
How To Use Biceps In A Sentence

  • And on his right biceps is the message of his life. - Dixon leads Final Four tough corps
  • It was human in base construction, a platform for large, menacing pectorals and biceps.
  • Polly led the way down the sidewalk, her tank top wet at the breastbone, her silky biceps made wooden by her cargo. SURE OF YOU
  • He does some other weird stuff then like knock people over using chi, and pull a railway locomotive along by cables attached to huge piercings right through his biceps, insane but not as miraculous as the electrical stuff.
  • Highlights were arms, chest and hams with standout poses being side chest (full length, a view that captures separated hamstrings) and back double biceps.
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  • With biceps tendinosis, the physical examination reveals tenderness of the distal biceps tendon that increases with resisted flexion and supination.
  • One of the striking things that stand out with gymnasts are their amazing arms and shoulders ... even the guy who finished 30th at Nationals was ripped with each and every nuance of the deltoids, triceps and biceps shredded.
  • Like your triceps, you usually work your biceps through a semicircular plane, so training them on a straight plane can be a welcome change.
  • I can boast coconut deltoids, pulsating pectorals, bulging biceps and six pack abdominals.
  • Yet now and then you feel the tug, standing in front of a full-length mirror, fantasizing about cannonball shoulders and chiseled biceps.
  • The vignette, with its quartet of bare-chested musclemen around a poker table, their biceps and pectorals effectively lit by the low-hanging overhead fixture, is funny and provocative.
  • Your biceps will develop quickly with that exercise.
  • Wearing navy nylon sweat pants, a black do-rag and a gray sleeveless shirt that shows off bulging biceps, he mows, trims and edges for the better part of two hours.
  • he gave his biceps a flex to impress the ladies
  • The Biceps brachii is a flexor of the elbow and, to a less extent, of the shoulder; it is also a powerful supinator, and serves to render tense the deep fascia of the forearm by means of the lacertus fibrosus given off from its tendon. IV. Myology. 7d. The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Arm
  • There are thirty-two segments devoted to a particular muscle, such as temporalis, masseter, sternocleidomastoid, biceps brachii and so on.
  • The biceps femoris muscle was involved in 81% of all injuries and was the sole or predominant muscle injured in 72% of injuries.
  • Will lifting weights hone your heart muscles as much as your biceps?
  • The real acid test: during the last two years how many of your customers have tattooed your brand on one of their biceps?
  • Nope, when you go to the gym you're thinking bigger biceps, chiseled chest, tighter abs.
  • Raise bar by bending the elbows until forearms touch biceps. The Sun
  • Strength testing of the biceps and triceps muscles, pronation, supination, and wrist flexion and extension should be performed.
  • Playboy model Kiana Tom challenged him to a front double-biceps contest - Hayden prevailed.
  • It has been found lying upon the semilunar fascia of the biceps, and over the aponeurosis of the forearm, instead of beneath those structures.
  • The biceps of Hercules was a puny affair when he rolled about in swaddling-clothes. Jack London: On the Writer's Philosophy of Life
  • Standing six inches tall and five inches wide at the base, this is not something to strap to your wrist, unless you're very concerned about your biceps and batwings. Weird, Wild Watches
  • His biceps bulged; his abdomen rippled and the mere sight of him made the faint-hearted swoon.
  • If your biceps are getting engorged with blood, you're not fully working your back.
  • Unlike other biceps exercises, the preacher curl places specific demands on form.
  • The fact that they are middle-aged men - the lines on their faces as chiseled as their biceps, triceps and pectorals - adds to the curiosity the images elicit.
  • But because Gandy has favored the muscle, it has partially torn his right biceps and strained another muscle.
  • Then we do spinal reflexes - biceps tendon, triceps tendon, crossed extensor reflex, extensor carpi radialis, withdrawl reflex, patellar tendon, gastrocnemius, cranial tibial, and sciatic reflexes. Shooting Up the Cat
  • An instance of the origin of the long tendon of the biceps from the tendon of pectoralis major is described by Koster.
  • Remember that abdominals are muscles, just like triceps, biceps, pecs and lats.
  • The iliotibial band is a thick band of fascia that crosses the hip joint and extends distally to insert on the patella, tibia, and biceps femoris tendon.
  • It has been found lying upon the semilunar fascia of the biceps, and over the aponeurosis of the forearm, instead of beneath those structures.
  • Tim slid the needle into the pale blue throb at the base of his biceps, careful to penetrate only the epidermis. THE KILL CLAUSE
  • Much to my relief, my doctor finally diagnosed me with only biceps tendonitis and told me to back off my workouts a bit.
  • There are thirty-two segments devoted to a particular muscle, such as temporalis, masseter, sternocleidomastoid, biceps brachii and so on.
  • Governor Schwarzenegger saying he would help Barack Obama work on what he called his scrawny legs and also his skinny biceps as well. CNN Transcript Oct 31, 2008
  • And what an elegant arm it will be - free of those unladylike biceps that result from particular physical activities in which you won't be partaking.
  • Though he was now touched by the first papery brittleness of old age, his shoulders were still broad, his biceps showed bulges, his posture was mostly erect, and he seemed relaxed.
  • In an era of height classes, he dominated his fellow short men, and his sharply cusped biceps and deeply horseshoed triceps dwarfed those of much taller bodybuilders.
  • Performed with or without assistance, pull-ups are a great way to strengthen the muscles of the upper body, particularly the latissimus dorsi, posterior deltoids and biceps.
  • Flex your biceps throughout each rep to make the movement stricter and harder.
  • Ask a five-year-old to ‘make a muscle,’ and he'll automatically flex his biceps.
  • This exercise targets your shoulders and biceps. Times, Sunday Times
  • It ascends obliquely in the groove between the Biceps brachii and Pronator teres and crosses the brachial artery, from which it is separated by the lacertus fibrosus; filaments of the medial antibrachial cutaneous nerve pass both in front of and behind this portion of the vein. VII. The Veins. 3c. The Veins of the Upper Extremity and Thorax
  • The result is a lighter boot with narrower heels, a smaller ankle circumference and buckles that do not require the biceps of a superhero. Times, Sunday Times
  • Posteriorly, the head rises to a pointed apex that affords attachment for the arcuate popliteal ligament and, on the lateral side, part of the biceps tendon.
  • At this point, it branches into the cephalic vein on the lateral aspect of the biceps muscle and the basilic vein on the medial side of the muscle.
  • He may lack a big head but the biceps are a heavyweight boxer's. Times, Sunday Times
  • Key Words: biceps ? tendon ? avulsion? rupture? elbow.
  • The biceps come into play quite strongly to supinate your hands, as well as to flex the arms.
  • Branches supply the following muscles -- obturator, semimembranosus (adductor magnus), biceps femoris (triceps abductor femoris), semitendinosus (biceps rotator tibialis), lateral extensor Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • Five of my football buddies and I stood hunched over flexing our biceps.
  • To complete this workout, perform pull-ups - if you have an appropriate place to do them - to hit your back (and your biceps, especially with an underhand grip).
  • We're too hairy, too flabby, too veiny, un-tanned, our boobs are too small, our biceps are too undefined.
  • I did chest, shoulders and triceps on day one and legs, back and biceps the following day.
  • Even as her biceps rippled with pride, I couldn't help but reflect that life is too short.
  • Incredible deltoids, biceps, buttocks, and thighs outlined and simultaneously gripped by the tight cut of his sailor suit.
  • On the side of the truck is a picture of a young boy, shirtless, with smooth, unblemished skin, flexing his slim biceps. Hopefulness
  • Anyway, Josh ran his fingers through his golden curls and subtly flexed his biceps.
  • He could throw into energetic single action the biceps, the supinator longus, the radial extensors, the platysma myoides, and many other muscles. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Guys showing off their bulging biceps, big sideburns and carrying a haughty look are out.
  • Salzman discovers that her young female researchers are bored with faux sensitivity and want biceps instead.
  • Frowning intently, he unwinds his orange turban, knots it in a ligature around his right biceps, and starts pumping his arm.
  • For those new to biceps training, your elbows should remain stationary while your hands move upward toward the shoulders.
  • It mainly focuses on the short head of the biceps brachii. The Sun
  • I do this until every muscle fiber in the biceps complex has been thoroughly fatigued.
  • After a few days, some of them were complaining of swelling and weakness in their biceps and triceps and discolored urine. SC Swimmers Had Same Muscle Disorder Affecting Iowa Players
  • GI-Joe had a nice bulge to match his biceps and washboard stomach.
  • There are thirty-two segments devoted to a particular muscle, such as temporalis, masseter, sternocleidomastoid, biceps brachii and so on.
  • He was still standing there when she went back into her room, his arms crossed, the thick muscles of his biceps flexing.
  • But if she looked lily-frail in her elemental environment, she was belied by the grip she put upon Pierre's hand, by the knotting of her woman's biceps as it took the weight of her body, by the splendid effort of her limbs as they held her out from the perpendicular bank while she made the ascent. THE GREAT INTERROGATION
  • His bulging biceps earned him the title of Mr North East Britain 1955.
  • Some muscles, the biceps brachii for example which acts on both the humerus and radius, can traverse two joints bringing about an action at either or both ends. Muscles Part 1
  • The right upper extremity was normal, but weak; there was wrist-drop on the left side and the deltoid was wasted and powerless; on the other hand the fingers could be flexed, and although the elbow could not be, there were signs of returning power in the biceps, and some movements of the shoulder could be performed by the capsular muscles. Surgical Experiences in South Africa, 1899-1900 Being Mainly a Clinical Study of the Nature and Effects of Injuries Produced by Bullets of Small Calibre
  • The nerve to the short head of the biceps femoris sometimes arises directly from the sacral plexus.
  • I could see every muscle in his body, his pecks, his six-pack, his biceps, all perfectly sculpted like marble.
  • Chronic shoulder problems usually fall into one of several categories, which include impingement syndrome, frozen shoulder and biceps tendonitis.
  • It receives an expansion from the tendon of the Biceps femoris laterally, and from the tendons of the Sartorius, Gracilis, Semitendinosus, and Semimembranosus medially; in front, it blends with the periosteum covering the subcutaneous surface of the tibia, and with that covering the head and malleolus of the fibula; below, it is continuous with the transverse crural and laciniate ligaments. IV. Myology. 8c. The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Leg
  • Squats, biceps curls, triceps extensions and even overhead presses with dumb-bells are all good candidates for unilateral moves.
  • Tattooed on his right biceps is "SC," which stands both for his initials and his university.
  • The articular surfaces and biceps tendon attachment were found to be normal.
  • —A third head (10 per cent.) to the Biceps brachii is occasionally found, arising at the upper and medial part of the Brachialis, with the fibers of which it is continuous, and inserted into the lacertus fibrosus and medial side of the tendon of the muscle. IV. Myology. 7d. The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Arm
  • It is to be noted that the tendon of the biceps brachii (flexor brachii) is always involved in cases of inflammation of the bicipital bursa, and according to the late Dr. Bell [8] strain of the biceps brachii is a frequent cause of lameness in city horses, more frequent than is generally supposed. Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • Your cardiovascular system is composed of your heart, arteries etc, whilst your muscular system is made up of your biceps, pectorals, deltoids etc.
  • Each workout focuses on specific muscles or muscle groups, such as biceps and triceps, and plyometrics or jump-training. Times, Sunday Times
  • When I visit Croatia, some of my friends, in conversation, keep touching my shoulder and my biceps, and if we sit down, they slap me on the knee.
  • It differs in thickness at different parts, being thin over the Biceps brachii, but thicker where it covers the Triceps brachii, and over the epicondyles of the humerus: it is strengthened by fibrous aponeuroses, derived from the Pectoralis major and Latissimus dorsi medially, and from the Deltoideus laterally. IV. Myology. 7d. The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Arm
  • Palpation of the soft tissues begins with the biceps and triceps muscles.
  • When performed properly, most upper back exercises also work the biceps and the deltoids.
  • —The Coracobrachialis, Biceps brachii and Brachialis are supplied by the musculocutaneous nerve; the Brachialis usually receives an additional filament from the radial. IV. Myology. 7d. The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Arm
  • Ego wins the day, and another pair of biceps is left to wilt for the glory of a heavy barbell curl.
  • It gives you those nice looking biceps, but its athletic applicability is virtually nil. Matthew Yglesias » Durant at the Bench Press
  • They spat their shoes with tape, smear eyeblack high on their cheeks and tape up their sleeves to fully expose their bulging biceps.
  • Raise bar by bending the elbows until forearms touch biceps. The Sun
  • The 5-10, 225-pound Davy had been dedicated to rigorous conditioning since he was a teenager and continues to maintain bulging biceps with regular two-hour workouts. 'Cheese-Free' a Vikings fan loyal to the extreme
  • Young guys with bulging biceps and ravishing girls in figure-hugging outfits occupied every inch of the place.
  • Make sure your biceps contraction alone curls the weight all the way to the top.
  • If it be required to ligature the artery at this locality, an incision two inches and a half in length, made along the course of the vessel, and avoiding the superficial veins, will expose the fascia; and this being next divided on the director, the artery will be exposed resting on the brachialis anticus, and between the biceps tendon and pronator teres muscle. Surgical Anatomy
  • The result is a lighter boot with narrower heels, a smaller ankle circumference and buckles that do not require the biceps of a superhero. Times, Sunday Times
  • Aquarians are known for their androgynous physique and from certain angles she appears to have the body of a man with broad shoulders, strong biceps and narrow hips.
  • The Biceps brachii is a flexor of the elbow and, to a less extent, of the shoulder; it is also a powerful supinator, and serves to render tense the deep fascia of the forearm by means of the lacertus fibrosus given off from its tendon. IV. Myology. 7d. The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Arm
  • I was fortunate enough to be born with good muscle shape and fullness, particularly in my biceps.
  • The tendinitis signs and symptoms can be of the rotator cuff or of the long head of the biceps brachii muscles, or both.
  • All of these factors make it easier to focus on your triceps, biceps and forearms than, say, your lats.
  • Give me a man in a suit and aviators over a shirtless male model with bulging biceps any day!
  • What's more, it builds what powerlifters call ‘accessories’: biceps, triceps, deltoids, abs and other vanity muscles.
  • Sleeve lengths, sleeve circumferences (especially at the biceps), inseams and side seams on pants, shoulder width, crotch depth and the waist are all measurements that can be compared to the pattern before cutting them out.
  • Just sick Drew on him, he strikes me as the protective type, as if you need protecting with those biceps.
  • The triceps is a forearm extensor, the opposite of the biceps.
  • Think about the simple action of pulling open your car door: You don't just use your fingers and biceps to perform that little task; you use your back, traps, rhomboids, rear delts, obliques and a whole slew of other muscles all at once.
  • Likes to intimidate opponents before big races such as kissing both his biceps, striking a double biceps pose, and throwing a phantom right-handed uppercut knock-out blow.
  • Caput tertium may also arise from the linea aspera, long head of biceps femoris, lateral epicondyle, knee joint capsule, midfibula, and the crural fascia.
  • Their calves are the size of my forearm and their quads are the size of my bicepsand I dont have big arms to begin with. ChiRunning
  • He doesn't want to develop Arnold Schwarzenegger biceps or a six-pack torso.
  • Raise bar by bending the elbows until forearms touch biceps. The Sun
  • The branches to the Biceps brachii and Brachialis are given off after the musculocutaneous has pierced the Coracobrachialis; that supplying the Brachialis gives a filament to the elbow-joint. IX. Neurology. 6b. The Anterior Divisions
  • Lon is also a former rent-league pro-wrestler, a short man with a tapered lower half, scorched blonde hair, and a set of heavy biceps equal in girth to most people's hocked thighs. The Last of Boland
  • Other implants, for biceps and pectorals, for instance, and even penile augmentations, are also on the increase.
  • —Occasionally doubled; additional slips to the Supinator, Pronator teres, Biceps, lacertus fibrosus, or radius are more rarely found. IV. Myology. 7d. The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Arm
  • I'll be hanged if I can associate psychics with a biceps like Berber's; somehow those things seem the special prerogative of anemic women in white cheese-cloth fooling with 'planchette' and 'currents.' The Best Short Stories of 1920 and the Yearbook of the American Short Story
  • Once thawed, the proximal two-thirds of the radii were harvested along with their distal biceps tendon attachments.
  • No, it's his sculpted biceps and abdominal muscles. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pitt's ‘garbage’, along with his face and his body - the torqued biceps, the luxuriant hair - is his fortune, and the producers of Troy are hoping that it will be theirs, also.
  • He had enormous thighs, a trim waist, and the largest arms I have ever seen on a human being: his biceps were the size of cantaloupes. Archive 2008-08-01
  • A normal gym-goer might have big biceps and a big chest but no legs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Identify two muscles located cranially in the brachium (biceps brachii m., and brachialis m.).
  • when bending the elbow the biceps are the agonist
  • Even if you care only about your biceps - and spare no thoughts to such trivialities as health and longevity - vegetables are still an absolute necessity, for several reasons.
  • He swelled his biceps proudly under the thin sleeve, reached for the two black stewards, and put them above his head like a pair of dumbbells. THE PROUD GOAT OFALOYSIUS PANKBURN
  • Another great exercise for your biceps is to take an underhand grip on a chinning bar and draw your body up towards the bar.
  • He wears a brace round his chest; the biceps and shoulders are Olympian. Times, Sunday Times
  • Squats, biceps curls, triceps extensions and even overhead presses with dumb-bells are all good candidates for unilateral moves.
  • In bending the forearm on the arm, familiarly known as "trying your muscle," the power is supplied by the biceps muscle attached to the radius, the fulcrum is the elbow joint at one end of the lever, and the resistance is the weight of the forearm at the other end. A Practical Physiology
  • Faine, 6-foot-3, 291 pounds, missed the last two games last season after what he called a fluke injury when his right biceps snapped during a block. - Notes: Eagles deal H. Thomas, Hicks; Browns ask about Harrington
  • Loveable cartoon character Popeye always flexes his biceps when he wants to show off his muscles.
  • In this case the biceps must exert two units of strength more than the triceps, that is, seven units. The Psychology of Singing A Rational Method of Voice Culture Based on a Scientific Analysis of All Systems, Ancient and Modern
  • Huge shoulder muscles and biceps get in the way when you're bowling. Times, Sunday Times
  • You set the goal of working extra everyday to achieve bigger than life biceps and triceps.
  • Kneading with the two thumbs of both hands upon different muscles, special attention being paid to reach the extensors and flexors in the forearm, the biceps, triceps, deltoid, supraspinatus and infraspinatus. Massage and the Original Swedish Movements
  • Needless to say, I was forced to adjust my back routine after tearing my biceps, which meant switching from an underhand to an overhand grip.
  • Tim slid the needle into the pale blue throb at the base of his biceps, careful to penetrate only the epidermis. THE KILL CLAUSE
  • At 180 pounds and a little under six feet, he is lean and chiseled, with balled-up biceps and pecs.
  • It is to be noted that the tendon of the biceps brachii (flexor brachii) is always involved in cases of inflammation of the bicipital bursa, and according to the late Dr. Bell [8] strain of the biceps brachii is a frequent cause of lameness in city horses, more frequent than is generally supposed. Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • Then the biceps relaxes and the triceps contracts to straighten the elbow.
  • He was not wearing a shirt at all, his biceps noticeably muscular and his 6-pack abs too.
  • They weren't bodybuilding awards or photos of Farley clenching his biceps on some dais. BLACKWATER SOUND
  • One casualty is Gary Gibson's string of new routes at Craig-y-Biceps.
  • When given from the brachial trunk, the radial recurrent has been found crossing beneath the tendon of the biceps.
  • She's convinced that no matter how hard she works out, the skin that covers her taut biceps is growing daily more slack and wrinkly.
  • the biceps and triceps are antagonistic muscles
  • At this point, it branches into the cephalic vein on the lateral aspect of the biceps muscle and the basilic vein on the medial side of the muscle.
  • The articular surfaces and biceps tendon attachment were found to be normal.
  • No one wants bulging biceps or muscle mass. Times, Sunday Times
  • She admires his tanned biceps, exposed in his wife-beater tee. Whipped Cream
  • Flexion of the elbow is avoided because contraction of the biceps brachii (flexor brachii) or the extensors, which are antagonists of the flexors of the carpus, tenses the carpal flexors and pain is thereby increased. Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • A competition like the Mr. Olympia was the one place where they knew they wouldn't be treated to raised eyebrows and haughty sniffs when waxing poetic over the virtues of peaked biceps and washboard abs.
  • One of their sons, whom I particularly envied for his heroic biceps, was named Eleven.
  • He is not just a football player intimidating opponents with biceps and triceps.
  • If you flexed the forearm using the biceps brachii and had no triceps muscle as an antagonist, the arm would stay flexed. Muscles Part 2
  • -- The upper fragment is carried forwards by the action of the psoas and iliacus internus, and at the same time everted and drawn outwards by the external rotator and glutei muscles, causing a marked prominence at the outer side of the thigh and great pain from the laceration of the muscles; the lower fragment is drawn upwards, by the rectus, biceps, semi-membranosus and semitendinous muscles, whilst its upper end is thrown outwards and its lower end inwards by the pectineus and adductor muscles; crepitation, preternatural An Epitome of Practical Surgery, for Field and Hospital.
  • Life magazine singled out the cross-dressing performers for praise in its review of a production of the play at Lowry Field in Colorado: Despite their hairy chests, size-16 shoes and bulging biceps, these ‘actresses’ did a good job with the play, presenting it as straight comedy. . . A Renegade History of the United States
  • A simple fascicle of the biceps inserting into the origin of the pronator teres Macalister has seen three times.
  • The exercise program consisted of 8 resistance exercises on a multigym apparatus for 3 upper body muscles (triceps, biceps, and latissimus dorsi) and 4 lower body muscles (quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteals, gastrocnemius/soleus).
  • The new six-pack and perfect biceps were changes, but I was willing to adjust.
  • Climbing mostly builds muscles that pull (forearms, lats, trapezoids, biceps) while demanding less of those that push (shoulders, pectorals, triceps).
  • Trace a pattern on your ankle or biceps and paint in with temporary colours or henna.
  • The shirt has the same pattern as the short sleeve shirts except for an additional pattern over the biceps and the elbow on both arms.
  • There are two primary muscles on the front of your upper arm: the biceps brachii and the brachialis.
  • If your biceps feel absolutely fantastic, grab some heavy dumb-bells and pound them.
  • My Dad kept an old photo in his sock drawer of himself on muscle-beach, shirtless, flexing his biceps
  • The physical examination reveals tenderness of the distal biceps tendon that increases with resisted flexion and supination.
  • The biceps femoris muscle has been documented as the most commonly injured hamstring muscle, and this study verifies this finding.
  • This is another type of curl that effectively isolates the biceps.
  • He's a rugged man and will show people with his powerful biceps.
  • For the biceps, start out with a major massbuilding exercise like barbell curls.
  • I did tell Desiree that under no circumstances do I want the public to know what she calls my biceps, although “Brad” and “Angelina” are the perfect nicknames! The Obama Diaries
  • When broken above the insertion of the pronator teres, the upper fragment is flexed and supinated by the biceps and supinator, while the lower fragment remains semi-prone, and is drawn towards the ulna by the pronator quadratus. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • For example, perform the biceps curl with your weaker arm first, noting how many repetitions you can manage at a particular weight. Times, Sunday Times
  • His biceps is/are impressive.
  • If your biceps feel absolutely fantastic, grab some heavy dumb-bells and pound them.
  • For biceps and back, progress from modified chin-ups (bar at chest height, with feet on ground and body in piked position, underhand grip) to regular chin-ups. Big Buck Boot Camp: Your Complete Guide to Better Whitetail Deer Hunting Skills
  • Called supination, this motion results in higher levels of biceps muscle activation than the typical palms-up dumbbell curls.
  • The anatomical description of its location is the midpoint of the transverse crease of the popliteal fossa, between the tendons of biceps femoris and semitendinosis. Tao I
  • He tore his biceps muscle on the third play of 2000, and the K.C. running game never recovered.
  • She is into animal rights, she says, and a vegan and is pretty fit herself, she adds, demonstrating flexed forearms, biceps and abs.
  • That, and my own realization as a teenager that when I gained weight, it was my biceps becoming more masculine note: *more* masculine, not masculine - they're still pretty scrawny that caused the change. My fat (but actually very normal-sized) legs
  • ‘We love to show off our manly strength,’ Ashton said as both he and Kaylen flexed impressive biceps.
  • The priest - a wiry man with bulging, tattoo-covered biceps - dabbed cocoa butter onto Alonso's thumbnails, the crown of his head, his inner arm.
  • The tubercles are separated from each other by a deep groove, the intertubercular groove (bicipital groove), which lodges the long tendon of the Biceps brachii and transmits a branch of the anterior humeral circumflex artery to the shoulder-joint. II. Osteology. 6a. 3. The Humerus
  • I turned round and there behind me stood an enormous Maori man whose tattooed biceps bulged from his singlet.
  • The Biceps muscle of the thigh Bends the leg; the quadriceps straightens it.
  • The unfortunate side effect of obsessively pumping as much blood as possible into your biceps is that it then struggles to make its way to your member ... I Pity Gay Men
  • Most muscle strains occur in the lower extremities with the rectus femoris and biceps femoris muscle being most commonly affected; they are followed by the semitendinosus, adductors, vastus medialis and soleus.
  • Get the full body wax and spray-on tan and the tattoo in serif scarring your biceps. Easton Ellis' Still Got It
  • It is also known as the bicipital groove because it carries the tendon for the long head of the biceps brachii muscle.
  • The lying cable biceps curl helps bodybuilders more thoroughly develop their biceps and brachialis muscles.

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