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How To Use Biosphere In A Sentence

  • Of course, it was snuffed out because Mars is tectonically dead, so the recycling of chemicals that you get on Earth which keeps things going and supplies the surface biosphere would have actually ceased on Mars a lot earlier.
  • He expanded this idea to the propose the ‘deep, hot biosphere’ which both generates methane and adds biogenic signatures to inorganic petroleum, and that part, at least, is looking more correct every year.
  • These brave soldiers will be maintained in self-contained biospheres, like giant lizards from another star, which given the moral status of their behavior, they might as well be.
  • For some, the term off-grid brings to mind images of pod houses, biospheres and eccentric individualists determined to live free from society—including from the convenience of grid-supplied electricity. Let the Market Pay for Renewable Energy
  • Machines would be used only to sterilize and purify water that has already been cycled through the artificial biosphere.
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  • War, of course, besides being bad for children, is also bad for other living things, and one nuclear bunker-buster (especially when followed by a few bazillion more) can ruin your whole biosphere.
  • Other large protected areas include Issyk-Kul Biosphere Reserve (6,298 km2), in Kyrgyzstan; and Mount Tomur Nature Reserve (1,000 km2) and Boghdad Mountain Biosphere Reserve (1,000 km2), both in the Chinese sector of the Tien Shan. Biological diversity in the mountains of Central Asia
  • The second were generation ships, which had self-contained biospheres where the crew was not in stasis pods, but alive.
  • Bios here is a contraction of the word biosphere.
  • The idea of bringing physical samples of Mars back to Earth has raised serious concerns about the possibility of contaminating the Earth's biosphere with an unknown Martian organism.
  • Seen in the right light, a robust industrial ecosystem is an extension of the natural ecosystem of the biosphere.
  • We had reached Mexico's Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, home to jaguarundis, ocelots, margays, pumas, and jaguars.
  • He demonstrated, for example, that the atmosphere, the oceans, and most of the area on which we live on the surface of the Earth, is a biosphere.
  • The storage of sulfur in the various compartments of Earth and its biosphere, and the many transfers occurring among them, is referred to as the sulfur cycle.
  • Moreover, a successful biosphere would prove to be an important step in the direction of space colonization, terraforming and remedial ecology.
  • Every garden is really a small slice of the larger biosphere we all are immersed in.
  • But biosphere is also the name of a man-made and sealed environment, which simulates the earth's biosphere.
  • Living outside the biosphere are mostly transmigrants and the indigenous people that capitalists from the city often hire to fell trees in the forest.
  • The elements it cradles are in a dynamic equilibrium with the cycling composition of the atmosphere and water and biosphere.
  • As Dyson points out, the biosphere is the single most complex system we study and weather is a continuously changing process. It used to be ...
  • Biosphere 2 was ultimately ridiculed as a research debade, as exfravagant pseudoscience.
  • Another major biological feature often considered as organized hierarchically is the pattern of distribution and association of organisms in the biosphere.
  • It is the first whole atmosphere / biosphere laboratory.
  • The Manu Biosphere is 7,700 square miles of cloud forest between Peru and Brazil - book your ecolodge for the full Amazonian jungle experience.
  • Human activities have dramatically altered the Earth's biosphere and atmosphere during the past few hundred years.
  • However, forest fires are well-known, important mechanisms for exchanging elements between the biosphere and the atmosphere.
  • The transformation of the biosphere seemed to be as slow as the transformation of the geosphere.
  • He enraged biologists by considering the biosphere of living creatures as a large chemical factory.
  • The second reason is that it's the mixing place between the biosphere and the atmosphere.
  • Shore actually plays the smarter of two dimwits who mistakenly lock themselves in a Biosphere-type isolation experiment.
  • The deal will also fund programs in the zone containing the Sierra de las Minas Biosphere Reserve, home to quetzal birds, manatees, and hundreds of other animal species.
  • In the biosphere, the more elaborate the structure, the higher the life form.
  • The hypothesis is that if there is a good supply of low-value natural prey, such as warthog or duikers, the big cats aren't really interested in livestock," says Alan Hoffberg, 71, a Longwood, Fla., resident and Biosphere's U.S. spokesperson. Saving the World—One Vacation at a Time
  • As a science, ecology describes the interrelationships between organisms and environments - that is, the experience of living together in the biosphere.
  • Trends can be seen either as lineage trends in evolving lineages, or biosphere trends affecting the evolution of life as a whole.
  • The glass spaceship parked in the desert is called a biosphere because the logic of the Bios runs through it.
  • This is a presidency that has been wholly unwilling to restrain the drive toward short-term enrichment for themselves and their cronies in behalf of earth's stressed and imperiled biosphere. Bush's Surge: An Interpretation that Connects it with the Regime's Deep Darkness
  • Is the movement too hooked on the apocalyptic image of a burning globe as opposed to the vision of a biosphere killed by a thousand cuts? drosera December 18th, 2009 8: 40 pm Headlines
  • Geochemical interaction between the geosphere, hydrosphere and the biosphere depends partly on sorption processes and partly on chemical speciation.
  • Bio" means life, and the term biosphere was first coined by a Russian scientist (Vladimir Vernadsky) in the 1920s. AP Environmental Science Chapter 5- The Biosphere
  • One is the Union government's move to create biosphere reserves in areas spread across more than one State.
  • We had reached Mexico's Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, home to jaguarundis, ocelots, margays, pumas, and jaguars.
  • In 11 short pages Boulding gave an account of the economy and its relation to the environment that distinguished between open and closed systems in relation to matter, energy, and information; described the economy as a sub-system of the biosphere; considered the significance of the second law of thermodynamics for energy, matter and information and the extent to which they are subject to entropic processes; argued that knowledge or information is the key to economic development; noted that fossil fuels are a short-term exhaustible supplement to solar energy and that fission energy does not change this picture; considered the prospects for much better use of solar energy enhanced perhaps by the biological revolution; argued that human welfare may be better understood as a stock rather than a flow; presented an ethical basis for conservation; acknowledged that human impacts on the environment have spread from the local to the global; observed the limited contribution that corrective taxation might play; and commented that technological change has become distorted through planned obsolescence, competitive advertising, poor quality, and a lack of durability. Herman Daly Festschrift~ Herman Daly and the Steady State Economy
  • And we haven't even been able to set up workable biospheres on Earth, let alone in space.
  • That poor li'l biosphere, they stack photons on top of each other somehow to get enough energy, then grab onto water near the ocean, split off the oxy, God what a lotta work Petrowski calcs that the biosphere's older than our solar system, really old, been perkin 'along over five billion years, think 'bout that, figured it from the heavy element abundance - Across The Sea Of Suns
  • Ah, well, we just may have "outsmarted" ourselves, perhaps as a result of creation of the technologies we are now so dependent on and have begun to realize, belatedly, have also outstripped our ability to regulate within the population increase's hyperbolic upward curve and in co-evolutionary harmony with the finite resources and resiliancy of our planet's biosphere. Posthuman Blues
  • If we catch it, the potential to expand the biosphere beyond Earth to the rim of the solar system and beyond can be realized.
  • Man and the biosphere: Toward a coevolutionary political economy. An Introduction to Ecological Economics~ Chapter 2
  • He touches on the lives of many scientists, some famous and some forgotten, who have studied the earth and the biospheres of Indonesia.
  • The biosphere consists of six main elements: carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulphur, oxygen, and hydrogen.
  • The totality of living organisms is the biosphere, although this term is also used to denote the environment inhabited by living organisms.
  • On the World Natural Heritage List and the list of Man and Biosphere of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, it is a nature reserve with takins, snub-nosed monkeys and giant pandas.
  • It starts with the lithosphere (earth's crust and soil), goes on to atmosphere and hydrosphere (air and water), and ends up with the biosphere (living things).
  • The biosphere is huge and except for the area directly in the Calakmul site looks pretty much like areas that are not in the biosphere. Calakmul
  • The physical principles of cryobiology are universal, which provides some coherence to the field, but the biosphere contains many surprises and twists, which adds endless fascination.
  • This is a long, long way from saying that this galaxy is full of planets with biospheres even remotely comparable to ours.
  • The levels in this ecogeographic hierarchy include individuals, populations, communities, bioregions, bioprovinces, and the biosphere.
  • We, the whole human species, are co-creating the Homosphere, the younger sibling of the Biosphere.
  • And therefore, humanity, which comes into the picture with cognition, depends upon this living part of the planet, the so-called biosphere.
  • Chapters devoted to how the biosphere is energized and how that energy powers biogeochemical cycles follow.
  • Ironically it's the same kind of instrumentalism favored by Biblical literalists, for whom all the biosphere was created for human satisfaction. 3quarksdaily
  • For example, the discovery of hydrothermal vents in the 1970s offered a clear proof of significant dynamic connections between the lithosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere.
  • The fact that the biosphere responds unpredictably to our actions is not an argument for inaction. PREY
  • The most abundant organic compound in the biosphere is a carbohydrate - cellulose, a substance which gives strength and integrity to plant cell walls.
  • We all depend on one biosphere for sustaining our lives.
  • The glass spaceship parked in the desert is called a biosphere because the logic of the Bios runs through it.
  • As a science, ecology describes the interrelationships between organisms and environments - that is, the experience of living together in the biosphere.
  • Recent research has covered restoration of degraded soils using mycorrhizae, the characterization of savannah-forest vegetation, auto-ecology of vegetative species, wildfire effects on floral permanence and composition and atmosphere-biosphere interactions. Canaima National Park, Venezuela
  • Overall, these changes in the primary production of the oceans have profound implications for the marine biosphere, carbon sinks, and biogeochemistry of Earth. John F. Bruno: The Impact of Climate Change on the World's Marine Ecosystems
  • Vernadsky defined the biosphere in a rigorous way, from the standpoint of geology.
  • Examples of places where a biosphere might be built include the moon, other moons of the solar system, and planets such as Mars.
  • Once formed, rings soon cease to exchange with the biosphere.
  • An artificial biosphere should have different zones that represent different parts of an ecosystem.
  • Of course we have to find some way to replace all this biosphere-wrecking stuff, but we also have to keep in mind the brute reality that nature will not cease pushing to reclaim her own the very instant we let down our guard.
  • The hydrosphere, atmosphere, pedosphere, lithosphere, biosphere, and energy circle in an ecosystem are also in a dynamic balance.
  • We had reached Mexico's Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, home to jaguarundis, ocelots, margays, pumas, and jaguars.
  • The existence of plant and animal endemisms, particularly in biomes in the middle and high mountains were basic indicators for recognizing the singular nature of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and establishing the status as of Biosphere Reserve in this biogeographic unit. Santa Marta páramo
  • In certain areas, mankind is presently consuming these mineral resources more rapidly than they are being transmitted from the interior of the planet to the biosphere.
  • The amount of fossil cardon stored is at most the maximum carbon that can sustain life in the biosphere, because it came from the biosphere some 150 million years ago. Hydrocarbon Pessimism: Get Your Story Straight, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • A space station is a biosphere that provides basic human needs (ie, oxygen, food, water) to sustain life.
  • In fact, one government department in Japan has announced plans for a Biosphere J.
  • The peculiar reflectance of infrared radiation by plants forms the main source of remotely sensed information about the biosphere on land.
  • The German biogeographer Troll coined the phrase "landscape ecology" in 1939 and defined landscape as “‘the total spatial and visual entity’ of human living space, integrating the geosphere with the biosphere and its noospheric [of knowledge] man-made artifacts.” Landscape ecology
  • The amount of fossil cardon stored is at most the maximum carbon that can sustain life in the biosphere, because it came from the biosphere some 150 million years ago. Hydrocarbon Pessimism: Get Your Story Straight, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Noosphere (source: wiki): In the original theory of Vernadsky, the noosphere is the third in a succession of phases of development of the Earth, after the geosphere (inanimate matter) and the biosphere (biological life). Pavel Somov, Ph.D.: Noosphere of Naiveté
  • A 15,000-square-foot biosphere was built to help them adjust to the chillier climate. PHOTOS: Bolivian Lions Arrive Denver
  • Oxygen is one of several vital elements that are constantly consumed and recycled by processes involving the biosphere, the Earth's rocks and volcanoes, and the oceans.
  • Conventional futurist wisdom suggests that if our atmosphere should completely go to pot — which it certainly appears to be doing — humans could still eek out an existence living in self-sustaining biospheres.
  • The elements it cradles are in a dynamic equilibrium with the cycling composition of the atmosphere and water and biosphere.
  • No amount of CO2 in the biosphere is by itself of any harm to any living thing (unless you replaced all the oxygen in doing so). Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Couldn’t We Just Close Government Based on this Doctrine?
  • Portals to the CROSSROADS can be found on any planet that supports life (even if the biosphere is incompatible with other forms of life). The Codex Continual » Bulwark Comics: CROSSROADS
  • The terrestrial biosphere is, indeed, a vast natural carbon store, but its capacity to take up substantially increased quantities of CO2 is severely limited.
  • This has particular importance as we grapple with the effects of human consciousness and its externalization in technology on the biosphere. Jason Silva: Darwin's Pharmacy: Sex, Plants and the Evolution of the Noosphere
  • The students were guided by teacher Tawnya Mann, by representatives of the Biosphere and General Electric, and by Earth Savers, an energy services company that managed the lighting retrofit.
  • CO2 is the accepted limiting resource for the biosphere.
  • He looked at this problem of living processes in the biosphere from that standpoint.
  • Living outside the biosphere are mostly transmigrants and the indigenous people that capitalists from the city often hire to fell trees in the forest.
  • We can not simply go out, helter-skelter, and try to transform the biosphere, transform this planet, without knowing what we're doing.
  • As I have written above, what we know as competent physical science pertains to man's relationship to the subject-matters of the domain of the abiotic and the Biosphere; Classical artistic expressions pertain to the essential relationship of the creative faculties through which human relations as such are expressed in an ironical mode comparable to that of physical scientific practice. LaRouche's Latest
  • An astonishingly complex biosphere, just... just hanging in mid-air. BEHINDLINGS
  • I do not believe that the evolution of the biosphere, economy and human culture are derivable from or reducible to physics. Stuart Kauffman and Reinventing the Sacred
  • Given that you can recycle a jar, get the basic materials like sand, water and pond samples for free, and a ghost shrimp costs next to nothing at a well-stocked pet store, building your own biosphere is a cheap project. Make A Biosphere For A Low-Maintenance Cubicle Companion | Lifehacker Australia
  • As Pierre Teilhard de Chardin said to me, "Just as Earth once covered itself with a film of interdependent living organisms which we call the biosphere, so mankind's combined achievements are forming a global network of collective mind. Jason Silva: The Imaginary Foundation Says "Great Art Expands the Way We See"
  • On the left is an orchid and a leafhopper in the Peruvian cloud forest on Road from Cusco toward the Manu Biosphere Reserve. My new blog look
  • The survival of the biosphere depends on "outgrowing" the dominant institutions that rule us through the fictitious creation of a monetary system. Zeitgeist Addendum: Steps toward a sustainable future
  • So man is now changing the planet, for the better, just as living processes improved the planet, so man by acting on the biosphere improves the planet.
  • Traditional conservation areas include national parks and wildlife reserves; more recent categories include biosphere reserves and community conservancies.
  • In Arizona, scientists built an artificial biosphere, called Biosphere 2.
  • The larger system is the biosphere, and the subsystem is the human economy," says Daly. Tyee - Home
  • The system of universes could be even more intricate and complex than the biosphere of our planet.
  • The larger system is the biosphere, and the subsystem is the economy. The Man of the Hour
  • As an ecologically vulnerable region where atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere and biosphere interact, the Yellow River Delta plays an important role both in economy and environment in China.
  • Even most of earth is lifeless once you get past the thin film of the biosphere on the surface.
  • Our little group is camped in the heart of the Caj n del Diablo Biosphere Reserve.
  • Modeling plays an especially important role in understanding biospheric patterns and processes because there is only one earth: it is impossible to conduct global experiments on the entire biosphere or complete global processes (though some consider our current use of fossil fuels to be such an experiment). Biosphere
  • The aerosphere represents one of three major components of the biosphere.
  • Berkelium does not occur naturally in the biosphere and so normally never presents a risk.
  • One of the most spectacular growing sites for cypripediums in the Minshan are Huanglong and Jiuzhaigou, which are both UNESCO World Nature Heritages and Biosphere reserves and of course national nature reserves.
  • The appearance of man in evolutionary history marks the emergence of self-consciousness and has added to the earth, superimposed as it were upon the biosphere, a new dimension, the noosphere, or domain of thought.
  • In the hollowed out center of the asteroid, there was a biosphere of sorts, with plants and bushes, and a small circle of shops selling sundries, and the kind of supplies that ship's crews might need.

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