
How To Use Bibulous In A Sentence

  • They are both erecting places where the bibulously inclined may imbibe to their hearts content.
  • A furious Donovan called off the fox project, but it lived on, if only at bibulous OSS gatherings. A Covert Affair
  • A middle-aged son of the General, a physician by profession, being bibulously inclined, on being informed of his father's death, broke out into uncontrollable and hysterical fit of weeping.
  • _calabogus_ in Newfoundland, and -- soda-water in the United States, I desired to complete the bibulous cosmos, in which _koumiss_ was still lacking. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 15, No. 87, January, 1865
  • Then there are the characters who inhabit the pages, such as the bibulous hack Lunchtime O'Booze and Glenda Slag, a parody of many a female newspaper columnist whose opinions are as fickle and self-contradictory as her readers'. Britain's All-Seeing Private Eye
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  • So, come the denouement, their table was very bibulous and merry while everyone else was in a state of nervy misery.
  • The profitability of corn whiskey, heavy frontier drinking, the spread of saloons in cities, and the immigration of beer-drinking and whiskey-swilling foreigners all encouraged the nation's bibulous tendencies.
  • The only nod to the bibulous was the Toll House Cocktail, a house-special from the same (now long-gone) Whitman, Mass., inn famous for its chocolate-chip cookies. Cranberry Cocktail Confusion
  • She evokes a broadcasting company that was different from that of today, full of stuffed shirts and bibulous eccentrics.
  • Then there are the characters who inhabit the pages, such as the bibulous hack Lunchtime O'Booze and Glenda Slag, a parody of many a female newspaper columnist whose opinions are as fickle and self-contradictory as her readers'. News You Shouldn't Use
  • At a conference a decade or so ago he hosted a bibulous dinner, after which he embarked on a funny speech.
  • ‘Don't say it's Matthew the Second! ‘said a bibulous character at the far end of Charlie's bar, his mouth full of roasted peanuts.
  • The mercury will bibulously drink into itself all the fine invisible gold, while the unaffectionate sand goes on, bereaved of its wealth. Among the Forces
  • On his succession as king, he had taken over from a bibulously dissolute, bisexual father for whom court life revolved around hunting parties, orgies, and ribaldry. The Dragon’s Trail
  • Because inferior ceramic tile is not able to bear or endure for certain in the kitchen corrupt, oil absorption, bibulous become angry easily, intensity causes craze not quite.
  • ‘I had as lief be a Brownist as a politician,’ said bibulous Sir Andrew Ague-cheek.
  • The bibulous bohunk shows up periodically and just repeats the same damn stupid things, over and over again. Conservative War Crimes
  • On that occasion, a lady, both wistfully and bibulously, asks: ‘What I say is, where did we all take the wrong turn?’
  • They stampeded her on the Calle Rivera and unceremoniously held up Mr. North's impressive car before the hotel, while Jim Baggott, in an ancient silk hat and bibulously primed for the occasion, read an ungrammatical but fervent valediction. The Fifth Ace
  • The birth of Jean-Philippe increased Leon's nocturnal, bibulous absences; and only to give the boy legitimacy did Arlette marry in September, 1944.
  • The column was probably produced hastily, perhaps during what may have been a bibulous Christmas Day.
  • Early-music veterans Paul Agnew (a soothing Dieu du Sommeil) and Bernard Deletré (a funny, bibulous River Sangar) made vivid contributions, as did Nicolas Rivenq as Célénus; Marc Mauillon and Sophie Daneman as Sangaride's dueting confidants, who naughtily urge her to choose love over duty; and the incisive Ingrid Perruche as Mélisse, Cybèle's disapproving confidante, who thinks the goddess is slumming by falling in love with a mortal. The Sad Tale It Tells Is Myth; Its Joys, Real
  • And finally, it was in immense relief that the hilariously drunken Lensman, his money gone to the last millo, went roistering up the street with a two-quart bottle in each hand; swigging now from one, then from the other; inviting bibulously the while any and all chance comers to join him in one last, fond drink. Gray Lensman
  • The people in Taiwan are not bibulous, which is to their credit but an annoyance to us tourist lushes. MLA
  • His backstreet bistro is beamed, roughcast, tongue and groove, decorated with bibulous 19th-century prints by Gilbert-Martin, barrels, etc.
  • There's great tenderness in the scene where Miron remembers pouring vodka on a ripe, naked Tanya as a kind of bibulous foreplay.
  • He was already mildly drunk, and Amy knew from experience that it would be a long, bibulous evening. THE WHITE DOVE
  • Throughout his bibulous wanderings, Mr. Wilson never loses sight of the drink in the glass. On a Spirited Journey
  • He was already mildly drunk, and Amy knew from experience that it would be a long, bibulous evening. THE WHITE DOVE
  • Judgement ceramic tile is bibulous the way that leads on any account is very simple, want a water only, observe whether it is absorbed quickly.
  • There is an experiment, which seems to evince this venous absorption, which consists in the external application of a stimulus to the lips, as of vinegar, by which they become instantly pale; that is, the bibulous mouths of the veins by this stimulus are excited to absorb the blood faster, than it can be supplied by the usual arterial exertion. Zoonomia, Vol. I Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • New defections, followed by bibulous celebrations in the Palais Royal, were reported daily.
  • Used in ceramic tile, Mosaic facing juncture, because not bibulous, winter won't frozen, expansion, can prevent ceramic tile, Mosaic of spalling.
  • A night's lodging cost five dollars for supper, five for breakfast, and five for a bed, and if the soldiers were any ways bibulously inclined and wished an "eye opener" in the morning or a "night cap" at supper time, that was five dollars additional for each drink. History of Kershaw's Brigade
  • Emerging after a bibulous evening, befuddled guests went to recover their coats, only to discover that some of them had ‘walked’.
  • He lumbered to a halt, resignation stamped plainly on his bibulous features.
  • Sergeant Reed is bibulously on the job again, drinking his wily way through another murder investigation.
  • Perhaps Shakespeare had particular reason when, in 1598, he had the bibulous Sir John Falstaff complain so bitterly on the subject of ‘thin potations’.
  • He was raucous, bibulous, lecherous and with a genius for showing an equal contempt for the common man and those in power. Simon Jenkins: Half a Century After Mencken's Death, Opinion Is What is Riding High
  • We cannot go back to the bibulous naïveté of our predecessors.
  • At her second home in France, which she visits every other weekend, she's a very different person. ‘I'm far more bibulous when I'm in Gaillac.'
  • Hobbs, as did many other railwaymen, reveled in the male camaraderie of the workplace and enjoyed the bibulous pleasures connected with it.
  • It's patchy but polished, and the antics of his bibulously amorous general are most diverting.
  • Certainly, he's a bibulous, gregarious fellow of many appetites, who not only acts and directs, but writes biographies and screenplays, and moonlights as a literary critic for a national newspaper.
  • Why, if Ponce de Leon had found the fountain of youth and drunk of it as bibulously as we are apt to guzzle the cup of achievement, he would not only have arrested the forward march of time, but would have over-reached himself and slipped backward through the years of his age to become a chronic infant in arms. The Joyful Heart
  • After accelerated training he arrived at a military hospital in India and, as the only resident doctor, he spent each week preparing for the bibulous round of a visiting Harley Street grandee.
  • Owing to a misreading of the signature, it was thought to be by the aforementioned bibulous Frans van Mieris the Elder, and was not correctly identified until 1866.
  • This kind is put cold hardening amylaceous food, must boil through adding lukewarm new steam, let starch again bibulous, expand, ability can hold the nutrient value with due food.
  • a bibulous fellow
  • His backstreet bistro is beamed, roughcast, tongue and groove, decorated with bibulous 19th-century prints.
  • And grows no better," wailed Mrs. Purr, bibulously, for she had been strengthening herself for the interview with frequent libations of gin. The Opal Serpent
  • They parted on bibulous, back-slapping terms.
  • As the chamberpot is a great friend to those with bibulous tendencies, jerry might have become a pet-name for it. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIX No 4
  • Artery-clogging cholesterol, alcohol and carcinogenic free radicals cause cellular mayhem in the aftermath of too many bibulous feasts.
  • a bibulous evening
  • Iv coorse there were th 'usual riochous scenes in th' dhrug stores, where th 'bibulous gathered at th' sody-wather counthers an 'cillybrated th' victory in lemon, vanilla, an 'choc'late, some iv thim keepin' it up till 9 o'clock, or aven later. ' Mr. Dooley Says
  • Over the course of what was clearly a bibulous dinner they ‘foregathered very much indeed’, John not getting home until five in the morning.
  • By the way, our Catholic friends seem to forget that "bibulous" Wittenberg was Luther Examined and Reexamined A Review of Catholic Criticism and a Plea for Revaluation

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