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How To Use Biotic In A Sentence

  • The excess amniotic fluid was then removed from the recipient twin sac, and antibiotics were placed into the uterine cavity to decrease the risk of infection. Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS)
  • If you have bacterial conjunctivitis, you might need to use antibiotic eye drops.
  • Patients have been urged not to ask for antibiotics for minor illnesses. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was treated with intravenous folinic acid and antibiotics and was given transfusions of blood products.
  • David's summation is simple: "In the very decade when it's clear that new antibiotics must be developed the industry has stopped developing them. Family Affair
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  • It is likely your dentist will prescribe antibiotics to control the infection.
  • The problem was that Eric decided to go on a macrobiotic diet to cleanse his system and he lost so much weight you could see his skull under his skin.
  • He is on a course of antibiotics and is recovering well. The Sun
  • There is no reason to declare that Mars has been abiotic throughout its history.
  • WE ALL are very familiar with the term antibiotics-medicines prescribed by doctors to treat infections. - Articles related to Scientists uncover mysterious workings of cholera bacteria
  • It is difficult and unreasonable to separate the soundtrack from the film; they are symbiotic.
  • Severe acne is usually treated with common antibiotics, but many strains are becoming resistant to these. Boing Boing: July 25, 2004 - July 31, 2004 Archives
  • These remedies can be taken alongside antibiotics and steroids. Times, Sunday Times
  • Metabolism of xenobiotics plays an important role in chemical carcinogenesis.
  • Few pharmaceutical companies are now involved in antibiotic development, however.
  • The web of life, the biocenose, the biotic community, the ecosystem — all terms relating to the same kinds of concept — have broadened and deepened the opportunities for studying the relation of nature and culture, particularly changes in the natu - ral order. ENVIRONMENT AND CULTURE
  • The person Carmen was speaking to was Joan, Gregory's friend, and she was in the macrobiotic restaurant where he had THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • Bacterial tonsillitis can be treated with antibiotics, but viral tonsillitis cannot.
  • Helidac is another medicine that combines bismuth and two antibiotics.
  • The best way to avoid infections of this kind from A. buntonensis is to apply antibiotics such as gentamicin, amikacin, chloramphenicol and tetracycline to the wound immediately after the leech has released itself.
  • In one study, led by Dr. Alejandro Hoberman of the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, nearly 300 infected toddlers were given ten days of treatment with either dummy pills or an antibiotic called amoxicillin-clavulanate. Reuters: Top News
  • Heal a digestive tract after illness or overindulgence with glutamine or a course of probiotics. Times, Sunday Times
  • As previously discussed, protocols have been developed for determining single lifecycle responses of mysids to xenobiotic chemicals.
  • With these programs, families have access to innovative pre-packaged treatment kits that contain a dispersible, flavored oral antibiotic accompanied by illustrated instructions designed to allow caregivers or rural community health workers to treat pneumonia at home - when and where it matters. Mandy Moore: Remembering the Forgotten Killer
  • The mucous film covering his eyes was an infection that was treated successfully with antibiotic drops.
  • ‘We're not expecting to find life - it's too cold - but we are expecting to find prebiotic chemistry like that in the very earliest days of Earth,’ he said.
  • - Antibacterial (antibiotic) of the penicillin group, acting specifically against penicillinase producing staphylococci Chapter 4
  • Lavender oil is a natural disinfectant, antiseptic, and antibiotic which promotes healing and prevents scarring, and is especially effective for the treatment of burns and scalds.
  • A common feature of cryptobiotic processes is the production of large amounts of saccharides triggered by the detection of stressful conditions.
  • Aims: To appraise the ascitic bacterial categories and its drug resistance in cirrhotic patients complicated with SBP, so as to provide the guideline for use of antibiotics.
  • Infective conjunctivitis caused by bacteria is usually treated with antibiotic drops or ointment, in the affected eye.
  • The doctor wrote her a prescription for more antibiotics.
  • `The bacteria in the cytoplasm are commensal, but not symbiotic - they help the cell respire and metabolize its food. VITALS
  • Then they slather on antibiotic cream and apply silver-impregnated bandages.
  • A prebiotic functions by selectively stimulating the growth of probiotics and other beneficial bacteria in the GI tract.
  • She went straight to her GP but was assured it was just an allergic reaction and sent home with antibiotics. The Sun
  • Different populations living together and interacting. Populations can interact as competitors, predator and prey, or symbiotically.
  • Because milk itself did not provide this protection, researchers suggested that the probiotics - or good bacteria - found in yogurt may be the protective factor.
  • The effectiveness of exclusion through pore size is relatively easy to demonstrate for biotic pollinators by direct observation.
  • There have been various studies that show that doctors prescribe Cipro, which is one of the newer, better of what they call a broader antibiotic, even when they could prescribe an older one. CNN Transcript Feb 19, 2003
  • Parents may then choose treatments with fewer side effects than antibiotics.
  • Young F has been reading about it in Brendan O'Brien's The Story of Ireland, and although now reassured that the danger from fleas and rats has been much reduced, and that in any case bubonic plague is treatable with modern antibiotics, he is keen to learn more. This is a long shot, but...
  • Certain antibiotics have been utilized in inflammatory bowel disease for treating intestinal inflammation, healing fistulas and treating infection. Medications
  • The term "naturally raised" is another USDA term that says the animals were not fed any animal by-products, growth hormones or antibiotics. Maria Rodale: How to Buy Grass-fed Meats
  • Cytotoxic antibiotics, such as doxorubicin, stick to DNA causing it to become tangled and preventing the cell from dividing.
  • This would be analogous to the process of endosymbiotic gene replacement that now appears to be common.
  • Silver: Before the dawn of antibiotics, silver was used on the skin as an antimicrobial agent and disinfectant and internally to treat epilepsy, gonorrhea and tropical sprue.
  • People on lengthy courses of antibiotics often note the presence of thrush in the mouth or reproductive organs after treatment. The Beat Fatigue Workbook - how to identify the causes
  • Do not use this drug if you are allergic to other antibiotics of the aminoglycoside family. Chapter 37
  • Previous published work from a number of chorts in resource-limited settings has suggested that anaemia, which is not responsive to antibiotics, is a major risk factor for death in people with advanced HIV disease. Undefined
  • As happens in these situations, however, this is a new week and the new alternative medicine doctor has prescribed what I think would be called a macrobiotic diet. Archive 2005-10-01
  • Icicles, stalactites, stalagmites, lava tubes, and some crystals may be considered cylindrical, but the rest of the nonbiotic Universe has other shapes.
  • Antibiotic ointments may be prescribed if bacteria infect the chalazion. MyLinkVault Newest Links
  • In this case there was hyperaemia due to the antibiotic reaction.
  • Prebiotics ( "before life") are nondigestible or fiber components of foods, usually complex carbohydrates that beneficially affect the host by stimulating the growth of intestinal bacteria. Silk Plus for Bone Health
  • The recent application trend and development direction of acidifier, probiotics, enzyme preparations, oligosaccharide and natural extract etc. were overviewed.
  • If the diverticulitis is not severe, treatment will be with painkillers, antibiotics, laxatives and dietary advice.
  • In addition, there is growing recognition of abiotic organic synthesis in various geological materials.
  • This could make the antibiotics used to treat human infections ineffective. Times, Sunday Times
  • Canada permits the use of several classes of medications as feed additives for cattle, including beta-antagonists such as ractopamine hydrochloride, which is related to asthma medications used by human beings, and antibiotics such as chlortetracycline hydrochloride, which is related to tetracycline medications that have been commonly used to treat infections in human beings. Top Stories
  • The biotic diversity of the grasslands has historically supported a diverse assemblage of species.
  • These visits often result in antibiotic prescriptions or advice to use decongestants, antihistamines, and cough suppressants, even though the evidence supporting the efficacy of these medications in children is scant.
  • About 70 percent of women who were unscreened and developed a risk factor did not receive intrapartum antibiotics.
  • People with allergies to antibiotics of the aminoglycoside family like gentamicin should not take this drug. Chapter 37
  • Skin Ointment by Nutribiotic contains powerfully antibacterial grapefruit seed extract and tea tree oil, along with healing l-lysine, echinacea, bee propolis, honey, cajeput oil, calendula, and goldenseal in a natural base. The Truth About Beauty
  • Recent breakthroughs, including the sequencing of the genome of an important bacterium and the discovery of a key to antibiotic resistance in one of the superbugs, are promising advancements.
  • The symbiotic relationship between Italian food and the country's identity is a subject that has been explored and documented extensively. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Some of them will have probiotics and prebiotics added to their hypoallergenic formula. Times, Sunday Times
  • When aerobiotic training is compounded with training as substantially as warm-up and cooldown stretches, it A. is such more combative than another sports. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The most effective probiotic supplements contain L. acidophilus and B. bifidus and should be refrigerated.
  • The FDA is also allowing imports from Britain of foscarnet, an antibiotic sometimes used after organ transplants. Drug Shortages Distress Hospitals
  • In 1942 another antibiotic was detected and studied, called «streptothricin». Sandwalk
  • Garlic works as an antibiotic, antiviral, antifungal, antiseptic and a germicide. What Are the Health Benefits of Garlic?
  • That's a sign to see the doctor for a prescription for antibiotic ear drops that will take care of most cases.
  • Conclusion:The treatment of this disease includes taking a positive cure to an original disease, improving the organism immunity and using antibiotics reasonably according to the drug-fast.
  • The doctor put her on a course of antibiotics.
  • Also, include either yogurt or encapsulated probiotics in your daily diet.
  • In its early stages, leptospirosis can be treated with antibiotics such as penicillin, streptomycin, tetracycline and erythromycin.
  • The most commonly used antibiotic for C.difficile is metronidazole, and some more severe forms are treated with vancomycin, traditionally seen as the antibiotic of last resort.
  • But it also fits with other evidence of a long-term symbiotic relationship between the Bushes and the bin-Ladens.
  • Those antibiotics must be kicking in because his sentences are fractured and he has a habit of repeating a single syllable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Attempts have been made to look into the effects of xenobiotics on enzymatic system responsible for ecdysteroid metabolism.
  • Researchers at IBM said they developed a tiny drug, called a nanoparticle, that in test-tube experiments showed promise as a weapon against dangerous superbugs that have become resistant to antibiotics. WHO Calls for Action on Superbugs
  • MRSA stands for methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus and is a strain of the staphylococcus bacteria which is resistant to antibiotics.
  • The company issued a recall of all their latest antibiotics.
  • Further research would identify those patients most likely to benefit from antibiotics.
  • There was a more than twofold increase in survival among recipients of combination antibiotic therapy as compared with that for recipients of monotherapy regimens.
  • In my practice, I find that most bloated stomachs are caused by ‘bad’ bacteria in the gut, which you can combat by having a small pot a day of live natural yoghurt containing the probiotic bacteria lactobacilli, bifidus or acidophilus.
  • They have a sort of symbiotic relationship and mutual need for each other.
  • Catherine Ison of the London-based Health Protection Agency (HPA), speaking during the society's annual spring meeting in Edinburgh, stated that certain strains of the gonococcal bacteria (which causes gonorrhea) were becoming resistant to the antibiotics ceftriaxone and cefixime. RedOrbit News - Technology
  • Parents who believe in antibiotics are more likely than other parents to take their children to a doctor.
  • Cells were passaged in DMEM with 10% FCS and antibiotics as above.
  • A physician in England implemented the concept of a safety-net antibiotic prescription.
  • Big drugstores sell over 200 types of antibiotics which account for 15 per cent of all the medicines sold and 20 per cent of sales.
  • Medics were able to save his limb with surgery and antibiotics, but he still needs crutches to walk three months on. The Sun
  • Conversely, in wealthier countries the overprescription of antibiotics to meet patients' demands and overuse of antimicrobials in food production is adding to the problem.
  • Evidence for the use of probiotics in the treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection has been conflicting.
  • In addition, the report presents a preliminary draft of the human amniotic fluid metabolome from women with PTL that shows biochemical intermediates of human metabolism as well as xenobiotics such as salicylamide and bacterial products can be measured in human amniotic fluid. Business Wire Travel News
  • Victor's an everyday, common-or-garden macho hardman with two rather unusual quirks – he's obsessed with his job of enforcing the laws against DVD piracy, and he has an equally compulsive relationship with a certain probiotic milk drink. This week's new comedy
  • We scrub down our kitchens and bathrooms with antimicrobial cleansers, make sure to cook our hamburgers thoroughly and swallow antibiotics to treat strep throat infections.
  • These will usually contain corticosteroids to reduce inflammation or an anaesthetic to relieve pain or antibiotics.
  • Cuinneog Natural Buttermilk is rich in natural lactic biotics and contains all the healthy ingredients of natural yoghurt.
  • The screen also identified four genes that make yeast sensitive to tetracycline and oxytetracycline, which are antibiotics used to treat Lyme disease, pneumonia, acne, bladder infections and ulcers.
  • Amoxicillin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic commonly used for endodontic infection.
  • He was taken to hospital for blood tests and given a course of antibiotics through a drip.
  • Today, conditions like pneumonia, bronchitis or tuberculosis can be cured with antibiotics. The Sun
  • Asymptomatic people exposed to plague aerosol or people with suspected pneumonic plague may be given antibiotics for the duration of the risk of exposure plus one week.
  • Cigarette smoke contains a range of xenobiotics, including oxidants and free radicals that can increase lipid peroxidation.
  • The chief medical officer says action is needed because there are not enough new antibiotics becoming available. Times, Sunday Times
  • Those examinations confirmed that he is suffering from an inflamed appendix, which he hopes can be treated with antibiotics.
  • Bioprospecting is one avenue for the discovery of novel pharmaceuticals, especially antibiotics.
  • This symbiotic relationship keeps both alive. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was also what appeared to be his medicine: cephalexin [an antibiotic], acetaminophen and potassium drops. Globe and Mail
  • The actions and qualities of probiotics appear to be strain specific.
  • When used in combination with agents from other antibiotic classes, such as beta-lactams and aminoglycosides, the quinolones are not predictably synergistic.
  • Colds do not respond to antibiotics.
  • The rosacea lesions had completely cleared within three weeks of abrupt withdrawal of the topical steroid and initiation of antibiotic therapy in 22 percent of the children.
  • These resemble the foot of some specialized bivalves (Solemya or Lucina) used to penetrate putrid sediment to release H 2 S consumed by symbiotic chemoautotrophic bacteria.
  • The development of the sulpha drugs and more potent antibiotics provided a wider range of effective drugs against these diseases.
  • And like many dairy cows, she often has mastitis, a painful udder inflammation, despite receiving antibiotics between lactations.
  • The development of the sulpha drugs and more potent antibiotics provided a wider range of effective drugs against these diseases.
  • Antibiotics were of no use, neither were other pharmaceuticals.
  • The consultant prescribed antibiotics, painkillers and eardrops, adding a further €37. Times, Sunday Times
  • The emergence of antibiotic resistant bacteria in hospitals is largely attributable to the excessive use of antibiotics and antiseptics causing the bacteria to mutate and provide resistance.
  • According to Brown, resistant starch is considered a prebiotic since it encourages the growth of microflora in the gut.
  • Cephalexin is in a group of drugs called cephalosporin antibiotics. Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • But progress in finding new antibiotics is slow. Smithsonian Mag
  • Micro-organisms can also degrade a range of toxic xenobiotic compounds (synthetic chemicals, which do not occur naturally) such as herbicides and pesticides.
  • Initial treatment should be medical with a course of antibiotics of at least two weeks duration.
  • If anything, older people did worse after immediate treatment with antibiotics.
  • I have to bath my children twice a day, give them antibiotics and put ointment on the wounds.
  • His perspective provides a framework for understanding the impact of xenobiotic substances on development and reproduction.
  • The two antibiotic products tested had some antibacterial effectiveness against the superbug while Staphaseptic had a genuine "bactericidal" effect - meaning it killed the MRSA bacteria and reduced the number by a factor of 1,000. Health News from Medical News Today
  • Even when they suspect mycoplasma infection, the standard course of treatment is usually in the form of antibiotics such as tetracycline or doxycycline, for several months.
  • At least one report suggests that the number of bacterial strains that are symbiotic or commensal is limited.
  • During quality assessment, 233 references were excluded because they failed to report design features that limit the introduction of bias or were conducted in a non-target population such as gnotobiotic, neonatal, nursery, or recently weaned pigs and sows. ThePigSite - Industry News
  • Encouraged by the discovery of streptothricin and stimulated by the triumphal development of penicillin treatment, the research team headed by Dr. Waksman continued their untiring search for new antibiotic-producing microbes. Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1952 - Presentation Speech
  • Posted on: Tuesday, 1 December 2009, 12: 03 CST The antibiotic, called azithromycin, is effective in treating infections such as syphilis, Chlamydia and Ureaplasma urealyticum - a The heel prick test has changed many lives since it was introduced in the Republic in 1966 for all newborn babies LIKE MOST parents, Karen Wood knew the heel prick test was routine - Articles related to A quarter of all children overweight or obese when they start primary school
  • One of the important functions of macrophages is to scavenge xenobiotic substances.
  • The potential medicolegal implications of ototoxicity, therefore, have created a dilemma: we need to determine which topical antibiotic is safe and effective in treating patients with chronic discharge from their ears.
  • Parabiotic mice have been reported to produce stable blood chimerism across major histocompatibility barriers.
  • Posted on: Tuesday, 1 December 2009, 12: 03 CST The antibiotic, called azithromycin, is effective in treating infections such as syphilis, Chlamydia and Ureaplasma urealyticum - a vaccine clinics as their vaccine allotments allow. - Articles related to Study Simulates Car Crashes Involving Pregnant Women
  • No antibiotic heroics, no psychosurgical wizardry, just ordinary everyday caring. Beyond Meds
  • Now we keep our kit loaded with chewable antidiarrheal tablets, a package of stronger stuff if that doesn't work, and a doctor-prescribed antibiotic if all else fails. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • The general practitioners recorded days of illness, physical signs, and antibiotic prescription.
  • The current tuberculosis epidemic, which threatens the entire population with antibiotic-resistant strains, is the result of one such foolish cutback.
  • It is quite possible that the diffusion of bioactive antibiotics would be hindered by the thickened pleura.
  • Shirlee and Thomas Jermin of Templeton Feed & Grain in Templeton, California are warned that they have not disclosed the antibiotic sulfamethazine in their Pig Starter & Grow Main RSS Feed
  • The consultant prescribed antibiotics, painkillers and eardrops, adding a further €37. Times, Sunday Times
  • He also wants a reduction in the use of antibiotics in livestock and farmed fish. The Sun
  • Time for a trip to A&E for damage assessment and a dose of antibiotic ointment. The Sun
  • Prebiotics are nondigestible food ingredients that assist the beneficial bacteria, helping them thrive. Berks county news
  • We propose such as many other doctors have, that it could be essential to digest dairy products with Probiotics (aka lactobacillus) in order to maintain balance and its own sense shield the good bacteria from being destroyed; antibiotics will destroy any type of bacteria regardless if it's good or bad. - Articles related to BT Brinjal-The new bio-terror in India
  • If a wound becomes infected, oral or intravenous antibiotics might be indicated and should be chosen based on bacterial cultures.
  • Yes, there is a symbiotic relationship between two projections or two images.
  • Antibiotics used during vaccine manufacture include neomycin, polymyxin B, streptomycin and gentamicin. Antibiotics
  • The enterprise cluster, which possesses some behavioral traits of the biotic community, is a social ecological system.
  • If experiments conducted in the here and now are to shed light on the there and then, they must meet two conditions: They must demonstrate in the first place the existence of a detailed chemical pathway between RNA precursors and a form of self-replicating RNA; and they must provide in the second place a demonstration that the spontaneous appearance of this pathway is plausible under pre-biotic conditions. Berlinski stirring the pot
  • Many serious viral and bacterial infections can now be prevented or treated by vaccination or antibiotics.
  • Remember that susceptibility testing is not too meaningful for "simple" otitis externa, as it is based upon attainable BLOOD levels of antibiotics.
  • Vets treat farm animals with antibiotics that can promote the emergence of resistant strains in people. Times, Sunday Times
  • Oral antibiotics have significantly more side effects, especially gastrointestinal effects, than topical agents.
  • These bacteria emerged shortly after the use of certain antimicrobials [antibiotics] in agriculture.
  • A hundred years ago, nearly everyone was infected with H. pylori. But the use of antibiotics has beaten back the bug.
  • They also produce yields as much as 10 per cent higher than the best local hybrid maize varieties and are more tolerant of biotic and abiotic stresses.
  • If the area of affected skin is limited, mupirocin is an effective topical therapy; it was more effective than the other topical antibiotics studied (i.e., neomycin, bacitracin, polymyxin B, and gentamicin).
  • It can sometimes be difficult to decide when to start antibiotic therapy.
  • Antibiotics were administered through the nasogastric tube and parenterally before organ removal.
  • The key to treatment is to catch it early: the sooner antibiotics are given the better. Times, Sunday Times
  • Research suggests that those plant-based or vitamin-rich ingredients have powerful antiseptic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, or antibiotic properties when applied to the skin. Nutrient-based skin boosters? Be skeptical
  • Antibiotics such as ciprofloxacin is normally used by doctors to prevent the disease.
  • I have tried an asthma inhaler and a course of antibiotics with no joy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tonsillitis caused by streptococcal bacteria responds well to antibiotic treatment, clearing the infection more quickly than without treatment.
  • He joined Professor Saito and his wife in the galley, where he shared their modest macrobiotic meal. RUSHING TO PARADISE
  • Limiting the use of antibiotics on animals may not completely stop the growth of antibiotic resistance (the drugs are also overprescribed by doctors) but it's a good place to start.
  • The retailing of antibiotics, anti-virus drugs and herbal medicines capable of reducing heat skyrocketed.
  • Our doctor diagnosed a throat infection and prescribed antibiotic and junior aspirin.
  • A salve of one part honey and two parts grease either animal fat or olive oil appears on the Linear B tablets as antiseptic, fungicidal, and antibiotic. The Trojan War
  • As with other currently available fluoroquinolone and macrolide antibiotics, QTc interval prolongation has been linked to the use of telithromycin.
  • Recordings of ion currents do not reveal any difference between the monomers of the trimer in regard to their conductance and blockage by water-soluble polymers or antibiotics.
  • When you eat the offspring of these unfortunate hens, you are not eating an egg: you are eating what I call a fung-egg, an egg combined with the fungus and synthetic hormones and antibiotics that comprise it. Natalia Rose: What We Eat Today: Cardboard Carrots, Inedible Eggs, and Corn-fed Fish
  • Since then, two major changes have occurred in our treatment model: aggressive use of resectional lung surgery and the introduction of fluoroquinolone antibiotics.
  • Nitrofurantoin monohydrate is another reasonable prophylactic antibiotic that may be used in children who are older than eight weeks of age.
  • In fact, our studies show that serine meets the first two criteria, and recent work24 has demonstrated that serine catalyses certain asymmetric aldol reactions with high enantioselectivity; it has also been highlighted as one of a small number of amino acids likely to have played an important role in prebiotic chemistry25, 26. Chirality of life: Another false positive? - The Panda's Thumb
  • Differences in abiotic factors such as differential effects of glaciation and sea-level changes on land and in the sea may also greatly influence biogeographic patterns.
  • Your GP will normally prescribe oral antibiotics to fight the infection before an abscess has a chance to develop.
  • This interpretation would thus offer a novel insight into the selection of the proteinaceous amino acids from the near-infinite possibilities of both prebiotic syntheses and biosynthetic modification.
  • European consumers are way ahead of American consumers when it comes to realizing the benefits of dairy, of live cultures, of prebiotics such as inulin and resistant starch, etc.
  • Treatment is usually with the antibiotics doxycycline, erythromycin or azithromycin.
  • Thus, the harbinger would conclude that in general terms, if the tie were to be fairly implemented and other elements of the relationship were equally scrutinised to the benefit of long term symbiotic operational harmony, neither party would complain in the most part. Rss news feed for Morning Advertiser
  • This is not a teenage problem, and we won't be fobbed off with antibiotic temporary fixes any longer. Times, Sunday Times
  • One commonly known probiotic, Lactobacillus acidophilus, is naturally present in foods such as yogurt, grains, and meat products.
  • Professor Ison, from the Health Protection Agency (HPA) in London, described how some strains of the gonococcal bacteria that cause the disease are now showing decreased sensitivity to the current antibiotics used to treat them - ceftriaxone and cefixime. - latest science and technology news stories
  • He said the time is ripe for the dairy industry to embrace the probiotic and prebiotic theories and develop products which deliver health to consumers through the inclusion of these naturally-occurring healthy bacteria.
  • The same approach for 'awakening' new antibiotic production pathways could also be used to tap other micro-organisms, such as filamentous fungi, for sources of biologically active compounds. - latest science and technology news stories
  • A case can also be made for other diverse agents that support xenobiotic detoxification and also, for example, protect against aflatoxin-induced tumors.
  • Topical acne treatments given to teenagers are used directly on the skin includes antibiotic lotions and azelaic acid that is described as a benzoyl peroxide alternative. MyLinkVault Newest Links
  • In a world at peril, socialists need to be intransigent tribunes of the poor - fighting for universal, free access to lifeline vaccines, anti-virals and antibiotics.
  • A good portion of antibiotic use appears to be for viral or spontaneously resolving bacterial infections.
  • There are 23 ways of prescribing antibiotics for acne based on oral, topical, or combined use of available preparations.

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