
How To Use Bike In A Sentence

  • I was totally expecting you to say that you read a section looking for the miscut part and got yourself hideously freaked out for the bike ride home. Cooperative Blog » Blog Archive » Stephen King
  • But crucially for a superbike rider, this also means that you will receive some of the finest equipment.
  • I must pump the tyres up on my bike.
  • He made his escape on the back of a motorbike.
  • On the promotion campaign across 11 cities, the Dew Adventure Games with daredevil feats by international skate boarders and BMX bike riders drew huge crowds.
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  • If the cops camped out at the corner of Spadina and College, they could cover the costs of their salaries by ticketing bike-lane parkers.
  • From his shiny, greasy, biker-looking jeans to his short, greying beard, he was muscle and bone.
  • Created for all kinds of cycling lifestyler, they offer technical and off-the-bike gear for everyone from committed roadies to dirt junkies.
  • A horse-drawn tonga keeps stately pace with the latest Mercedes, jostled by cycles and bikes.
  • Choosing the right bike depends on what you want to use it for.
  • The biker boot lesson is salutary. Times, Sunday Times
  • She also wore knee-high boots and a biker jacket. The Sun
  • When Wood returned to the truck parked on Panorama Drive, her bike was gone along with two others belonging to friends visiting from Washing-ton state.
  • The county council has introduced pool cars for business trips, and last year adopted mileage rates of 40p a mile for staff using bikes on business.
  • The Raleigh International Bike Ride is open to anyone who wants to raise money for a good cause.
  • FORGET the image of an old wooden shack that is home to rusty bikes and spiders. The Sun
  • The riders, known as scramblers, are illegally riding their motorbikes, quad bikes and scooters across Crane Park and are tearing up the ground in the process.
  • The team consists of six daring riders who perform a whole range of stunts from high jumps to wheelies on motorcycles, quad bikes and three-wheelers.
  • If I were to wait until some kind of separate road system for cycles is introduced, a dicky heart would have taken me to my grave before I managed to get on my bike.
  • On a mountain bike, you have to have narrow bars or you'll catch yourself on a tree.
  • A gaggle of brawny bikers revs their choppers out front.
  • The reflector is a standard fitting on the front pillar of the bike, hence the curved mount.
  • She leaned her bike against the stone wall and stood on tiptoe to peer over it.
  • Personally, I think DDOT is doing some good things in pedestrian/bike work, but doing this on NY Avenue right now may be too big a fish to fry. Matthew Yglesias » DDOT Decides That Speedy Cars are More Important than Pedestrian Safety
  • Problem is, they're too busy raising money for charity or building an electric bike to care that their dad is holding out an olive branch. The Sun
  • In the few places where a bike lane is present, more often than not, a double-parked car is there as well, forcing the bicyclist into the traffic lane. Maryland bike law isn’t enough
  • The small minority of motorcycle riders that are involved in criminal activity should be able to be dealt with under existing laws against organised (or other) crime, we don't need more laws specifically targeting motorbike riders, or hysterical public discussion, about "bikie" terror. Central Midlands & Coastal Advocate
  • Testing the new bike in the dizzying mountains north of glamorous Monaco, all of these improvements came together beautifully. The Sun
  • When you reach the Cabo Rojo National Wildlife Refuge, just south of town, mountain-bike a trail network among thousands of migratory birds, then cap it off with a swim in the nearby bioluminescent bay.
  • The initiative is being introduced across the country and will result in 37,000 postmen who deliver their rounds on bike wearing the safety equipment.
  • The farm is a good base for mountain bikers and walkers. Times, Sunday Times
  • A shepherd watched his flock through binoculars and his sheepdog watched from the back of the quadbike.
  • To put it simply, this bike climbs like a squirrel, descends like a greased squirrel on a luge, corners like a decagon, and accelerates like a methamphetamine-addicted rabbit. Happy Birthday To Me: BSNYC Turns 1
  • Tina would bike to her mother's work at the end of the day and wait for her to finish.
  • He always stands his bike against mine.
  • Arm an able-bodied person with a bike and give them access to a reliable train service and virtually any conceivable journey is possible. Times, Sunday Times
  • From the takeout near Durango, teams would bike, trek, and rappel roughly 55 miles back to Telluride.
  • But what should you buy when your limited experience and funds won't stretch to a shiny superbike? The Sun
  • In addition, she changed the exercise equipment in the club bringing in treadmills, recumbent bikes and ellipticals that were more comfortable for the women, most of whom were new to exercising.
  • He was lucky to escape with just a bruised ego when he fell off his bike.
  • The team consists of six daring riders who perform a whole range of stunts from high jumps to wheelies on motorcycles, quad bikes and three-wheelers.
  • Chris dismantled the bike in five minutes.
  • He has put a lot of effort into his pre-season work and not only with his bikes.
  • HOWTO make dust-goggles from a bra-strap, light-bulb screens, and an old biker jacket Boing Boing
  • After a breakfast of pasta and 3 cups of tea, I went to the garage to fetch my bike only to find my Dad, who looked more nervous than me, frantically pumping up my tyres.
  • It is particularly popular with ‘born-again’ bikers - older motorcyclists who buy high-powered machines in a bid to recapture the thrills of their youth.
  • Let's steal motorbikes and ride to Taunton! Times, Sunday Times
  • All the injured were taken to York District Hospital by four ambulances with police motorbike escorts.
  • He can't maintain enough equilibrium to ride a bike.
  • He walked slowly up the hill pushing his bike.
  • I tell ya what, de next time yer comin inta town bring de auld bike wit ya and ya can chain it to de pole outside, ‘sniggered Jim backing out the door, deciding that it was time to beat a hasty retreat.’
  • A host of countermeasures have been devised and a few tried, such as exercise bikes and treadmills to which crew members are strapped.
  • This past week, the two little guys learned - with amazing suddenness - how to ride bikes.
  • They relax with a lot of skiing, the favourite off-bike way of keeping fit.
  • I believe that a rider's build affects the potential for shimmy to occur: how heavy is the rider relative to the bike?
  • Uphill it's no slogger either, with barely a jiggle of movement from the shock, even with the bike set to 'freeride' amounts of sag. Singletrack World
  • So I pulled over and locked the bike and went into the CVS. THE BLACK BOOK: DIARY OF A TEENAGE STUD VOL. II: STOP, DON'T STOP
  • With a curvy frame and bright rainbow colours, this bike folds in seconds and is small enough to fit in a shopping bag. The Sun
  • This is the first bike that will exploit the Renovatio's frameless concept: The 132-cubic-inch, S&S-built engine is a load-bearing structural element, suspended like a girder between the stupendous front engine mount and rear pivot. The Master of Machine-Age Motorcycles
  • Do you hire out bikes? Or they can rent / let a building, etc:We rent out rooms in our house to students.
  • When her father was found in the road after a motorbike crash, it was the end of his naval career. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was a bit worried at her lack of street riding experience, but where the bike path intersected driveways and cross streets, everyone stopped and waved us through.
  • One motorbike peeled away from the formation and circled round behind the rest.
  • This all adds up to a bike that is almost effortless to ride. The Sun
  • The pro championship will be replaced by an amateur event in which stunt novices compete against each other on their own bikes.
  • Next, I have to sit on what looks like an industrial exercise bike with interchangeable parts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Anyway, I DO care if other cyclists run red lights because I have to answer for their asshattery every time I talk to a cager about riding a bike. The Indignity of Commuting by Bicycle: Riding in Circles
  • Andrew said the thieves had cut through his bike lock before stealing the machine, which had been parked off Fossgate.
  • Swindon police say that he was away from his bike, delivering a letter, when the thief took the bag.
  • The engine also has a sportbike-derived chain-and-gear camshaft drive system that allows for a short/narrow cylinder head design and reduced overall engine height. Quad 2009 ATV Buyers Guide
  • The bike needs a new saddle, but otherwise it's in good condition.
  • I used to be a keen mountain biker. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bikes are easy to park, but on the debit side can be dangerous in traffic.
  • Also, remove the cartop ski and bike racks, which add weight and create drag when you aren't using them, and clean out the trunk.
  • This is Heartbeat meets The Royal meets Where the Heart Is, set in the quaint 1950s Northern Englandshire of classic motorbikes ridden by be-goggled simpletons with wholesome wives dressed in floral pinnies.
  • Safe sidewalks and bike paths can turn short trips to school, work or the store into beneficial activities.
  • Beginning after the Second World War, for every guilder that was spent on highways, a few pfennigs went to building bikeways.
  • We would study for three hours, then ride motorbikes or ski the rest of the time. Times, Sunday Times
  • We would study for three hours, then ride motorbikes or ski the rest of the time. Times, Sunday Times
  • The really ironic thing is, once I get the tires reinflated I have to cycle down to the bike shop anyway to get the gears fixed on the darn thing!
  • He said he heard someone shout the man had got to the bank side, and used some bike lights to search for him, but to no avail.
  • A stadium bicycle race is made vivid with a revolving stage, a bridge and actors who move their bikes steadily on the spot. Times, Sunday Times
  • Riding a bike is great exercise.
  • The victim of the motorcycle theft can be heard cursing the robber as he lies bleeding in the road by the ditched bike. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nowhere have I seen your bike.
  • There's a tamperproof anti-theft alarm and bike locator. Times, Sunday Times
  • As a lad, he used to race bikes and his brother blessed him with the name of Bob-man, which has stuck like glue ever since.
  • In each case the offender rode up on a mountain bike and sped off after committing an indecent assault or exposing himself.
  • We take our bikes and we go swimming. The Sun
  • Another way Peace Coffee make a clear statement about their local priorities is through their choice of alternative delivery systems for their beans: bike and, when needed, trucks powered by biodiesel. Caffeinated Activism: Three Ways Peace Coffee Thinks Outside the Beans
  • It's a region already popular both with casual and mountain bikers who don't have to contend with busy traffic.
  • In Turkmenistan, the predominant colour is green and the look is topped off with a natty beret and biker boots. Times, Sunday Times
  • I don't care for riding on a bike very much; I'd rather go on foot.
  • Old bikes can be bought quite cheaply.
  • Despite being a bike engine, it's got plenty of grunt.
  • He dismounts the bike and it extrudes its kickstand.
  • Last fall, MORE reared its head when Baltimore's Department of Public Works threatened to step up enforcement of rules that keep mountain bikes off so-called singletrack dirt trails around Loch Raven and Pretty Boy reservoirs. Baltimore City Paper
  • He could tell at a glance what is wrong with a bike.
  • He was wearing a crash helmet and full leathers when his bike hit the metal chain.
  • Scars are status symbols among mountain bike riders.
  • Schoolboy Will Greer watched in horror as two yobs rode off on his prized BMX bike.
  • But by the time I hit him the bike has all my weight behind it and my targeting is perfect: the front wheel lands between his legs. A MEANS TO EVIL
  • Just so you know, about 80 per cent of bikers have long hair.
  • So there I was in the paddock when I'm flattened by some idiot running into me on a monkey bike!
  • You'll have to wait until your next birthday for a new bike.
  • She's bought an exercise bike to keep in shape.
  • Alternatively, you could hire a bike and follow the course of the River Loir from Vendome to its confluence with the Sarthe.
  • With that, I flew off and landed in a muddy heap in the swampy infield, while the bike sagged directly to the ground.
  • They turned the field into a farmyard - complete with poultry, geese, rabbits, dogs and quad bikes.
  • Allan, a mechanic, was removing a cylinder head from a Harley-Davidson motorbike, when he spotted a world-famous heart surgeon in his garage.
  • In this fairly ungracious position (the view up my shorts for the bloke on the exercise bike opposite can't have been too nice) I started to do sit-ups.
  • After snooping round the house for a bit, we rode our bikes back to the hotel.
  • It is difficult for a 'solo' biker to learn to ride because ingrained habits must be unlearnt. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dawg has not consumed supermarket ground beef since that scandal but buys his own round or chuck and grinds it at home with a sufficient amount of fat to assure the somewhat rotund Dawg that he does not shrink to skinny-fartdom and look like some Godawful feo Chapala shrimp on a motorbike who thinks he is Marlon Brando but has more in common with Boy George. The big chapala beef beef
  • Police identified the man from belongings they found on his bike. The Sun
  • When the bike ride was fairly flat it stayed in the grey zone. The Sun
  • Lots of people like that aggressive, edgy side in a motorbike - this journalist included. The Sun
  • But I make it up when two superbikes decide they'll cut me up, and we effortlessly keep pace as they attempt to shoot off into the distance.
  • I'm pretty hot (especially in Minnesota's 95˚F May ending), but you might not know I was a Lycra-wearing cyclist, because sometimes I'm a mini-skirt wearing bike-rider (who sometimes passes cyclists). We Need People Who Ride Bikes, Not Cyclists « PubliCola
  • He seems small everyplace but on a bike, and that is how it should be.
  • You can zoom a bike around one of the many lakes, or follow a walking trail that leads to a dormant volcano. The Sun
  • We are subjected to the noise of motorbikes being driven around the estate all weekend by under-age children.
  • As an active cyclist I will not be campaigning for more cycle routes to push my bike along.
  • It suggests oddball tours instead of bus circuits; there's even a chainless-bike tour for 'white-jean wearers'. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then he went back to the bike and checked the cyclometer. Analog Science Fiction and Fact
  • As I unchained my bike, I saw the waitresses giggling and pointing at me.
  • While it's true that the centrepiece of the city's bike plan is the bikeway network, the plan is about much more than implementing bike routes across the city.
  • Alan noticed the bike a couple of weeks after he first rode his own bicycle to Tracy's weekly appointment.
  • The surface varies from a stony path to a rutted lane to a broad carpet of grass, all of it passable on a touring bike with the exception of 100 yards or so towards the end.
  • He should know better - his mother lost a leg in a motorbike accident nine years ago. The Sun
  • I have regularly competed in orienteering style mountain bike races, in which you decide your own route.
  • The ferry accommodates cars, bikes, wheelchairs, pushchairs and foot passengers and the crossing takes roughly ten minutes.
  • If you can't ride your bike to the top of the hill, you'll have to push it up.
  • THE "bikeway rapist" who terrorised Brisbane for more than two years had his 25 years jail term slashed to 16 years after the Court of Appeal today found the sentencing judge failed to properly take into account all the mitigating circumstances. | Top Stories
  • We discovered that someone with a 5mm Allen key had half-inched the forks off Martyn's bike.
  • Just than a passing youth snatched the woman's handbag and sprinted off, throwing it to another boy on a bike.
  • Petrol was 7 cents a litre, the express ways were fabulous with few cars and although the signs said no motorbikes the guys on the toll gates waved us through with a big smile, refused to charge us or accept the cigarettes we offered.
  • Francis lost control of his bike on the hill and ran into a tree.
  • He looked at me, then my bike, and without returning the gesture, twisted the throttle to blast away.
  • Detecting suspicious activity in the community is where the bike patrol agents come in handy.
  • The exercisers put in about four to six hours a week in formal workouts, but they were also physically active for up to three more hours weekly, taking part in recreational activities such as bike riding.
  • Button-down checked shirt, Levi 501s, biker boots or Timberlands, and a petrol blue, zip-fronted, nylon Schott jacket - that was my uniform.
  • The two-wheelers felt like riding a very twitchy bike that was murder to balance.
  • On foot or sometimes on mountain bikes, orienteers exercise their bodies and brains, finding a series of destination markers along a course.
  • To see him at work you would think he was a mild-mannered postal worker, happily idling along on a red postie bike as he delivers the mail.
  • Lake District National Park Authority rangers will be on their bikes and inviting guests to join them as they explore cycle tracks and bridleways around the area on Monday.
  • Have you seen him zapping around town on his new motor bike?
  • Only this bike offers adjustability for toe-in in its road brakes via concave/convex washers.
  • He added that it has been fascinating to see children being brought in for their first trikes and go up through bigger bikes until they are bringing their own children in.
  • Good bikes are expensive and they have to be kept in tip-top condition. Times, Sunday Times
  • This isn’t because of some desire to protect locals-only knowledge (if the number of other dog-walkers, mountain bikers, and equestrians is any indicator, these are far from secret trails), I was just following the group blindly and honestly don’t know where I was in greater detail than “Redmond, east of the Sammamish river.” The Trails of Redmond « PubliCola
  • All4's new series takes an alternative look at bikers. The Sun
  • More than 1,000 companies are already in the e-bike business in China, with many of them clustered in the eastern coastal provinces such as Jiangsu and Zhejiang, which both border Shanghai. Grist - the Latest from Grist
  • The school is also installing new cycle stands and bike sheds.
  • Anyone with an interest in the countryside has a role to play in eradicating the disease: from the livestock farmer to the rambler and mountain biker.
  • I spot the mountain biker just in time. Times, Sunday Times
  • We agreed on a price for the bike.
  • PC Steve Bushby, a police motorcyclist for 19 years, challenged the perception that bikers were overwhelmingly to blame for accidents.
  • The massive bike was fitted with a stereo and a foghorn to attract the maximum amount of attention.
  • B: I fix up bikes and give them away.
  • The bike still includes a back rest and chrome seat loop, with only the gearshift altered, moving from the crossbar to the handlebars for safety reasons.
  • Do you want to leave your bike here?
  • So, the bikers party at the River Bottom Saloon and camp in trucks and tents behind it.
  • In the meantime, Specialized have certainly proven that the Globe Roll is indeed the perfect bike with which to "slay" an overpriced food run. Warming the Cockles: Living, Breathing, Shopping
  • Are there any road bikes that have an upright riding position but will not be frowned on by more serious cyclists? Times, Sunday Times
  • While most budget bikes make do with just pre-load adjustment, Yamaha has given the Fazer fully adjustable suspension.
  • I had a good bike, an almost new baseball glove and a nice portable radio.
  • Think of it as a ski chalet for mountain bikers. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bikers in the film are members of Biker Quebec.
  • The driver was quite apologetic, and my bike wasn't damaged (didn't even buckle the wheel), so I'm chalking it up to experience.
  • I found this bike to handle the rougher descents with more control than a hardtail.
  • I taught myself to swim in Leg of Mutton pond, skated on Pen Ponds when they froze, sledged in Petersham Park when it snowed, built dams across the brook, and learnt to ride a bike on the path to Bog Lodge.
  • It feels fairly hardcore what with starting off in a steepish cycle ride up Morrell Avenue and then on, getting second wind, past the various hospitals such as the Churchill and the Nuffield, across the crossroads which takes you over the ringroad and then oh my let's walk the bikes from here due to steepness. Ooh, very nice weekend, but did I say relaxing?
  • My bike accelerates faster, though, and it's a lot more agile, and I have a clear picture in my head of the city grid for this section and a feel for the traffic rhythms.
  • She shared his fascination for motorbikes.
  • The killer then sped off on the pillion seat of a motorbike and, with his accomplice, drove to a quiet neighbourhood and burned the bike in an obviously pre-identified secluded location.
  • Few bike rides pass without at least one case of a car or lorry overtaking too close. Times, Sunday Times
  • The world's first superbike is back in a new incarnation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bags will be embellished with butterflies, edelweiss, feathers, motor bike straps, stabbed with decorative applied brooches and finished with chunky short shoulder chain straps.
  • They dumped their BMX bikes and scrambled over a fence to launch the merciless attack. The Sun
  • The single sided swingarm is the only thing “sexy” on this bike, and there are other, prettier bikes with SSS. Future Bike | My[confined]Space
  • The bleary eyes, he says, are down to a lack of sleep because of a faulty alarm on his motorbike.
  • This system consists of an adjustable crossbar with metal fork mounts to hold your bike securely in place.
  • In fact, it's a marathon and many sprints, not to mention numerous bike rides, a whole bunch of weightlifting, a batch of hockey matches, several days of small-bore shooting and some canoe slalom.
  • I slipped my leg over the side and straddled the bike.
  • Others roared over the sands in newly-designed Land Rovers, on revolutionary dune buggies and motor bikes.
  • A bike-mad youngster who was geared up to compete against adults in motorcycle trials has had his dreams shattered by thieves.
  • The same goes for bikes, as far as I'm concerned, and in February, that means one thing: studded snow tires.
  • As I pushed the bike closer to the limit a problem emerged: even though the suspension was working as hard as it could, the bike began to buck beneath me.
  • The bike she wanted to show me wasn't there ... lolz ... so we checked out the toys instead.
  • One of them was a really courageous person who travelled a few thousand kilometres on a two-wheeler bike. Naomi Campbell Interviews Vladimir Putin (PHOTO)
  • He doesn't say anything as I remount the bike and pull out, he just stands watching.
  • During filming the pair did some crazy stunts including riding through narrow streets on a motorbike ahead of rampaging bulls. The Sun
  • I would pedal my bike up back roads to visit them, and they would teach me radio.
  • Skate boarders and BMX bikers from Braintree attended a meeting at the council offices in Bocking End to find out about the Weavers Park site and how it will be run.
  • Suggest a kickabout in the park or a bike ride. The Sun
  • There will also be a bike park with tracks of varying difficulty, and a bungee trampoline to bounce you high into the air. Times, Sunday Times
  • By 12.00 I'd bought the bike but had to wait three hours for them to fit the mudguards and rack, so I went to the Quay Arts Centre for tea.
  • The bride was riding pillion on Jim's bike while Peggy was sitting primly in the only sidecar in the convoy. MAN AND WIFE
  • While others biked in the early morning cold downtown, I could smugly sip my coffee and watch raindrops hitting the window. Heidi Dietrich: Biking to the Gates Foundation

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