How To Use Birder In A Sentence

  • Most of the birders also had very high-tech photography equipment.
  • Birders listen intently for songs they haven't heard for months as they search for "FOS" (first-of-season) sightings of species that have either returned from the tropics to nest or are passing through on their way to more northerly nesting areas. Memphis Commercial Appeal Stories
  • Any birder of any skill whatsoever will hear those words pretty often. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps our best birder poet, he has written memorably about chickadees, towhees, titmice, owls, great blue herons, pelicans, kingfishers, and many others, always effacing himself before the glory of the thing seen.
  • Birders witnessed their fluttery flights from South Beach and elsewhere along the Atlantic.
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  • His obvious enthusiasm for his subject marks him as a true birder.
  • Backers of the program point out that they can even find support in the birders ' guide book Roberts Birds of Southern Africa.
  • This informative and entertaining site offers thorough coverage of Long Island birding, birders, and birds.
  • A hard question, because the answer reveals precisely what kind of birder you are. Times, Sunday Times
  • I've known birders who have cut ties with friends and family over this issue and I don't think that's worth it.
  • Norfolk birders know the hoopoe as a spring and autumn passage migrant, but only in small numbers.
  • Meeting new birders is often as enjoyable as meeting new birds.
  • They've both become superb birders, too, able to distinguish in a wing beat, for example, a gyrfalcon from a peregrine falcon during a brief aerial tussle.
  • Let me now describe an ordinary cruise of a "blackbirder" vessel -- an honest ship with an honest skipper and crew, and, above all, a straight The Call Of The South 1908
  • My uncle Larry is a birder and the way he writes about birding makes me think it is something I will eventually do as well.
  • There were birders aplenty, as well as bibliophiles, gardeners, hikers, naturalists of all stripes. The Joys of Slow Looking
  • The elation in the air was probably palpable as birders trained their scopes and cameras on the accidental tourist for a once-in-a-lifetime view.
  • a "blackbirder" often presented a horrid spectacle -- the unfortunate The Call Of The South 1908
  • He is also a lifelong muttonbirder.
  • But the real distinction to be made is not of age or costume: There are two kinds of birders.
  • Some were excited to learn about what they can do to make the area more accessible to birders and some were just curious about all the fuss.
  • British birders coined the term "jizz" (from G.I.S. — "general impression and shape") to describe the gestalt of a bird, an impression that often has to do with the way it moves. Birding at the Edge
  • A serious birder might just be puzzled. Times, Sunday Times
  • I had so much fun on Open Source last night and discovered that there are quite a few truck drivers who are birders.
  • The coloration of feathers elicits curiosity in the ornithologist and admiration in the birder.
  • There's a hunter thing about a lot of crash-hot birders. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many of the cuzzie-bros of these hungry kids are bound to be mutton birders, oyster dredgers, and fishing folk.
  • Hawks and other raptors may dominate discussion in the fall, but this winter, birders are talking about owls.
  • A true "birder" actively observes and studies different birds in order to see new species and to learn more about their behavior, habitats and personalities.
  • Hopefully, we'll see some of the pelagic birds that make this area the envy of birders everywhere.
  • We are given a wonderful account of visits to Attu, the desolate, westernmost of the Aleutian Islands - and holy grail of birders - to see smews, pochards, and stragglers blowing in from Siberia.
  • Bateman of the blackbirder NARI? he wondered; and had Captain THE RED ONE
  • Tell one birder about an owl in a tree and within a few hours, you can expect to find that tree ringed by a throng of twitchers deploying expensive optics.
  • Often, as they peck and probe in the depths, they allow birders to approach closely enough to see their identifying features.
  • Gunrunner, blackbirder, smuggler, pirate, pearler, or what have you, but always a scrapper from the word go, with a constant hankering to bounce his enormous fists offa somebody's conk. Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror: Waterfront Fists and Others - Robert E. Howard
  • Meadow pipits - or 'mipits' in birder jargon - are back on the moors. Times, Sunday Times
  • Birders flock to this region to gaze at bald eagles, great blue herons, and more than 300 other species of birds.
  • On the way back to the gatehouse I birded the birders at Stage Island Pool but since none of them were looking through their scopes and some were sitting listlessly on rocks, I intuited that the gull-billed tern was not present. Seagoing sparrow, talkative visitor, new lock, nice weather, oh my
  • Gunrunner, blackbirder, smuggler, pirate, pearler, or what have you, but always a scrapper from the word go, with a constant hankering to bounce his enormous fists offa somebody's conk. Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror: Waterfront Fists and Others - Robert E. Howard
  • Alaska, the last frontier, is a premier destination for birders, botanists, and wildlife watchers.
  • Every birder knows that as well. Times, Sunday Times
  • The mutton-birder not infrequently pulls out a likewise startled snake.
  • It was shockingly bright, but only a birder would have noticed it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Birders generally watch shorebirds in summer, raptors in autumn, and waterfowl in winter.
  • How an alcid from the Pacific Ocean ended up north Kent, at a nature reserve known as Oare Marshes to be exact, might never be known, but birders, to use a regretfully common description, are "flocking" to see the rarity. 10,000 Birds
  • I know I'm not the only birder who was over there.
  • Lavishly renovated, the three-story cylinder is now the Canopy Tower hotel, a mecca for serious birders. Strange Paradise
  • Backyard birders may want to hover about the Birding option for starters.
  • After many years as supercargo, 'blackbirder' {*} and trader in the South Rídan The Devil And Other Stories 1899
  • My uncle Larry is a birder and the way he writes about birding makes me think it is something I will eventually do as well.
  • He is also a fanatic birder, the kind who has devoted his life to seeking out rare and exotic avifauna from pole to pole.
  • I couldn't help but declare almost hourly, ‘It's a birder's paradise!’
  • Birders plan their vacations around the northern extent of the trogon (Chiricauhuas) or where to see 47 varieties of hummingbirds (Ramsey Canyon). Mjh's blog — 2006 — February
  • Mostly duck hunters but a few recognizable birders were there also.
  • It has been in the interest of the mutton-birder not to disturb the habitat of the mutton-bird.
  • “For birders, the cassowary is their holy grail,” Mick tells me as we share tea on the veranda overlooking the garden. Birdology
  • The birders say that the falcon reappearance is strong argument against trying to control the pigeon population with birth control-laced grain. Veniceblog:
  • While I was thumbing through my field guide, a lady came up to me and introduced herself as a fellow birder.
  • On one of the last few days of the hunt, luck ran out for the mutton-birder.
  • German "blackbirder" named the _Samoa_, though the captain and the crew swore they knew nothing of the matter. The Flemmings And "Flash Harry" Of Savait From "The Strange Adventure Of James Shervinton and Other Stories" - 1902
  • Let us now suppose that a "blackbirder" (obnoxious name to many recruiters) from Samoa, Fiji, or Queensland, has reached one of the New The Call Of The South 1908
  • A plum-throated cotinga, like the one shown above in a lowland rain forest, is one species of over a thousand that make Peru a birder's paradise.
  • blackbirder" -- "labour vessel," the wise it call -- nothing more will be needed to convince the initiated that I have moved in the "nine circles" of Polynesia. The Cruise of the Cachalot Round the World After Sperm Whales
  • The 686-acre property, while frequented by fishermen and birders, is also a popular destination for people who trample fragile marsh grasses when they go "mudding" on their four-wheelers. The Daily News - News
  • With so many details to remember, it is understandable that many birders are intimidated by this accipitrine affinity.
  • For nearly two decades, many birders have worried about the health of migratory bird populations inhabiting the nation's forests.
  • Obmascik spent so much time on the trail of the birders that he became an avid bird watcher himself.
  • The Hacienda La Pacifica resort complex, adjacent to these preserves, is popular with birders for the natural habitat along the river right on its grounds, where boat-billed herons come to roost.
  • She has been a muttonbirder since she was four and has missed very few seasons on Ernest Island.
  • It was Rich who named me a Born Again Birder.
  • An experienced muttonbirder can locate, snatch, and bag the occupant of a burrow every 5–6 minutes and might net a cool thirty thousand dollars in thirty days of hunting.
  • Duchess, a whacking big one-hundred-and fifty-ton schooner, a blackbirder. THE INEVITABLE WHITE MAN
  • Birders can watch migratory species such as endangered clapper rails, dowitchers, and American avocets from the platform at Elsie Roemer Bird Sanctuary.
  • The organization has created 15 birding reserves, like the El Paujil Reserve, where birders may be lucky to see the endangered blue-billed curassow, at left. Guerrilla Birding
  • So we exchanged numbers and, being a gent as well as a birder, he sent me a report. Times, Sunday Times
  • International birders include four Eurasian sandpipers, called stints, on the peeps roster.
  • Those boon migratory companions, the firecrest and the black redstart, provided considerable entertainment to local birders in 1994.
  • Kellar, master of the blackbirder, the Eugénie, who rescued me. JERRY OF THE ISLANDS
  • A flock of greater binoculared birders is migrating across the moorland on the track of a rare bluethroat. Times, Sunday Times
  • Birders can watch migratory species such as endangered clapper rails, dowitchers, and American avocets from the platform at Elsie Roemer Bird Sanctuary.
  • Amy Hooper of Wildbird on the Fly recently posted a couple of entries on the origin and relative use of the terms "birdwatcher" and "birder. Birdwatcher or Birder: Which Are You . . . And Does It Really Matter?
  • In recent years, there have been a spate of field guides for birdwatchers, often confusing the ordinary birder with the changes in nomenclature.
  • The mutton-birder determines that a chick rests within by using an arm or a wire to poke around.
  • I never saw "Flash Harry" again, for a few months later I left Samoa for the Caroline Group, and when I returned a year afterwards I was told that he had at last found the country too hot for him and had left the island in a German "blackbirder" bound to the Solomon Islands. The Flemmings And "Flash Harry" Of Savait From "The Strange Adventure Of James Shervinton and Other Stories" - 1902
  • He even provides an introduction to pelagic birding, describes methods of calling in birds by audio aids, and then goes very appropriately into ethics for birder field behavior.
  • Local birders hosted early morning birds walks in local natural areas on 8 August and 9 August.
  • Other cognate bird species are so alike in appearance that even experienced birders have trouble identifying them with confidence.
  • One Florida homeowner is organizing birders as the next powerful voting bloc.
  • A similar ‘group hysteria,’ he adds, gripped hundreds of birders in California, who for days mistakenly took a skylark for a Smith's longspur.
  • Reader, falconer, and birder Stacia Novy, in the military in Honduras, sent a photo of herself with the central tail feathers of a motmot that she picked up. Wondrous Feathers
  • See a roller and you are, at least in some way, a birder. Times, Sunday Times
  • The kids are going on about their dad's fame as a muttonbirder.
  • For the experienced birder, it will be a useful reference book. Globe and Mail
  • My son's a good mutton-birder, but I couldn't get him over this year.
  • Another one was spotted this year and is hanging out close enough to the fence for birders to safely get a peak… or so we thought.
  • Birders and hunters higher up the flyway catch only fleeting glimpses of some species, especially when early, bitter northers expedite the migratory process.
  • The quags are usually very quiet with only the odd walker or birder to be seen and seem far removed from the busy spots further along the coast at Cley and Salthouse.
  • I would like each one of you birders, naturalists, and bloggers to think about this and share your conclusions.
  • The BIRDING COMMUNITY encompasses a broad spectrum of backyard birders, opportunist oglers, weekend watchers, and hardcore twitchers.
  • Birders generally watch shorebirds in summer, raptors in autumn, and waterfowl in winter.

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