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How To Use Bifurcate In A Sentence

  • The highly centralized hub-and-spoke system - centralized for the airlines, not us - now regularly bifurcates and often trifurcates even an hour's flight time as the crow flies into a four-hour series of legs.
  • The data base from which the app chooses arpeggios is a linked bifurcated system where the computer "knows" which upper structures are consonant with which lower structures so the chords can move in leap-frog fashion: top notes can remain when lower notes change or vice versa because the moves are guaranteed to make harmonic sense. Joseph Vella: Jazz, Math, Tech & Lyle Mays
  • Lewis and his co-authors tend to unnecessarily bifurcate explicit rational insight (so-called cortical knowledge) and experiential learning (so-called subcortical knowledge).
  • It is attached to the cuboid by an interosseous ligament and to the cuboid and navicular bones by the strong bifurcate ligament.
  • The striae ridges are broad and bifurcate both apically and basally, and the grooves are narrow and sharp.
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  • One morning, a village on the periphery of a city wakes up to find itself bifurcated by the construction of a National Highway.
  • In older embryos, the dorsal branch bifurcates.
  • The center rod bifurcates at the top, and one branch joins the adjacent vertical.
  • A sample of water was taken from the point where the river bifurcates.
  • A "bifurcated wire wrap" terminal block is one that has an "H" shape, which forms one electrical connection pair with two connection terminals.
  • Some of these coarsely plicated specimens have right central and anterior plicae bifurcated into two minor folds and have narrow secondary plicae in the interspaces of the left valves.
  • Unfortunately, this "bifurcated" strategy led to schizophrenic management structures, one for China and the other for international markets, the latter "outsourced" from IBM. Tom Doctoroff: Chinese Global Brands: A Long Road to Rome
  • The crests are strongest at the apex of each cusp, and become weaker as they bifurcate or trifurcate towards the base of the crown.
  • The highly centralized hub-and-spoke system - centralized for the airlines, not us - now regularly bifurcates and often trifurcates even an hour's flight time as the crow flies into a four-hour series of legs.
  • The axons from the gyrus cinguli pass into the cingulum, many of them bifurcate, the anterior branches together with the axons which run in that direction are traceable as far forward as the anterior part of the septum pellucidum and the anterior end of the corpus striatum, where some of them are incorporated with projection fibers passing toward the internal capsule. IX. Neurology. 4e. Composition and Central Connections of the Spinal Nerves
  • Medially, it blends with the anterior part of the medial ligament of the ankle joint and, laterally, with the plantar margin of the calcaneonavicular part of the bifurcate ligament.
  • The present study is concerned mainly with the delta region, where the river bifurcates into a west and an east channel at the city.
  • There is also some other difference in furcation; the rays are bifurcated in Protobiramus, while they are more commonly trifurcated in the Protoentactiniidae.
  • The blood supply bifurcates between eight and thirty times before reaching each particular location in the body.
  • The British Columbia province is distinctively bifurcated into the lush green forests and the dry and arid region.
  • In the space where the left should be is what I think is called a bifurcated central. Congenitally Missing Permanent Teeth
  • Notice how alternating floral blossoms on bifurcated stems are superimposed on the flutes between each of the gadroons.
  • He also said the market was more "bifurcated" than he's seen in the 20 years since he started doing this kind of work. 09/20/07: Investor: Private Equity Beat Media to Deals
  • It then continues cranialward to bifurcate into an appropriate intercostal and a right bronchial artery.
  • Some of these coarsely plicated specimens have right central and anterior plicae bifurcated into two minor folds and have narrow secondary plicae in the interspaces of the left valves.
  • Once you step into this massive city that is bifurcated into numerous districts and zones, you will have no snag in getting around.
  • The artery immediately bifurcates into an upper and a lower branch, and each of these again divides into a medial or nasal and a lateral or temporal branch, which at first run between the hyaloid membrane and the nervous layer; but they soon enter the latter, and pass forward, dividing dichotomously. X. The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument. 1c. 1. The Tunics of the Eye
  • The great entrance arteries of the nest branched and bifurcated, separated and anastomosed, while here and there were chambers varying in size from a cocoanut to a football. Edge of the Jungle
  • Shelby Steele, who shares with Barack Obama a multiracial ancestry, discusses the difficulties of dealing with that kind of bifurcated identity, comparing his own experiences and responses to those of the president elect. Never Yet Melted
  • You still need to monitor your infrastructure when you move some of it into the cloud and a bifurcated IT environment (some on prem and some in the cloud) will make that even more difficult. SaaS Grows Up and Validates the Cloud
  • What does it matter if adults can only see a pair of bifurcated mobile phones, with Mandeville's eye-catching groin definition creepily hinting at of mascottian oestrus or, possibly, a urinary tract infection? The pitiful Olympic mascots sum up this sorry affair
  • These observations provided convincing evidence that the two taxa are congeneric, both characterized by a bifurcate ventral lobe.
  • This view bifurcates the nonidentity cases, by suggesting one analysis of wrongful life case and another of, e.g., the depletion case: the future persons will all be deemed to have suffered harm but only the victims of depletion will be deemed to have been harmed by the choice under scrutiny. The Nonidentity Problem
  • 'dichotomous' or 'bifurcate' method, and exemplified by the so-called The English Utilitarians, Volume I.
  • The country was bifurcated — fuck — tri-furcated, quad-furcated probably — with various groups set on the verge, where one bad move would set all against all in a crazy, construction helmets vs. black tams vs. longhairs vs. Bryllcreem-ers Ragnarok with the stars of the Goddamned Columbia Record Club's stamp-sized album covers providing the end-of-days soundtrack. The Curious Case Of Michael Joseph Jackson
  • It is attached to the cuboid by an interosseous ligament and to the cuboid and navicular bones by the strong bifurcate ligament.
  • The Brahmaputra, in the last lap of its journey to the Bay of Bengal, bifurcates into a number of channels in the district.
  • The stream bifurcates into two narrow winding channels.
  • The stream bifurcates into two narrow winding channels.
  • socially bifurcated populations
  • It's what they call a bifurcated market, where you have certain segments that are really strong, and certain segments that are lagging a little bit. Missoula Independent
  • Over the past 15 years the marketplace for art books has bifurcated.
  • Each bronchus further bifurcates into a series of subdivisions within the lungs.
  • Mycelia shown by confocal microscopy are bifurcate, and do not appear to be epiphytic nor epixylic since they were not found on plant remains.
  • The crests are strongest at the apex of each cusp, and become weaker as they bifurcate or trifurcate towards the base of the crown.
  • How about gouging deep canyons, which are graded, arranged, oriented, networked and coated with the binding agent in such a way as to enable strong, steady wind currents flowing through this bifurcated aeolian-shed? Archive 2009-02-01
  • The dôm palm must bifurcate, for bifurcation is the law of its being; but I could never discover whether there was any fixed limit to the number of stems into which it might subdivide. A Thousand Miles Up the Nile
  • The trachea bifurcates into two primary bronchi, which are structurally similar to the trachea.
  • The road bifurcated
  • The car rides low and stolid, like a limo, probably because its main battery, which runs the length of the chassis and bifurcates the rear seat, limiting the likelihood of three passengers or recumbent teenage sex also weighs as much as a fully stocked Maytag refrigerator. Gene and the Machine: The shocking truth about the electric Volt
  • The anterior part is subdivided by shallow sulci into three or four short gyri, while the posterior part is formed by one long gyrus, which is often bifurcated at its upper end. IX. Neurology. 4c. The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon
  • The furcated branches are commonly bifurcated or, less commonly, trifurcated one or two times, but this character may differ from ray to ray.
  • Gila monster in which the front of the tongue was a bifurcated chemosensor and the back of the tongue remained a thick, papillae-covered organ used to slide food back into the throat. Wired Top Stories
  • The ventral lobe in different species may be simple, bifurcate, or even trifurcate.
  • The river bifurcates into two streams just prior to emptying into the lake, where they form two deltas.
  • When in the early 1970s structuralist approaches to understanding human behavior predominated, George mused about Mary Douglas's celebrated analysis of New Guinea subincision rites (the ritual splitting of the penis lengthwise) as an inscription of the bifurcated moiety system on the bifurcated body. Marcelo M. Suarez-Orozco : The Fox
  • As growth proceeds, intercalated or bifurcate ribs may appear between the paired ribs, furcation normally occurring on the lower third of the flank.
  • This approach involves wearing unbifurcated clothing - such as Scottish or Irish kilts, Greek fustanellas, or the robes, caftans, or sarongs of other countries - as an expression of one's ethnic pride or in connection with ethnic celebrations or activities.
  • Where the road bifurcates, keep right as indicated by the signs.
  • I'm sure you're aware from looking inside your diaper that possum boys have a bifurcated penis, meant to fit the twin cervices of the possum girl. "But I'm still an embryo/With a long, long way to go."
  • The cars heading down curve slowly, as one watches the flower beds on both sides, not to speak of the stately mansions, condominiums and townhouses that the street bifurcates.
  • The quandary bifurcates: one of its branches leads to known resources, the other to unknown ones to be discovered.
  • The blood supply bifurcates between eight and thirty times before reaching each particular location in the body.
  • The ribs are only bifurcate, never trifurcatc.
  • The blood supply bifurcates between eight and thirty times before reaching each particular location in the body.
  • Processes may be unbranched and taper to slender points, or may be bifurcate, and may additionally have occasional small or incipient branches (often as spinules) along main stem.
  • There's a doctrine in conspiracy law known as bifurcated conspiracies. CNN Transcript Feb 13, 2002
  • Still, Mr. Brodsky welcomed the chance to rationalize what he called a bifurcated regulatory framework that allows for loopholes and "particularly disadvantages the securities options business. Exchange Chiefs Beg to Differ on SEC-CFTC Harmonization
  • The penis of the male opossum is bifurcated or forked. Neighborhood Opossum | clusterflock
  • At the lower bridge the river bifurcates into two similar size branches.
  • One morning, a village on the periphery of a city wakes up to find itself bifurcated by the construction of a National Highway.
  • The stigmatic branches are less bifurcate.
  • Like previous chapters, this one is bifurcated into separate, unevenly linked sections on Great Britain and the United States.
  • Council member David A. Catania (I-At Large) calls the bifurcated system an unwieldy "duck-billed platypus. A $34 million crisis of confidence in D.C. schools
  • The philosophical problem posed by the bifurcated supertask accomplished by M has a particularly simple solution when the infinite sequence of actions carried out by M is fully contained within the past light cone of an event on observer O's world-line. Supertasks
  • The post-Cartesian theoretical move in this regard is to avoid mentalist discourses that reify or disembody such shared resources and thereby bifurcate the dynamically embodied person.
  • The fore part of the belly shell towards its extremity, is formed somewhat like a spade, extends forward near three inches, and is about an inch and an half in breadth; its extremity is a little bifid, the posterior division of the belly shell, is likewise protended backwards considerably, and is deeply bifurcated. Travels Through North & South Carolina, Georgia, East & West Florida, the Cherokee Country, the Extensive Territories of the Muscogulges, or Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Chactaws; Containing An Account of the Soil and Natural Producti
  • Kirk said those issues would be "bifurcated" - meaning nothing in the agreements reached this week would affect how the United States proceeds on trade enforcement cases. China opens beef market, agrees to other import concessions

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