How To Use Bicker In A Sentence

  • Then they would bicker about who won the non-existent trophy. Christianity Today
  • My daughter and husband bicker constantly - should I take his side and risk spoiling my relationship with her? Times, Sunday Times
  • It is now a useless exercise to bicker over who is at fault, but the immediate task is to help rebuild damaged infrastructure and help affected residents recover from the floods.
  • They bicker and quarrel, yet clearly love each other.
  • I woke up to hear my parents gently bickering with one another, and my mother's frantic hoovering.
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  • They began to bicker about who liked animals more. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since we wanted to photograph the first production Bicker, Steve invited us to attend the annual Bicker fly-in which was being held at Santa Paula this past July.
  • It's much easier to speak critically of each other's work because we have other emotional ties to keep us going when we bicker about song structure. The Sun
  • They accuse and defend, bicker and quarrel, and cannot seem to talk about their real feelings or listen to each other.
  • Computers crash, characters bicker, and the general tone of the series is somewhat grim, with occasional bursts of humor.
  • The three men are forced into the same house and bicker constantly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another nine were voted out over Democratic objections and with partisan bickering.
  • She said the police officer ordered the two bickering women to cease and desist, but the women ignored him.
  • The couple had been bickering non-stop about their cashflow problems. Times, Sunday Times
  • They bicker a lot and then finally get married. The Sun
  • Bickershaw batted first but, as has been the case all summer, Wythenshawe's superb bowling saw them skittled out for just 84.
  • The partisan bickering and conservative backstabbing is not helping our children. Laura Bush defends Obama school speech
  • What do you bicker about? Times, Sunday Times
  • His donors are already bickering over who is most responsible for his dismal showing. Times, Sunday Times
  • And, for a time, he felt nothing but genuine goodwill towards the people he passed - the embarrassing drunks, the bickering couples and grizzling kids, he smiled at them all.
  • But instead of bickering and sniping, the parties should unite behind the urgent task of saving Britain's tourist industry.
  • Efforts to amend the Constitution to allow prayer in school foundered as supporters bickered over what kind of prayer should be allowed and over provisions for students to opt out. American Grace
  • Meanwhile, a couple of Neanderthal adults behind me were bickering over a seating arrangement.
  • The two boys were always bickering with each other over their toy guns.
  • Scientists and administrators bickered over whether this should be a continuing program in ocean-bottom drilling or a one-shot drive to the mantle.
  • It is sad to see a county confine its activities to undignified public bickering.
  • The performance ultimately seemed to take the form of inter-band bickering in one of the member's living rooms after a particularly rocky practice session.
  • Will the man and woman bicker shallowly or emote hammily? Archive 2006-03-01
  • And a wood-fire bickered on the iron-work fire-back, under whose oak over-mantel Sir Philip sat with us ten minutes, then took himself away into his own sequestered nook of the house.
  • Beginning with that brabble over the “gray cloth gowne,” there must have gone on in Hudson's party the same bickerings and wranglings that went on in Greely's party, and the same development of small animosities into burning hatreds. Henry Hudson
  • I went into medicine to care for patients, not to waste time bickering over budgets.
  • I don’t even know where to begin, but the partisan bickering, namecalling, and verbal bludgeoning is destroying all faith I have in humanity and any hope I have for true democracy in this country. Think Progress » “One of the Worst Abandonments of Americans on American Soil Ever”
  • Parents for Justice had withdrawn its co-operation from the faltering Dunne investigation and, riven by internal bickering, was close to splintering.
  • Petty criminals and gamblers muse, bicker and banter. Times, Sunday Times
  • At last the end came; the light bickered for a moment, flared up for the last time, and then went out.
  • They had a process like "bicker" and they chose people that they thought fit in with the group. CNN Transcript Jan 10, 2006
  • A family idea could make money for all of you if you play to your strengths instead of bickering about who is in charge. The Sun
  • And I am sure you will agree that this is a task for scientists, not politicians, which is why putting it to a Royal Commission is a far better method than the current political bickering about the issue. Undefined
  • What Obama -- and TPM readers here trying to convince us to "keep our eye on the ball" and stay united rather than "bicker" internall -- needs to understand is: the Presidential election is a done deal. Why Obama's Support For FISA Cave-In Is Such A Downer
  • Nick and I spend most of the waking hours of the day bickering, sniping, and being sarcastic with one another.
  • But regardless of endless Government and opposition bickering on the matter - or maybe because of it - there is still a huge amount of public apathy on this referendum.
  • For though he knew there would be many a brave onfall and stout bickering, yet, as Sir Lancelot had become the most valiant knight in all the island of Britain, the king had greatly desired that the knight should show how he excelled all the doughty warriors that would come from all parts. King Arthur's Knights The Tales Re-told for Boys & Girls
  • It drew us together for a manageable problem that was focused outside our own petty bickering. Christianity Today
  • I went into medicine to care for patients, not to waste time bickering over budgets.
  • My daughter and husband bicker constantly - should I take his side and risk spoiling my relationship with her? Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus there are some signs that we might get a week of eloquent dispute as opposed to small-minded and parochial bickering.
  • There, 150 years ago this month, 132 delegates from 21 states bickered, bargained and tried in vain to bridge the chasm that widened beneath them even as they met. The Willard: Where hope collapsed as slavery raged
  • The error in assuming the bickering is bad is assuming its ill intentioned. Today's Video: NASA Shuttle-derived Sidemount Heavy Launch Vehicle Concept - NASA Watch
  • The council finally elected a leader after several days of bickering.
  • To bicker about where, when or why is to diminish their memory. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Viennese and Hungarian crowds were cannonaded from their strongholds, and in Germany a constitutional assembly that had been bravely debating the question of republicanism broke down into factional bickering and then ignominiously offered the country to Frederick William IV of Prussia. The Worldly Philosophers
  • Alex smiled to herself as Yuka and Mark continued to bicker about his hitting ability, and distantly, she heard a knock at the door.
  • I wish you two would stop bickering.
  • ‘We need to remain united, never to return to the bickering and back-stabbing of the past and we need to remain positive and outward looking,’ he said.
  • Along with the bones, Mackey disinters half a lifetime's personal baggage particularly when he finds himself once again dealing with the bickering, resentful, sometimes violent family he left behind. Cityside Thrillers
  • The mayor and the town council spent most of Thursday bickering over how to balance next year's budget.
  • We bicker because we love each other to bits and we're both invested in knowledge even when we think the other nutso.
  • We bicker a lot and the years of me being on the road have taken their toll. The Sun
  • Regulators are discredited, politicians are bickering and central banks are ineffective. Times, Sunday Times
  • The script is peppered with the sort of bickering and snipes you hear from those disgruntled married couples you unfortunately find yourself seated with on cruises.
  • Travelling back to London by train after the programme, I found that Rodney Bickerstaffe was a fellow passenger.
  • It was sad that the Council had to bicker over who should pay for the work.
  • His donors are already bickering over who is most responsible for his dismal showing. Times, Sunday Times
  • They bicker and argue and undermine each other. Times, Sunday Times
  • We never got along with one another and were frequently bickering and arguing.
  • Last week, while U.S. lawmakers bickered, a sweeping trade pact between South Korea and the European Union took effect; one between Colombia and Canada takes force in August. Jobs Study Is Too Late for Debate on Trade
  • Most afternoons, it's the two older players who bicker the most, like ornery retirees on a park bench.
  • Walter Scott was all but a dunce when a boy, always much readier for a "bicker," than apt at his lessons. Self help; with illustrations of conduct and perseverance
  • Not bothering to look good for our partner and bickering more often are the biggest telltale signs it has passed. The Sun
  • The eccentric singer says he has a wonderful relationship with his lover of 11 years, but they love bickering and even argue over who gets to sit where.
  • The brothers bicker a lot. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's also one of tone; all Brent and Jade ever do in PVP is bicker and occasionally mess around in a bathroom, but they're largely viewed as a happy couple. And Incidentally...
  • Conflicting ambitions and personal bickering meanwhile kept princely and noble warlords divided, while their willingness to let the Spaniards ravage frontier provinces sapped any wider support they might have hoped for.
  • This loss sends the relationship into a downward spiral, leading to increased bickering and fighting, and to the collapse of the union.
  • That said, there did seem to be more bickering and less of the light comedy in which the show used to specialise. Times, Sunday Times
  • After much political bickering and financial losses, a deal was reached to continue building the plant but to make Taiwan a nuclear-free nation in the future.
  • As Democratic presidential frontrunners Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton got personal in last night's debate, John Edwards said he tried to stay away from what he called petty bickering. CNN Transcript Jan 22, 2008
  • Instead of tackling the underlying problems, couples can bicker about small issues. Times, Sunday Times
  • To bicker about where, when or why is to diminish their memory. Times, Sunday Times
  • Regulators are discredited, politicians are bickering and central banks are ineffective. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet, predictably, there is no consensus across the political spectrum, just the usual bickering and farmyard squabbling.
  • The brothers bicker a lot. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said: ‘There was bickering between the two companies.’
  • The three men are forced into the same house and bicker constantly. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sound of water bickering down the winding way of a stream gave life and coolness to the warm silence.
  • And no political party should let itself sort of just kind of disintegrate into petty bickering and small-minded politics. Remarks By The President At Dscc Event In New York
  • I went into medicine to care for patients, not to waste time bickering over budgets.
  • Mrs Bickeridge straightened her paisley wrapover and peered from behind the post office's counter grille. TICKLED PINK
  • In layman's terms parkour is about efficiency of movement while free running has evolved to include more acrobatics like flips and jumps," says Ez. While there is bickering among some, most traceurs seem indifferent to labels. Bound for Glory: Parkour Goes From Urban Oddity to Fitness Fad
  • Instead of tackling the underlying problems, couples can bicker about small issues. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have no interest in bickering over the strategic wisdom of Colbert's controversial congressional appearance, but I do have a bone to pick with his message. Dan Rather: Help Not Wanted?
  • A well-to-do suburban couple are bickering over dinner preparations. Times, Sunday Times
  • Among the passions of this literary "bicker," which Scott allowed to amuse him, was Davie Deans conceived. The Heart of Mid-Lothian, Complete
  • Bound by mutual distrust and annoyance, the odd couple pairing can do little but bicker. Christianity Today
  • The condition of peasant children, their sorrows and joys, their sports and bickerings -- the coarse insolence of the richer, the timid dispiritment of the needy, all stood in lively remembrance before his fancy, which liked to go back into that first and only period of his freedom, though, perhaps, also of his beggarhood. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 12, No. 333, September 27, 1828
  • The blowouts are mounting, and the bickering has begun.
  • Internal bickering and finger-pointing plagued the team after it was eliminated from the World Cup.
  • Their bickering and fluffing made the live TV experience eminently watchable - provided you were doing something else useful at the same time, like ironing.
  • We WILL be closely watching how long it takes for the prices to drop to realistic levels, how long it takes for common wananchi to actually see the speed benefits, how much bickering occurs as inland countries have to kowtow for access to the ocean cable links, and how much corporate foot-dragging will occur to stimy user access in order to maintain their revenue margins (e.g. thru per-megabyte pricing). Global Voices in English » Africa: The arrival of Seacom cable sparks debate
  • The self of a thermostat system has endless internal bickering about whether to turn the furnace up or down.
  • And still the candidates pontificate and debate, and their supporters bicker about nonsense in the comments bit under videos on YouTube. Current Affairs
  • He is still bickering with the control tower over admissible approach routes.
  • That will not be accomplished by bickering and discord and infighting on a grand scale.
  • With all the players -- Planning Board, Council, and Administration -- in astrological alignment, why is it that redevelopment plans seem as fraught as in the 1980s, when all was bickering and maneuvering? Archive 2007-05-01
  • They began to bicker about who liked animals more. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then they would bicker about who won the non-existent trophy. Christianity Today
  • All we get are two utterly charmless families bickering. Times, Sunday Times
  • It drew us together for a manageable problem that was focused outside our own petty bickering. Christianity Today
  • It says a lot about a match when the most dramatic moments come after the final whistle has been blown, when both managers get to bickering about the referee.
  • His clever, careful son and his high-spirited daughter stopped bickering when he came into the kitchen and from the narrow hall watched him with embarrassed anxiety when he stopped on the stairs to gather a little breath to go up another step. Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog
  • After endless bickering, they overcome their spats and, together again (perhaps still drunk), fight their way to a glorious victory.
  • The murder squad had a backlog of unsolved cases and was dogged by internal bickering. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite partisan and cameral bickering, this is not an oil and water bill. Michael Likosky: California Here We Come
  • Then they would bicker about who won the non-existent trophy. Christianity Today
  • Name and address supplied Isn't all the bickering over fuel tax missing the point?
  • What do you bicker about? Times, Sunday Times
  • To bicker senselessly and be sore losers is as pathetic as it is graceless.
  • A family idea could make money for all of you if you play to your strengths instead of bickering about who is in charge. The Sun
  • Harry and Sally bicker over Casablanca; for the women of Sleepless in Seattle, the emotional touchstone is An Affair to Remember (“Men never get this movie!”). Double-X Films
  • I wish you two would stop bickering.
  • We bicker a lot and the years of me being on the road have taken their toll. The Sun
  • The brothers bicker a lot. Times, Sunday Times
  • We follow two bickering brothers from their first encounter with the school's bewigged Master who does not spare the rod through their struggles with memorization and dripping quill pens. Rescuing a Classic
  • Is he being sucked into the febrile world of bickering, backstabbing artists, or can he use the RA as a platform to improve the status of architecture in Britain?
  • That will not be accomplished by bickering and discord and infighting on a grand scale.
  • His hyperbole is intended to prevent informed debate in the fear that people will stop their partisan bickering long enough to actually see that his bill is lousy. GOP head demands apology for slavery remark
  • Next week's Ryder Cup will get top billing to be certain, but this week, golfers will recognise the 2002 Solheim Cup for more than its pre-match bickering and parallel talent.
  • Harmison has been blamed by some for the recent bickering and painted as a divisive influence but, says Flintoff, that is an erroneous perception. The Guardian World News
  • The Democrats, now smugly confident, may start to bicker among themselves.
  • I wish you two would stop bickering.
  • the debate turned into thoughtless bickering
  • To bicker senselessly and be sore losers is as pathetic as it is graceless.
  • It is sad to see a county confine its activities to undignified public bickering.
  • They bicker and argue and undermine each other. Times, Sunday Times
  • As they began bickering about how to interpret his behavior.
  • We could hear familial bickering coming from the machine shop in the evenings as the men worked on the baler. The Dirty Life
  • The main problem with the show is that it suffers from an excess of style over content - kind of ironic, considering that the online industry has been bickering over that very issue for years.
  • Bound by mutual distrust and annoyance, the odd couple pairing can do little but bicker. Christianity Today
  • Outside, a congregation of Rris were gathered around a stall where a pair were bickering, their animated snarls carrying over the street sounds.
  • I've counseled both of them separately, but it hasn't seemed to have done much good, as the two of them continue to bicker over things that would normally be shrugged off.
  • My husband and I bicker a lot. The Sun
  • She was tired of the endless bickering over food.
  • My husband and I bicker a lot. The Sun
  • With such efforts, however, considerable as they were for a boy who passionately loved a "bicker" in the streets and who was famed among his comrades for bravery in climbing the perilous "kittle nine stanes" on Castle Rock, he was not content. Lady of the Lake
  • They fight and bicker over nothing, over petty cultural differences.
  • While the French and the Italians have bickered over the free flow of Libyan refugees between them, the Danes have moved to reinstall controls and met only minimal resistance from their partners. Globalisation: Spinning into reverse | Editorial
  • They bickered constantly and sniped at each other with abrasive, even caustic, jibes, but Drake made a valiant effort to stop himself short of physical violence.
  • Regulators are discredited, politicians are bickering and central banks are ineffective. Times, Sunday Times
  • Beginning with that brabble over the "gray cloth gowne," there must have gone on in Hudson's party the same bickerings and wranglings that went on in Greely's party, and the same development of small animosities into burning hatreds. Henry Hudson A Brief Statement of His Aims and His Achievements
  • What do you bicker about? Times, Sunday Times
  • A source said: 'They were constantly bickering towards the end so it comes as no surprise that they decided to call it a day. The Sun
  • Instead of getting on with the story, lawyers spent much of the morning bickering over legal technicalities. Times, Sunday Times
  • But Banksy and his crew have stopped bickering with the disbelieving public about factuality for a moment, as they are now embroiled in another dispute, this time with Joachim Levy. ARTINFO: As Oscar Approaches, Swiss Filmmaker Wants His Name on Banksy's Movie Too
  • Well, we are still bickering about the rights of the sects of Christianity within our constitution.
  • Not bothering to look good for our partner and bickering more often are the biggest telltale signs it has passed. The Sun
  • It's confusing enough to grow up in a place like America, a country without definitive culture, except for ranch dressing and reality TV, but it's even worse to grow up half one thing, half another, christened a hyphenation of names without connection to either owner, raised by “parents” who redefine suburban bickering. What The Hell Nationality Are You?
  • The couple had been bickering non-stop about their cashflow problems. Times, Sunday Times
  • Recently our bickering politicians committed a bloomer.
  • After a hectic day of bickering and money-making, the gang reverently enters an elaborate boardroom where Trump presides.
  • It's much easier to speak critically of each other's work because we have other emotional ties to keep us going when we bicker about song structure. The Sun
  • It's much easier to speak critically of each other's work because we have other emotional ties to keep us going when we bicker about song structure. The Sun
  • Jerry was left staring at his parents, who continued to bicker and argue.
  • Instead of tackling the underlying problems, couples can bicker about small issues. Times, Sunday Times
  • I wish you two would stop bickering.
  • As Thomas's pained gait and brittle limbs signal a physical deterioration, put-on sibling chitchat quickly turns to rebarbative bickering.
  • Physical, verbal, emotional abuse, infidelity, drunkenness, constant bickering, blowout arguments and shouting matches, financial trouble, stress so bad it put her in the hospital.
  • We just bicker instead of realising that it is way past my bedtime. Times, Sunday Times
  • They bicker a lot and then finally get married. The Sun
  • Following an amount of bickering a vote was taken on the amendment and was carried by five votes to one.
  • But by 2001, she had failed to win a seat in the Australian federal Senate and her party broke up acrimoniously amid allegations of wrongdoing and internal bickering.
  • First of all, my guess is we'll hear Premiers bickering over health funding within a year.
  • They can be like naughty children, up to mischief one minute, bickering the next.
  • They bicker and argue and undermine each other. Times, Sunday Times
  • A source said: 'They were constantly bickering towards the end so it comes as no surprise that they decided to call it a day. The Sun
  • Brothers are meant to bicker, no matter how old they are.
  • A tale of wandering, bickering exorcists who cleanse the secrets lurking in people's closets, the movie combines an ambitious sense of playful fantastical absurdism with an underlying heartbeat of melancholic mourning. Mark Kermode's DVD round-up
  • But to all of a sudden for them to "bicker", Wright does his thing on other networks, while Obama is able to distance himself from him during conferences. Obama On Wright: "I Might Not Know Him As Well As I Thought"
  • Additionally, the two sides routinely bicker over the disputed islands, a supposedly oil-rich area.
  • I remember lying on the coping of a stone bridge over the water of Teviot, admiring the green-brown tint of the swift stream bickering over the stones.
  • In recent years, both councils have descended into counterproductive bickering and backbiting far too often.
  • We are not at all alike, and bicker a lot. Times, Sunday Times
  • We are not at all alike, and bicker a lot. Times, Sunday Times
  • The silence, heavy and scented, was broken only by the far-away wheepling of a wakeful whaup and the grumbling of the burn near by, which bickered and hurried to be out in the open again on its way to the river. The Underworld The Story of Robert Sinclair, Miner
  • To bicker about where, when or why is to diminish their memory. Times, Sunday Times
  • The constant public childish bickering that had been going on between them ever since Matt had grown so irritable and ticklish some months ago could not have gone unnoticed.
  • The comedy pits the eternally bickering Beatrice and Benedick against each other.
  • Pressing the worry lines from his face, Broder shouts fie on the do-nothing Congress and demands an end to partisan bickering.
  • Bound by mutual distrust and annoyance, the odd couple pairing can do little but bicker. Christianity Today
  • John Michael and Fran have a strong chemistry and great dynamic, showcased with a nice combination of protective territorialism and bickering - Peter, when Fran is leaving on a motorcycle for her date with Elliot: "Do you know how many people are killed by motorcycles?!? Courtney Stovall: Divorced...Happily? Exclusive Sneak Peek at Fran Drescher's New Series
  • I enjoyed a diabolo violette this afternoon at La Salon Prune while my family bickered over immigration issues. Nebet Diary Entry
  • They gossiped, bickered, laughed and fought - just as children do every day.
  • A fine Example of comick Writing in this vein by Dr. Swift, may be found in The Partridge-Bickerstaff Papers. Did yesterday's hostage crisis teach us anything about Hillary Clinton?
  • How the flame bickers, and quivers, and flickers, darting its eager tongues about!
  • Turning with a swing of his arms, Randy loped down the steps and across the grass to his own home, already noisy with the bickering of his parents.
  • Arguing and bickering wasn't going to change her tormentors' mind set, and Selina, for one, was not an agitator nor instigator.
  • Squalid public bickering was unknown to him, let alone the use of uncouth language.
  • ‘Let us set aside bickering and politicking for at least one year,’ she said.
  • Now the sun lay softly upon it, and a stream bickered through a glade, and now the path lay through thickets, which hid the further woodland from view.
  • Individual directors may disagree, bicker, dispute, squabble, fight or even disobey the chairman.
  • A family idea could make money for all of you if you play to your strengths instead of bickering about who is in charge. The Sun

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