
How To Use Bier In A Sentence

  • The league was a little smaller, a little clubbier, and there was a lot more opportunity for one-on-one chats. Globe and Mail
  • The gambier plant is propagated either by seeds or cuttings, but the latter are preferred. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • So get on down the bierkeller, even if everyone knows the figures are next to meaningless. Times, Sunday Times
  • That was until a gondola linking the village to the much fêted Verbier was installed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Four silent soldiers with bowed heads stood at each corner of the bier.
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  • Esta actitud del gobierno motiva la gran protesta que se vive actualmente en buena parte del territorio nacional. Global Voices in English » Peru: Indigenous Communities Continue Protests
  • 'Friend,' whispered he, 'for charity conduct us to some safe place where we may withdraw this bier from the sacrilegious eye of curiosity.' The Scottish Chiefs
  • But if he thought the gloss had been taken off his status as a global celebrity he might have been gratified to learn that after his death the procession that followed his funeral bier was more than half a mile long.
  • Older and chubbier, which doesn't matter, he is a torrentially powerful, elemental actor, whose outbursts mesmerize, and whose very silences impress.
  • Filets de boeuf en Bellevue, timbales milanaises chaudfroid de gibier. Harvard Classics Volume 28 Essays English and American
  • The aspirins could well be needed next Wednesday morning after a night celebrating another famous Reds win in the Cologne bierkellers.
  • Vermeer's dreamy interior light and Manet's poised brushstrokes are beautifully rendered, and Bierk even duplicates the cracking of paint.
  • Wisconsin Brewery Tour bells brewery profile cellar series craft fauerbach fresh hops jt whitneys lake louie mbr meet-up news old fashioned pairings point brewery prices pricing rowland's calumet saison thanksgiving thermo refur underage drinking wine altbier aran madden baltic porter barriques beer games best of 2008 Madison Beer Review Presents Beer Talk Today
  • “Lych” was the Old English word for corpse — hence the roofed-over lych gate outside most churches, for the temporary resting of the bier (and its bearers) on the way into the graveyard. The Moor
  • Bierce also fought at Chickamauga, which lends its name to the title of his powerful story of a lost little boy playing with a wooden sword who wanders into a forest and comes upon "freaked and maculated" men crawling and falling in battle. Lacerating Wit, Seasoned Cynic
  • Opportunity is a favorable occasion for grasping a disappointment. Ambrose Bierce 
  • Frings cuts inside from the right and fires the ball at Bierhoff, who swivels and shoots.
  • This factory of a bierkeller is beautifully decorated both inside and out and beer, by British standards at least, is not bad value at just over £2 a half litre. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Ignazio: Initially he was little, but he became chubbier as we were working on it. Ciprianis Enter Hotel Sector
  • He plays up his breeding and rank at every opportunity, and in doing so reveals himself to be an even grubbier character than we first imagined.
  • Hay dinero para mantener una ocupación que debiera utilizarse mejor en cancelar la deuda externa haitiana, oneroso legado de las dictaduras de los Duvalier.
  • Díjele mas que no debiera, porque para su condicion fué palabra dura. '] [Footnote 120: _Documentos inéditos_, vol. XI, pp. 335-336. Fray Luis de León A Biographical Fragment
  • Il dash vuoto degli anziani, riempito dalla relazione criminal i bambini abbandonati cambier due destini e li riconsegner alla vita. Archive 2009-11-01
  • We would have expected a bit more clearance for chubbier, sportive-friendly tyres 25s or maybe even 28s and single mudguard eyelets also wouldn't hurt – performance is never compromised with slightly larger tyres, and the likelihood of a 566 Origin owner doing a wet brevet/grand fondo/sportive is high. Archive 2009-07-01
  • Down La Canebière I stroll, heading for the glinting, faraway turquoise eyespot of the Old Port, following women dressed in ankle-length raincoats and Islamic head scarves, long-faced men in frayed djellabas and knit skullcaps, gangly youths with scruffy beards. Sunstroked
  • Ciguatera poisoning from fish is caused by a neurotoxin (ciguatoxin) present in the dinoflagellate, Gambierdiscus toxicus. 13 The toxin is passed through the food chain and becomes concentrated in larger fish (greater thanthree kilograms) such as the kingfish and the sturgeon. Fish poisonings and envenomations
  • El anuncio del presidente de Bolivia, Evo Morales, sobre una eventual demanda contra el Perú ante la Corte Internacional de Justicia de La Haya, para revertir el asilo concedido a los tres ex ministros bolivianos del gobierno de Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada, es considerado “una posición de ignorancia” por parte de expertos y autoridades peruanas, quienes señalan que de concretarse dicha querella el mandatario boliviano hará un “papelón internacional”. Global Voices in English » Peru: Deteriorating International Relations with Bolivia
  • After all, shouting "oi, serving wench, bring us a stein of your finest foaming ale" is within the capability of all but the most sozzled Bierkeller regular.
  • Like the Himalaya, alpine elevations support shrubbier vegetation on northern exposures because these hold a protective blanket of winter snow. Tian Shan montane steppe and meadows
  • But now that its articles are being published in a newspaper, can readers expect saucier headlines and grabbier opening lines from Charlottesville Tomorrow? email (will not be shown) (required) * People say the darndest things, but if they use language stronger than Charlottesville Blogs
  • Four corpse bearers, nasasalars, carry the body of a deceased on a bier to the Towers of Silence.
  • They hung her bier with weed, and closed her eyes with shells, and the crabs she used to hunt had their revenge on her. THE GREENSTONE GRAIL: THE SANGREAL TRILOGY ONE
  • As we mount higher and higher, we find commoner books, in shabbier bindings; but there is still the same order preserved, each book being numbered according to a printed catalogue. from The Book Browser’s Guide by Roy Harley Lewis. Big Box Bookstore of the 1790s
  • So far as I can see then, the catafalque is simply constructed of a bier (a raised rectangular wooden box or metal stand of dimensions that would hold an adult sized coffin) which is then covered by the black pall, or the same, further with a type of symbolic coffin further placed upon it, similarly covered. Reader Question: Constructing the Catafalque
  • The primary occupant, originally installed on a green bier, was arrayed like a dancer, with bell-like ornaments made of shells and "clappers" made of canine teeth. - latest science and technology news stories
  • She knelt before the bier and bent her head down.
  • He was a counselor, court-appointed or self-appointed, I don't know which, for Jason Bierman. HOPE TO DIE
  • Skull and Bones y la Universidad de Yale no han respondido hasta el momento sobre la demanda, pero como ésta involucra también al gobierno de los Estados Unidos, puede ser que en poco tiempo el caso cobre relevancia. Ger��nimo, Skull and Bones y la cabeza de Francisco Villa
  • Bierce is always amusing, and the idle moment spent picking through his definitions is never wasted.
  • Calamities are of two kinds: misfortune to ourselves, and good fortune to others. Ambrose Bierce 
  • The room didn't have a centre without him, and indeed, the men looked shabbier than usual, disheartened. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • Bueno pues, no soy aprista ni mucho menos es toy de parte de ningun gopbierno para mi tooooooodos son igules prometen y despues se tiran la plata y se mandan a volar a otros paises despues de gobernar. Global Voices in English » Peru: Freezing Temperatures in Puno Result in Children Deaths
  • Jatla M, Zemel B, Bokhari A, Bierly P, Russo P, Verma R. Body mass index and degree of villous atrophy correlate with bone mineral content deficits in children at time of diagnosis with celiac disease. Research
  • Spice Market Jean-Georges Vongerichten's homage to Southeast Asian street food is darker and clubbier than the original eatery in New York. Ya Want Chips With That?
  • Quae postquam sine mora facta sunt, jubet omnes perfugas vinctos adduci; eorum magna pars, uti jussum erat, adducti, pauci, quum primum deditio coepit, ad regem Bocchum in Mauretaniam abierant. C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino
  • Corporation, n. An ingenious device for obtaining individual profit without individual responsibility. Ambrose Bierce 
  • El caudillo de esta Iglesia, que no se averguenza de prohibir y hacer que se prohiba, por donde quiera alcanza su ferula, la palabra de Dios, debiera saber cuando menos, se atesorase el espiritu de Cristo, que mejor empleara sus bulas barriendo la Iglesia Letters of George Borrow to the British and Foreign Bible Society
  • Intermittently gripping thriller illuminating one of our planet's grubbier secrets: the ongoing slave trade, in the form of domestic help forcibly recruited from Africa's more troubled regions and bundled into Britain by human traffickers (the closing credits suggest that 5,000 slaves may be held in London alone). Tonight's TV highlights
  • El martes, en un acto inédito, la totalidad de la cúpula militar difundió una carta abierta demandando un diálogo directo con el presidente. Ecuador: Shakeup in Armed Forces Due to Troubling Findings
  • He looked like a man who could clear out a Bierkeller in 10 minutes, bodies hurtling through the air.
  • Predictable, vacuous and with a tongue in as many cheeks as possible, Desperate Scousewives is a show that leaves you feeling just that bit grubbier for having guiltily enjoyed it. TV review: Desperate Scousewives; The British Woman on Death Row
  • And Robierto, the burliest orderly on the ward, is in the hallway behind me, blocking my escape. The Year's Best Science Fiction 23rd Annual Collection
  • The lawyer was skiing off-piste in the resort of Verbier in the Alps when he fell some 300 metres after losing his footing and ended up in a snow gully.
  • Atlás intereá abierat et ad hortum Hesperidum, quí pauca mília passuum aberat, sé quam celerrimé contulerat. Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles A First Latin Reader
  • But the chef admitted fans always tell him he looks chubbier on screen when they meet him in real life. The Sun
  • But the word _‘ash_, or _‘ayish_ does not differ importantly from the word _na‘sh_, in Hebrew "assembly," in Arabic "bier," which has been the word used by the Arabs from remote antiquity to denote the four bright stars in the hind-quarters of the Great Bear; those which form the body of the Plough. The Astronomy of the Bible An Elementary Commentary on the Astronomical References of Holy Scripture
  • Dijele mas que no debiera, porque para su condicion fue palabra dura. '] [Footnote 120: Documentos ineditos, vol. XI, pp. 335-336. Fray Luis de Leon
  • Her lips are pressed into a simple smile, giving her a pitted dimple and making the chubby cheeks chubbier.
  • The other was a smaller and tubbier man, pleasant to look upon, a man evidently who lived for and by good eating and drinking. Patsy
  • The 5. 5-mile ascent from the valley up to Verbier was the first time that the Tour has visited the ski resort. Contador climbs to lead of Tour de France with Stage 15 win
  • A pair of jaded barmen served the local brew, Biere Niger, while to another side of the pool a chef fanned away at a charcoal brazier to provide brochette aperitifs.
  • Barbieri heads what is basically a small group here, but he adds trumpet, trombone and alto sax on occasion.
  • Bierman CW, Shapiro GG, Pierson WE, et al. Safety of influenza vaccination in allergic children. Egg Allergies
  • Cavernes et Soleils (Paris: Flammarion, 1979); Epreuves du vivant (Paris: Flammarion, 1983); Sept Plantes pour un herbier (Romillé: Folle Avoine, 1983); Sept Textes pour un chant (Romillé: Folle Avoine, 1986); Textes pour un poème, 1949-1970 (Paris: Flammarion, 1987); Ancienne Egypt (Paris: Nouvelles Nouvelles, 1990); Poèmes pour un texte (Paris: Flammarion, 1991); Par delà les mots (Paris: Flammarion, 1995) Andree Chedid
  • A stocky individual with light-coloured hair and blue eyes, he looked as if he had just emerged from a German bierkeller.
  • -- Obtained from India, resembles gambier greatly. Scientific American Supplement, No. 803, May 23, 1891
  • Another way to reduce sail is to build a sail with removable sections called bonnets and drabbiers.
  • After all, occasionally I get to see something special like a lumpsucker, and these drifts are infinitely better than the even-scabbier ledges to be found on Lulworth banks.
  • Los descendientes del líder indígena Gerónimo, han demandado a la Universidad de Yale, al gobierno de los Estados Unidos y a la sociedad secreta Skull and Bones, exigiendo que les regresen la cabeza de su antepasado. Ger��nimo, Skull and Bones y la cabeza de Francisco Villa
  • Colds are the most common ailments in the military, he writes, because these lands are so hot and the soldier is always marching on foot and sweating ... his body becomes hot and open [abierta las carnes], then he becomes sick. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • El nuevo gobierno no cumple ni con la ley ni con los requisitos de la Constitución y nace después de una acción violenta contra la máxima autoridad de la nación que incluyó la expulsión del presidente de la República para crear una falla o ausencia absoluta y así crear este gobierno espurio que hoy ha denigrado a Honduras y se ha ganado el desprecio delmundo. The Volokh Conspiracy » CRS on the Honduras “Coup”:
  • In my experience, it will make little difference either way, except that the second option will be lighter and a bit grabbier and more powerful. Technical FAQ with Lennard Zinn: More on the legality of Lance’s tires, Di2 brake compatibility, stack & reach and more
  • All the houses in Brampton Bierlow, near Rotherham, will be wired up to the net via the latest TV set-top box, as part of a £10m national campaign.
  • Este tipo se dedicó a escribir libros sobre extraterrestres, y se le ocurrió que, ya que los mayas habían desaparecido "súbitamente", seguramente se subieron a sus ovnis y nos abandonaron. Pseudohistoria: 2012, el fin del mundo se acerca (��Otra vez?)
  • On either side of the altar are oven-like compartments, niches where sacred crocodiles, mummified with the use of natron, were placed on biers. Richard Bangs: Quest for the Lord of the Nile, Part III
  • El otro auia Guerra abierta entre las parentelas, hasta qe El otro moria y si aCaso se esscapauan ambos, Rescatauan la vida a peso de oro, The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 — Volume 05 of 55 1582-1583 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing
  • But this time it is a disaster for the travelers, who are carrying a dead man on a bier to his tomb in his homeland.
  • Then he saw a body, lying near the biers on which the dead had been laid. Blood Ninja II
  • The 'Closer' beauty thinks she has only been so successful because of her looks, but has admitted she and her actress friends are "grubbier" than most women and often look "ugly" when they wake up wearing last night's hairstyle and make-up. disgusting after showbiz parties. - Celebrity Gossip + Lifestyle Magazine
  • Policy, Venezuelan Foreign Policy::) El presidente de Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, habria ordenado personalmente al director de la agencia de inteligencia de su gobierno, Henry Rangel Silva, que se ocupara de "solucionar" el escandalo internacional por la incautacion de un maletin '> Plan Colombia and Beyond
  • 'Ere I am, old, younger men takin' my place, my clothes gettin 'shabbier an' shabbier, an 'makin' it 'arder every day to get THE CARTER AND THE CARPENTER
  • Mrs. Kendel seemed crabbier than usual, doling out an essay assignment for us to work on in silence during the class period. Flirting with Disaster
  • Esta casa si que esta fuera de lo común y corriente, ha sido diseñada para una exposición especial en Trassenheide Alemania y está abierta para vistas al público. Amazing Upside Down House
  • Confusion and fear in his heart, he moved forward reluctantly and saw that the face on the bier was his own. Lord of the Silver Bow
  • Mrs Bierce wears thick bifocal lenses.
  • Re Lent, Bierce put it best: the abstainer is a weak person who yields to the temptation of denying himself a pleasure. "I blog for the hell of it, to express myself, and to figure out the world as I go along, the best I can."
  • He eventually became deputy head and ultimately headteacher of St Blaise School in Bierley.
  • I can see his point on cutting the bureaucracy, but the near inevitable outcome is that the money saved will not be spent here and we will descend further and further into an even shabbier social and economic backwater.
  • And it is not inconceivable that the still more unstable emanation from the matter named actinium by Debierne and emanium by Giesel may be found to possess an even higher atomic weight than uranium; judging by the phenomenon of brilliant illumination when a preparation of emanium is held above a screen of zinc sulphide, the impression is formed that a very dense matter is falling down on the screen. Sir William Ramsay - Nobel Lecture
  • M. and Mme. Curie, radium was also discovered by them in collaboration with Bémont, and actinium by Debierne. Nobel Prize in Physics 1903 - Presentation Speech
  • Nathaniel Faithburn's body is there, on the bier, placed on trestles in the centre of the room.
  • François of Corbeuil, Count of Montcorbier, stood in a very different relation to the Lady Katherine from that of the lowly poet and gaolbird who had rhymed and sighed and battled in the Fircone If I Were King
  • And there was ordained an horse bier; and so with an hundred torches ever brenning about the corpse of the queen, and ever Sir Launcelot with his eight fellows went about the horse bier, singing and reading many an holy orison, and frankincense upon the corpse incensed. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • Unless Microsoft gives this business more freedom -- perhaps even its independence -- it could just create a bigger, flabbier competitor to Google. A Case for Waiting at Yahoo
  • Family men, in turns, carried the bier in procession from the ashram to the waiting van for the 20-mile drive to the crematorium in the town.
  • For the peeps who spent the night they had on Sunday morgen the Weisswurst mit the big brown pretzels and Weiss bier only until 11:00 A.M. Dibs - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Between marathons of writing as much as 5,000 words a day, he was a fixture at Georgetown salons when Washington was clubbier and more elitist. Archive 2007-03-01
  • Voters are anxious about our decline into a shabbier "Lesser America. Stan Sorscher: Making Business Succeed
  • So what exactly compelled the star to transform his alter-ego's normally fit physique into something a little flabbier? It's Always Sunny Star on Packing on 50 Pounds: "I Tried to Look as Ugly as Possible"
  • “si no hubiera tomado tanto, no me habria sentido tan malo” C is for Conditional (the Third) « An A-Z of ELT
  • References: le portail (m) = gate; le périple (m) = tour, journey; un arbre (m) = tree; c'est un jujubier = it's a jujube tree Arbre - French Word-A-Day
  • Si la tablée est complète je prendrai juste une bière et un strapontin Bloggy Friday de mars — Climb to the Stars
  • Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret. Ambrose Bierce 
  • Corporation, n. An ingenious device for obtaining individual profit without individual responsibility. Ambrose Bierce 
  • For Bierce , Christianity was an antiquated superstition with no place in the modern world.
  • Politics: A strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles. The conduct of public affairs for private advantage. Ambrose Bierce 
  • The flabbier the balloon, the more you can fill it with any air you like. What you should know about Barack Obama
  • My beloved Elisabeta lay on the same bier where she had wept for me only four nights prior.
  • Seven, three European cheeses: tangy Manchego with membrillo, creamy ashed Morbier with red pepper honey, sweet Gorgonzola Dolce on— The Kitchen Daughter
  • On the first day of the following year he went, as was his wont, to the Exchange which was in the bazar, but found the gate shut; and enquiring the reason was told, “One of the merchants is dead and all the others have gone to follow his bier,82 and why shouldst thou not win the meed of good deeds by walking with them?” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • En que uno siente de manera abierta que las personas llamadas a dirigir o moverse en un espacio de servicio (no de poder) observan en el público o en los asistentes a un acto como ese a una bandada de estúpidos que podrá aceptar lo que sea, sin chistar. Global Voices in English » Ecuador: The Frustrations of Being a Writer
  • The bier in teahouse is decorated completely according to Mohammedan custom, of every bier all around surround have the crib, lest people is above unthinking, sit step.
  • Muscles gradually become flabbier until people can find themselves on the verge of disability and loss of independence, like a canoe that floats peacefully until it gets too near a waterfall to pull back, Rejeski says. Cancer, memory loss top Boomers' health concerns
  • Mount Gambier's Luke Versace, who was gored by a bull in Pamplona two years ago and has inexplicably been a local hero ever since, ran in the Stawell Gift yesterday.
  • The mourners filed past the bier and placed small offerings on the Son's altar for the dead man's sake. THE CURSE OF CHALION
  • Like Aesop before him, Ambrose Bierce included animals in his fables in order to demonstrate human failings and quirks of character.
  • The singers Mariah Carey, Janet Jackson and Jennifer Hudson are showing off newly slender bodies to entice tubbier folks to follow their example. NYT > Home Page
  • In our civilization, and under our republican form of government, intelligence is so highly honored that it is rewarded by exemption from the cares of office. Ambrose Bierce 
  • It was from Manorbier that I persuaded the children to join me in a walk along a small stretch of Pembrokeshire's 186 mile coastal path, threading between heather, sea pinks and campion along a volley of headlands.
  • Telephone, n. An invention of the devil which abrogates some of the advantages of making a disagreeable person keep his distance. Ambrose Bierce 
  • Politeness, The most acceptable hypocrisy. Ambrose Bierce 
  • The bands played military music, traditional brass band music, plus a couple of "bierkeller" songs.
  • Edible - good to eat and wholesome to digest, as a worm to a toad, a toad to a snake, a snake to a pig, a pig to a man, and a man to a Worm. Ambrose Bierce 
  • A much younger, much chubbier Ethan stood awkwardly in front of the Grand Canyon, surrounded by his family, everyone squinting into the sun. Choker
  • A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for. Chicken Soup for the Soul: New Moms
  • It's grabbier than the common and trite phrases. Analysis
  • Jatla M, Zemel B, Bokhari A, Bierly P, Russo P, Verma R. Symptomatology, anthropometry and laboratory correlation with histologic damage at pediatric celiac disease diagnosis; differences in diabetics versus non-diabetics. Research
  • On today's episode of Kitchy TV, I visit Wurstkuche in Downtown LA and discuss the delicious biers, exotic sausages, and Belgian-style fries they're serving with owner, Joseph. Claire Thomas: Sausage, Fries and Beer -- Do I Really Need to Say More?
  • One hour ago @acton posted this tweet, it's 00:12h in Verbier. 0 degrees outside. search team still looking for Rob. no update yet. will let everyone know as soon as we hearAt the time of writing it seems that Rob has still not been found! Google Maps & Twitter Search for Ski Party
  • Frente a la carencia de libros y de espacios de lectura, el Bubi supone “una biblioteca abierta y que se acerca a los lectores”, tal y como ha expresado Gonzalo Moure. Global Voices in English » Bubisher: A Bus of Books for Children in Western Sahara
  • There are some pepper plantations in addition, and they have been found to answer very well without any gambier being cultivated with them. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • And I'd have wanted to join the long queue of people waiting to file past the bier at Westminster.
  • Como los blogs se han escapado del control sumiso que el gobierno ejerce sobre algunos medios que dan vergüenza, pues también pretende controlarlos. Global Voices in English » Peru: Proposal Shortens Time for Media to Correct Inexact Information
  • Recuerdo hac 1año al bajar del trole descubri mi maleta abierta y sin ipod q “profesionales” pensé - notese la ironía - no sentí nada #troleq Global Voices in English » Ecuador: All Aboard the Trolley Bus
  • Laid out on the bier was the headless body of Agnès La Grange. Oscar Wilde and the Dead Man’s Smile
  • Este tipo de iniciativas, que conciernen la humanidad entera, me dejan siempre boaquiabierto. OSM 2008: A Year of Edits on Vimeo
  • Winamp często jest wybierany przez użytkowników Windowsa ze względu na prostotę (choć tutaj chyba lepszy jest Foobar2000), natomiast pod Linuksem chyba jedynym sensownym odpowiednikiem jaki do tej pory znałem był Audacious, który obsługuje nawet motywy znane z windowsowego Winampa. Qmmp - Winamp dla Linuksa
  • ShrubberiesModern rose gardens favour the shrubbier rose, over the long-legged Hybrid Tea, which was low on foliage. Gardens: Roses - A modern romance
  • It would be conducted around a bier of wreaths and a serviceman's hat, with a firing party with heads bowed and a chaplain to read the words from the military burial service.
  • Quickly and without thinking -- which Eclipse movie seems slightly cooler, grabbier, more substantial, more erotically intriguing? Hollywood Elsewhere
  • The source of the gas, which Bonnet had first noticed to be given off from plant-leaves, Priestley had identified as oxygen, and Ingenhousz had proved to be only given off under the influence of the sun's rays, was finally shown by a Swiss naturalist, Jean Sénébier [6] (1742-1809), to be the _carbonic acid gas_ in the air, which the plant absorbed and decomposed, giving out the oxygen and assimilating the carbon. Manures and the principles of manuring
  • Others would have given up the ghost and retired either back home or to the bierkeller long before half-time. The Sun
  • Jatla M, Bokhari A, Bierly P, Russo P, Verma R. Serologic, anthropometric, and laboratory correlation with degree of intestinal damage at diagnosis in pediatric celiac disease; comparing diabetics versus non-diabetics. Research
  • Queremos que nos gobierne aquel por quien votamos, no el que al partido se le antoje … Global Voices in English » Mexico: Null Ballots and Low Turnout Expected on Election Day
  • First British women came under attack for being chubbier and less chic than their stylish Gallic sisters. The parenting gap: why French mothers prefer to use the firm smack of authority
  • Politics: A strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles. The conduct of public affairs for private advantage. Ambrose Bierce 
  • A detailed set of aerial photos taken in the 1940s for oil exploration in northern Alaska has provided the most graphic evidence that the Arctic tundra is turning shrubbier and is Scientific American
  • Corporation, n. An ingenious device for obtaining individual profit without individual responsibility. Ambrose Bierce 
  • Enjoy fun contests such as dachshund races, bier barrel bowling, a German Idol yodeling contest, a German spelling bee and more. venue. stories
  • El gobierno peruano a comienzos de abril firmó varios contratos con diversas empresas 1, entre ellas Talisman, aquí, sin consenso alguno con los ciudadanos que viven en los territorios afectados por esos contratos, que están amparados por diversas leyes, sin ningún esquema de consulta o compensación. Global Voices in English » Peru: Indigenous Communities Continue Protests
  • Our hotel was in a suburb on the outskirts of the city, and was noticeably shabbier than the one we had in Newark.
  • In France, Debierne had discovered actinium and Giesel claimed to have found a different element, emanium. Trafficking Materials and Gendered Experimental Practices: Radium Research in Early 20th Century Vienna
  • At various times it has boasted a steak house, a bier keller and a pool lounge.
  • The closest this sublime chimera ever came to being realized was during the days when his body lay on its bier.
  • The body is immediately wrapped up in the skin or clothing worn during life, and in the course of a day or two, it is placed upon the wirkatti or bier, which is made of branches crossed so as to form the radii of a circle, an examination is then entered upon as to the cause of death, in the following manner. An account of the manners and customs of the Aborigines and the state of their relations with Europeans, by Edward John Eyre
  • During pregnancy, the skin and muscle tissue in the abdominal area will inevitably stretch, often causing a looser, "flabbier" tummy. MyLinkVault Newest Links
  • ‘Lift the bier, and send our comrades to the bosom of the water, to be safe forever,’ she said in ritual.
  • It was from Manorbier that I persuaded the children to join me in a walk along a small stretch of Pembrokeshire's 186 mile coastal path, threading between heather, sea pinks and campion along a volley of headlands.
  • Patience: A minor form of despair disguised as a virtue. Ambrose Bierce 
  • Telephone, n. An invention of the devil which abrogates some of the advantages of making a disagreeable person keep his distance. Ambrose Bierce 
  • When they had gone from house to house and collected all the money they could, they laid the wren on a bier and carried it in procession to the parish churchyard, where they made a grave and buried it “with the utmost solemnity, singing dirges over her in the Manks language, which they call her knell; after which The Golden Bough : a study of magic and religion
  • Knights, with their armour craped, rode in great companies before; then came the men-at-arms with weapons reversed; then the ladies of the household, and after these the priests came, and in their midst was the bier. King Arthur's Knights The Tales Re-told for Boys & Girls
  • A picture sits on my desk at work from last summer, a picture that now looks babyish to me, with its softer, chubbier cheeks, its shyer smile, pudgier fingers, and shorter hair. The Shape of Three: Reprise
  • Fidelity - a virtue peculiar to those who are about to be betrayed. Ambrose Bierce 
  • In my life, I never met an unhappier, crabbier, more cantankerous baby girl. A Spine-chilling Visit to Dr. Frankengali
  • The mouth and the pouches under the eyes looked flabbier than usual. UNREASONABLE DOUBT
  • Turkey: A large bird whose flesh, when eaten on certain religious anniversaries has the peculiar property of attesting piety and gratitude. Ambrose Bierce 
  • It sits back, reading a newspaper or surfing the web, patiently, knowing that the moment of weakness will come when the man in question, whom Vanity has been indulging with the foolish idea that he will never be one of those middle-aged men is suddenly shaken by the realization that he misses going to the beach with Cameron Diaz lookalikes and that an older, dumpier, grayer, dweebier man like Mark Souder has been enjoying the company of a cute Hoosier hausfrau who looks good in, and probably out of, her Christmas sweaters. Lance Mannion:
  • While I preferred the villain in the second movie, I found the story flabbier (egads, the Aunt May speech!), heavy-handed (Spiderman's Christ-like pose as he bodysurfs his way down the crowd of commuters), and occasionally mystifying (I'll just drop this fusion experiment gone awry into New York Harbor and that should just about do it ...). I Was Grossly Misinformed About Spider-Man 3...
  • De alli hecharon a la Isla de la Plata, donde estubieron tres dias y medio refrescando; y sospechando que los prisioneros se querian alzar con el navio mataron a uno y castigaron a otro; y de alli a Payta en donde hecharon dos canoas a tierra con treynte y dos hombres armados con animo de ganar a Payta, y hallando resistencia se bolvieron al navio; de alli Tiraron al estrecho de Magallanes; pero no passaron por el, sino al redidor de la ysla del fuego que estava como seys a ocho dias apartada del estrecho de Magallanes, este estrecho del fuego tardaron en pasarle hasta entrar en el mar del Norte cosa de nuebe Privateering and Piracy in the Colonial Period Illustrative Documents
  • In Berlin, the Danes were the big winners, with Susanne Bier carrying off best director for In a Better World while her compatriot – and now sworn enemy after comments made in that notorious Cannes press conference – Lars von Trier won best film for Melancholia. Trailer trash
  • His disciples and many animals gathered around the bier to mourn his passing.
  • But it is generally held that the phagocytosis is an important element in cure effected by the Bier method. Ilya Mechnikov - Nobel Lecture
  • Het grappige is dat veel mensen in de showbusiness net doen of ze een alcohol - of drugsverslaving hebben gehad, omdat het veel publiciteit oplevert - terwijl je gewoon weet dat ze nooit meer dan een paar glazen bier hebben gehad. The Fall
  • When the music was switched to a bierkeller band, the percentages were practically reversed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bierzo, abutting Galicia in the north west, shows promise with its light fragrant reds from the Mencía grape.
  • References: le portail (m) = gate; le périple (m) = tour, journey; un arbre (m) = tree; c'est un jujubier = it's a jujube tree Arbre - French Word-A-Day
  • Nothing makes baby and ME crabbier than an empty stomach. Sarah Maizes: 10 Tips for Being a Happy Mom in 2012
  • En un molde recubierto con papel encerado verter la mezcla y dejarla reposar por 24 horas. What to do with (zillions of) guyabas?
  • But he is not demonstrably chubbier than his brother, or less active or shorter. Times, Sunday Times
  • To frequent ones such as the superluxurious Coco Club in Verbier, be prepared to shell out up to £5,000 on cocktails and £10,000 for champagne. This is Money | Home
  • ‘Software development is easy - you don't have data protection problems until you start populating a database,’ Bierce says.
  • Julia now for the first time distinguished the unhappy lover of Cornelia, on whose features was depictured the anguish of his heart, and who hung pale and silent over the bier. A Sicilian Romance
  • Sometimes there are two dishes, a knight on a bier, a head in a dish, a stone, or a ciborium.
  • Si hay algo peor que el Gobierno Central es la forma como Hernán Fuentes, presidente regional de Puno, no se pronuncia ni se hace responsabe de alguna actividad para apasiguar el daño que dicha catástrofe ocasiona a su comunidad regional ¡Actúen de inmediato, pero actúen bien y ya! Global Voices in English » Peru: Freezing Temperatures in Puno Result in Children Deaths
  • She was just a little chubbier than the other girls and she wore blue shorts and a striped pink and blue shirt.
  • David Bierk's long romance with art history was evident in this show of 21 oil paintings, mostly diptychs and triptychs, which included, among other things, reproductions of specific well-known paintings.
  • One day she decided to sort out his wardrobe, and sell off his shabbier clothes to Seraphina. THE IMAGE OF LAURA
  • He supported himself through a wide range of musical occupations, from playing organ in a synagogue to piano in a Bierkeller.
  • Netherlands the great standard work is now P.J. Blok, _History of the People of the Netherlands_, trans. in large part by O.A. Bierstadt, and for the Belgian Netherlands a corresponding function is performed in French by Henri Pirenne. A Political and Social History of Modern Europe V.1.
  • He took one final, loving look at his father's serene face and bowed in most profound respect to the body on the bier.
  • This adapted version of Ambrose Bierce’s The Devil’s Dictionary contains words like brute, gallows, damn, wrath, and X.
  • This at once offered an explanation of the fact observed by Debierne that actinium as well as radium produced helium. Ernest Rutherford - Nobel Lecture
  • At a Bierkeller during the Weimar Republic, Brander's Nicholas Folwell song is anti-Bolshevik, and we suddenly see that everyone present is a Nazi Brown Shirt. Gilliam's Faustian Pact
  • The media have in recent months made a lot of the fact that we're a tubby and sedentary nation -- well, more truthfully, obese -- and that we have been getting tubbier and more sedentary by the decade. Peter Clothier: Family Fun and Fitness
  • Yo quería marchar no pq creyera en la marcha (dejé de creer en las marchas y los efectos “cambia la realidad y el gobierno ya” desde los tiempos del olvidado mosh y todo ese dismother que armó alla abajo en el df) sino pq creo en méxico y quería manifestar esa opinion. Much More Needed Than a March
  • Opportunity is a favorable occasion for grasping a disappointment. Ambrose Bierce 
  • Photographs show her on her bier and her ledger stone carved with her name.
  • Sitting next to the temple's outer wall, she sold tobacco, sirih pinang (traditional chewing paste consisting of betel leaves, areca nut, lime and gambier) and candies to Yundana.
  • Gothic script and oompah favourites coming from the speakers completed the bierkeller atmosphere. Times, Sunday Times

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