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How To Use Birth In A Sentence

  • The birth of her son was a minor interruption to her career.
  • None of the fathers' job descriptions given on the birth certificate referred to work at a nuclear establishment.
  • Commissioned in 1963 to make a film about America's first successful quintuplet birth, Leacock and Joyce Chopra captured the quints' mother's anxiety at her sudden celebrity and the surrounding South Dakota community's eagerness to cash in on it. The Man Who Held Up a Mirror to America
  • After childbirth she herself seems reborn. Times, Sunday Times
  • He pledged his gold watch to pay for her birthday gift.
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  • Jeannine's work became focused on freebirth - birth unassisted by a paid professional.
  • The bones of the skull are not properly fused at birth.
  • Our birthright is the propensity to dream, dance, and evolve. - Boing Boing
  • One for the latex lovers in your life, this anniversary alternative event is circus-themed, but remember to peel off your strongman's handlebar 'tache if you want to tuck into the birthday cake in the chillout room. Clubs picks of the week
  • In the early days after the birth, it can be useful to set aside some time to rest when the baby sleeps.
  • Opening to the power of intention, you begin knowing that conception, birth and death are all natural aspects of the energy field of creation. Wayne Dyer 
  • copasetic" [used so nicely in "West L.A. Fadeaway"] -- and such stunts as dancing down Broadway in 1939 from Columbus Circle to 44th Street in celebration of his sixty-first birthday. The Annotated "Alabama Getaway"
  • On the occasion of his 95th birthday, the city of Paris celebrates his work with an exhibition in the hall of the Hôtel-de-Ville, retracing 75 years of his career, with stories and reminiscences by the artist.
  • Their risk of dying in childbirth is doubled and of having stillborn babies trebled, and other physical, sexual, and relationship problems are common.
  • Can you imagine any other airline sending a birthday card to a customer?
  • My birthday wishes to you are the warmest.May all the plans you are making work out just right for you and may life always bring the best things your way.
  • George was diagnosed with the potentially deadly condition days after his second birthday.
  • At birth the femoral head and the acetabulum are mainly cartilaginous, and a normal adult hip joint depends on their correct development.
  • He welcomed the drop that had occurred in UK birth rates.
  • The adolescent and teenage birth rate has fallen by nearly half since 1992.
  • A neo-Classical representation of folk music and simplicity, this small work was written in honor of Enesco and Jora on their 60th and 50th birthdays.
  • I said, " Oh, dear godmother, tell me, pray do tell me, did mama die on my birthday?
  • Under the editorship of Professor Robert L. Cleve, PhD, OAF, KCR, the issue begins with his outstanding study of the inscriptions and illustrations from the 1937 issue of postage stamps from the Italian Kingdom celebrating the bimillenary of the birth of the Emperor Augustus.
  • The sad fact is that if the Democrats had tried to make a big issue of the matter the press would have criticized them unmercifully for spoiling the 100th birthday celebrations of a great man with their petty partisan politics.
  • It was explained to me that because I was far-gone I would have to give birth by being induced into labour.
  • A joyful date to keep in mind and make a note of, is when a birthday comes around to you.Thank you for your love which makes our home warm and beautiful.It is only with you that I find true contentment. Nothing will ever come between us.Happy birthday to you!
  • Quinn herself was keen to have the first test - a matter of weeks after William's birth - because she and her husband were undergoing fertility treatment at the time the child was conceived.
  • It's a striking image of traumatic birth from a monstrous, disembodied womb. Times, Sunday Times
  • After her 19th birthday her thrice - divorced manager, afraid that her encroaching adulthood might impede her careerist progress, began to woo her.
  • Birth is a natural process and should be treated as such.
  • Jules Angst and Cecile Ernst, published a survey of all the birth order research from 1946 to 1980.
  • And August 6, three days after her 18th birthday, Charlotte will make her official society debut at the traditional Red Cross Ball.
  • Wish you a whole world of happiness now that your birthday is here.May your memories today be warm ones.May your dreams today be dear.may your joy last through the year.
  • Communal feasting is central to marking birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, achievements, significant purchases, and major public holidays.
  • Since the birth of her baby brother she had turned really nasty.
  • At my sister's birthday meal last Friday our gnashers made a rare showing together in public.
  • His wife is due to give birth on the day of the race. The Sun
  • As developmental paediatrician to a neonatal referral centre she followed many low birthweight children with great skill.
  • It all makes me feel rather sorry for men: as if being present at the birth has become some sort of test of moral fibre.
  • The direct impact of a long-term imbalanced sex ratio at birth is the emergence of "gradient marriage squeeze," it said. The Times of India
  • I have always had a phobia about pregnancy and childbirth, the whole idea of it repulses me beyond belief.
  • I believe in the sixth sense, telepathy and rebirth as I have experienced it.
  • Despite their fishlike exteriors, ichthyosaurs had to surface to breathe air and they gave birth to live young.
  • Judith C had been disabled since birth, getting about with sticks and, for much of her life, leg calipers.
  • In Norway, all births with a gestational age of 16 completed weeks or more must be registered with the medical birth registry of Norway.
  • The denouement when the birthday comes is surprising enough not to spoil, but again there is something uneasy about it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wealth as an instrument of social control is a privilege of rank or of birth.
  • deeded" to Annie his birthday in the following unique document: Robert Louis Stevenson: a record, an estimate, and a memorial
  • At school, like my peers, I was indoctrinated in the mysteries of original and venal sin, virgin birth, the respective criteria for entry to limbo, purgatory, and heaven.
  • Instead of buying her friend a birthday card, she hand-stitched it. Times, Sunday Times
  • The birthers may have reached and passed their peak, though, thanks to the scrutiny, the derisive laughter, and the backlash from the overkill on the part of the wingnuts in the mainstream media like Lou Dobbs. That Settles That
  • He is also a leader in the natural-birth movement, having introduced homelike birthing rooms and pools into French hospitals.
  • Jake's birthday is on December 6th.
  • Luckily there was consolation at home in the form of a birth announcement. Times, Sunday Times
  • Data was collected prenatally and at the first four birthdays until the children were 6 and 7 years old, when they underwent a clinical evaluation by a board-certified allergist.
  • At first the pictures appear to have been taken at a family gathering - a christening or a birthday party.
  • During the 1960s, 70s and 80s there were high birth rates in the Muslim world, and this has given rise to a huge youth bulge.
  • The process ends with faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ, spiritual rebirth and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
  • Liddie Heath became very depressed after the birth of her first child, a baby boy.
  • The problem has come about because my wife's date of birth was scanned in incorrectly.
  • Moreover, the high number of births in a family is offset by the high incidence of infant mortality.
  • But she said: ‘I had gone to celebrate a friend's birthday and all of a sudden was drawn into some depraved sex show.’
  • Time will never change my love that is far more than you know.And it keeps growing deeper and deeper as days come and go.Happy birthday,my love!
  • May you keep in good health and good spirit both on your birthday and all through the year.Hope your birthday is happy and your wishes all come true.
  • It is very easy to disguise most birthmarks and freckles with makeup; there is an endless supply on sale.
  • This was achieved by 1876 and the property vested in the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust in 1891.
  • I'm now counting down to my 38th birthday, and then the second anniversary of the inception of this web backwater.
  • Frogs were not symbols of death but, on the contrary, of rebirth and renewal, because of its remarkable metamorphosis of egg into tadpole and from tadpole into frog.
  • The residents of a small seaside town are celebrating the anniversary of their town's birth when a pea souper comes rolling in with some ‘scary’ folk out for revenge on the wrongs that were done to them many moons ago.
  • begad" on the birth of her first son when she also called "Gad The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • When certain effects reveal a certain dissymmetry, this dissymmetry should be apparent in the causes which have given them birth. Pierre Curie
  • In any case, Pang et al. may have unknowingly found an unstated risk for hospital birth of having a mildly premature baby.
  • The expression pervading the countenance of the one was vulgarity; of the other, that which is rarely found, except in persons of high birth. Jack Sheppard A Romance
  • The Catechetical School of Alexandria was originated in Egypt. Egypt is the birthplace of Christian monasticism, also has experienced in the Christianity history the most serious persecution.
  • With all the love a heart can hold on your birthday.On this special occasion,I want you to know it is you who make my life meaningful.My love for you is more than I can express.I am to share every day with you till the end of my life. Happy birthday!
  • The posting doxes Moore's personal information, including date of birth, address, phone number, and more.
  • The issue of birth control was touched on, but we need to examine it in more detail.
  • She was born with a rare birth defect that left her with a huge growth on her neck and has spent most of her early life in hospital.
  • The embossed invitations to my birthday party ran out. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Institute of Physics in London have decided to celebrate his birth 100 years ago with a cartoon strip.
  • Slept and read, bought groceries, hot tub, finally scraping together enough energy to cook some Indian food in belated recognition of my wife's birthday. Crash and burn
  • OH OH OH, one last thing: yes, I got the birthday package and it was filled with graphic novelly goodness that I didn't have and we are now fighting over the contents as to who gets to read which ones first EVEN THOUGH it's my birthday present. Greetings from the land of sunshine and wagging tails
  • How did birthdays become less like Thanksgiving and more like the crass side of Christmas?
  • This is mainly due to the number of multiple births and the age of the mother - IVF mothers are usually older.
  • Between the eighth week of development and birth a human embryo is called a foetus.
  • The court favored the Hindu claim because according to the faith and belief of the Hindus the place under the inner dome is the birthplace of Ram. No Property Rights, No Peace
  • Brigitte was unwrapping her birthday presents.
  • I must post that parcel or she won't get it in time for her birthday.
  • She drew an analogy between childbirth and the creative process.
  • Many sports fans who would rather watch the Super Bowl with a bunch of beer-swilling buddies than be present at the birth of their first child often recite that fired old saw about hockey being more violent than any other sport.
  • As I glean from the Wikipedia article on the subject, atavistic traits are "birth defects" more than reactions to environmental changes. Eureka: What About Bob?
  • His mother sewed his clothes while he was young and knitted socks giving him a handmade pair for his birthday for many years.
  • Three weeks after the birth Harriet decided to move the cubs into the jungle.
  • I'm proud of my baby body, knowing that it gave my son a comfy vessel in which to gestate and has been the source of all his nourishment since birth.
  • In 1926, the year of his birth, 2 billion people inhabited this planet.
  • Send this special birthday wish just to let you know that you'll always be remembered for the thoughtfulness you show.
  • Families have a specific incentive to report miscarriages, stillbirths, and infant deaths to the family planning system as this leads to authorisation for a new pregnancy.
  • I redeemed my promise to my daughter by sending her a gift on her birthday.
  • I suppose if an angel was extremely strong, they could use the energy in their place of birth to uncloak themselves, but I have no support for these wild flights of fancy.
  • He's giving a party in miniature on his birthday.
  • Among the friends we make in life,there are only one or two who can be called "a special friend" and that's how I think of you.You show the warmth of your friendship in so many different ways,That's why I hope your birthday is the happiest of days.
  • Giving birth, I suppose you'd say, expelling not one, nor even ten, but a thousand creatures; ten thousand. GALILEE
  • Skull at birth, showing frontal and occipital fonticuli. Illustrations. Fig. 197
  • It is not a mere matter of citizenship; it is a birthright and a shared inheritance.
  • Tintagel Castle, the reputed birthplace of King Arthur, is being excavated professionally for the first time in more than 50 years.
  • Our results confirm the relation between birth weight and lung function measurements reported in other studies.
  • She lay in about 3 hours before the birth of the baby.
  • For her fiftieth birthday Don built Rebecca a chicken tractor - a long wire enclosure on wheels that enables her to graze chickens along the rows of green manure forage.
  • We met two months ago, at the birthday party of a mutual friend.
  • ‘It's just a matter of hours before she gives birth,’ Dominic Moss says excitedly as he peers at the bontebok's swollen belly.
  • Besides, a later age is accustomed to having actors vary their birth name somewhat.
  • I completely forgot that it was his birthday yesterday.
  • The bones of the skull are not properly fused at birth.
  • The charts and data presented are very interesting, including the revelation that male modern heights and standards were achieved by the birth cohort of 1925.
  • Today is your birthday,my darling.I'd like to express my heartfelt thanks for what you have done.Thank you for your cares and understanding and the at support you offer me when I need it.A whole of love to my dear husband.
  • Maclaren Techno Four Seasons Pushchair Description 1 buggy, 4 seasons, 8 looks: The four seasons buggy is suitable from birth and comes complete with 3 reversible seat liners for spring, summer and autumn, a footmuff for winter, boot, a reversible blanket, raincover and storage bag to coordinate with all 4 seasons. - Articles related to Trinoma welcomes summer
  • She tells us tales of ambulances collecting women in labour to take them to the hospital delivery suites, only to be held up at a checkpoint where the women give birth.
  • I have had a _squint_, or _cross-eye_, since birth, and in less than one minute, and with VERY LITTLE PAIN, you have made my eyes perfectly straight and natural. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 1, No. 3, March, 1862
  • You will be asked to fill in a form with details of your birth and occupation.
  • Death s inevitable.It's a promise made to each of us at birth.But before that promise is kept,we all hope something will happen to us,whether it is the thrill of romance,the joy of raising a family,or the anguish of great loss.We all hope to experience something that make our lives meaningful,but the sad fact is,not all lives have meaning.Some people spend their time on this planet just sitting on the sidelines,waiting for something to happen to them,before it's too late.
  • The following medicines may need changes when taken with Kaletra: birth control pills that contain estrogen ( "the pill"), birth control (contraceptive) patches, atorvastatin (Lipitor®), rosuvastatin (Crestor®), efavirenz (Atripla® and Sustiva®), nevirapine (Viramune®), amprenavir WebWire | Recent Headlines
  • Gossip was exchanged and embellished, births, deaths and marriages were discussed and the price of bonhams and dropped calves were dissected.
  • Explain that a birth father is just the biological dad. The Sun
  • A little bird told me that today is your birthday.
  • At the miracle of my birth, I came forth when my father summoned me.
  • His is on a quest for moksha, the salvation won when ending the cycle of rebirth.
  • Of anomalies of the head the first to be considered will be the anencephalous monsters who, strange to say, have been known to survive birth. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • She cannot forgive him for forgetting her birthday
  • It is the birth of a radically new form of leadership. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's the reverse of birthdays, this laying out outside the meats and cheese, cruets of oil standing sentry at the table and each guest barely able to breathe in the funerary wreaths of citronella haze.
  • Cataloguing the birthplaces of proteins will be a giant step towards solving the mysteries of human biology.
  • So happy birthday to the lion as winter nears.
  • The so-called birther issue has driven many of Trump's TV appearances, including a much-talked about interview with NBC's Today Show on April 7. Is Donald Trump the first Google trends candidate?
  • In fact, that ungraciousness was what led to the birth of this young magician.
  • You can keep score of your baby's movements before birth by recording them on a kick chart.
  • Approaching childbirth from the angle of pain and surgery is innovative.
  • The estimated annual number of births affected with a neural tube defect is about 400,000 world wide.
  • Combine this with the effort by South Carolina Republicans to tar the state's Democratic gubernatorial nominee Vincent Sheheen with now-infamous accidental candidate Alvin Greene and I think you're seeing conservatives get revenge for a year of being painted as allies of "birtherism" and conspiracies about the president. Embracing the crazy
  • It's important to understand the Duggars' beliefs: The Duggars follow a conservative Christian belief system known as Quiverfull, which eschews all birth control in favor of "trusting the Lord with… family planning," says Vyckie Garrison at RH Reality Check. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • I got a belated birthday card from my cousin yesterday.
  • P. S: Happy belated birthday to Sub, congrats on passing your driving test, you know what to do next (* wink wink*). Babycartercl Diary Entry
  • It wouldn't be right if I didn't wish happy birthday to somebody, now would it?
  • Raised by his mean aunt and uncle, he learns on his 11 th birthday that he is a wizard of uncommon powers.
  • If not for Sabine, Deborah would easily have had a caesarian birth as were 32 percent of births in this country in 2007 - up 53 percent from 1996. Dana H. Glazer: My Experience With a Doula During Childbirth
  • Did you receive my birthday card?
  • Songs in this video: Molly Lewis's "My Hope" bit. ly Hank Green's "Nerdfighteria island" bit. ly and Mike Lombardo's "You Should Know," which he wrote for Hank's birthday bit. ly All artists are on DFTBA Records, the artist-driven record label cofounded by Hank. - Articles related to SkyTeam place ses pions en Asie et en Afrique 
  • He celebrated his birthday at a glitzy party in Beverly Hills.
  • I have not numerated Noël's birthday presents because I wish to leave something to the imagination of my young readers. The Wouldbegoods
  • When she felt uncomfortable, Claire would glance down at her birthmark on the dorsal area of her left wrist.
  • The two problems with that choice: (1) even if 40-50\% of the population disagrees with President Obama on issues like taxes or gay rights, probably only maybe 10-20\% of the population (those whose Facebook pages include fanhood of Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity, for instance) really sees him as "tyrranical" enough for 1700s "tea party" and "constitutional convention" references to resonate; and (2) politics are cyclical enough that as bad as things look for Republicans now, it's entirely feasible to plan for a Republican rebirth in 2012 Concurring Opinions
  • Other reports have cited severe and uncontrollable pain or bleeding, major injury with shock, impending birth, and uncontrollable mental disturbance.
  • Application for maternity benefits must be made at least eight weeks before confinement, or within six months of the birth of the child.
  • Low birthweight is strongly linked to deaths in the first week of life or during infancy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although no average cake would have held the candles to which Miss Mercy's birthdays entitled her, she was given to "middy" blouses and pink sweaters. The Dude Wrangler
  • She has her proper birthday tomorrow and her official birthday in June. Times, Sunday Times
  • A strip of birth control pills. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a game that boasts a long and illustrious history in its birthplace of India. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Mthatha, there will be a youth football tournament, a "heroes marathon" and a seminar to celebrate not only Mandela's 90th birthday but that of another African National Congress veteran Albertina Sisulu as well. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Seventy plus males all fighting over the remote control, forgetting your birthday or nailing wonky shelves to the firmament without first reading the instructions?
  • My birth mother hugged me and muttered something in my ear. Times, Sunday Times
  • Birth involving such close relations doubles risk of congenital defects. Times, Sunday Times
  • As an international vulgate institution of labor and social security, minimum wage is disputed after its birth.
  • He bought her a silver necklace that says mom and each letter is comprised of a different birthstone, his; hers; and the baby's due date.
  • They asked how old we were and if we had any birthmarks.
  • The eliminationist project is in many ways the signature of fascism, partly because it proceeds naturally from fascism's embrace of what Oxford Brookes scholar Roger Griffin calls palingenesis, or a Phoenix-like national rebirth, as its core myth. Crooks and Liars
  • And since sidewinder is going to send one - I've got to get the strangely goofy birthday card out to Ian Copeland. Ow, Ow, Ow, Ow, OW
  • In the absence of divine intervention, virgin birth for mammals is not an option.
  • Bull calves were surgically castrated at birth.
  • Privilege determined by birth is an offence to any modern sense of justice.
  • And there may be some small holes in her argument: Music went through centuries of widespread cultural permeation before it could birth rock. Kicking The Dog
  • Ziller had pilgrimaged several times to Africa, place of his birth. Another Roadside Attraction
  • She kept him away from the birth, preferring her female friends. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • Of course, the pain associated with birthing was considered entirely natural, while the protraction of pain and suffering associated with foot-binding was altogether an intentional act of the human will.
  • All those mothers now giving birth at the age of 45 or more should hope that their daughters don't follow their example.
  • Her name labeled her: Zola, meaning outcast, forever preceded her birth name, Luz. Distant Shores
  • With all the love a heart can hold on your birthday.On this special occasion,I want you to know it is you who make my life meaningful.My love for you is more than I can express.I am to share every day with you till the end of my life. Happy birthday!
  • Colin Spencer still stood by the desk no one signed in at; and he still smiled and nodded his hellos and goodbyes to every oblivious face that passed him by as though he was host to this year's biggest A-list birthday bash.
  • In a study of 278 randomly selected women 30 per cent were suffering urinary problems five years after childbirth. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even more than the treatment of pregnant women, the field of obstetrics was perceived as an exclusively female medical trade, practiced by women trained generally in oral traditions of midwifery. 90 The midwife was responsible for preparing the parturient woman and alleviating the pain and discomfort of the birthing process. A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • Have the tipsy revellers in the back row of pews at midnight mass come to share the wonder of the virgin birth?
  • The era also gave birth to a whole array of new social problems.
  • To argue against it is to, in essence, argue against any form of birth control, because birth control is preventing conception, which is what EC is doing.
  • Most of these deaths occur in the first month of life and are directly linked either to congenital anomalies or to low birth weight. The Developing Child (7th edn.)
  • He wrote a thank-you note/letter to his granny to thank her for the birthday present she sent him.
  • And the ephemeride, that dies an instant after its birth, do you suppose that it dies of grief? Willis the Pilot
  • It is comprised of computerised ten pin bowling; children's soft play areas and birthday party areas.
  • The two sides have little in common, other than a visceral attachment to the land which both claim as their birthright. Times, Sunday Times
  • One favorite treatment for sciatica used by Cherokee herbalist David Winston is a combined extract of sweet melilot (Melilotus alba), dodder (Cuscuta americana), and sweet or black birth (Betula lenta). THE NATURAL REMEDY BIBLE
  • Her father's illness had cast a shadow over the birth of her baby.
  • The average weight of a baby at birth is just over seven pounds.
  • This year's commemoration of Sukarno's death coincides with the centennial celebration of his birth anniversary, which took place on June 6.
  • So the fraud, I mean, fraulein (Frau-Palin) and ex-everything else is concerned about scientific fraud while maintaining that her supporters have a right to question Obama's birth certificate. Palin calls for Obama to boycott climate change conference
  • He was blind from birth.
  • Reducing the number of unplanned pregnancies and unwanted births requires far more than attempts at dissuading poor people from having sex.
  • Celebrating his 75th birthday, bandoneonist Dino Saluzzi faithfully follows in the steps of his mentor and former colleague Astor Piazzolla. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • She points to the Oscar Party Legs, the ones a drunken Jack Nicholson tried to violate after he won for Cuckoo's Nest, and the understated Nonprofit Fundraiser Legs she wore to Jerry Lewis Telethons, and the fake-tanned State Dinner with Reagan and Gorbachev Legs that the Secretary of State made her cover up with a long hemline, because their shade matched Gorbachev's birthmark. Centipede
  • I fully expect a movie double feature, ridiculous amount of Chinese food and a more creative dessert than tiramisu or birthday cake.
  • Toward the end of Period 1, an infant begins to distinguish between objects, a behavior not present at birth.
  • This is an elegant explanation, one that leads to Mauser's equally elegant peroration: ‘capacitating students to be competent citizens is our birthright.’
  • You might even have thrown parties when it wasn't your birthday, for the sole purpose of grabbing a snog off someone.

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