How To Use Biodegrade In A Sentence
Yet it will never biodegrade, a big factor for many.
Times, Sunday Times
What make it worse is that the filter of a cigarette is made from cellulose acetate, a form of plastic, so it can take many years for it to biodegrade.
The coating biodegrades rapidly, because it is made from environmentally friendly materials.
Plastic packaging can take more than 1,000 years to biodegrade.
The Sun
COREXIT 9500, the only dispersant Nalco is manufacturing to help break up the oil spilling into the Gulf of Mexico, is a simple blend of six well-established, safe ingredients that biodegrade, do not bioaccumulate and are commonly found in popular household products, the company said today.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Suing EPA Over Gulf Cleanup

It will biodegrade in landfill, producing methane, contributing to global warming.
Times, Sunday Times
Another problem with plastic bags is they do not biodegrade in landfills and pose a danger to many marine mammals.
But once the container hits the backyard compost pile or municipal landfill, it biodegrades in only a few weeks.
Do they just float around in some form of limbo(sentence dictionary), doomed always exist and never biodegrade?
I hate to break it to the EnviroNazies, but even THEY will 'biodegrade' one day, LOL!
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COREXIT 9500, the only dispersant Nalco is manufacturing to help break up the oil spilling into the Gulf of Mexico, is a simple blend of six well-established, safe ingredients that biodegrade, do not bioaccumulate and are commonly found in popular household products, the company said today.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Suing EPA Over Gulf Cleanup
Made from non-renewable oil resources, they are toxic, do not biodegrade, and are harmful to animals.
They do not biodegrade there and are impossible to filter.
Times, Sunday Times
Plastic doesn't biodegrade, but sunlight breaks it into smaller and smaller particles.
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Worse, lots of them are made from polyester that takes an estimated 500 years to biodegrade.
Times, Sunday Times
Some plastics are designed to biodegrade when their useful life is over.
This interest is undoubtedly driven by the search for plastic materials derived from sustainable carbon sources and which biodegrade naturally upon disposal.
I am far less plastic and will therefore biodegrade easier when I die.
The plastic in the seats and dashboards never biodegrades.
But if a product doesn't tell you under what conditions it will biodegrade, the word is meaningless.
Times, Sunday Times
As well, the use of antibiotics poses threats to the environment including an inability to biodegrade, soil and water contamination and adverse effects on wild plants and animals.
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We ought to get rid of them soon as we can or the bags will biodegrade on us.
These disposable nappies end up in landfill sites where they can take up to 500 years to biodegrade.
In our climate, organic waste biodegrades rapidly, which widens our options for dealing with it.
I hate to break it to the EnviroNazies, but even THEY will 'biodegrade' one day, LOL
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Handsets and cartridges can take years to biodegrade - a single printer cartridge takes up to 1000 years to decompose - meaning that if dumped in landfill sites these items can pose a long term threat to the environment.
In our climate, organic waste biodegrades rapidly, which widens our options for dealing with it.
The manufactured disposable dishes have a very long half-life, meaning that they biodegrade at an enormously slow rate.
That's not where it all ends, for it's been found that some types of synthetic material used for making cups doesn't easily biodegrade.
Lister's carbolic acid, now known as phenol, is a common main ingredient in household detergents like Lysol, Pine-Sol and Spic-n-Span (it's also found in mouthwash). laundry detergents and all-purpose cleaners, is banned in Europe, and biodegrades slowly into even more toxic compounds Beyond phenol, other chemicals found in household disinfectants include:
Should the product end up in a landfill, it will biodegrade.
But the microbeads do not biodegrade so when flushed away, trillions end up in the marine food chain.
The Sun
These ones have some sort of a plastic film that probably won't biodegrade for 10,000 years.
I am surprised at this - I wouldn't have thought it would biodegrade so quickly.
These items can cause pollution and take hundreds of years to biodegrade.
Plastic bottles do not biodegrade
They do not biodegrade but become shredded filaments of plastic, blown on to the fields and into the watercourses.
Times, Sunday Times
Biodiesel is sulfur free, non-flammable and biodegrades faster than sugar.
And you would be right that, because they're made from plastic and aluminium, they take aeons to biodegrade.
Times, Sunday Times
It claims that its compostable bin bags will biodegrade in a compost bin in 16 weeks.
Times, Sunday Times
It is not known how long it takes them to biodegrade but it could take hundreds of years.
This means that things from the gutter didn't just biodegrade into the past's oozy compost heap, but stayed cut out, sharp and clear, to be resurrected in some kind of future.
Bags do not biodegrade, meaning they clog landfills.
There are also thousands of little bits of bin bags, as the biodegradable ones we used to store all the stuff started to biodegrade very efficiently.
These excess materials often end up as waste in landfills, taking years to biodegrade.
How long does it take a disposable plastic pad to biodegrade?