
How To Use Bipedalism In A Sentence

  • Before we can truly say we have a strong case for the * actual* cause of the evolution of bipedalism (the primary trait separating us from our closest cousins) we need to find an even older specimen that has not yet fully made that transition - and then ask the question: "What environment does this creature live in? Harlan Ellison on God
  • Wood thinks Thorpe's findings put these fossil apes in a new light and that they may have been true bipeds that evolved bipedalism to reach for fruit. On the trail of the orang pendek, Sumatra's mystery ape | Richard Freeman
  • Unfortunately, determining whether bipedalism was the cause of increased velocity, or simply a behavioral by-product, is difficult, as bipedality increased with stride number.
  • This form developed bipedalism and other adaptations to the newly opening arid savannah landscape and eventually became the ancestor of man.
  • The mechanics have not changed for at least 2m years, when knuckle-dragging was superseded by bipedalism. Times, Sunday Times
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  • In his book The Hunting Apes: Meat Eating and the Origins of Human Behavior, anthropologist Craig Stanford of the University of Southern California brings to attention the chief differences between humans and chimpanzees, namely bipedalism and larger brain size in humans. Chimps Have Culture
  • We think about the evolution of bipedalism as one of first events that led hominids down the path to being human.
  • Other's have noted these differences and taken them out of context, one going so far as to publish a news article in Al-Jazeerah titled something along of the lines of "Ardi proves Darwin wrong" (google it) – as if the idea that we got one hypothetical detail in a potential mechanism for the evolution of bipedalism wrong somehow refutes the entire Theory of Evolution. Harlan Ellison on God
  • We think about the evolution of bipedalism as one of first events that led hominids down the path to being human.
  • No primatologist or anthropologist seems to have made anything of this, but I've yet to see anything that would rule out an arboreal leaping stage in (small) hominids that would explain the transition to walking bipedalism (indriids can't do this with their huge divergent hallux, but we grip branches with the instep instead). Literally, flying lemurs (and not dermopterans)
  • Postural bipedalism, similar to that displayed by chimpanzees, could possibly have originated in arboreal or terrestrial feeding situations in wooded environments and was subsequently modified to locomotor bipedality.
  • The scientists working on the project hypothesized as to why: bipedalism would have freed the upper limbs for other functions, potentially as a means of gathering more food for a central family unit. Harlan Ellison on God
  • Culture, bipedalism, stone tools and fire are all frequently invoked. The Times Literary Supplement
  • If we can prove this creature exists, not only will it be an astounding zoological discovery but it may give us more clues to how bipedalism evolved in our own species. On the trail of the orang pendek, Sumatra's mystery ape | Richard Freeman
  • This form developed bipedalism and other adaptations to the newly opening arid savannah landscape and eventually became the ancestor of man.
  • All it did was change the background narrative by implying that we did not evolve bipedalism as a mechanism of looking up over the tall grasses. Harlan Ellison on God
  • One of the pleasures of Stanford's book is its splendidly gossipy account of recent research into the early history of hominid bipedalism.
  • Darwin speculated that the importance of bipedalism was that it freed the hands from the demands of locomotion, thereby opening the way for toolmaking and other manual activities that make us uniquely human.
  • Well, it is clear that bipedalism arose quite early in hominid history, even if no one can be certain, in the strictest genealogical sense, that the earliest hominid was an upright biped.
  • This form developed bipedalism and other adaptations to the newly opening arid savannah landscape and eventually became the ancestor of man.
  • Climbing is in our genes, a hangover from childhood and our distant ancestors who developed bipedalism and started walking. Wayne Hale's NASA Blog: Why Climb the Highest Mountain? - NASA Watch
  • They concluded that movement by the protohominids into this novel dimension of behavior was importantly linked with the advent of bipedalism.
  • For example, we share a mode of locomotion, bipedalism, with birds, kangaroos, and some dinos. Matt J. Rossano: Evolution: Is God Just Playing Dice?
  • But bipedalism in birds is a highly specialized form of bipedal motion; the large tails of birds' ancestors, which in crocodilians still anchor the leg muscles, have mostly vanished in birds.
  • bipedalism made the human form of birth possible
  • If God is a product of evolution, like bipedalism and tool making, well, the jig's up and not just for evangelicals. Pete Enns: Once More, With Feeling: Adam, Evolution And Evangelicals
  • An opposing camp argues that bipedalism is simply the most energy-efficient way for a hominid to get around on a flat surface.

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