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How To Use Birth rate In A Sentence

  • In a population based cohort we compared gestational length and preterm birth rates between naturally and medically conceived twins.
  • The high birth rates of the 1950s and 1960s are projected to increase the numbers of young elderly from 2011.
  • Fertilization failure , pregnancy, and live birth rates did not differ between IVF and ICSI.
  • Nevertheless, high birth rates ensured that society was far more youthful in its composition than it is today.
  • Factors like birth rates and expected housing developments are being considered in the plan.
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  • Is femininism responsible for the very low birth rate in all of the Western countries? On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Even to suggest that efforts he made to expand the labor force by increasing the domestic birth rate would seem slightly artful.
  • Perhaps it is no coincidence that such dire statistics on childbearing were published in the wake of a flurry of government warnings about the falling birth rate.
  • Britain and other European countries face being underpopulated because of the low birth rate.
  • Stillbirth rates were not different in areas with fluoridation, nor were rates of trisomies, Down's syndrome, neural tube defects, and facial clefts.
  • Using mouse oocytes, 80 percent of eggs that had been vitrified became fertilized with ICSI, with a live birth rate of about 30 percent, comparable to conventional IVF when eggs are not frozen.
  • The birth rate is falling / rising.
  • We have a declining birth rate and increased life expectancy, along with a marked reluctance to pay into a private pension plan.
  • Increased birth rates and immigration have resulted in explosive growth in elementary and secondary school student enrollments.
  • In the developed world, birth rates have been declining steadily for the past two decades.
  • Yes, teen birth rates have gone down a little of late.
  • The birth rate is falling / rising.
  • Birth rates are notoriously difficult to predict.
  • But those clinics that continue to record a high multiple birth rate will find their records investigated.
  • This has occurred through both large-scale migration from rural regions as well as an increasing birth rate in the cities.
  • The state also fared poorly in the teen birth rate category.
  • But no country has yet managed to achieve a low birth rate while infant deaths rates remain high.
  • If France has a problem with its birth rate, couldn't it just allow more people to immigrate?
  • Education chiefs spent months looking at the increasing number of unfilled primary school places caused by fewer birth rates across the borough.
  • What we do know is that our national birth rate isn't increasing by anything like the factor by which the number on the lone parent's allowance has grown since 1974.
  • Many demographic experts attribute the declining birth rate in recent years chiefly to young people's reluctance to marry because of heightening job insecurity.
  • The birth rate is the lowest in Europe, reflecting deep pessimism about the future and the astonishingly high cost of housing.
  • In the election it announced that it would provide tax refunds for first time babies with a view to encouraging a lift in the birth rate.
  • Birth rates are notoriously difficult to predict.
  • The European country with the highest birth rate is Ireland.
  • The scientists talk about what they call a demographic transition that goes from high birth rates and high death rates to low birth rates and low death rates. Vp Remarks On Global Climate Change
  • The stillbirth rate was 0.83% and 0.37% in exposed and nonexposed women, respectively. Finding the Pathways to a Cause of Tinnitus
  • The UK has the highest birth rate among 15 to 19-year-olds in Western Europe.
  • This was a fate shared by many women in this time, a result of a high birth rate and poor natal care.
  • Nevertheless, high birth rates ensured that society was far more youthful in its composition than it is today.
  • Nevertheless, the birth rate still falls well below the "replacement level" of around 2.1 required to stabilise the population.
  • The birth rate for older women has declined, but, by contrast, births to teenage mothers have increased.
  • His document looks at the country's declining birth rate and the continuing brain drain and presents an apocalyptic vision of the future in Scotland.
  • Russia's collapsing birth rate feeds fears that Siberia's emptiness will be infiltrated from the teeming nations to the south.
  • By far the greatest effect on the crude mortality rates was when mortality rates due to immaturity were adjusted for low birth rate.
  • One decade after the dismantling of the USSR and the restoration of capitalism, the death rate of Russia exceeds its birth rate.
  • Birth rates are notoriously difficult to predict.
  • It is obvious that NoB, the low birth rate, if it were not augmented with massive inmigration from all over the world, would have already resulted in a work force too small to take care of the economic needs of the US. Changing Mexico
  • Even to suggest that efforts he made to expand the labor force by increasing the domestic birth rate would seem slightly artful.
  • Thus, The Birth Rate Decline Bra , festooned with cartoon grandmothers admonishing lazy Japanese to get down, get funky and get themselves some families.
  • Moreover, if birth rates were the whole story, then evangelical growth should have been visible between successive birth cohorts, not within them, but that is also not the case.37 Finally, the long-term inertia of demographic arithmetic should have continued to push up the evangelical share of the population for at least several decades more, even after the evangelical birth rate converged to the nonevangelical birth rate. American Grace
  • The birth rate peaked in March 1947, long before government intervention took effect.
  • Despite this, the report assumes no policy action to boost population growth by encouraging an increase in the birth rate or increasing immigration.
  • The European country with the highest birth rate is Ireland.
  • With the birth rate half of that in 1990 and mortality 50% higher, the country is threatened with rapid depopulation.
  • Even to suggest that efforts he made to expand the labor force by increasing the domestic birth rate would seem slightly artful.
  • It happens that the crude birth rate, at 13. 5*, is the lowest in a century (so basically it's the lowest ever in the US) -- and that's making headlines and summoning images of a babyless, unstable future. Elizabeth Gregory: Post-Fertile Boomers Push the Birth Rate Drop
  • The political rationale for this initiative lay in nationalist concerns about Turkey, which prevailed during the period, as well as in the long-standing concerns about the 'demographic problem' given the low birth rate in Greece. Arms and the Woman: Just Warriors and Greek Feminist Identity
  • Democratic presidential hopeful Senator Hillary Clinton touted family planning programs during her husband's administration for a steady decrease in the teen birth rate, adding, "Under President Bush's leadership, we maying falling off track. CNN Transcript Dec 6, 2007
  • Besides an embittered intelligentsia, anti-Chechen barriers in higher education and industry, along with the high birth rate, generated a large “subproletariat” of underemployed, rural young men, dependent on migratory work. The Return
  • The teen birth rate has declined for all ethnicities.
  • Elisabeth Badinter's bestselling book champions France's so-so moms as the secret to high Gallic birth rates. In Praise of the Mediocre Mother
  • A slowdown in the birth rate has led to a dramatic decrease in the number of younger people in the workforce.
  • After years of a falling birth rate, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Britain, and France are showing signs of a reverse while others are learning from their example.
  • The French death rate was falling, but so too was its birth rate, at an unusually rapid rate.
  • The birth rate for older women has declined, but, by contrast, births to teenage mothers have increased.
  • During the 1960s, 70s and 80s there were high birth rates in the Muslim world, and this has given rise to a huge youth bulge.
  • The adolescent and teenage birth rate has fallen by nearly half since 1992.
  • Unsurprisingly, families are severely stressed, as evidenced by low birth rates and high death rates.
  • This greying of society is accelerated by falling birth rates. Times, Sunday Times
  • Both the stillbirth rate and early neonatal mortality increased with parity.
  • The UK has the highest birth rate among 15 to 19-year-olds in Western Europe.
  • In the last few decades all these countries estimated a decrease in their birth rate, but they also registered stabilization.
  • Differences in birth rates across time and between cultures would occur as one side or the other gains increased leverage in this tug-of-war. Who Wants More Kids?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Birth rates alone are not helpful in assessing the demographic trends.
  • The birth rate increased for the third consecutive year following nearly a decade of decline.
  • Similar trends have also been observed for gelada baboons (Theropithecus gelada), in which altitude, which is highly correlated with ambient temperature, was found to correlate negatively with birth rate.
  • The UK has the highest birth rate among 15 to 19-year-olds in Western Europe.
  • He welcomed the drop that had occurred in UK birth rates.
  • Birth rates have gone down of late.
  • Utah has the nation's highest birth rate, but the lowest incidence of unwed teenage mothers.
  • Yes, the Palestinians would ‘increase the birth rate’ by adulterating the civilization of Christendom with harems, honor killings and cousin-marriage, among other immoral practices. Matthew Yglesias » Israel’s Irrealism on Settlements
  • The birth rate increased for the third consecutive year following nearly a decade of decline.
  • The UK has the highest birth rate among 15 to 19-year-olds in Western Europe.
  • Lower birth rate and greater parental attention to individual children helped advance the lower death rate - which in turn encouraged further reductions in natality.
  • The birth rate for older women has declined, but, by contrast, births to teenage mothers have increased.
  • Even to suggest that efforts he made to expand the labor force by increasing the domestic birth rate would seem slightly artful.
  • The population is relatively flat, because the birth rates have plateaued.

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