

  1. the property of being symmetrical about a vertical plane

How To Use bilateralism In A Sentence

  • It also blamed the sometimes unnecessary inclusion of Mexico from preventing more meaningful Canada-U.S. bilateralism. The SPP: Three's Company or Three's a Crowd?
  • A general right of accession would have created a major inroad into the continuing bilateralism of even multilateral treaties.
  • Donors need to stop the rampant bilateralism‟ and the often-contradictory policies and priorities that plague the IHRC. Georgianne Nienaber: Haiti Still Buried Under the Rubble of Dueling NGOs: OXFAM Report
  • Some would like to see more focus placed on Canada-U.S. bilateralism while others believe that trilateralism should always be the way to go. The SPP: Three's Company or Three's a Crowd?
  • The rule protected States from intervention by other States in their external affairs and maintained the inherent bilateralism of international law.
  • The rule protected States from intervention by other States in their external affairs and maintained the inherent bilateralism of international law.
  • But Japan's new orientation toward bilateralism signals an increasingly activist foreign policy, particularly in the case of North Korea, where it must believe it has little to lose by attempting to influence the resumption and outcome of Six Party talks. Daniel Wagner: Japan's Emerging Activist Diplomacy With North Korea
  • The British reportedly are supplying the special forces working with the CIA, an exercise in bilateralism that may have limitations. Obama's Half-Rumsfeld in Libya
  • For a number of reasons bilateralism is no longer appropriate as the paradigm model for the regulation of activities in the international arena.
  • It is that bilateralism which is beginning to polarise South Africa. ANC Daily News Briefing
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