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How To Use bicephalous In A Sentence

  • In far northern Europe, bicephalous animal motifs seem to be traceable at least as far back as the early 7th millennium B.C.
  • The identity of the bicephalous zoomorphic figure - perhaps a serpent or dragon - is uncertain.
  • These architectural remains also depict palm trees under bicephalous eagle as the tree of life, symbolizing peace and prosperity.
  • Russia's bicephalous ruling format is not likely to be permanent based on Russian history and current tandem dynamics," Beyrle wrote in February 2010 according to a copy of the cable. Top headlines
  • For two houses with like minds are stronger than one that is bicephalous. Privy Seal His Last Venture
  • He glanced down at her bicephalous shadow on the floor It hinted at a terrible Justice-this shadow shape. A Canticle for Leibowitz
  • Communism: You have bicephalous milk cow, the country takes away both ends, deal out your milk.
  • To avoid meeting Mrs. Grales, he used the pedestrian underpass; it was no time for pleasant conversations with the bicephalous old tomato woman. A Canticle for Leibowitz
  • The national flag represents a black bicephalous eagle with open wings situated in the middle of a red background.
  • A piece of Maya jewelry depicts an anthropomorphic, bicephalous serpent.
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