&D / RPG News
  • inwardness is what an Englishman quite simply has, painlessly, as a birthright
  • Notwithstanding the lack of paternal approval, Freeda George Foreman appears to have every chance of cashing in on her birthright because apart from Ali and Frazier, there are a host of other familiar names floating around female boxing.
  • Freedom is the natural birthright of every human.
  • They have, almost as a birthright, a restless dissatisfaction with the status quo.
  • They just want you to have what's rightfully yours: your birthright, your homeland, free from those whose ‘biological, genetic and evolutionary ancestry’ is inferior to yours.
  • O all unpeered in pride of place, to whom munificence Is as a birthright, Lord and King, whom all in all confess, The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Volume III
  • Freedom is our natural birthright.
  • But while his passage back to Asia sounds ‘natural’, considering his birthright, Pascal's career choice was not so clear cut.
  • Every human being has a natural birthright of having access to natural resources such as water.

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