How To Use Biretta In A Sentence

  • Szoka, seventy-eight and nearly hairless under his cardinal's red biretta, proudly showed me a bookcase that contained the teachings and writings of John Paul — forty-plus volumes bound in red cloth — and nothing else. The Year of two Popes
  • An atelier repetition of this fine original is No. 166 in the Vienna Gallery; the only material variation traceable in this last-named example being that in lieu of St. Ambrose, wearing a kind of biretta, we have St. Jerome bareheaded. The Earlier Work of Titian
  • The Catholic community knows too that if the Pope decides to appoint a Scottish Cardinal, the biretta is more likely to return to the west.
  • Mitres to the left, birettas to the right; it's been a faith-filled, polarising Easter.
  • The young kneeling, tonsured figure on the right appears to be a high-ranking ecclesiastic - a canon or dean - whose biretta rests at Christ's bound feet.
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  • The biretta is the sign of an ecclesiastical pontifical degree. Archive 2008-04-20
  • The dream of a better, kinder nation has gone with the wave of a biretta.
  • Etymologically, the word biretta is Italian in origin and would more correctly be written beretta (cf. however the French barette and the Spanish bireta). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • Aside from its retention as the trencher cap, the cap of the Oxford Doctors of Divinity, and the biretta, the barret cap survives today as the head-dress for the Lutheran clergy, German lawyers, deans and rectors of Continental universities.
  • These have pink, four-lobed seed-pods, like a tiny biretta. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet, when O'Brien steps forward to receive his red biretta at the consistory - the installation ceremony - in Rome on October 21, he will do so knowing his appointment was not universally endorsed by the 750,000 Catholics he now leads.
  • Afterwards, the boys pinched my biretta to see if they could land it on the head of the Monsignore as he was later dignified. Archive 2009-05-01
  • Cardinal Cormac Murphy - O'Connor's new biretta became a beretta in a caption to a photograph of the papal kiss, page 14, yesterday.
  • In confusion, Paul VI perched the wrong birettas on the wrong heads: the American Lawrence Sheehan's large biretta landed on Dante's small Italian head, hanging down over his ears.
  • With his sly wit, Avery Dulles made a more elfin impression - especially when his biretta fell off his head into the pope's lap.
  • E.g. the *traditional* Angelicum biretta is entirely white incl. piping and pom. Archive 2008-04-20
  • The moirée silk of the cassock, the cappa magna and the biretta was of a pale rose color.
  • The Apostolic ablegate is generally a Roman prelate or private chamberlain, sent to bear the cardinal's biretta to a new cardinal who is absent from the residence of the pope. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • In the present restorationist situation in the church, many leaders are satisfied with the middle-aged vocation with a biretta on his head, an ample cassock, and a conviction that he must teach the laity to obey him.
  • As they relax in Rome this weekend, the men are all too aware that only one of them will go on to wear the red biretta and shape the agenda of the powerful Scottish Catholic church for a new century.
  • Part of the pathos of Durcan's Richelieu lies in his obsessive awareness that if he ‘drops’ the talismanic biretta / crown, the game will be up and the show will be over.
  • The fake priest went past, Benedetti, wearing a lumber jacket and a black biretta and carrying a breviary. Underworld
  • We then moved onto "spin the biretta" - each server is handed the biretta after it has been spun around in the air, and has to hand it to the priest the correct way. Archive 2009-06-01
  • His blond hair flowed out from under a green velvet biretta. THE FAMILY
  • This congregation also instructs the members of the Noble Guard and the ablegate who are sent to convey to new cardinals, living in Catholic states outside of Rome, the news of their promotion, together with the cardinal's hat and the red biretta. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • Yet, when he steps forward to receive his red biretta at the consistory - the installation ceremony - in Rome on October 21, he will do so knowing his appointment was not universally endorsed by the 750,000 Catholics he now leads.
  • The pistol he used was a 38 calibre Biretta of Italian manufacture; scores of these weapons were captured from the Italians in North Africa and smuggled back to India by Indian soldiers.
  • He peered inside through a cracked board and saw two men, birettas in hand.
  • If the creation of a cardinal takes place outside of Italy, the scarlet zucchetta is sent him by one of the pope's Guardie Nobili (Noble Guards), and the scarlet biretta by a special ablegate. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • For example, as above, the traditional theology biretta of the Angelicum is totally white. Archive 2008-04-20
  • It contained the rochet, mozzetta, and biretta of a canon, and was a present from some excellent Franciscan nuns, to whom I had been formerly chaplain, and who were charitable enough not to have forgotten me. My New Curate
  • Communion in the hand kept to a minimum, 2 Deacons alongside the Celebrant, no concelebration, birettas, supremely reverent atmosphere, and beautiful vestments and even more beautiful music exclusively polyphonic/chant. "Liturgical paradigms for the whole world..."

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