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  1. having toothlike projections that are themselves toothed

How To Use bidentate In A Sentence

  • Black; the head and thorax very closely punctured, thinly clothed with griseous pubescence, that on the face, thorax beneath, and on the coxæ most dense and glittering; antennæ more slender than is usual in this genus, and tapering to their apex, the joints slightly subarcuate; the mandibles bidentate at their apex and with a yellow spot at their base. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Black; the head and thorax very closely punctured, thinly clothed with griseous pubescence, that on the face, thorax beneath, and on the coxæ most dense and glittering; antennæ more slender than is usual in this genus, and tapering to their apex, the joints slightly subarcuate; the mandibles bidentate at their apex and with a yellow spot at their base. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Black; the head and thorax very closely punctured, thinly clothed with griseous pubescence, that on the face, thorax beneath, and on the coxæ most dense and glittering; antennæ more slender than is usual in this genus, and tapering to their apex, the joints slightly subarcuate; the mandibles bidentate at their apex and with a yellow spot at their base. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • With the chevy ss impala of the gorgon sumptuosity bidentate, it is eventual that lawfully traffic dysthymia be bishop. Rational Review
  • Role for a bidentate ribonuclease in the initiation step of RNA interference. Advanced Information: The 2006 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
  • Oddly, as one reader pointed out, this is also what John McCain did during the town hall style debate bidentate, an adjective meaning having two teeth or toothlike parts from the Latin bi - (two) + dens (tooth) palinode, a noun referring to a poem in which the writer retracts something said in a previous poem. Pensito Review
  • Resembles Lophocolea muricata in being muricate, but the leaves of that species are bidentate with a sinus, whereas these have an apical spine.
  • The small cephalic lobe bore four eyes and five tentacles; each body-segment had on each side at the margin a tuft of simple setae directed obliquely upwards, and at some distance from this, upon the ventral surface, a group of thicker setae with a strongly uncinate bidentate apex. Facts and Arguments for Darwin
  • _Thorax_, oblong-ovate in the _female_, in the _worker_ transverse in front and narrowed behind with the metathorax bidentate; the anterior wings with one elongate marginal cell and two submarginal cells, the second extending to the apex of the wing; the legs stout, the femora incrassate; abdomen ovate, the peduncle with two nodes. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
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