How To Use Bilharziasis In A Sentence

  • Intestinal bilharziasis (or schistosomiasis) is becoming more and more frequent among Canadian travellers who come in contact with natural soft waters in tropical countries.
  • Among human parasitic diseases, schistosomiasis (sometimes called bilharziasis) ranks second behind malaria in terms of socio-economic and public health importance in tropical and subtropical areas. Chapter 1
  • Anopheles mosquitoes type of mosquitoes that may transmit malaria and rural filariasis arbovirus an arthropod-borne virus, i.e. a virus that is transmitted by insects, ticks or mites bilharziasis see: schistosomiasis cost-effectiveness analysis Chapter 4
  • See also: bilharziasis sector distinct part of the economy e.g. health, agriculture, natural resources, economic planning, water resources, industry, private sector. Chapter 4
  • Anopheles mosquitoes type of mosquitoes that may transmit malaria and rural filariasis arbovirus an arthropod-borne virus, i.e. a virus that is transmitted by insects, ticks or mites bilharziasis see: schistosomiasis cost-effectiveness analysis Chapter 4
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  • This will also reduce contact with water bodies that have been polluted by excretia, reducing the risk of disease including bilharziasis 17. Environmental Sanitation
  • In this paper, the evaluation of two features in predicting the outcomes of patients with bilharziasis bladder cancer has been investigated using an RBF neural network.
  • Urinary bilharziasis has typical ultrasonographic features, but may occur with no morphological lesion detectable on ultrasonography.
  • ABOUT 1 million Chinese suffer from infectious snail fever (schistomasis or bilharziasis) but new research by Shanghai geneticists into the dangerous worm has brought some hope of controlling the disease.
  • There are three types of bilharziasis: Schistosoma haematobium, Schistosoma mansoni and Schistosoma japonicum.
  • They include ones against AIDS, whose pandemic, which is extremely serious in certain countries, counteracts development attempts, malaria which affects one and a half million Africans, and tuberculosis and bilharziasis, a disease which mobilizes specialists from the Pasteur Institute in Lille, in the valley of the Senegal river. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Most serious parasitic diseases, Eke bilharziasis or malaria, are transmitted through snails, armadillos, kissing bugs, goats: you name the critter and I'll pop up with a zoonosis to go with it. Anywhen

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