How To Use Bipartisan In A Sentence

  • I think what we really need is a bipartisanship approach to healthcare.
  • Nervous observers sketched doomsday scenarios, but the president received widespread bipartisan support.
  • Kentucky last had a bipartisan ruling coalition in 1920.
  • A bipartisan group of congressmen and congresswomen are backing a new Defending American Jobs Act.
  • A material witness statute was enacted in 1984 in a bipartisanship effort to codify common law in this area.
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  • Sure, yeah, there's been all kinds of talk of bipartisanism in the last decade, but very little significant effort in that direction. Politics [2008]
  • Another issue before Congress that will require bipartisan cooperation is campaign finance reform.
  • This year, for example, Dole was instrumental in delaying consideration of a bipartisan campaign finance bill.
  • Is Obama really ready to engage in bipartisanship? Michael Shaw: Reading the Pictures: NYT Slaps Obama For Failure to Reach Across the Aisle. (Sigh.)
  • There's also a reference to what they call a miraculous event that occurred during the weekend after Terri's feeding tube was removed and -- "Which fundamentally alters the manner in which Terri's claims are to be viewed by the federal courts when Congress, in bipartisan and dramatic fashion, thundered the message that the United States of America must stand for life, accuracy and fairness and in the process afforded an incapacitated woman," that apparently a reference, that miracle reference apparently to Barbara Weller, a lawyer who happens to be a friend of the parents, who said over the weekend that Terri Schiavo apparently tried to mouth the words "I want to live. CNN Transcript Mar 24, 2005
  • On the budget, there's really been no bipartisanship at all.
  • Yet the House has just approved it, on a virtual party line vote, ending the recent spirit of bipartisan cooperation in Congress.
  • This is disappointing and a sign of bad faith after the president agreed to bipartisan, bi-cameral talks. Democrats Call GOP's Bluff With Vote To Extend Middle Class Tax Cuts
  • We need a two-term governorship to solve the problem of institutionalized short-sightedness and lack of long-term accountability, we need to support bipartisan restricting and not just when we are in the minority, we need even stricter ethics rules and increased transparency in campaign financing, etc. Greg Werkheiser: Thoughts on the DPVA Chair Job
  • I think it is a great pity that we have moved away from a bipartisan agreement that gave New Zealand the best accounts in the world.
  • The general praised both men for their strong bipartisanship on defense issues.
  • We must take the bipartisan baton from the members of the Commission and demonstrate a unity of purpose in achieving the goal of financial stability once again. Jim Kennedy: Give Bipartisanship A Chance
  • More recently, the bipartisan Iraq Study Group of 2006 noted what it described as the linkage between making progress in an Arab-Israeli peace process and U.S. success in emerging from Iraq. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • The bipartisan grumbling varied: Some Democrats griped that the Jewish New Year took up otherwise prolific fundraising days in September, and one Republican operative complained that Hurricane Irene slowed down fundraising in August. HUFFPOST HILL - Tricorne Hat-less Grassroots Movement Growing On Wall Street
  • Perhaps, when the shouting from snake oil salesmen subsides, our leaders will find a way to forge a bipartisan solution.
  • They might remember also that without bipartisan accommodation the graduated income tax never would have become a constitutional amendment.
  • The rendition program was authorized under the Clinton administration and received bipartisan Congressional approval.
  • The bill is the first campaign reform measure in 25 years with bipartisan support in the House and Senate.
  • McDonnell a series of suggestions: pari-mutuel wagering; privatizing rest stops; establishing an "infrastructure bank," "changes to the state's revenue sharing program," and a "bipartisan blue ribbon transportation recommend how best to generate the resources necessary to develop and maintain such a transportation system. RPV Chair Outright Lies About "Democrat Legislators"
  • Kilgore argues that the implication of this is that there are two models of bipartisanship when it comes to health care reform: Congressional bipartisanship, and what he calls grassroots bipartisanship. Daily Kos
  • The plan gave him another chance to pose as a bipartisan defuser of the debt bomb he himself lit, and so he took it. The Gang of Six Play
  • John McCain parried away a question Wednesday about his supposedly hot-headed demeanor by talking up his long bipartisan record in the United States Senate. Voter tells McCain his temper is 'something of concern'
  • The Dems 'video montage contrasted with the Republicans' message of the day - that they were hard at work on bipartisan financial reform - with absurdest dissonance, like a Jon Stewart montage showing Dick Cheney saying Saddam had reconstituted his WMD program - right after a clip of Cheney saying the exact opposite. DVR Democracy Comes of Age: Or, How Jon Stewart May Have Saved Financial Reform & the Senate Dems
  • Suggested it would take a bipartisan commission to find answers for long-term imbalances in Social Security and Medicare.
  • In that formula, the first 85 or 90 percent of your remarks are supposed to be funny -- biting, a little bipartisan, and significantly self-deprecating. Sen. Chris Coons: The Alternate Ending to My Congressional Correspondents Dinner Speech
  • So, despite all the screaming and wailing from the right about how Obama threatens America, an unnerving bipartisan consensus on the key precepts of American militarism has, in 2010, fully re-asserted itself. Jonathan Weiler: Deafening Silence: Why Our Ongoing Wars Are Not a Campaign Issue
  • This year, for example, Dole was instrumental in delaying consideration of a bipartisan campaign finance bill.
  • There are signs that the urgency of the problem is leading to a bipartisan political approach. Times, Sunday Times
  • Six key U.S. senators are trying to beat him to the punch and hammer out what they call a bipartisan compromise before his big speech. CNN Transcript Sep 8, 2009
  • The comments underscore Labor's bipartisan support on foreign policy as on every other issue.
  • This bipartisanship allowed Howard to recover sufficient electoral support to retain office for a third term.
  • The Senate move was part of a broader bipartisan agreement on how the politically sensitive investigation will proceed.
  • Everybody knows there needs to be a brack (ph), which means a commission that meets, that respected, they're bipartisan and they come out with a plan to fix them both, these entitlement systems. CNN Transcript Apr 2, 2009
  • When you think of the term bipartisan, you immediately think of John Chafee, known throughout his beloved Rhode Island simply as "the man you can trust. Presidential Remarks At Prescription Drug Event
  • For instance, intentionally misleading readers as to the identity of her sources: other journalists, meanwhile, have no hesitation in dubbing unnamed partisans activists “bipartisan experts”. Bye now « BuzzMachine
  • Words with the prefix are solid: biaxial, bifocal bilingual, bilateral, bipartisan. Essential Guide to Business Style and Usage
  • Monday's bipartisan pact calls for, among other things, placing the public's livelihood at the top of the political agenda by reinvigorating the economy and creating jobs.
  • As opposed to McCain's untired, bipartisan accusation that Obama is "unfit to serve. McCain Responds: Americans Have "Every Reason To Doubt" Whether Obama Can Keep Us Safe
  • The president has reached out to over 80 United States senators in a bipartisan way.
  • Afterward, the two sides may create a bipartisan panel to seek a longer term solution.
  • The Democratic leadership and the liberal intelligentsia seemed pathetic and exhausted, wedded to musty ideals of bipartisanship and decorousness. Jay Rosen: Printing Press Progressives at Mother Jones Try to Debunk the Political Web
  • This is yet another sign of the disconnect in priorities between the American public and centrist Beltway media figures, who, as John Harris and Jim VandeHei wrote the other day, have developed an unhealthy obsession with the deficit as the number one litmus test issue for serious politicans, as well as a tendency to fetishize bipartisan deficit commissions. Bipartisanship! Repubs, Dems, indys agree jobs far more important than deficit
  • The bipartisan character of the response of the two major parties is not an accident.
  • Clinton wants a bipartisan commission to resolve the problem.
  • HENRY: There's also political risk for Democrats if they appear to be dawdling which is why they're also sounding a rare note of bipartisanship. CNN Transcript Jan 22, 2008
  • There was bipartisan agreement on the committee to hold an inquiry into hate speech.
  • I don't get misty-eyed for the days of bipartisanism. Washington's Blood Sport
  • It gave bipartisan cover not just to Hillary but to Santorum as well - legitimizing one of the Senate's ultraconservative standard-bearers.
  • And bipartisan legislation recently introduced in the Senate, called the Creating Hope Act, would offer drug makers another financial incentive — a voucher promising fast FDA evaluation of their next blockbuster drug in return for developing a therapy for a rare or neglected disease that disproportionately affects children. Push to spur more drugs for deadly rare diseases
  • Obviously a "bipartisan" (aka milquetoast) bill isn't going to work. Obama Edging Into More Active Role On Crisis
  • Obama, who earlier was described as deflated by the sudden turn that has seen his popularity drop, called for a bipartisan approach to this and other contentious bills. The Guardian World News
  • As Dr Brash said, that is a matter of bipartisan agreement in this House.
  • I agree with him on that; bipartisanism is extremely rare in this country and I, for one, applauded the courage of both parties at the time in rising above labels to find the best person for the job. "political opportunism and rampant self-interest"
  • The 2010 fundraising breakout is the predictable consequence of the 2002 Bipartisan Campaign Finance Reform Act, aka McCain-Feingold. Campaign-Finance Reform, RIP
  • Previously implacable enemies in the US political leadership have reached a bipartisan agreement on $150 billion of emergency tax cuts. Times, Sunday Times
  • The real last hope of them getting a Republican to sign onto what they call a bipartisan bill. CNN Transcript Sep 4, 2009
  • One piece of legislation that has gained momentum amid the concern about workers is a bipartisan bill sponsored by Sen.
  • The United States has woefully underfunded its national infrastructure, according to a bipartisan congressional commission, the National Surface Transportation Infrastructure Financing Commission.
  • For as much as I reject the demo mentality, I also despair at the apolitical bipartisanship of our national mainstream parties.
  • Some suggest that the prospect for future bipartisan / post-partisan efforts both procedurally and substantively has been debilitated, since the politicization of the debt ceiling sacrificed problem-solving in favor of ideology. Bradford Kane: Lessons From the Debt Ceiling Crisis: Bipartisanship in the Tea Party Era
  • Well, I just hope and pray we work in a bipartisan way and from the middle, but early indications are not so good.
  • The governor has asked you to head up a bipartisan group to look at straightening out California's terrible fiscal situation.
  • The White House has abandoned talk of getting broad bipartisan support for the stimulus package. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the one hand, National is telling business audiences that New Zealand has a bipartisan trade policy.
  • The only justification for this bipartisan legislative flimflam is that a prescription-drug benefit needs a certain number of holes to come in at a mandated 10-year cost of $400 billion.
  • I add that Canada also eschews bipartisan democracy in favor of a number of well-known parties and a handful of lesser known ones.
  • We saw a lot of fraying of bipartisanship this week.
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sen. Barack Obama and Sen. Sam Brownback, among others at the state and local level, have identified a powerful tool — a grass-roots and bipartisan campaign to "divest" from Iran, just as the international community divested from South Africa's apartheid regime in the 1970s and '80s. Before We Bomb Iran …
  • Earlier this year, McCain and Joseph Lieberman sponsored a bipartisan bill calling for cuts in greenhouse gas emissions.
  • And please, guys, stop throwing around the word "bipartisan"! Richard (RJ) Eskow: The Burr/Coburn Medicare Plan: 10 Deceptions - And A Free-Market "Death Panel"
  • We say that what the country needs is bipartisanship -- well we know that the GOP in incapable of doing it so we have to lead by example and help them to fake it until they make it. Obama on Lieberman - Swampland -
  • Obama made the stimulus a cornerstone of his economic recovery plan even before he took office, but his calls for bipartisanship were an early casualty.
  • But he also concludes that Obama struggles with what he calls "obsessive bipartisan disorder": a deep-seated need to unify the people around him, which stems from his childhood marred by broken families, from men who were not fathers, and from his need to make sense of being biracial while being raised by white grandparents. The Full Feed from
  • The system hummed along for the best part of 100 years delivering practical outcomes with bipartisan support until the neo-conservative ethos of union busting was imported into this country.
  • They were able to avert the bipartisanship crisis and come together to restore the faith of everyone working in the local media industry.
  • While they continue to counsel caution and bipartisanship on the part of Democrats, other senators are leaping into action.
  • The governor keeps saying he wants a new era of bipartisanship, he wants to take the high road.
  • This has broad coalition support and it's bipartisan, and I hope that it can be the real center of discussion as we solve this problem.
  • He has received widespread bipartisan support from those who know him and know his record.
  • A bipartisan group of eight key senators is hoping to remove that uncertainty. Times, Sunday Times
  • The United States has woefully underfunded its national infrastructure, according to a bipartisan congressional commission, the National Surface Transportation Infrastructure Financing Commission.
  • My point here is simply that the President's apparent obsession with "bipartisanship" or even "post-partisanship" is the problem or anywheres near the problem that other Democrats are. Some frustrated thoughts on bipartisanship
  • So, in the spirit of bipartisanship (there are plenty of nitwits in both parties), here are some points for discussion.
  • We have continued to see a general spirit of bipartisanship, though not on every single issue.
  • BHO is no exception, but then, if he does not do anything, or grossly ignores bipartisan contribution, as vindictively denied by many GOPs, he may not even find a place in hell, let alone heaven. Poll: Obama drops on health care
  • Named the USA Patriot Act, the bill passed with overwhelming bipartisan support.
  • Meanwhile, a Senate committee last week approved a bipartisan bill that would prohibit brand-name drug manufacturers from using settlement agreements to keep generic equivalents off the market.
  • But when Mr. Obama delivered his stunningly eloquent and inspiring address at midday on Jan. 20, he provided a powerful hint of what "bipartisan," a term hollowed out by habitual and insincere misuse, means to him now. True Blue Liberal
  • Clinton, who will officially address the governors Tuesday, said he hoped to reach bipartisan consensus, particularly on Medicaid.
  • A bipartisan drive to change the rules for financing federal campaigns is running into stiff resistance from veteran members of Congress.
  • This legislation underscores the bipartisan agreement between Labor and the government.
  • The holding of a referendum requires bipartisan support. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kentucky last had a bipartisan ruling coalition in 1920.
  • Alex Cockburn gets the last word on a man who shills for privilege, has plenty for himself, and like George Bush disdains the public interest: "Al Gore distills in his single person the disrepair of liberalism in America today, and almost every unalluring feature of the Democratic Party" that's mostly indistinguishable from the other side of the aisle in a city where the criminal class is bipartisan. Nobel Hypocrisy
  • What is needed is a national security program and budget that are sustainable over the years with bipartisan support and paid for as we go. Preventing World War III - A Realistic Grand Strategy
  • Paul, I just don't think that we agree that supporting Bush's war as well as his extraconstitutional illegalities is a bipartisan act. Lieberman attacks Obama over foreign policy
  • In the end, Mr Obama borrowed heavily from the bipartisan commission he had up until then studiously failed to endorse by proposing to reduce the deficit by $4tn in 12 years, two years longer than the commission proposed. Barack Obama: Returning to the fray | Editorial
  • But both say they are hopeful they could reach bipartisan agreement after taking office. Times, Sunday Times
  • The word "bipartisanship" is used by the GOP for the express purpose of avoiding behaving in a bipartisan manner. FAQ: Wall Street reform bill
  • Bipartisan is altogether different from nonpartisan.
  • It would not necessarily foster the kind of mealy-mouth bipartisanship that some of you are concerned about. Mayor Bloomberg: "There is a partisanship that has paralyzed our country."
  • He would then include RINOs in crafting a compromise and call on support from the public for his bipartisan bill. ‘Health care is important, of course. Now watch this drive.’ - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • He did not mention that Mr. McCain evinced little of his bipartisan side during the presidential campaign. In Bipartisan Appeal, Obama Praises McCain and Powell - The Caucus Blog -
  • Throw in a 2009 Sherman-Silver Purchase clause to the stimulus bill, hold up the bill while working a populist angle on getting us off the Cash4Gold. com standard, and then, in a few weeks, say the Democrats won't work on a bipartisan bimetallism solution, so let's just add in a some more tax cuts. Patrick Sauer: Five Things Nobody Wants to Hear on the Road to Great Depression 2.0
  • For as much as I reject the demo mentality, I also despair at the apolitical bipartisanship of our national mainstream parties.
  • Achieving a bipartisan consensus on pensions is not an unachievable chimera.
  • Nancy Kassebaum-Baker's cochairmanship of this effort underscores the nation's deep bipartisan concern, and I am very honored to serve with her. Vp Et Alia Remarks At Campaign Finance Reform Event
  • The concept of going forward with a unity ticket that was bipartisan was always something that we had on the table.
  • Another issue before Congress that will require bipartisan cooperation is campaign finance reform.
  • Such statistics have fuelled bipartisan demands for reform in Congress. Times, Sunday Times
  • But even if we can't completely write off Bloomberg's candidacy, just yet, we can definitely disabuse ourselves of the notion that a Bloomberg presidency will achieve what the pundit class will inevitably claim a Bloomberg presidency will achieve: the successful alteration of the "tone" in "Washington" and the ushering in of an era of paradisical bipartisanship. Bloomberg In 2012? Even If You Can't Write Off The Candidacy, You Can Dismiss The Presidency
  • There was a bipartisan agreement on the need for discussions.
  • But it's up to the president to depolarize this debate by putting forward a bipartisan bill and showing the kind of leadership he campaigned on. CNN Transcript Aug 21, 2009
  • A bipartisan War Party is in control of Congress, and the media has been toeing its line.
  • Our leaders must become bifocal, if not bipartisan. Ed Crego, George Muñoz and Frank Islam: The Need for Austerity and Audacity
  • Bipartisan negotiations to reorganize electoral precincts for the general elections in April next year are going to kick off within this week.
  • Charter school legislation easily passed through both state houses with bipartisan support.
  • McCain sided with Bush on too many issues to be considered different, most recently on the GI Bill, which had 75-22 bipartisan support. McCain to highlight differences with Bush in New Orleans
  • The Bill before Congress has bipartisan support.
  • The transportation secretary is a former congressman known for bipartisanship and candor.
  • When you understand Illinois politics, Obama’s emphasis on “bipartisanship” takes on a sinister air, since in Illinois the central faultline undermining the commonweal is not Republican vs. Democrat but Politician vs. Public. Another San Francisco Poster Boy Crack Dealer…
  • There are signs that the urgency of the problem is leading to a bipartisan political approach. Times, Sunday Times
  • The calls for a unity government or a bipartisan approach come from conflicting directions.
  • A bipartisan group of eight key senators is hoping to remove that uncertainty. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is a bipartisan group of congressmen and senators who are looking into this.
  • Does the Prime Minister recall promising that he would always extend the bipartisan hand on this policy?
  • The Senate move was part of a broader bipartisan agreement on how the politically sensitive investigation will proceed.
  • But both say they are hopeful they could reach bipartisan agreement after taking office. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sock-puppet in 77 bloviated: “The Democratic Party pushing through a major entitlement program with absolutely no bipartisan support” Think Progress » ThinkFast: March 30, 2010
  • He also proposes a bipartisan commission to examine the issue as the best politically possible way to change the system.
  • Afterward, the two sides may create a bipartisan panel to seek a longer term solution.
  • The chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, Democrat Max Baucus, is circulating what he calls a bipartisan proposal for health care reform. Allison Kilkenny: Max Baucus Celebrates Labor Day by Ruining Health Care Reform
  • After watching Max Baucus waste the entire summer with his futile bipartisan poker game with a bunch of obstructionists who never intended to support any viable health plan I can say with great confidence that the Senate as currently configured is in a persistent vegetative state. Think Progress » Sen. Alexander: Using Reconciliation To Pass Health Care Reform Would ‘End The Senate’
  • A bipartisan drive to change the rules for financing federal campaigns is running into stiff resistance from veteran members of Congress.
  • The holding of a referendum requires bipartisan support. Times, Sunday Times
  • The republican idea of bipartisanship is we are the minority party but we should have a major role in crafting legislation. DeMint defends GOP opposition to current Wall St. bill
  • President Barack Obama is urging Congress to come up with a bipartisan solution to prevent what he calls an avoidable crisis from occurring on August 2, when the government might be forced into default. Obama Encourages Bipartisan Solution to Avoid Debt Default
  • They might remember also that without bipartisan accommodation the graduated income tax never would have become a constitutional amendment.
  • To continue to seek bipartisan consensus on legislation muddles the debate and squanders an opportunity to create a record of difference between the parties for 2002 and 2004.
  • A couple more decades of such bipartisan "statesmanlike" - war and deficit spending and we'll have a Depression worse than 1929. Against Afghan War
  • They WANT bipartisanship but what they offer is a "subtraction" from what Obama wants and an "addition" of NOTHING!!! First on the CNN Ticker: RNC slams Obama in first TV ad
  • After the initial $1 trillion package of reductions, a bipartisan super-committee would identify further savings. Times, Sunday Times
  • He also proposes a bipartisan commission to examine the issue as the best politically possible way to change the system.
  • The bipartisan committment to hopelessness is thus ensured for another four years. Matthew Yglesias » The Missing Envoy
  • At the same time, the bipartisan groups from the House and Senate, led by Sen.
  • Until the president starts doing something more olive-branchy than pushing for the confirmation of John Bolton and renominating a slate of far-right judges, Rove will continue to fit just fine within the Bush administration's brand of bipartisanship. November 2006
  • Have you heard about the new national political organization called a ragtag collection of journalists, pundits, and politicians who claim they support civility in campaigning and bipartisanship in government. Crooks and Liars
  • As the show's perennially tuxedoed butler, "Mr. Aly," as he was universally known, represented an elegant conduit to a vanished old Washington, a place of exclusive salons, bipartisan cordials and relative gentility. The man who would greet 'The Press'
  • This bill has broad bipartisan support. Christianity Today
  • But, as in the case of his father, that would have been less a gesture of bipartisanship than an act of political suicide.
  • Then, as governor of Texas, he was graced with a pliable enough bipartisan Legislature, and the Legislature is where the real work in that state's governance gets done.
  • The Senate move was part of a broader bipartisan agreement on how the politically sensitive investigation will proceed.
  • Any time you hear the term bipartisan, check "your six" and check your wallet. Stan Goff: The Bipartisan Ship
  • According to the two people in the office, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, DeConcini defended Leiby and, praising what he characterized as her bipartisan fairness and expertise, urged McCain to give her a second look. McCain Hits Obama For Ayers Connection
  • But there is a longer term factor, a creepy bipartisanship in an era characterized by partisan rancor, that is conspiring to keep this most important of issues off the campaign trail. Jonathan Weiler: Deafening Silence: Why Our Ongoing Wars Are Not a Campaign Issue
  • In domestic, as well as foreign policy, there is bipartisan agreement between the major parties.
  • A bipartisan congressional commission, headed by some of our most experienced national security practitioners, recently concluded that a nuclear deterrent is essential to our defense for the foreseeable future. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: June 29, 2009
  • The bipartisan Concord Coalition, a Washington-based interest group on budget balancing issues, has run newspaper ads against the Dole plan.
  • There is growing bipartisan support for lifting them altogether.
  • President Barack Obama called on Congress to use the Reid bill as a basis to agree on a bipartisan solution to prevent what he called an avoidable crisis early next week. Senate Votes to Kill House Debt Ceiling Bill
  • White House officials fear that bipartisan agreements may be needed to provide a similar recovery. Times, Sunday Times
  • Regrettably, however, Arizona's misguided law might have set into motion the second prong of the bipartisan consensus that is closing, pincer-like, to squeeze out everything unique about America. Arizona's Un-American Immigration Law
  • The Bill before Congress has bipartisan support.
  • The amiable but essentially conservative bipartisanship that had the notables of each incoming administration palavering happily in her dining room hadn't yet numbed the Post's spinal nerve.
  • At a Christian Science Monitor breakfast hours before the summit, Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich urged Republicans to engage in "principled, responsible, bipartisanship. Summit settled little but showed a lot
  • This bill has broad bipartisan support. Christianity Today
  • I think McCain evinced much more bipartisanship during the campaign than Obama. In Bipartisan Appeal, Obama Praises McCain and Powell - The Caucus Blog -
  • Does he really think he can finesse his way around this minefield of conservative pit bulls (sacrificing those who voted for him in the process), with this sweet talk of empty bipartisanism? Obama and "Pre-Emptive Capitulation" as a Modality of Democratic Governance
  • And, arguably, none of this would have happened had not an appearance of bipartisan consensus replaced sharp lines of interparty conflict by 1852. Party rivalry past and present
  • Pearson reported that Adlai Stevenson might call for an examination of the president by a bipartisan group of doctors. Eisenhower 1956
  • White House officials fear that bipartisan agreements may be needed to provide a similar recovery. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is why Obama is right to value bipartisanship, even if he doesn't manage to win a single Republican vote — and even if he doesn't need any to enact his legislative program.
  • Sen. Joe Lieberman is part of a bipartisan group of legislators that introduced a bil Thursday that would strip citizenship from any American found to be involved in terrorism. Bill aims to strip certain Americans of their citizenship
  • He previewed the coming Congress, hoping for bipartisan consensus in trade, taxes, defense.
  • For quite some time I have felt that, as a Republican said, bipartisanship is political date rape. Health Care Costs Today
  • The insincerity of the democrats in achieving a bipartisan health care reform is evident in their "threat" to ram it through congress w/o a single republican vote. Boustany rebuttal: start with what we 'agree upon'
  • To cadge an opening from NPR's 'This American Life,' the theme of this morning's top stories is bipartisanship -- whether the two parties like it or not. Wonkbook: Bipartisanship -- whether the two parties like it or not
  • On Friday, all 41 Republican senators sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada, asking that the current version of the legislation be set aside and that Democrats again initiate bipartisan negotiations with the Republicans. McConnell: There's a bailout fund in current Wall St. reform bill
  • In fact, the Advisory Council on Social Security-a bipartisan commission required by law to report to the president quadrennially on the status of national entitlement systems-came to similar conclusions in December 1991. Time To Step Back
  • The Senate move was part of a broader bipartisan agreement on how the politically sensitive investigation will proceed.
  • And this corruption is a bipartisan project — perhaps the only bipartisan project that functions inside the beltway. Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » $3.47 billion spent. Did you get a pony?
  • Laws are passed with retrospective effect, late at night with bipartisan support and virtually no debate.
  • McCain complained that while every single major reform bill that's been passed in the history of this country has been bipartisan ... there's no bipartisanship here. GOP rips Senate health care timeline
  • I also think the Ds are just clever enough to be scared sheetless about a naked vote by this I mean not having bipartisan fig leaves. Only 15 more Senate votes needed for cap and trade - California_Yankee’s blog - RedState
  • In that country, apparently, no such bipartisanship is apparently possible.
  • (This fetish for on-the-other-handism translates to a fetish for applauding bipartisanship as a virtue and partisanship as an evil, as if one can always split the difference to find truth.) TIME GOES BY
  • Clinton said he offered the deal as a sign of bipartisan cooperation.
  • With opposition growing and midterm elections looming in November, time to get bipartisan agreement on the reforms is running out. Times, Sunday Times
  • Support was broad and bipartisan; contrary to what is often assumed today, a higher proportion of Republicans than of Democrats supported the bill.
  • In addition, Congress is considering several bipartisan bills related to biobased products and bioenergy.
  • The bipartisan contempt for the needs of the working class also found expression in the reaction to the mayor's latest housing proposals.
  • I don't know about other folks but when I hear 'bipartisan' these days, I reach for my wallet and start looking for a foxhole.
  • Their product, Baker gushed, is "the only recommended approach that will enjoy, in our opinion, complete bipartisan support, at least from the 10 people that you see up here. December 2006
  • Yet there is one area where the decrease in believability was more bipartisan. Who you gonna believe? Survey says: Not the news media « A Progressive on the Prairie
  • The disclosure has led to a bipartisan call for a congressional investigation.

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