- a passage in the uterus and vagina through which a fetus passes during vaginal birth
How To Use birth canal In A Sentence
- A puny midwife fumbles with exploding plaster wombs, plastic foetuses, rubber birth canals and disintegrating umbilical cords.
- During labour the uterus can be divided into two regions, the upper, muscular region and the lower region which generally acts to provide a passive fibromuscular birth canal. cervix consists largely of fibrous collagen in a proteoglycan matrix. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
- The calf must have been delivered through the birth canal (the uterus was intact) and then both it and the afterbirth were abducted.
- The skull then is crushed so the fetus can be withdrawn through the birth canal without inducing labor.
- If a Caesarean section is not appropriate, for example because the baby's head is already moving down the birth canal, an episiotomy can be the best way to speed up birth.
- The mentor assists the dream down the birth canal and out into the light of day.
- The baby is pushed out of the uterus, through the cervix, and along the birth canal.
- The skull then is crushed so the fetus can be withdrawn through the birth canal without inducing labor.
- Induced labor also is linked to: a higher incidence of vacuum or forceps-assisted vaginal delivery; problems in labor, including fever and shoulder dystocia when the baby's shoulder gets "stuck" in the birth canal; fluctuations in fetal heart rate; jaundice; and longer hospital stays. Glenn D. Braunstein, M.D.: Electively Induced Labor: Remember, For Babies' Sake, Every Week Counts
- Other normal inhabitants of the birth canal - staph, strep, diphtheroids, anaerobes, E. coli and Listeria - are other pathogens that may cause neonatal pneumonia.