How To Use birdcage In A Sentence
- With my hair sufficiently plastered down it was time for the birdcage aka "party veil". Weddingbee
- He keeps a parrot in a birdcage in his living room.
- I didn't realize that the birdcage was a symbol of domestic happiness for Victorians. Victoria Magazine June 1990, 1994
- An empty birdcage hung from the ceiling beside a paraffin lamp. A ROOMFUL OF BIRDS - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES 1990
- Long craft were brought from the caves laden with every kind of oddment, iron kettles, anvils, transmitters, birdcages, treasure, and dark figures hauled them out through the surf. The Life of the World to Come
- Instead of a bell hanging round its neck, it has what looks like a small birdcage, but there is no bird!
- A strange extension to this ornithological theme are the displays featuring a giant birdcage inhabited by a moody-looking half-dressed woman – symbolic, perhaps, of the anxious consumer, desperate to break out of their economic prison for a restorative shopping spree. Christmas through the looking glass
- I'm a paper girl, and when I'm not doing that I'm cleaning out birdcages in pet shops.
- Fluttering inhabitants occupy birdcages at either side of the porch.
- This became known as the birdcage thesis, and Chen and his allies The Commanding Heights