How To Use biological science In A Sentence
- Not only did he tell the managers at the IAH about this problem, but, in an indication of his knowing only too well how the system worked and who held the immediate purse strings, he took the trouble also to alert officials at the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) who are responsible for channeling funding to the IAH. Questions for David Miliband
- The remaining members will be senior professionals in fields such as general medicine, paediatrics, clinical pharmacology, analytical chemistry, biological science, and herbal medicine.
- The sciences have grown strength and the biological sciences department is one the university's largest. Times, Sunday Times
- Immunology is a branch of biological science.
- Majors: Biological Science, English, Filipino, History, Mathematics, Physical Education, Political Science.
- In addition, each center focuses on specific research areas such as vascular and cancer biology, endocrinology, or neurobiological sciences.
- Darwin is loose on the shop floor, and industry has become a branch of the biological sciences.
- The luminous mould has been developed by researchers at the commercial offshoot of the school of biological sciences at Edinburgh University.
- Coming to the subject by way of the biological sciences, she stressed the value of biological principles applied to human geography.
- What is meant by science in this case is of course the physical sciences and to a lesser degree the biological sciences.