How To Use Bigfoot In A Sentence
The hominoid (please note, not hominid) body, found in the Georgia woods, is now in a secure location, under armed guard, and set to be examined by a battery of academic scholars, skeptical scientists, Bigfoot researchers, and debunking writers.
Boing Boing
But the evidence they uncover about the presence of a bigfoot is even more awe-inspiring.
The Sun
Beckjord's letter, Bigfoot, elusive, is still here touched on the non-flesh and blood mindset within some Bigfooters.
Archive 2007-07-01
A "yowie" is Australia's version of a yeti, a k a Bigfoot.
NYT > Home Page
Although a group led by the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO) started combing the woods around Marquette on Thursday for signs of Sasquatch, they may be looking at the wrong end of Michigan for the fabled hairy hominoid.
Archive 2007-07-15

The August media bigfoot now tapes web video stand-ups.
The feature that distinguishes the Bigfoot matter is the purported resemblance of this hairy creature to humans.
The infamous Patterson-Gimlin bigfoot film has been stabilized frame-by-frame to give you a better view of the lumbering woodland beast.
Bigfoot Film, Frame-by-Frame | Disinformation
Like Bigfoot, he is glimpsed only occasionally, on grainy videotape, which feeds his myth.
Other respondees thought this predicted the appearance of Yeti or Bigfoot.
As the search continues, Loren Coleman wonders over at Cryptomundo if this was a case of mistaken identity and that the chimp is actually Bigfoot.
Boing Boing: July 23, 2006 - July 29, 2006 Archives
Miller is interested in the philosophical, social and metaphorical implications that the Bigfoot creature represents.
The sight of a man holding a plaster cast record of the tracks of a mysterious beast started the modern Bigfoot legend.
Without Murdoch there bigfooting the other moguls, his No. 2, Chief Operating Officer Peter Chernin, had a chance to sweet-talk them.
So Justin Long is in TWO upcoming movies about the search for Bigfoot, playing a scuzzy-looking doofus with a molestache in each feature.
From the Texas Bigfoot Conference in Jefferson, Texas, he reports: Drawing on interviews with dozens of eye-witnesses, [Sasquatch expert Dr. Henner] Fahrenbach went on to say that Bigfoot's diet is rich in mussels, clams, peacocks, and the "hindquarter" of deer.
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Like Bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster, most of the evidence for Champ's existence rests on eyewitness testimony.
Bigfoot, the mythical apeman that for a time haunted the American subconscious - much as the Loch Ness Monster has haunted ours - was finally laid to rest along with the old man who dreamt him up.
Everybody has heard of Bigfoot, the gigantic ape-like creature that supposedly haunts the forests of the Pacific Northwest.
It is the study of such creatures as the Australian bunyip, Bigfoot, the chupacabra, and the Loch Ness monster.
Do they represent additional evidence of the legendary Bigfoot or something else entirely?
Bigfoot, also known as the Sasquatch, is depicted as an ape-like man who inhabits forest areas of the pacific north-west and parts of the Canadian province of British Columbia.
Whereas creatures such as Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster may or may not be hoaxes, the Cardiff Giant certainly was a hoax.
Bigfoot is 10ft high, 18ft long and 12ft 6in wide and weighs a massive five tonnes.
The Sun
Hair samples that have been recovered from alleged Bigfoot encounters have turned out to come from elk, bears or cows.
All four of the bigfoot political reporters on Meet the Press this morning picked Mondale to win the Mondale/Coleman senate race.
First, Patterson told people he was going out with the express purpose of capturing a Bigfoot on camera.
Bigfoot truck in the Challenge you will be driving a Bigfoot trucks (big wheel truck) and the increasing difficulty to complete the obstacle race .
Click for larger size so you can read all hims big talkings, which begin -- natch -- with "HELLO, I BIGFOOT.
Boing Boing
But, Freeman has not given up on eventually finding a Bigfoot, if only to vindicate that he had truly seen the manlike monster.
A 48-year-old reporter laboring away in obscurity for a tiny afternoon is no one's idea of a media bigfoot.
She would bigfoot her way onto other people's beats.
If the Bigfoot creatures across the United States are really out there, then each passing day should be one day closer to their discovery.
Giant and apelike in appearance, it would be easy to mistake Bigfoot for a hairy tree or NBA player.
Leeds was yesterday hailed bigfoot capital - for selling half of all mega size 17s.
The Sun
And they are performing increasingly complex tasks from home, from reading MRIs to helping clients search for Bigfoot, the mythic wilderness creature.
The Bigfoot stories recounted in these books differ significantly from the usual ‘hairy, manlike being seen running through the woods ‘reports that sometimes pop up in newspapers.’
It is the study of such creatures as the Australian bunyip, Bigfoot, the chupacabra, and the Loch Ness monster.
The bigfoot news media seems to be realizing now that there are stories to tell about Obama, especially from his days in Chicago.
He was dubbed the name Bigfoot for his large, muscular, body structure.
A new Bigfoot society has started up in southeastern Ohio.
Archive 2009-01-01
Leeds was yesterday hailed bigfoot capital - for selling half of all mega size 17s.
The Sun
He will not get bigfooted on matters relating to health care policy.
Vince, the clit is a myth, much like Bigfoot, the G spot, and the Loch Ness Monster.
Here in Spotsylvania County, in the forests around Lake Anna, Willard claims there have been 14 sightings in the past decade of that most fabled of cryptozoic beasts: Bigfoot.
Archive 2010-05-30
If only these creatures were, like Bigfoot, just a myth.
Summarizing the plot, a gleeful morass of B-movie humour involving an evil sibling, a bionic bigfoot and radioactive pearls, is not only difficult, but also useless.
The Bigfoot myth, Nickell suggests, is fueled by human hopes and fears.
That would be relatively small even for an adolescent Bigfoot," said Dranginis, who has been on a quest since spotting what he described as a Bigfoot creature in Culpeper County in 1995.
Archive 2007-02-01
In his spare time, he leads the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization, a network of more than 3,000 people who claim to have seen the Sasquatch.
The Bigfoot, or Sasquatch, was a mythic creature well-known in the Pacific Northwest - twelve feet tall, or so they say.
The last reported sighting of a hulking, hairy biped (other than surfers) in the Santa Cruz Mountains was 1980, but that didn't stop a Felton couple from starting the Bigfoot Discovery Project and related museum in 2003 "to encourage the nonexploitation and preservation of Bigfoot.
SFGate: Top News Stories
But who's to say if searching for bigfoot is any more of a "waste" than looking in rare habitat for new species of plants or invertebrates.
Whole lotta bones
Ordinary magizoologists classify bigfoot, say.
Times, Sunday Times
Is Nas's boss bigfooting him to steal his thunder?
Jenny turned and to her amazement saw what she describes as a Sasquatch / Bigfoot running along side of her property on the other side of the fence line, which separates her property to her neighbors.
American Chronicle
* A Bigfoot Christmas* by James Powell James Powell's bungling but beloved Bullock is back for another Christmas adventure, this one involving, of all things, the "Bigfoot," a creature of the same ilk as the Abominable Snowman of lore.
Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine
This legendary critter has been known as the Bigfoot, Meh-Teh, and Sasquatch.
Not that I have any problem with beefcake, as long as as bigfoot is on my team anyway.
Would You Buy a Bullet From This Man?
Rubbernecked, bigfooted Olive Oyl loping across the tracks like an ostrich towards a tattooed roadman in a yellow hardhat.
A large cast was made of the impression, said to contain the body print of a reclining Bigfoot.
Bigfoot researcher Loren Coleman has found a unique niche in Sasquatch research: He's looking into bigfoot's sex life.
Boing Boing: March 2, 2003 - March 8, 2003 Archives
If they're the same, then Occam's razor hints that bigfoot is a guy in a costume.
Frame 352, and all that
But the evidence they uncover about the presence of a bigfoot is even more awe-inspiring.
The Sun
The warm, desertlike conditions are unusual for bigfoot - can they really be found here?
The Sun
It has no industrial uses and private holdings in the world are bigfooted by the central banks.
A large part of this group believes in bigfoot, UFOs, Elvis is alive, the earth is flat, and aliens are being kept in area 51.
CNN Poll: President's approval on health care under 50 percent
Perhaps you believe in bigfoot, UFO's, 911 conspiracies and Santa Claus too?
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Take your wife out for a meal at a nice restaurant—a well-timed growl from “Bigfoot” will get you the best table in the place.
Releasing Your Inner Bigfoot
Given the obscurity and perceived difficulty of his oeuvre, he is literature's white whale, Rosebud, and Bigfoot combined.
He's the owner of a roadside stand in the middle of the Everglades, who seems involved in every sighting of Florida's Bigfoot in his area.
When he spent the night (rare, like a Bigfoot sighting) we slept in like teenagers and ordered takeout from the Thai place around the corner.
Jack Straw bigfooted her with his own announcement to build three, very large, titan prisons.
A "yowie" is Australia's version of a yeti, a k a Bigfoot.
NYT > Home Page
Like all icons, Bigfoot stands for deeper values: durability, consistency, the strong Midwestern ethic of substance over flash.
Like all icons, Bigfoot stands for deeper values: durability, consistency, the strong Midwestern ethic of substance over flash.
And you have my word I'm not bigfooting them.
In the process, Hersom hopes to change the popular conception of Bigfoot believers from wooly-eyed weirdos to heroic hominoid hunters.
Bigfoot Update
Saying that bigfoot is throwing rocks is like saying the weird sound in your house last night was a ghost.
On Bigfoot, Flying Rocks, and Missing Socks
Shot in Bluff Creek, California, it shows a Bigfoot striding through a clearing.
It's easy to take Mitch Berg for granted, since he's of the of the bigfoots in the local blogosphere.
The show features great pieces on the Patterson Bigfoot film and other obviously fake "apeman" footage, various Nessie clips, "Pleiadian contactee" Billy Meier and his never ending world of flying saucer films and photos, Ray Santilli's legendary Roswell alien autopsy which was the basis for a superb 2006 movie starring Ant & Dec and more.
Archive 2010-02-01
However with polar bears crossbreeding with Grizzlies, rampaging Bigfoots, expanding populations of catamounts and giant anaconda soon some sort of "natural equilibrium" can surely be restored.
On Hunting Pythons in Florida
Bigfoot is 10ft high, 18ft long and 12ft 6in wide and weighs a massive five tonnes.
The Sun
Likewise, when the press bus is stranded in the middle of the humid night miles from the campaign, these bigfoot journalists might as well have lost their songlines in the outback.
The North American Science Institute claims it has spent over $100,000 to prove the film is of a genuine Bigfoot.
Disbelievers in Bigfoot do not disbelieve as an act of faith, but because the evidence is not persuasive.
Ordinary magizoologists classify bigfoot, say.
Times, Sunday Times
As if bigfooting her punch line was going to impress her.
But don't worry, the gigantic 15 inch footprints won't belong to the elusive Bigfoot, but Britain's tallest ever man.
The warm, desertlike conditions are unusual for bigfoot - can they really be found here?
The Sun
That does not prevent Bigfoot from trouncing Predator and moving into the semifinals.
December 20, 2007 at 5:27 am lessee…Bigfootie lubs him sum french frize. taht seems a liddul weerd. and Wheezy noms sum ob mah harmless hows plantz wee cawl taht “salad” n ded leeves in teh awtum.
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So you've memorized the famous Patterson footage of a grainy Bigfoot.
Billed as the biggest in Canada, Bigfoot offers not just normal paintball guns but also grenades and bazookas.
Because Jenna had probably been worried about Cassidy em>bigfooting her.
A couple bigfoot journalists added that they sleep well at night, confident that they asked the “tough” questions.
To this triple-A club, allow me to add a “B”—Bigfoot, the apelike creature who walks upright like a man.
Releasing Your Inner Bigfoot
Examples of the former are the yowie (Australia's version of Bigfoot) and the bunyip (a swamp-dwelling, hairy creature with a horselike head).
P.S. Did you know the Mormons believe bigfoot is actually Cain, still walking the earth immortally in exile for killing Able?
The first lady bigfooted her out of the Senate race.
A course exploring the notion of whether Bigfoot, or any other such bipedal, hairy, manlike monster might really exist can be an excellent opportunity to teach anthropology and critical thinking to students who are in desperate need of such instruction.
So it was a difficult thing when, much later, after I had graduated from the University of Indiana and become well established in my job as technical editor at Special Waste and Industrial Pollution Engineering, I couldn't persuade her she was throwing her life away looking for the gigantic hominoid known as Bigfoot.
An Ancient Symbol for Fire
2005 - August 22 - George Noory plays back earlier statements of Biscardi's showing that Noory had not "misheard" Biscardi when he claimed the Bigfoot was 800 pounds.