How To Use Billy Graham In A Sentence
- He then nominated his good friend, Billy Graham, to be field evangelist for the new ministry.
- His partner is his father, Mel, the gay-rights activist who, before coming out, was an evangelical minister who ghostwrote books for Billy Graham and Pat Robertson. Delicious White Whine
- Billy Graham to Catholic bishops to leaders of the Promise Keepers has had something to say about gays and religion.
- Drummund, who was also a biographer for Billy Graham, wrote an excellent biography on Finney which deals with this.
- Billy Graham was drawing capacity crowds around the world when John Paul II was still a junior professor in Poland.
- The neat trick is to connect the uneasy church-and-state issues that dog Billy Graham, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson (who all play themselves in archival footage, thank you) all the way back to the arrival of the first religion-obsessed New World settlers. PBS's calm and evenhanded 'God in America'
- The Life of Billy Graham is a superb exploration into one of the nation's most recognizable names.
- The hymn was the favourite of the Christian evangelist Billy Graham and its official title is O Lord My God, When I In Awesome Wonder.
- A poster for Durex next to one for Billy Graham?
- Billy Graham is a speaker who can be sure of playing to a full house .