How To Use Biogenic In A Sentence

  • This topography is interpreted as formed by contour-parallel bottom currents, which caused erosion, transport and deposition of sediment drifts and ridges, and possibly also build-up of biogenic mounds.
  • However, a more scientific hypothesis originated in the 1950s when Russian and Ukrainian scientists developed a new theory about petroleum's origins called the abiotic or abiogenic theory. News
  • As a consequence of the inhibition of MAO, biogenic amines can not be converted into catecholamines, causing a drop or deficiency in neuronal catecholamine stores. Monamine Oxidase Inhibitors
  • Carbon occurs in marine sediments as organic carbon linked with metabolic processes of plants and animals, and as carbon contained within biogenic and abiogenic carbonate minerals.
  • However, it has also been noted that elevated turbulent dissipation is by itself insufficient proof of substantial biogenic mixing, because much of the turbulent kinetic energy of small animals is injected below the Ozmidov buoyancy length scale, where it is primarily dissipated as heat by the fluid viscosity before it can affect ocean mixing2. Charles darwin (the physicist) was right
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  • It's postulated that CO2 emitted by the Greenland Mantle Plume, heat from the plume that decomposed biogenic carbon sediments releasing more CO2, climate feedbacks shifted the balance of biospheric processes toward the release of more CO2, and methane hydrates that were decomposed by warming (climatologic or volcanic) caused the rapid spike in temperature at the PETM. RealClimate
  • It is also known that plants contain biogenic forms of silica, known as phytoliths, that produce a silicon peak on EDXA.
  • If intrinsic changes in biogenic amine neurochemistry occur because of winning or losing experiences, these changes may be reflected in the types of chemicals released into the urine of dominant and subordinate crayfish.
  • The European Space Agency will launch Mars Express in that year with a lander, Beagle - 2, with a scientific payload dedicated to detecting signs of biogenic activity on Mars.
  • The methods of distinguishing biogenic from nonbiogenic carbon developed by van Zuilen and Lepland have helped support this new evidence and it has now gained widespread acceptance, Arrhenius said.
  • This is due to the special biogenic amine in chocolate, which can change internal secretions.
  • Pelagic biogenic sediments consist of the fine-grained skeletal debris of marine planktonic and benthonic organisms.
  • Brasier et al., however, questioned the biogenic validity of microfossils from the early Archaean Apex Chert in Australia and suggested that they may be artefacts created by abiogenic processes.
  • Slow transmission can take many minutes and is enormously more complex, involving at least 100 different chemicals falling into four classes: biogenic amines, peptides, amino acids and nitric oxide.
  • This would permit survival of an intermittent bottom-dwelling fauna whose activities would result in the mixing of the biogenic input to destroy any lamination.
  • In terms of biomass, organic carbon fixation, space occupation, and biogenic habitat, kelps are the dominant reef-inhabiting organisms in cool seas, especially in the Northern Hemisphere.
  • Despite the oceanic setting, the incoming Atlantic Plate carries significant sedimentary and biogenic influxes derived from nearby South America.
  • The loch's biogenic reefs are of international scientific importance. Times, Sunday Times
  • These observations strongly implicate the synthesis and regulation of biogenic amines in regulating mating behavior and causing variation in mating behavior within and between species.
  • Biogenic amine is a kind of low molecular weight compounds containing nitric fatty group or heterocycle group . They have biological importance in vegetable, microbial and animal cells.
  • In 1988, William Chameides of the Georgia Institute of Technology used Atlanta as a case study to show that the impact of such biogenic emissions from trees on urban ozone levels could be significant.
  • The closest things are some other halogenated pyrroles found in some marine bacteria, lending credence to the theory that this is a biogenic material.
  • ‘This demonstrates that looking for biogenic signatures alone will complicate the process of looking for life,’ he said.
  • The monthly settling particulate samples provide a data set of seasonal and interannual export fluxes of organic carbon, biogenic opal, calcium carbonate, and lithogenic material.
  • Given their consistent morphology, these structures are considered biogenic.
  • The Quaternary biogenic gas reservoir in Qaidam Basin is provided with favorable conditions.
  • Dihydroxyindole is an important intermediate of melanin, amino - acid, biogenic base and tryptamine.
  • Holocene climatic change in Swedish Lapland inferred from an oxygen-isotope record of lacustrine biogenic silica. Historical changes in freshwater ecosystems in the Arctic
  • sleep and food and water are among the biogenic needs of the organism
  • Some other possible mechanisms could include increased dust deposition, volatile biogenic emissions, or tectonic activity.
  • The greenstones of the Kaapvaal craton in the northeast have been found to contain unicellular and biogenic filamentous structures, signs of some of the earliest forms of life. Nama Karoo
  • They develop on lacustrine-palustrine surfaces characterized by the presence of lacustrine materials, derived from differential accumulation as well as biogenic deposits coming from the remains of the mangrove swamp itself or other similar ecosystems like the swamp grasslands. Cuban wetlands
  • Under such conditions biogenic carbonate may be replaced by phosphorite (as off the coast of South Africa beneath the Benguela Current).
  • He expanded this idea to the propose the ‘deep, hot biosphere’ which both generates methane and adds biogenic signatures to inorganic petroleum, and that part, at least, is looking more correct every year.
  • It serves as a timely reminder that simple molecules, such as biogenic amines and many others, were not ‘invented’ by animals, but that their origin dates back long before the diversification of plant and animal evolutionary lineages.
  • fermentation is a biogenic process
  • Biogenic amine is also an important substance and has remarkable resistance of bacterial activity.
  • In terms of biomass, organic carbon fixation, space occupation, and biogenic habitat, kelps are the dominant reef-inhabiting organisms in cool seas, especially in the Northern Hemisphere.
  • Some of our results suggest that the extractable agent in nest soil is organic, and possibly biogenic.
  • Snake venoms are a complex mixture of proteins, polypeptides, biogenic amines, and other components that may have neurotoxic, hemostatic, and/or hemorrhagic effects on prey.
  • Aldh's are considered to be general detoxifying enzymes that oxidize toxic biogenic and xenobiotic aldehydes (reviewed by YOSHIDA et al. 1998).
  • Cnidarians contain chemical synapses and release neurotransmitters, including biogenic amines and peptides.
  • It is thus important to determine the order of magnitude of the acceleration effect on biogenic weathering by soil microorganisms, lichens and vascular plants.

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