How To Use Bill clinton In A Sentence

  • If you live long enough, you'll make mistakes. But if you learn from them, you'll be a better person. It's how you handle adversity, not how it affects you. The main thing is never quit, never quit, never quit. Bill Clinton 
  • HIV-positive Pedro Zamora from the San Francisco season, for example, put a face to the stigmatized disease of AIDS and did a world of good with his exposure -- even getting the recognition of then-president Bill Clinton. Ryan O'Connell: Auditioning for the Real World Is Too Real
  • But in furnishing its imaginary, cultural platform for the revival of liberal politics in America, The West Wing has also slipped into an uncritical cult of personality — much as the adoration of Bill Clinton has in the real-life house of liberalism. The Feel Good Presidency
  • Quiet folks ... the woman who should have been the 44th President of the United States is handling our starry-eyed mainstream media with the ease that comes with being a part of the most successful Democratic presidential legacy since FDR (see Bill Clinton). Clinton: 'I broke my elbow, not my larynx'
  • I do not believe we can repair the basic fabric of society until people who are willing to work have work. Work organizes life. It gives structure and discipline to life. Bill Clinton 
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  • Congressional Democrats have resisted impeachment considerations, recalling the acrimonious division when a Republican Congress impeached Bill Clinton in 1998 for perjury and obstruction of justice to cover up his affair with Monica Lewinsky. Bush's Disapproval Hits Rare Heights; Only Nixon and Truman Scored Worse
  • The future is not an inheritance, it is an opportunity and an obligation. Bill Clinton 
  • And coming up in the second half of RELIABLE SOURCES, Bill Clinton blasts the press for perpetuating what he calls a fairy tale. CNN Transcript Jan 13, 2008
  • So much for the truce, painstakingly pieced together by Bill Clinton and his unique brand of insomnia diplomacy.
  • Thanks to changes in the tax law engineered when another avowedly pro-business Democrat, Bill Clinton, was president, U.S. multinational financial companies can avoid taxes on their international scams. Robert Scheer: Obama's Fatal Addiction
  • Any plans for expanding AmeriCorps (a program he once opposed but now embraces) remain unformulated, perhaps because the idea is too connected to Bill Clinton. The Politics Of Personality
  • Not for him the public walkabouts among adoring throngs that marked Bill Clinton's jovial foreign jaunts.
  • The Government is optimistic that Bill Clinton will use the last days of his presidency to make a generous gesture on debt.
  • In fact his antics often reminded me of Tony Blair, and for that matter Bill Clinton.
  • He came of age in a time when hardworking young men and women like him went to Wall Street or to Silicon Valley, and-once properly "incentivized" by the likes of Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton-seemed to save the national economy, creating what appeared to be great general prosperity while doing well themselves. Harper's Magazine
  • President Bill Clinton appointed Bentsen as Secretary of the Treasury in 1992.
  • Nothing better illustrated the turbulent state of civil-military relations during this period than the hostility on the part of the uniformed military toward President Bill Clinton, whose antimilitary stance as a young man during the Vietnam War years did not endear him to soldiers. The War on Terror and the Revolt of the Generals
  • Jed L has a very interesting post at debunking the notion promulgated by right wing writers such as Gerald Seib at the Wall Street Journal that Obama's mandate is similar to Bill Clinton's in 1992. Comparing Clinton's Win in 1992 to Obama's in 2008
  • In 1992, Joyce was one of the Arkansas Travelers, a merry band of activists who drove around the country in rented vans to support Bill Clinton's presidential campaign. As midterm nears, Democratic activist sees fewer friendly faces in Arkansas
  • He also borrowed from the playbooks of Bill Clinton and British Prime Minister Tony Blair by marching his party to the center.
  • So Newt Gingrich can campaign on family values while abandoning a succession of wives for more nubile alternatives; Bill Clinton's extra-mural activities have to be shoved under the carpet in a celebrated TV interview (with his wife loyally at his side) before he can resuscitate his endangered candidacy in 1992. Shashi Tharoor: Importance of appearing to be earnest
  • But conservatives and liberals alike should find plenty that cheers and vexes them in essays by righties Bernard Goldberg, Peggy Noonan, and Georgette Mosbacher and lefties Nancy Pelosi, President Bill Clinton, and Jesse L. Jackson, Jr. Crossroads: The Future of American Politics By Andrew Cuomo «
  • It was Bill Clinton, after all, who coined the eternal slogan for the era of hyperindividualism: ‘It's the economy, stupid.’
  • Mark Laframboise, book buyer for Politics and Prose, recalled that he drove downtown on the September day in 1998 when independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr released his report on President Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky and bought 48 copies from the store to sell at cost. Federal bookstore rebrands itself for policy wonks in and out of Beltway
  • Obama's advisors explain that the president's moves are designed to "preempt" the resurgent Republicans -- just like Bill Clinton preempted the Gingrich crowd by announcing "the era of big government is over" and then tacking right. Robert Reich: The Big Economic Story, and Why Obama Isn't Telling It
  • KURTZ: I remember in 1993, when Bill Clinton was grumbling about what he called the knee-jerk liberal press not being fair to him, a Democrat. CNN Transcript Jan 18, 2009
  • Heller's narrow advantage over challenger Jill Derby in Washoe County combined with his dominance across the rest of the rural district allowed him to stem the Democratic tide that helped deny Republican Rep. Jon Porter a fourth term in southern Nevada and made President-elect Barack Obama the only Democrat other than Bill Clinton to carry Nevada in more than four decades. KLAS - Top Story News
  • WOLF BLITZER, CNN ANCHOR: And happening now: Bill Clinton returns to what he calls a fairy tale. CNN Transcript Jan 11, 2008
  • The addition of what the APA is calling "hypersexual disorder" would legitimize sex addiction in a way that was unthinkable just a few years ago, when Bill Clinton's philandering was regarded as a moral failing or a joke - but not, in the main, as an illness. Top Stories
  • So, I've been mulling over CodeBlueBlog's coverage of Bill Clinton's decortication. Archive 2005-03-01
  • In 2000 it was reported the Boy Scouts national office revoked the title afforded to Bill Clinton after thousands of complaints. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • I would just say that we heard Bill Clinton make a similar promise the last time he ran for governor of Arkansas.
  • Hutchinson is a big-time born-again who attacked Bill Clinton for his infidelities.
  • Many Americans were dreaming of "the brazenness of Bill Clinton," Zuckerman continues. Michael Takiff: Bill Clinton, Still the Biggest Dog in Town
  • I may not have been the greatest president, but I've had the most fun eight years. Bill Clinton 
  • Much like President Bill Clinton took solace from the Democratic defeat in the 1994 midterms, so does Obama embark this week on a lengthy trip to Asia, where he will be able to put aside temporarily the political setback at home for a turn on the global stage, where he remains widely admired. Around the world, concern over the global impact of U.S. elections
  • Its springtime for President Bill Clinton as he watches his Republican challengers rip each other to shreds.
  • I do not believe we can repair the basic fabric of society until people who are willing to work have work. Work organizes life. It gives structure and discipline to life. Bill Clinton 
  • Or Bill Clinton in 1991, fizzing with ideas and intellectual curiosity, before we knew how indiscipline would diminish him?
  • It took two terms of an intelligent commander-in-chief, and another moral equivocator, former law professor Bill Clinton, for the Republicans to search again for an unequivocal moral crusader with not a whole lot going on upstairs. James Marshall Crotty: Why Republicans Embrace Simpletons and How It Hurts America
  • And the blab is a skill far more common to Bill Clinton's generation than to Bob Dole's. Saxophone Vs. Sacrifice
  • Returning to Arkansas after his years as a Rhodes scholar and Yale law student, Bill Clinton, the great chameleon of modern American political history, had to reconnect with an American vernacular.
  • Natalie Portman, Tobey McGuire, Ellen DeGeneres, Portia de Rossi, Mike Tyson, Bill Clinton, Larry Page, Biz Stone, Ricky Williams and Tony Gonzales are all vegan or veganish! Vegan Food in Restaurants: The Changing Tide of Food Preferences (Listen Up, Restaurants!)
  • The author aims to provide readers with a ‘profound psychological insight’ into the life of Bill Clinton but ends up spouting Freudian psychobabble.
  • The man who had made his name decrying public corruption and demanding that President Bill Clinton resign for lying about an affair with a White House aide was forced to confess to using the services of prostitutes. Vitter Riding High Despite 'Very Serious Sin' With D.C. Madam
  • Kelly was a conservative columnist known for withering criticisms of former president Bill Clinton and his vice president Al Gore, and also worked for the New Republic and Atlantic Monthly magazines.
  • Now, that we've had two presidents, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, and one Supreme Court Justice, Sonia Sotomayor, who spent at least part of their childhood in fatherless households we should begin to be more careful and critical in our thinking about these families. Algernon Austin: Joblessness, Discrimination, and Black Poverty
  • A look back suggests the president and his allies may have "overlearned" the lessons of President Bill Clinton's 1993-1994 health-care defeat. Wrong Turns: How Obama's Health-Care Push Went Astray
  • Further, Traister examines both Bill Clinton and Barack Obama in juxtaposition with their wives. Geri Spieler: Big Girls Don't Cry by Rebecca Traister
  • While Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Nelson Mandela ranked ahead of Gates this year, the tech luminary has seen his "admirability" status rise over the last several years. Bill Gates More Admired Than The Pope, Dalai Lama
  • In 2000, Bill Clinton promised millions more dollars to fund AIDS vaccine research.
  • SHARIF ABDEL KOUDDOUS: Well, on Monday, former US president Bill Clinton fired back and railed against what he called inefficient spending of AIDS funds and said many countries are misspending foreign aid. Democracy Now!
  • In 2000, Bill Clinton promised millions more dollars to fund AIDS vaccine research.
  • As Victor Hanson points out in his column in today's Tribune, "responsible Democrats in national office had been convinced by Bill Clinton for eight years and George W. Bush for two that Saddam Hussein's Iraq was both a conventional and terrorist threat to the United States and its reginal allies. See, Kirk is not for changing course in Iraq after all
  • The New Democratic movement of pro-free market moderates, which helped catapult Bill Clinton into the White House in 1992, has splintered, transformed by a reinvigoration of grassroots energy.
  • They were visited by the unlikely figure of Bill Clinton.
  • Bill Clinton, a restless conceptualizer, was the man who best expressed the idea of a “win-win world” although he never used that precise phrase. Zero-Sum Future
  • This comprehensive chronology covers the events shaping Bill Clinton's journey from Little Rock to the Oval Office and during the eight years of his Presidency.
  • We don't know yet, because unlike George W. Bush and Bill Clinton, our president doesn't moonlight as over-promiser in chief. Beau Friedlander: Air America Poll: 90% Want Bush Crimes Investigation
  • U2 were visited in Chicago by Democratic presidential nominee Bill Clinton.
  • They were led into this cul-de-sac by the champion of artful deception, Bill Clinton.
  • Bill Clinton would walk around nude, covered in confectionary sugar if he thought it would get votes (sorry for the image.) Clyburn: Bill Clinton's behavior 'bizarre'
  • Bill Clinton was deemed the best performer by 31 percent-evidence that he had succeeded in staging the kind of unruffled, workmanlike performance he needed. FACE TO FACE TO FACE
  • He expressed disappointment in the Clinton presidency, saying Bill Clinton had undercut minorities by backing off strong affirmative-action programs.
  • Third, despite his unfortunate history as the ultimate polarizer who hypocritically led the illegitimate partisan effort to impeach Bill Clinton (the bad Newt), in fact, Gingrich has also demonstrated an ability to reach across the aisle to work with Democrats and liberals on real solutions to real problems (the good Newt). Lanny Davis: Newt Gingrich -- Don't Count Him Out So Fast
  • Perhaps more telling than Bill Clinton’s self - investigation is a subsidiary detail: He also asked his staffers to compile an exhaustive list of his achievements, which must be about as close to the creation of a résumé as ex-presidents get, and betrays a longing to return to the presidential campaign trail that Al Gore overcautiously denied him. Running Mate
  • Ensign shouldn't step down, but Bill Clinton shouldbe impeached? Poll: Ensign's numbers plunge after admitting affair
  • Bill Clinton is smart in a nimble-minded, quick thinking way, and Bush seems to be less so. Freakophilosophy
  • A little more than a year ago, when Bill Clinton was on the skids in the New York primary-the ridicule relentless in the tabloids and on the streets-he took a chance and exposed himself to the fastest, flippest radio talk-show jock in town, Don Imus. Slow Motion
  • aboveboard" campaign, now subtly and craftily playing the "race card" (because he has so few cards to play; to be fair, former President Bill Clinton played the same game, too), that thing continues to bubble just under the surface. The Bilerico Project
  • All kinds of atrocious policies -- from Lyndon Johnson's war on Vietnam to Jimmy Carter's midterm swerve rightward to Bill Clinton's neoliberal measures such as NAFTA, "welfare reform" and Wall Street deregulation -- were calamities facilitated by acquiescence or mild dissent from many left-leaning Democrats. Norman Solomon: Obama: Beyond Savior or Trickster
  • If this figure proves wildly optimistic, Bill Clinton will either have to propose more cuts or spend more money.
  • The politically explosive domestic bases plan requires approval by an independent commission, President Bill Clinton and Congress.
  • Its springtime for President Bill Clinton as he watches his Republican challengers rip each other to shreds.
  • After Davis groused about former President Bill Clinton's decision to campaign for Emanuel, Braun did the same – adding her own dig at Emanuel. Carol Moseley Braun Emerges As Leading Black Candidate
  • Rev. Wright was one of the clergy at a gathering when Bill Clinton first apologized and "repented" the Lewinsky mess. Asked Whether Advisers Are Pushing Wright Story, Hillary Demurs
  • Unlike his more famous namesake, this Bill Clinton has little interest in politics.
  • I do not believe we can repair the basic fabric of society until people who are willing to work have work. Work organizes life. It gives structure and discipline to life. Bill Clinton 
  • One flashpoint is the assigned speech topic for former president Bill Clinton, who is scheduled to speak Wednesday night, when the convention theme is “Securing America's Future.” Bill Clinton’s Convention Role - Swampland -
  • Unlike his more famous namesake, this Bill Clinton has little interest in politics.
  • This is, of course, nonsense, as has been pointed out even by mainstream establishmentarian economists like Laura D'Andrea Tyson, chairwoman of Bill Clinton's Council of Economic Advisors, who observed that: Ian Fletcher: The Obama Administration's Clueless Trade Diplomacy
  • The limited perception and understanding that exists of the case is that it is simply a business fraud suit by Clinton donor and erstwhile Clinton employer Peter Paul against Bill Clinton who was aided and abetted by Hillary in inducing Paul to spend more than $1.2 million to elect Hillary to the Senate with a false promise to work with paul when Clinton left the White House. Clinton adviser makes superdelegate pitch
  • Three forces -- sky-high gasoline prices, the massive costs of rebuilding the Gulf Coast and ever-gloomier public assessments of the war in Iraq -- have combined to weaken Bush's reputation as a strong leader, and leave him vulnerable to the kind of second-term fiascoes that tend to befall all presidents: think Ronald Reagan and Iran-contra, or Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. Troubled Waters
  • Former Sen. Phil Gramm pushed to pass the repeal of G-S and Robert Rubin pushed Bill Clinton to sign it, and then Rubin went to work for Citibank, the bank that had the most to gain from its repeal. Poll: Public backs giving Washington more power to regulate Wall Street
  • In 1998 she was elevated to appeals court by President Bill Clinton, a Democrat.
  • But you can quite defensibly accuse of Bill Clinton of exploiting racial divisions in order to promote Hillary's campaign. Hillary Campaign's Talking Points On Bill's Jackson Comment And Kennedy's Obama Endorsement
  • Kristen Zarfos, a Connecticut surgeon, was praised by President Bill Clinton for her advocacy to improve treatment for women after mastectomies. The stories behind the visitors in the State of the Union galleries
  • More than a decade ago, when Bill Clinton occupied the White House, he pushed through the landmark North American Free Trade Agreement, which linked the fortunes of Mexico and the United States.
  • For one, Barack Obama seems to be far more ideologic al than Bill Clinton -- so ideological that Hillary Clinton was the moderate alternative in 2008. The Last War
  • When Bill Clinton was going through the throes of impeachment, we heard a lot of oration from the Right about his lack of "moral leadership" and how he was "letting us down" through his human failings. April 2004
  • His predecessor, Democrat Bill Clinton, had a 66% approval rating in early 2001 when he stepped down after two terms marred by a sex scandal and impeachment. Iowa caucus 2012: GOP presidential candidates make their final push - live
  • He could bridge the ideological gap between big and small government by leading with the idea pioneered by Bill Clinton and George W. Bush in providing social services by partnering with both faith-based and secular nonprofit organizations. Jim Wallis: It Takes a Movement: Moral Centering and Political Recalibration
  • President Bill Clinton paid a two-day visit to Northern Ireland with little expectation of achieving a breakthrough in the beleaguered political process.
  • FUNNY BUSH COMEDY HAHAHA president bush usa funny hilarious idiot stupid quotes impersonation comedy abc fat comedian parody satire satirical bill clinton monica lewinsky sex scandal suit india cricket team soccer skills tricks actuary actuarial politics speech parliament john howard kevin rudd election inflation rate - Business News
  • The Government is optimistic that Bill Clinton will use the last days of his presidency to make a generous gesture on debt.
  • I am sorry, but that's real wishful thinking, or as Bill Clinton would impolitely say "a biggest fairytale". Poll: National Race Tightens; Majority Says Obama Flip-Flopped On Key Issues
  • I generally wouldn't bother reading all the info on the State Dinner which certainly sounds elegant, however, the fact that Bill Clinton wasn't invited stuc out like a sore thumb. .why would our Secretary of State be allowed to have her husband, regardless of his being Bill .... seems a bit in bad taste ... WH releases list of expected attendees for Tuesday's state dinner
  • Like his first presidential friend, Bill Clinton, whose second term bogged down in the Monica Lewinsky affair, he is dogged by a miniscandal of his own -- the so-called cash-for-peerages imbroglio in which donors allegedly gave big loans to the Labour Party in exchange for seats in the House of Lords. I Did It My Way
  • Walker has parlayed a Bill Clinton appointment as Comptroller General into a lifetime career as a benefit-cut advocate, a career that not only pays well but provides enough over-the-top media flattery to embarrass a Maharajah. Richard (RJ) Eskow: The Ministry of Truth: New Fronts in the War on Social Security
  • Former president, now private citizen, Bill Clinton, giving his farewell speech to the nation Thursday night.
  • He also borrowed from the playbooks of Bill Clinton and British Prime Minister Tony Blair by marching his party to the center.
  • So much for the truce, painstakingly pieced together by Bill Clinton and his unique brand of insomnia diplomacy.
  • And the Bill Clinton autobiography hits stores this week.
  • When times are tough, constant conflict may be good politics but in the real world, cooperation works better. Bill Clinton 
  • It's interesting, of course, Bush kind of derided Bill Clinton for investing too much in Boris Yeltsin. CNN Transcript Nov 18, 2001
  • Bill Clinton was accused by conspiracy theorists of having murdered his friend and White House legal adviser Vince Foster; George Bush had to contend with the Truthers who believe he was the mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks.
  • A couple of hours later, Obama campaign manager David Plouffe defended Gen. McPeak's comparison of Bill Clinton to Joe McCarthy and slammed Hillary for "wallowing" in lobbyist cash. Judas vs. Joe McCarthy - Real Clear Politics –
  • Abortion should not only be safe and legal, it should be rare. Bill Clinton 
  • It seems that all Democratic presidential candidates except Bill Clinton are terrible campaigners, stiff, crazy, dishonest," inauthentic, "and on and on and on ... Kerry Donor: Let's Give The Man Some Credit
  • I do not believe we can repair the basic fabric of society until people who are willing to work have work. Work organizes life. It gives structure and discipline to life. Bill Clinton 
  • Bill Clinton's presidential library won't be formally dedicated until tomorrow, but we've already been inside.
  • With the single exception of Bill Clinton's 1996 re-election convention in Chicago, these national Democratic conclaves have always been fraught with peril.
  • The actor is well known as the funnyman who graced "SNL" to spoof celebrities like Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump and Sean Connery.
  • For most of us who grow up in the "boonies" and go to school in the East, it's like speaking two languages -- Bill Clinton, for example, is perfectly bilingual. BUSH AND McCAIN'S REAL PROBLEM IS SELF-DECEPTION
  • It may have paved the way for the 1992 election of Democrat Bill Clinton.
  • Barbara Bush stood by her President son and Bill Clinton while touring the astrodome and was recorded making these comments "What I'm hearing, which is sort of scary, is they all want to stay in Texas," "Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality. Clinton: No cause for alarm
  • July 25th, 2006 at 2: 08 pm james risser says: as bill clinton pimps joe lieberman, and hillary clinton suports the war, let the face of dick morris, and his crulety, remind all that the difference between the clinton and the bush dynasties is closer than one would expect …. Think Progress » Dick Morris: ‘Civil War Is Progress’ In Iraq
  • Jack's not too bothered, though, as he's now convinced he is Bill Clinton reincarnate.
  • What a great guy, causing a major slur on a past president who did so much for black people and now -- once the damage is done -- "generously" appointing himself as Bill Clinton's judge and benevolently saying that he doesn't "think" that Clinton was "deliberately" trying to racialize the campaign. Obama: I Don't Think Clintons Made "Deliberate Effort" To Racialize Campaign
  • It includes seared scallops with osetra caviar and potato-chive mousseline, a favorite of Bill Clinton's, and poached turbot with caviar-champagne sauce, which was prepared for Ronald Reagan in 1985. February Special:
  • Most Americans disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling the federal budget deficit, but head-to-head against the Republicans in Congress, the president appears to be in better political shape than former president Bill Clinton was at the start of his year-long budget fight with the Republicans in 1995. Ratings on Obama's handling of the deficit
  • Joe Lockhart, former White House spokesman for Bill Clinton and now a Kerry adviser, says, If you want the easiest way to define the Bush doctrine, it's what I call the testosterone presidency. Hullabaloo
  • I'm thinking voters see Bill Clinton placing a steading hand on Hillary's shoulder. Poll: Most Think Bill Would Be Asset To President Hillary
  • Bozo The Neoclown says: one again pox is wrong. bill clinton has government run health care insurance thanks to his stint as president. much like the geriatrics who watch pox all day, also covered by government run medicare. Think Progress » Fox Politicizes Clinton’s Heart Surgery, Suggests He Wouldn’t Have Received Treatment Under Health Reform
  • No, given the stature of psychopaths like Hitler, Stalin, and Ted Bundy, Bill Clinton is not in the same league nor should he have his image inset next to the term psychopath in the dictionary. QandO
  • People around the world have always been more impressed by the power of our example than by the example of our power. Bill Clinton 
  • But I guess Bill Clinton's psychotic need for publicity, approval, and fawning is a little more important than the safety of Americans abroad ..... who are now in MORE danger as a result of this stupid publicity stunt. North Korea feels 'owed' directs talks with U.S., Richardson says
  • Kendrick Meek, of course, has the strong endorsement of President Obama, Bill Clinton, but there's obviously dissention in the Democratic ranks. White House Loses Chief Of Staff To Chicago Politics
  • Shakespeare's is an interesting line, but a good chiasma is a literary firework -- an "OH!" moment -- and Bill Clinton's delivered a great one Wednesday night: John Lundberg: The Poetry Of A Political Speech
  • As Bill Clinton gets ready to "redefine" both himself and his presidency in the weeks ahead, and as the rest of Washington gets ready to unleash a torrent of commentary about how he has or hasn't changed and how he is surging or sinking or whatever it turns out to be in the polls, all this becomes very apt. The Folly Of 'Reinvention'
  • The five men in the 20th century who unhorsed sitting presidents - Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton - all built their power bases as state governors.
  • The best social program is a good job. Bill Clinton 
  • Bill Clinton today met Kim and passed on a verbal message from Barack Obama, according to the state's official news agency.
  • When times are tough, constant conflict may be good politics but in the real world, cooperation works better. Bill Clinton 
  • But they stayed at it, and for three decades, there has been only one Democratic president, Bill Clinton—and he won with 43 percent of the vote, largely as a “remainderman,” when the first President Bush was doomed by recession. No Excuses
  • The 2012 primary season should be an eventless coronation for Barack Obama, akin to the nonexistent primary season of 1996, when Bill Clinton didn't even bother to formally declare his candidacy for a second term. Remember the Superdelegates?
  • Bill Clinton was not the candidate, stupids! kelvin mays Schneider: Bill Clinton is big in Puerto Rico
  • I'll bet Bill Clinton took time out from his usual campaign "frump", picked up his cell phone, and gave Mr. Patterson a "little advice" about his choice of words to the media!! Paterson says Clinton frustrated, not desperate
  • Rand Paul took a harsh line against Bill Clinton on Monday, attacking him with a below-the-belt jab focused on the former president's sexual indiscretions with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Rand Paul Lobs Lewinsky Attack At Bill Clinton
  • So the Coens and I started talking about Tommy Lee and other people that are fun to listen to, like Bill Clinton, and thought about what it would be like if a person had that kind of showy presentation — but was devoid of substance. Damon's Ride to the Coens' Best Western
  • The planet where Bill Clinton didn't "inhale" or the one where George W. Bush didn't (allegedly) snort coke off the ass of a Mexican hooker? Hillary Campaign Official Says GOP Will Target Obama For Drug Use
  • He expressed disappointment in the Clinton presidency, saying Bill Clinton had undercut minorities by backing off strong affirmative-action programs.
  • Concerning her affair with then President Bill Clinton, Walters asks Lewinsky what kind of kisser Clinton is, how passionate, sensual, etc. Jim Lichtman: Far Short of Perfect
  • It was clear that Bill Clinton loved the job of the presidency.
  • KURTZ: Bill Clinton complained about what he called the knee - jerk liberal press, as in this interview after leaving office with Peter Jennings. CNN Transcript Apr 16, 2006
  • Bill Clinton, similarly, knew the power of charm and was not, IIRC, one to try to scarify opponents verbally in public. Don’t dis your competitor « Scripting News Annex
  • He's got every bit as much raw brain power as Bill Clinton, and, I would argue, more skill as a speaker and "stumper" than Bill had as a candidate. Ferraro's Latest: "They're Attacking Me Because I'm White"
  • Knowing the former president was in the house, they dollied themselves up to look like Bill Clinton AND Monica Lewinsky. Winnipeg Sun
  • Wild Bill Clinton shows he's a real front runner when tackling the big issues.
  • What is your reaction - no hesitations, no conferring, no calls to a friend - when Bill Clinton says an accusation is ‘absolutely false’?
  • That's how we got Mr. Obama's electric-car subsidies, Jimmy Carter's "synfuel" disaster, and Bill Clinton's now-forgotten 80 mpg family-car project. After Osama, Energy Sanity?
  • Bill Clinton, who is pictured walking Chelsea down the aisle, wore a simple black tux with a white boutonniere in his lapel.
  • If this figure proves wildly optimistic, Bill Clinton will either have to propose more cuts or spend more money.
  • President Bill Clinton paid a two-day visit to Northern Ireland with little expectation of achieving a breakthrough in the beleaguered political process.
  • Bill Clinton will mount the bully pulpit and tell you whatever he thinks you want to hear.
  • Former US President Bill Clinton stunned shoppers with an impromptu walkabout yesterday, after enjoying a Yorkshire pub lunch.
  • For the same $50 you can see a dozen museums in Little Rock and still have money left over for a plateful of tamales smothered with chili at Doe's Eat Place, Bill Clinton's favorite haunt. Pam Grout: Doing It On The Cheap In Little Rock
  • The Republicans were quick to try and get Bill Clinton impeached for infidelity - now they're trying their darnedest to keep their own adulterous politicians in office and downplay it! Steele: Sanford, Ensign affairs 'old news, old school'
  • In the opening to The Human Stain, author Philip Roth's narrator, Nathan Zuckerman, describes the summer of 1998, when "Bill Clinton's secret" - about Monica - "emerged in every last mortifying detail - every last lifelike detail, the livingness, like the mortification, exuded by the pungency of the specific data. Michael Takiff: Bill Clinton, Still the Biggest Dog in Town
  • Bill Clinton throws temper tantrums and chases women ... and the macarena is the latest dance craze sweeping the nation. Purdum defends article slamming Bill Clinton
  • Here's the reason Obama is so serene about his party taking a midterm drubbing: "If Democrats lose control of one or both houses, Obama will have an easier time in 2012, just as Bill Clinton used Newt Gingrich as the foil for his 1996 reelection campaign. Fact And Comment
  • For the record, let's consider the Fannie and Freddie debacle: Barney Frank in 2003 said that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were not facing any kind of financial crisis ... then we have Bill Clinton who asserted that Democrats resisted standards for two institutions ... on the top of that we now have Obama who is a top recipient of Freddie and Fannie lobbies pushing for no-doc loans, nothing-down houses, equity-line hustles, phony appraisals, in short gleefully shaking the money tree in every direction they could. The Last Debt Orgy
  • I do not believe we can repair the basic fabric of society until people who are willing to work have work. Work organizes life. It gives structure and discipline to life. Bill Clinton 
  • I think he used the phrase dangerously corrupt to describe Bill Clinton. CNN Transcript - Reliable Sources: Are Bush's Speeches Analyzed More Than His Proposals?; Is the Media Allied Against Bush's Tax Cut?; Can the President Get Attention Amidst Clinton Scandals? - March 3, 2001
  • Oh, so the black guy "mugged" Bill Clinton, now I ... John Edwards to endorse? Which candidate passes the moral test of our generation?
  • The only thing sleazy is the way Bill Clinton acts. Bill Clinton lashes out at Vanity Fair reporter
  • Our primary focus is upon the messages attached to vetoes of public bills issued by the twentieth-century presidents, Theodore Roosevelt through Bill Clinton.
  • He is an abrasive New Yorker in a country that tends to elect hail-fellow-well-met types like Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton.
  • Bill Clinton's policy-wonkish preferences plunged his first year in government into organisational chaos.
  • If one candidate is appealing to your fears, and the other one's appealing to your hopes, you’d better vote for the person who wants you to think and hope! Bill Clinton 
  • When times are tough, constant conflict may be good politics but in the real world, cooperation works better. Bill Clinton 
  • If you want to live like a Republican, vote like a Democrat. Bill Clinton 
  • Authorities say an explosive device, variously described as pyrotechnics or fireworks, shattered internal windows in a basement room at the Morosani Posthotel, about 1,000 yards from the conference center where former President Bill Clinton, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and British Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg were set to speak. Small Blast Rattles Davos Nerves
  • This, of the former President Bill Clinton with candidate, the wife Hillary Clinton and Chelsea, all three of them together, the former first family, and what they did is essentially are trying to show a personal support, family support, but also to kind of harken back to the days of the White House when times were good, when the economy was strong, when the country was at peace. CNN Transcript Dec 27, 2007
  • Bill Clinton, as the southern governor most likely to vault from a statehouse to the White House. Archive 2008-03-01
  • L'ancien président américain Bill Clinton, émissaire spécial des Nations Unies en Haïti, a nié lundi à Port-au-Prince que l'aide humanitaire ait été trop "lente" à parvenir aux Haïtiens après le séisme de mardi. - Articles related to Le mariage de Chelsea Clinton passionne les Etats-Unis
  • It was an orgy of indulgence personified by Oprah and Bill Clinton.
  • The Government is optimistic that Bill Clinton will use the last days of his presidency to make a generous gesture on debt.
  • Abortion should not only be safe and legal, it should be rare. Bill Clinton 
  • But just a year later, with the economy in tatters, he was booted out of office by a little-known state governor named Bill Clinton.
  • Maybe Bill Clinton, along with the Reverse Vampires, flew a plane out of Mena airport, consulted with Osama bin Laden at his home on the sound stage where they faked the moon landings, and decided via ouija board that the FBI agents should follow the standard procedures for treating a suspect arrested in America for attempting an act of terrorism. Matthew Yglesias » GOP Members of Congress Have Never Watched Television, Movies
  • (Say what you will about Bill Clinton, but his dossier is prison-free.) Running Mate
  • Bill Clinton is often described as one of the keenest political intellects of the age.
  • At the end of U.S. President Bill Clinton's administration, Israeli PrimeMinister Ehud Barak offered the Palestinians several key concessions, includingmore than 90 percent of the West Bank.
  • What did the star-dazzled delegates from the Party think they were applauding when they squealed their thanks to Bill Clinton?
  • The short-trousered one has, in a glittering foreign service career so far, angered India, gravely insulted the Poles and apparently sexually titivated the wife of Bill Clinton, another man with banana syndrome. barbara Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • Former President Bill Clinton elevated the SBA administrator position to Cabinet-level rank during his administration.
  • With his usual sense of entitlement and aggrievement, Bill Clinton of Arkansas did not want Caroline Kennedy of New York to have the seat that Hillary Clinton of Illinois held. Maureen Dowd begins the next volume in her series of novels, A Dance to the Music of My Ego and Id
  • One of the most fascinating aspects of micropolitics is the analysis of individuals like the one described above-Bill Clinton.
  • Holder is a doof for pulling this but he did get Bill Clinton to pardon a major tax evader mjm CNN Poll: Americans want KSM tried in military court
  • By his own admission, he did not pay sufficient attention to the details, and Bill Clinton, at the behest of Marc Rich's attorney, Scooter Libby, pardoned Rich, a notorious defrauder who had escaped to Switzerland without going to trial or serving a day in prison. Paul Abrams: Why Rove Attacks Eric Holder: To Provide Cover for Bush's Pardons
  • He's an educated, ambitious young politician from the South - shades of Bill Clinton.
  • And the former president President Bill Clinton received a rapturous reception at the convention.
  • Once his political affiliation was declared as Republican, Powell came under considerable pressure to run against Bill Clinton in 1996.
  • When times are tough, constant conflict may be good politics but in the real world, cooperation works better. Bill Clinton 
  • Unlike his more famous namesake, this Bill Clinton has little interest in politics.
  • It seems that all Democratic presidential candidates except Bill Clinton are terrible campaigners, stiff, crazy, dishonest, "inauthentic," and on and on and on. Kerry Donor: Let's Give The Man Some Credit
  • Plus, former President Bill Clinton warning fellow Democrats against what he calls a colossal blunder. CNN Transcript Dec 17, 2009
  • Ron Brownstein compares his pre-midterm election interviews with President Bill Clinton in 1994 and President Barack Obama last week. Obama and Clinton
  • In Colombia as in Kazakhstan, Frank Giustra always air taxies Bill Clinton and gets that special access to leaders. Report: Mark Penn Met With Colombian Ambassador To Talk Trade

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