
bile duct

  1. a duct formed by the hepatic and cystic ducts; opens into the duodenum

How To Use bile duct In A Sentence

  • Objective To avoid the happen of negativity common bile duct exploration.
  • Freya Stratford had been seriously ill with the bile duct condition biliary atresia and doctors gave her just weeks to live unless a donor organ was found.
  • Syndromic paucity of interlobular bile ducts (Alagille syndrome or arteriohepatic dysplasia): review of 80 cases. Alagille Syndrome Related Reading
  • Our technique and results of endoscopic treatment of bile duct injury after open cholecystectomy have been described in detail elsewhere.
  • We have advocated initial endoscopic stenting for bile duct strictures after open cholecystectomy.
  • The biliary tract includes the gallbladder and bile ducts.
  • So the bile, or gall, drains from the liver through bile ducts, collects in your gall bladder, and the gall bladder squirts it out on request.
  • Blood chemistry showed cholestatic liver enzymes and ultrasound showed dilated bile ducts.
  • Roshan had been diagnosed with extrahepatic biliary atresia - a rare condition in which the common bile duct in newborns is blocked or has not developed. The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Frontpage
  • A wide array of laboratory and radiologic studies is used for the evaluation of gallstones located in the gallbladder and the common bile duct.
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