
  1. subject to a bio-assay
  1. appraisal of the biological activity of a substance by testing its effect on an organism and comparing the result with some agreed standard
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How To Use bioassay In A Sentence

  • In practice, the bacterial mutation test is the most widely used and best validated bioassay for assessment of potentially mutagenic contaminants.
  • Larvae died with virus symptoms after feeding on treated foliage and the leaf bioassay was easier to count than the apple bioassay.
  • But studies have shown that fewer than 50 percent of the subjects who meet DSM criteria for depression turn up positive on the bioassays. MANUFACTURING DEPRESSION
  • The results of this carcinogenicity bioassay not only confirm, but also reinforce the first experimental demonstration of aspartame's multipotential carcinogenicity at a dose level close to the acceptable daily intake ADI for humans. Archive 2007-06-01
  • Thus, the same cotton plants used in the experiments were tested in bioassays for differential effects on an insect herbivore.
  • The technician in charge of the analysis at ICIPE took part in a training course in extraction and bioassays of biologically active plant products, offered by the GTZ Pesticide Service Project in 1995. 4. Case studies of small-scale semi-industrial neem processing in Kenya, Thailand, the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua
  • The germination process was also quantified using an identical germination bioassay with other plant and Orobanche species.
  • The development of new biological control measures, or those using chemicals that are non-toxic to non-target organisms, requires a suitable and reliable bioassay.
  • This bioassay provides a measure that is precise and repeatable, but more importantly reflects the ecological context of TTX intoxication.
  • L. gibba bioassay procedures (like test vessel material, sterilisation and axenic culturing procedures) influence the sensitivity of the bioassay PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
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