[ UK /bˈɪlɐbˌɒŋ/ ]
  1. a branch of a river made by water flowing from the main stream only when the water level is high
  2. a stagnant pool of water in the bed of a stream that flows intermittently

How To Use billabong In A Sentence

  • Several years ago the Festival Committee planted a tree near the billabong on Stiggants Reserve as a thank-you to Lynne.
  • There was walkabout land with food, a billabong.
  • Barton had clinched the world title - his subsequent victory in the Billabong was almost a formality.
  • Add to that team two cameramen, Sharp, a Billabong rep, me, and a half-dozen Chilean journalists and gofers - and you had one long caravan anytime the surfers set out to look for waves.
  • There was a lot of drinking - far too much, even by the latter-day standards of the Billabong - and at far too early an hour.
  • We might get kindergarten teachers capable of shaping a decent dovetail joint, which the Billabong's carpenter cannot manage.
  • Apart from being a popular surfing destination Jeffreys Bay is also renowned for its blue flag beaches and for hosting the annual Billabong Pro WCT surfing event at Supertubes during July.
  • There are sometimes moments as the Professor lounges at ease by the billabong, the perfect picture of recumbent indolence, when his sylvan reveries are crushed by a sense of sudden and prophetic dread.
  • The Clover Paddock of Billabong was famous – a splendid stretch of perfect green, where the cattle moved knee-deep in fragrant blossoming clovers, with pink and white flowers starring the wide expanse. Mates at Billabong
  • Except for the tidally influenced channels, most creeks dry up, with a few pockets of water left in billabongs and permanent swamps.
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