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  1. having two nuclei

How To Use binucleated In A Sentence

  • Abbreviations: MN, micronucleus; BN-1MN, binucleated cell with one micronucleus; BN-1MNC+, binucleated cell with one centromere-positive micronucleus; BN-1MNC −, binucleated cell with one centromere-negative micronucleus; Mono-MNx, mononucleated cells with micronuclei; BN-NPB, binucleated cell with nucleoplasmic bridge Veterans Today
  • MN in mononucleated cells and NPB in binucleated cells are markers of aneugenic and clastogenic actions of uranium, respectively Breast Cancer in Iraq leads to Gulf War Veteran News Alert and Rep Boswell Legislation GORDON DUFF: U.S. Veterans Today
  • Micronuclei are observed in binucleated cells in which cytokinesis has been inhibited.
  • MN in mononucleated cells and NPB in binucleated cells are markers of aneugenic and clastogenic actions of uranium, respectively Breast Cancer in Iraq leads to Gulf War Veteran News Alert and Rep Boswell Legislation GORDON DUFF: U.S. Veterans Today
  • Abbreviations: MN, micronucleus; BN-1MN, binucleated cell with one micronucleus; BN-1MNC+, binucleated cell with one centromere-positive micronucleus; BN-1MNC −, binucleated cell with one centromere-negative micronucleus; Mono-MNx, mononucleated cells with micronuclei; BN-NPB, binucleated cell with nucleoplasmic bridge Veterans Today
  • Nucleoplasmic bridges in binucleated cells (BN-NPBs) 3.3. Veterans Today
  • The frequency of binucleated cells with one micronucleus increased with increasing concentrations of both DU and EU in the same way. Veterans Today
  • But different proportions of mononucleated and binucleated myocytes may be present, and this possibility complicates the distinction between karyokinesis and cytokinesis.
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