
How To Use Billion In A Sentence

  • A few billion of that new economic rescue plan will go to weatherize one million homes a year.
  • Our interneuronal connections in our brain, for example, process information at chemical signaling speeds of a few hundred feet per second, compared to a billion feet per second for electronics - electronics is a million times faster.
  • This was a sad day indeed for the big bad wolf of the banking world, and not just because it must forego those rich pickings it planned to cream off from two billion cash machine transactions a year.
  • The study predicted that, by 2022, the country would still require $7.2 billion in foreign aid a year—and that assumes an upsurge of so-far inexistent mining-industry revenue and no dramatic deterioration of security. Afghanistan Seeks Enduring Support
  • After putting its energy into the 2008 acquisition of Northwest Airlines, the Atlanta-based carrier plans to spend more than $2 billion through 2013 to lure travelers with new flat-bed seats, video on demand and upgraded facilities in hotly contested markets such as New York. Delta Refocuses
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  • “In order to balance the budget this biennium, which is $182 billion, we used $14 billion in federal stimulus money to balance it,” said State Sen. Steve Ogden, R-Bryan. Dallas Blog, Daily News, Dallas Politics, Opinion, and Commentary FrontBurner Blog D Magazine » Blog Archive » David Dewhurst Explains Texas Budget Deficit Was Not a Budget Deficit If You Look at It Cross-Eyed
  • Kaiser in San Mateo, California, which manages $ 1 billion in assets.
  • Over the next nine months, we are committed to delivering on a billion dollar assets sale.
  • The move comes as the telephone company implements a plan to trim billions of dollars in expenses and to boost earnings.
  • Cohen claimed that criminals posing as salesmen cheat Americans out of billions of dollars each year.
  • The report said mobile phone networks worldwide were likely to have 1.6 billion subscribers by the end of this year.
  • If something goes awry, more than five billion people would be exposed to dangerous levels of radiation.
  • These are billions that should have been used for humanitarian aid.
  • Pan-Asian funds raised another $37.5 billion in the same period. India's Still No Haven for Private Equity
  • Transistors, which next year will contain features measuring 45 nanometres, or billionths of a metre, have become so small that they leak substantial amounts of electricity.
  • The Clinton administration last winter assembled the $50 billion emergency bailout package to ease a financial crisis in Mexico.
  • There are 7 billion people in this world, yet my heart chose you.
  • In practical terms, it becomes akin to the line about owing a bank a billion dollars, though recent events may have given the lie to that apothegm. Matthew Yglesias » Climate Migration
  • About £3 billion went on reducing pollution caused by all kinds of waste and £2.4 billion on curbing air pollution.
  • And this doesn't included the sixty billion paperbacks printed every year, half of which are pulped and set to Japan to make toilet paper.
  • The budget devoted $29 billion to the war on terrorism and $9 billion to unconventional arms like pilotless spy planes carrying missiles and laser communications system for troops.
  • Add to this mix the prospects of an economy supercharged by €12 billion when the special saving investments accounts start to mature in under two years' time, and the economic winds seem to blowing fair for stocks.
  • Despite his ten billion years of preparation, he found himself to be unready.
  • Successive governments are accused of prioritising the motorist by cutting vehicle taxes for fuel-efficient models and spending billions on road building. Times, Sunday Times
  • Failure to approve them in a vote this week could block the next tranche of €3 billion from international creditors. Times, Sunday Times
  • The disclosures last night provoked renewed condemnation of Britain's multibillion-pound arms industry for selling to both sides in the escalating Kashmir crisis.
  • Consumer spending on sports-related items amounted to £9.75 billion.
  • With the cost of floor coverings over concrete subfloors now estimated at more than a billion dollars a year in the United States, far greater attention must be given to the issue of moisture within and below concrete slabs on grade.
  • The Hill's liberals will count it a successful session if they can scratch up a billion or so out of the defense budget, add in the money freed up if, as expected, Carter's counter-inflationary "real-wage insurance" plan is defeated, and then spread the dividends among the hardest-hit programs. The Politics of Austerity
  • For the next three years until 2001, private capital outflow amounted to between $8 to 10 billion annually.
  • This year, almost a billion birds will be processed in the region.
  • The latest round of trouble came as BP's billionaire partners in TNK-BP, who operate under the name Alfa Access Renova, sought to block a $16 billion share swap and Arctic exploration deal agreed with Rosneft in January. A Tale of Two Partners
  • Concentrations of methane have risen from 700 parts per billion (ppb) to 1,745 ppb. Times, Sunday Times
  • The granite peaks and sylvan hollows in the Blue Ridge Mountains are the results of geological changes and metamorphosis over perhaps a billion year period of time.
  • The budget deficit has ballooned to $25 billion.
  • Billionaires are usually fairly secretive about the exact amount that they're worth.
  • He is a great actor and seeing him go from lost rogue to confused son to driven billionnaire to a conflicted hero is a blast.
  • If there is no way to calculate these costs, we can believe that they run into many billions.
  • CACI is a fast-growing billion dollar information technology firm with an intriguing sideline in intelligence.
  • And with billions and billions served helpings of the lardaceous potato strips, it's a sticky moment for JamesSkinner'sJames Skinner's Golden Arches, which last October boasted of its initiative to print nutritional data on its packages to help consumers make informed choices about what to eat. Skinner's McDonald's Comes Clean On Fries' Fat
  • Then, billionaire investor Warren Buffett, whose annual letter to shareholders is one of the most widely read in investing circles worldwide, told the 35,000 shareholders attending Berkshire Hathaway's annual meeting that they needed to read Dimon's letter. CEO Jamie Dimon steers JPMorgan Chase through crisis
  • Firm backlog rose to $ 19. 64 million on Dec. 31 from $ 17. 5 billion a year earlier.
  • The company has Centre for Insurance and Risk Management tripled its staff in the past 12 months, hiring (CIRM), estimates that India's OTC weather experts in agronomy and agricultural mete - derivatives market is worth around $1 billion. orology to meet growing demand. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • This is difficult terrain for the son of a billionaire pitched against the son of a bus driver. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tourism is Scotland's biggest industry, injecting at least #2.5 billion a year into the economy and employing hundreds of thousands of people.
  • The industrialized world now contributes about $ 1 billion per year through bilateral aid programs to relieve urban congestion.
  • • En route to Europe, Clinton called the multibillion-dollar American reconstruction effort in Afghanistan "heartbreaking," because she said there was little to show for it.
  • In 1926, the year of his birth, 2 billion people inhabited this planet.
  • We clip it back to 1 billion as asset values tumble. Times, Sunday Times
  • Comsic rays are very high energy particles which strike the Earth's atmosphere and produce spectacular showers of billions of electrons, muons, and other particles.
  • China has invested an estimated $6 billion, though some suspect that, due to corruption, the actual sum of money flowing to Turkmen and Uzbek businessmen may be considerably higher.
  • To take the grid company back into public ownership would cost about £2 billion.
  • It should be easy for a company with a valuation of $25 billion. Times, Sunday Times
  • He ranks just fourth in total assets, with a nine-billion-dollar annual revenue flow.
  • Disturbingly, NONE of the promised 1.15 billion in aid from the U.S. has materialized. Mark Schuller: Unstable Foundations: Human Rights of Haiti's 1.5 Million IDPs
  • But what plagues American still bedevils the rest of the airline industry, which has racked up $55 billion in losses in the past decade. Airlines Are Driven to Nickel and Dime
  • They each will hold enough other shares to make them billionaires, at least on paper, if the IPO is successful.
  • It was bought by a dealer who was convinced that tapestries would make a comeback in the vast new homes being built for dotcom billionaires. Times, Sunday Times
  • Carl, a reckless billionaire adventurer, has financed an expedition by an expert spelunker and diver named Frank McGuire Richard Roxburgh, to chart the unexplored portions of Esa'ala and discover a previously uncharted route through Esa'ala and back to the ocean coast. Marshall Fine: Movie Review: Sanctum
  • All the fighter planes the Pentagon wants to build would cost up to $ 16 billion a year, he says.
  • In the prime of manhood at 43, Simon runs a company closing in on half a billion dollars in revenues, with a market cap twice that, up from next to nothing eight years ago.
  • American vehicles consume some 133 billion gallons of gasoline each year. Getting There: The Epic Struggle between Road and Rail in the American Century
  • This is because they help to maintain a balance between themselves and the billions of harmful bacteria that also live there. Times, Sunday Times
  • Microscopic coprophilous (dung-loving) fungi help make our planet habitable by degrading the billions of tons of faeces produced by herbivores. MicrobiologyBytes
  • Banks, thrifts, and credit unions collected a record $37.8 billion in service charges last year.
  • In 2010 it will have to replace some $65 billion in public debt, and fear of default has driven up the interest rate on new Greek government debt to 6 percent.
  • The postal inspector general has concluded that the agency has been required to overfund retiree pension benefits by $75 billion. - News
  • The media has constantly focused, and Wall Street has been very happy about this focus, on this measly-and I say "measly" - $700 billion worth of TARP money that Congress allowed to be allocated last October. Democracy Now!
  • But his budget focused mainly on attracting investment to public-private partnerships to build new public works projects, on which he'll spend 137 billion ringgit ($44 billion). Malaysia's Growth Muddle
  • We clip it back to 1 billion as asset values tumble. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead of millions of vulnerable hosts to evolve within back then, we now have billions of chickens intensively confined in factory farms, arguably the Perfect Storm environment for the emergence and spread of hypervirulent, so-called "predator-type" viruses like H5N1. Kathy Freston: Flu Season: Factory Farming Could Cause A Catastrophic Pandemic
  • The number of Catholics worldwide has exceeded one billion for the first time, according to figures released by the Vatican.
  • Within the October total, the value of re-exports shrank 13.5% to HK $120.2 billion and the value of domestic exports by 18.1% to HK $13.1 billion.
  • Yes, you have no choice but to marvel at the rather beautiful new $2 billion house of the Ambani family, a vast vertical hamlet for plutocrats with a design that vaguely recalls a snazzy Bang and Olufsen hi-fi stack. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • It can also dip into some government pension funds and theUS$50-billion Exchange Stabilization Fund.
  • Swift Transportation pulled a planned $1.07 billion refinancing that the trucking company expected to reprice at 3.5 percentage points over Libor with a minimum rate of 4.75%, according to a person familiar with the deal. High-Yield Bond Issues, Loan Repricings Pulled; Treasurys Rise
  • Spread out over 7 years since we invaded, that works out to be about $100.57 billion PER YEAR out of an average annual federal budget of roughly $3.2 - $3.4 TRILLION ($3200 billion - $3400 billion) or in other words ... a whopping 2. 9% of every federal dollar spent over the last 7 years. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • Postal Service as it seeks congressional help in dodging much of a $5.5 billion payment due next Thursday into its retiree health benefit fund. Eye Opener: Obama's green czar leaving? Defense contractors regroup, Filipino flag flap
  • He goes on to talk about the Pentagon's ongoing, undebated plans not only to keep bleeding our treasury in Iraq (and, I would add, Afghanistan), but also to keep spending billions to design and build Cold War-era weapons "that lack not only a current military need but even a plausible use in any foreseeable future. Robert Koehler: Cross of Irony
  • A record 81 companies announced plans to do $ 48 billion in spinoffs last year, according to Securities Data Corp.
  • He thinks immature will be a big engine for growth. $11 billion has been invested in immature companies. Archive 2009-11-01
  • The bailout billions will not save domestic jobs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fee rollback will lead to a $7.5 billion widening of the state deficit over the next year and a half, according to Moody's.
  • It was bought by a dealer who was convinced that tapestries would make a comeback in the vast new homes being built for dotcom billionaires. Times, Sunday Times
  • Can no longer function except to distribute billions of taxpayer largesse to politically connected corporations?
  • The pharmaceutical industry spends unimaginably vast sums on research and development - $30.5 billion in 2001.
  • Hynix's debt is estimated to reach 9 trillion South Korean won ( 7.5 billion US dollars ).
  • Nearly £7 billion has been wiped off share prices worldwide.
  • It might include acknowledging your own mistakes, such as casually floating that $900 billion figure which forced House and Senate leaders to backload key provisions in the final bill. Harold Pollack: Some Unsolicited Advice for Howard Dean, and for President Obama, Too
  • Bernie Madoff got caught running what he called a hedge fund; thousands of uber-financiers are making off with billions running an even larger ponzi scheme that is perfectly legal. Leo W. Gerard: Q&A With Responsible Pension Investment Expert Thomas Croft
  • Not to mention that one reason the Tamil situation doesn’t arise much here is that the US has no dog whatever in that fight – no AIPAC pushing for US policy in that arena, no billionaires from the region paying Democrats and Republicans campaign money to push US support for the related countries, no scumbags like SLC arguing for “Hama Rules” on the Tamil Tigers. Matthew Yglesias » Do Critics of Israeli Policy Whine Too Much?
  • There are reckoned to be about 400 billion stars in our galaxy, the Milky Way.
  • • Wednesday: $21 billion in reopened 10-year notes will be sold. Treasury to Sell $124 Billion in Securities
  • Compared with the billions squandered on a vague mission in Iraq, a mission to Mars seems cheap.
  • It's an early example of the American billionaire practice of architectural salvage. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a troublesome end to a damaging week for the billionaire. Times, Sunday Times
  • This area requires maintenance costing over $200 million a day and the surreptitious cost of the car culture totals nearly $500 billion a year in the U.S. alone, much of that going to the sustentation of a military presence in the Persian Gulf. Driving Mister Barack
  • The government of Hunan province in south-central China is reportedly seeking a 10 billion yuan ($1.58 billion) syndicated loan in the Hong Kong market.
  • Engler took bold steps: In 12 years he cut taxes by $21 billion, pruned environmental regs, and cut welfare.
  • We spend billions each year in futile attempts to prevent floodplains from flooding, barrier islands from migrating, chaparral from burning, and predators from predation.
  • The degenerate code could well be a product of such selection, but: a) there’s at least two other competing families of hypotheses for its origin, namely stereochemical and biosynthetic; and b) that code went to fixation a couple billion years ago in most organisms, so I don’t see that it could provide much evidence for neutrality selection in modern organisms. Darwin and neutrality - The Panda's Thumb
  • The bancassurer financed its part of the deal with a ¤13.4 billion rights issue and a series of disposals. Times, Sunday Times
  • But only if it isn't found grossly negligent for the gulf oil spill, which could double posttax oil-spill-related costs from the $28 billion estimate. BP's Long Road Back
  • Nonetheless, exports rose by 35 % to reach US $ 438 billion .
  • Thu 10/29/09 9: 40 PM you’re kidding right?? titanic is still the only movie to make over a billion dollars in the box office. it’s the number 1 grossing movies of all time. that’s not a flop New 'Avatar' trailer: Coming into explosive focus |
  • BT was carrying billions of pounds of debt from a number of ill-fated overseas ventures at the time, and was in dire need of treatment.
  • The minister appealed to the Cabinet not to target her comparatively tiny budget of £4 billion.
  • They admitted removing the equipment and using it before returning it later. arket was up from the outset, with shares gaining momentum shortly after midday when Wellcome rejected Glaxo's blockbuster 8.9 billion stg bid, saying it was actively seeking a better offer. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The designed maximum capacity of the supply system is 1.1 billion cubic metres per annum.
  • The allegedly mad bedder of women enjoyed a $2.5 billion increase in his fortune, to $9 billion. Soccer's Billionaires
  • George Soros supposedly made a billion dollars doing so.
  • At least a quarter -- nearly R1-billion -- of claims received could have been wasted by continued fraud and overutilisation of medical aid facilities, the investigation revealed. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The former dictator, a palace-dwelling billionaire, was the picture of bedraggled abjectness: mouth forced open, eyes staring glassily.
  • Total SA has agreed to buy UTS Energy Corp for C$1.5 billion ($1.42 billion) in cash, twice the amount the French oil major offered for the Canadian oil sands developer 18 months ago.
  • In fact, by 1990 unexploited reserves amounted to 900 billion barrels - not counting the tar shales.
  • The American billionaire was forced to step down from a previous banking role after an inquiry by US regulators. Times, Sunday Times
  • The shareholder also said he was dissatisfied with how the costs of about 200 billion yen ($US2. 23 billion) related to the latest recalls dented the company's profits in the fiscal year ended March. Toyoda Meets With Shareholders
  • He always said he wanted to become a billionaire. Times, Sunday Times
  • To get some insight into that, we called scientist Dennis Kujawski, a senior flavorist at International Flavors & Fragrances Inc. of New York, which has built a $2 billion-a-year business creating tastes and smells (though not with wine, which would say something like "contains flavorings" if it did include anything IFF produced). Putting Tastes Into Words
  • The main part of sea transportation is the transportation of dry and bulk cargos, whose volume in 2004 exceeded 2 billion tons, accounting for 30% world seaborne trade volume.
  • Local government borrowing for the month also rose to 2.9 billion from 900 million the previous year. Times, Sunday Times
  • People would rather overpay for bonds than underpay for stocks," said David Kelly, who helps oversee $445 billion as chief market strategist for JPMorgan Funds in New York.
  • His businesses are worth a combined total of $3 billion.
  • He also increased the foundation's endowment nearly threefold, to roughly $6 billion.
  • They want to stop rebating the $16 billion annually from the stock transfer tax to Wall Street speculators; restore the progressive state income tax to levels from the 1970s; and raise $10 billion with a 50% bankers bonus tax. Alan Singer: New York Needs 50,000 Green Votes
  • Gerdau said in March it had virtually doubled its iron-ore resources to three billion metric tons in Minas Gerais state, southeast Brazil, and in the future may be able to sell iron ore to third parties after satisfying its own needs. Brazil's Gerdau Plans New Business Model in Iron Ore
  • What lies behind this multibillion-pound game of pass-the-parcel? Times, Sunday Times
  • The galaxy cluster, known as SPT-CL J0546-5345, is so far away that its glow takes 7 billion light-years to reach us.
  • As a result, a congressional research arm estimates, the "net cost [to the government] is likely to be substantially less than $700 billion.
  • But after eight years of a botched military solution that has cost the United States hundreds of billions of dollars, thousands of lives and no appreciable decrease in adherents to terrorist organizations, I think it’s well past time that we closed the book on the “post-9/11 mentality.” The Detroit Bomber and the Post-9/11 Mentality | Heretical Ideas Magazine
  • In 2004, when the current wave of deals began, the total volume of sale and lease-back deals was € 6.9 billion. Dutch Deal Turns Properties Into Cash
  • In August, it sold £7.4 billion worth of European government bonds and then, after prices had nosedived on the back of the huge sale, bought a portion back at a profit.
  • WASA has begun a $2.6 billion project, the largest the authority has built, to reduce nitrogen and trash flowing to the rive r from its combined sewer overflow system, said George S. Hawkins, WASA general manager. Trash-free Anacostia?
  • In a highly critical report, the health select committee said hospitals were resorting to short-term "salami slicing" as they try to find £20 billion in efficiency savings by 2014/15. Evening Standard - Home
  • Overall they estimate that carers save the State at least E2 billion gross each year.
  • Revenue shortfalls during the first two and a half years of his term approached $6 billion, forcing him to cut spending and scrap some campaign promises. The Roanoke Times: Home page
  • You know, the missus and I just bought a new house, and it cost considerably less than $1.2 billion.
  • Consumers Union criticized the FDA for using antiquated and insensitive laboratory techniques that could not measure Alar below 500 parts per billion ppb, stating in Consumer Reports: "Looking for daminozide [Alar's a trade name] in apple juice with PAM II [the test method used by FDA] is like trying to catch speeders with a radar gun that doesn't work for speeds under 100 mph. Wendy Gordon: The True Alar Story III
  • Two investors that bought about $214 million of the so-called mezzanine debt filed a lawsuit Wednesday alleging that lenders that provided $7.4 billion in financing to the buyer, Lightstone Group LLC, are engaged in a "scheme" to take over the property and wipe out the mezzanine investors. Hotel Creditors May Have an Extended Stay
  • At stake are the exclusive rights to hundreds of miles of railway across the west Australian desert used to haul nearly half a billion tonnes of ore dug up each year to ocean ports.
  • It nearly doubled to $26.1 billion its forecast for losses on a troubled $118.7 billion mortgage portfolio tied to its disastrous purchase in 2006 of California lender Golden West Financial Corp.
  • The supplementary charge raised a further 3.15 billion and this will rise to about 5 billion after the tax increase. Times, Sunday Times
  • When the Defense Department unveils its proposed 2012 budget next week, expected to total about $553 billion, some major rocket and satellite programs will be among the biggest winners, according to government and industry officials. Space Projects of Pentagon to Get Boost
  • It and many other old zircons come from metamorphosed sediments deposited in river deltas some 3 billion years ago in what is now southwestern Australia.
  • Last year it completed a delayed refinancing in a complex 13.4 billion deal. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Britain the estimate is 9 billion kilos of food is wasted after catered meals and all of it is dumped.
  • Worldwide sales reached 2.5 billion.
  • Billions of flies gorged themselves on the great stacks of refuse and excrement. Modern Science in the Bible
  • What is unacceptable, to say the least, is to generalize about the uses and customs of nearly half a billion people who cover close to one sixth of the Earth's surface.
  • Some executives estimate that Citigroup could dispose of as much as $12 billion in "noncritical" assets. Bhutto Assassination
  • They became the first company in their field to pass the £2 billion turn-over mark.
  • It's tough at the top," he said. "It's tougher at the bottom," riposted the billionaire.
  • Novello says college students will spend $4.2 billion yearly on alcoholic beverages.
  • Industry research firm Watson Wyatt estimates Australian companies face a combined shortfall of as much as A$25 billion in these defined-benefit pension plans, known as superannuation in Australia. Australian Firms to Pay Scarce Cash for Pensions
  • The southeast region provides 15.1 billion more in tax than it gets back in public spending. Times, Sunday Times
  • And, in greater detail, he tells how rock became a mere commodity in the billion-dollar music industry.
  • Wednesday's proposal would strike the credit-ratings criteria and replace it with a new standard requiring a company to have issued more than $1 billion of nonconvertible debt securities in primary offerings within the past three years. SEC Proposes Striking Ratings From Short Forms
  • But many of today's internet billionaires started out as insubordinate slackers, similar to the high school students who crowded Beijing's internet bars and - allegedly - neglected their schoolwork.
  • Total state and local debt outstand ing hit $200 million by 1840 and about $1 billion by 1880 ($22 billion in today's dollars). The Muni-Bond Debt Bomb
  • For a group like ours, two and a half billion naira, that is actually just about 10% of our cement turnover per month. Businessman Criticizes Nigeria's Central Bank for Debtor List
  • The confirmation that the security services are sufficiently interested in Deripaska to keep files on him and his associates is likely to add to pressure on the minister to provide more information about his contacts with the Russian billionaire. 25 « October « 2008 « Niqnaq
  • The Government paid a higher price because it wanted to inject 12 billion of extra capital to shore up the stricken bank. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Government's removal of tax relief on dividend payments has cost the pensions industry billions of pounds.
  • Borrowing is set to soar to an astonishing £60 billion.
  • It has debts totalling hundreds of billions of dollars and there has been no investment in its infrastructure for more than 20 years.
  • The SEC, he said, "has no discretion-none-to fail to follow up, with serious investigations, when presented with knowledgeable, detailed, obviously highly competent, and in many respects easily 'checkable' allegations of … a huge fraud that is fooling thousands of people, stealing billions of dollars, and causing horrible injustice. News Dissector Blog
  • Employers have paid 44 billion in contributions in the past three years in an attempt to narrow their yawning deficits, but to little avail. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps Mr. Martin thinks that regulating the prices and service offerings of Comcast and Verizon and their brethren is a good way to get them to invest billions in next-generation networks. Cable Industry to F.C.C.: Don’t Ask About Our Rates - Bits Blog -
  • Many researchers believe there was a collision that occurred one billion years ago between a dwarf planet in the Kuiper Belt known as Haumea and another object that caused Haumea's icy mantle to break into a dozen or so smaller bodies, including 55636. Space Tourism, Space Transport and Space Exploration News
  • Throughout that month, the Bank of England spent billions ensuring the pound stayed within its ERM band.
  • Violence is conservatively estimated to cost $ 15. 5 billion a year in medical care nationwide.
  • By Angie M. Rosales 10/13/2009 Congress has opted to draw on so-called unprogrammed funds available to President Arroyo in this year's budget to replenish the depleted calamity fund by P12 billion instead of Energy Secretary Angelo Reyes. - Articles related to Nograles slams oil firms for ‘insensitive’ price hike
  • The image covers a region of 14.1 x 21.6 arcmin on the sky and shows galaxies that are 1 billion times fainter than can be seen by the unaided eye. Undefined
  • This figure is predicted to rise to one billion by the year 2005.
  • Whether it's millions, billions, trillions or bajillions, the dollar figures are so obscenely high that they no longer have any real understandable value.
  • Wow, just think about it, you are the one among a thousand, among a million, even a billion.
  • An average puff of a cigarette has been estimated to contain 4 billion particles of dust.
  • As if to confirm the notion that Europe's contentious politicians are finally getting their arms around the crisis, one of the continent's wobbliest financial dominoes, Portugal, managed to sell more than a billion euros' worth of its long-term debt at lower than expected interest rates. Redskins Insider Podcast -- The Washington Post
  • NEW YORK (AP) - Billionaire Mayor Michael Bloomberg heads toward a third term bruised by a surprisingly close re-election battle that exposed lingering anger over ... Joyce Purnick: Bloomberg's No-Shows
  • Until now, Goldman's Level 3 assets -- or illiquid, write-down-prone securities -- weren't increasing as much as at rivals such as o buy back the nonbank, aed commercial-paper holdings of most of its retail clients likely will mean an overall restructuring of the frozen 33 billion Canadian dollars (US$32. 5 billion) nonbank ABCP market will be approved at an April 25 investor vote. Worry Returns, Boosting Treasurys
  • Some Republicans believe the election will give them a mandate to bring big changes to the panel, which divvies up billions of dollars in federal funds — and to respond to demands for reduced spending. Jockeying for House Posts
  • Worldwide sales look set to top $1 billion.
  • In preparation for that makeover, the Japanese government announced plans in December to fund JBIC's overseas investment and loan program with up to two-thirds of the proceeds from the sales of some 300 billion yen $3.5 billion worth of state-held shares in Japanese telecom giant Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp. A True 'Japan Inc.' Could be on the Way
  • An angstrom is a unit of length equal to one ten billionth of a meter.
  • At an investor conference last month, Bank of America Corp. Chief Executive Officer Brian Moynihan indicated that each additional percentage point of required capital would remove the support for $220 billion in assets at his bank, which he described as potentially "unintended consequences of the tougher rules. Bank M&A Goes MIA in 2011
  • This amount is in addition to the 243 billion annual public procurement budget. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tullow, which owns 100% of three oil licenses covering Uganda's Lake Albert basin, wants to bring Total and or Cnooc into the country to help with the development of more than a billion barrels of oil discovered there. Tullow, Uganda Agree on Sale Terms
  • With billions in federal dough available for new KIPP stores and their chains of imitators, the plan is coming together to convert poor children to future-focused corpuscular automatons. Archive 2009-04-01
  • RIO DE JANEIRO—Billionaire Brazilian businessman Eike Batista , the Latin American country's wealthiest man, increased his stake in independent driller OGX Petroleo e Gas Participacoes SA, the company said in a regulatory filing late Monday. Batista Lifts Stake in Oil Company OGX
  • And, what's even more galling, we've been told that the sum involved is comparatively trifling, a drop in the ocean of the department's annual budget of €41 billion.
  • At San Francisco-based Wells, commercial and industrial loans rose 11% from a year earlier to $167 billion at Dec. 31, amid what Chief Financial Officer Tim Sloan called broad-based growth. Pickup in Lending Lifts Big Banks
  • His much vaunted £3 billion investment in automated warehouses did nothing to help product availability.
  • The group claims that billions of dollars in property and bank accounts was confiscated from Jewish businessmen in the Second World War.
  • The original half watt of power will diminish to less than a billionth of a watt at the point of arrival.
  • Astronomers have discovered the largest and oldest mass of water ever detected in the universe - a gigantic, 12-billion-year-old cloud harboring 140 trillion times more water than all of Earth's oceans combined. supermassive black hole called a quasar located 12 billion light-years from Earth. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • The advertising agency rang up 1.4 billion dollars in yearly sales.
  • Its main asset is the Ingka Holding group, which is conservatively financed and highly profitable: post-tax profits were €1.4 billion ($1.7 billion) — an impressive margin of nearly 11% on sales of €12.8 billion — in the year to August 31st 2004, the latest year for which the group has filed accounts. Flat-pack accounting « Isegoria
  • Billions of dollars have been pumped into the continent.
  • Alternately, the Democratic leadership could add in key Democratic priorities, such as toughened financial regulations, bankruptcy law reforms helping homeowners prevent foreclosure, direct government aid to mortgagees, a tax on the financial industry to pay for the bailout, and the job-creating $60 billion economic stimulus / infrastructure spending package the House passed a few days ago. Suburban Guerrilla
  • And the revenue bonds now dwarf general bonds in total volume, totaling $2.7 trillion, versus $1.4 billion for the GOs.

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