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[ UK /bˈɪltɒŋ/ ]
  1. meat that is salted and cut into strips and dried in the sun

How To Use biltong In A Sentence

  • It was late winter and the hunting season was over, but the pantry was packed with sacks of the most delicious dry springbok biltong which they handed out copiously.
  • It introduces us to more South African culinary treats, from snoek pate to biltong. 'It is South Africa's sheer beauty that I will take away with me'
  • While travelling through that godforsaken country in the hope of turning the fruit of my loins into something vaguely resembling a man, I was unable to shake an insatiable hunger for biltong.
  • This is not biltong, but medicine reputed to cure various ills.
  • Provides detailed technical information on small-scale technologies for the production of a variety of beef products, including beefburgers, chili con came, biltong, charqui, frankfurters, beef cervelat and so on. Chapter 14
  • The biltong are treated with salt, pepper, and spices prior to drying.
  • Shaddy shouldered his gun, and went off after the man who was loaded with strips of flesh to make what is called biltong, and the two left worked on very diligently, with the boys wandering here and there in search of objects of interest and finding plenty -- brilliant metallic-cased beetles, strange flowers which they wanted named, birds which it was a delight to watch as they busied themselves about the fruit and flowers of the trees at the forest edge. Rob Harlow's Adventures A Story of the Grand Chaco
  • We have biltong and boerewors, pap and vleis, curry and rice and samoosas and rotis and chakalaka. Muti
  • It's the home of majestic gemsbok for which the reserve was created in 1931 to stop meat and biltong hunters from wiping out the animals.
  • This colourful Edinburgh deli is the place to come for South African delicacies such as biltong and boerewors sausages.
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