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How To Use Bibliophile In A Sentence

  • But then surprises always await bibliophiles at a book fair.
  • All are agreed that he was both a logophile and a bibliophile as attested to by his love of etymology and neologistic wordplay, and the over 10,000 books in his personal library. Excerpt from Calembouria (in collaboration with Anthony Metivier)
  • Prohibited from visiting physically, Ms. della Dora has had to travel to "the immutable cone of Athos" on the crinkly backs of maps, etchings and photographs, and through the masculine accounts of poets, theologians, botanists, bibliophiles, art historians and escaped World War II POWs. A Fossil With Flesh
  • Walter Raymond Gustafson, a local bibliophile who had purchased the materials at an auction at the Barrens in 1960, had died in 2005.
  • The papyri also suggest the presence of a wide variety of scholars, philosophers, poets and bibliophiles in Egypt and present examples of book trade, calligraphers and Greek literature in the villages.
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  • Bibliophile Bullpen: blind pigginess skip to main | skip to sidebar Blind pigginess
  • I suspect the appropriate answer for a true bibliophile, someone who gives books as physical objects the full love and respect they deserve, is Bookmark. Brian Ruckley · When in Doubt, Meme
  • The resulting 980 copies of the edition are, of necessity, rare and expensive items in their own right, destined only for the collections of bibliophiles and the world's major libraries.
  • This is a 6 storey bookshop that bibliophiles can spend all day and all their money in. What You Can Learn From "All A Twitter" by Tee Morris | The Creative Penn
  • a Jewish historian and scholar — the kind of bibliophile his father Isaac was. Schwarz 2 - Criticism - Critical Contexts
  • My list for two-oh-oh-eight, for all you curious bibliophiles, is thus: Belated wishes and a 2008 books roundup
  • And like most other bibliophiles, my secret ambition is to earn a living from running the Perfect Bookshop - with squashy leather couches, warm wooden shelves, home-made cakes and, in my case, luxury yarns in the corner.
  • There were always plenty of books in our house, because my mother was a passionate bibliophile.
  • There were birders aplenty, as well as bibliophiles, gardeners, hikers, naturalists of all stripes. The Joys of Slow Looking
  • And the collectors included not only bibliophiles and affected interior decorators but also biographers of famous men and the thousands of amateurs who participated in the era's terrific quest to collect and compile useful knowledge.
  • She was a member of the Grolier Club, a prestigious organization for bibliophiles. Elizabeth S. Niemyer, Library Acquisitions Specialist
  • This is a very short book - a novella really - which is all about books, and the extent to which they can dominate the bibliophile's life.
  • A bibliophile from early days, when others were heading off to play footie or cricket, Baxter always made straight for the library.
  • Art books make excellent gifts for your favorite bibliophile.
  • Reading Spellwright as a bibliophile is a real treat, and the focus on language, reading, writing and understanding as a wizardly trait is something that seems somewhat new, and honestly, something long overdue in the fantasy realm. REVIEW: Spellwright by Blake Charlton
  • Zhou Zuoren is not just a famous author and critics in Contemporary History of China, but also an influential bibliophile.
  • Bibliophile Bullpen: entrails of the day skip to main | skip to sidebar Entrails of the day
  • The idea behind the renovation in the city is part of OUPs recent drive to provide greater visibility of books and set bibliophiles at ease.
  • Hardcovers as a luxury market for bibliophiles the same way vinyl is for audiophiles? The Future of Bookstores? at SF Novelists
  • Time, always insensitive to the desires of bibliophiles, has destroyed all first edition copies. This Is My Letter To The World
  • Once the library of a bibliophile was not thought complete without examples of the art of grangerizing or privately illustrated illustrated books.
  • The modern bibliophiles who know what it is to revel in the enjoyment of a goodly library, luxuriant in costly bindings and rich in bibliographical rarities, who are fully susceptible to the delights and exquisite sensibilities of that sweet madness called bibliomania, will readily comprehend the multiplied pleasures of that early and illustrious bibliophile in the seclusion of Auckland Palace; he there ardently applied his energies and wealth to the accumulation of books; and whilst engaged in this pleasing avocation, let us endeavor to catch a glimpse of him. Bibliomania in the Middle Ages
  • Bibliophiles can always go to some of the older bookstalls specialising in second-hand books just off Brigade Road or on Avenue Road.
  • Saturday nights were less-intimate gatherings, with the apartment packed with world-class mineral collectors, out-of-town and local curators, bibliophiles, and just plain rockhounds.
  • Bibliophile Bullpen: women in bookbinding c 1913 skip to main | skip to sidebar Women in bookbinding c 1913
  • A knowledgeable bibliophile, he also assembled a collection of books utilizing various photomechanical processes that he eventually sold to the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.
  • In this article, I regard him as a bibliophile, a scholar of bibliography and edition study.
  • Both are bibliophiles, deeply in love with dusty volumes and the arcana of literary history. Will Books Survive?
  • There is a fine line between bibliophilia and bibliolatry. Bibliophiles love books, reading them, holding them, owning them. Bibliolaters don't just love books, they worship them.
  • Collectors, bibliophiles and browsers will find a warm welcome from the many dealers when the fair opens at 10.00 am precisely.
  • Visits took in her favorite galleries, museums, and, inevitably for a bibliophile of international repute, the British Library.
  • A bibliophile likes books and an oenophile enjoys wine.
  • Like the Denver Bibliophile, I was deeply unamused by my slog through The Lord of the Rings--great world-building, prose like wading through the Slough of Despond--but nobody interested in the history of fantasy would dare ignore it.1 The Little Professor:
  • Though many bibliophiles would love to have a look at this collection, it has not been available in the market for long.
  • Some one has said that "to call a bibliophile a bibliomaniac is to conduct Book-Lovers, Bibliomaniacs and Book Clubs
  • Being a bibliophile of non-fiction books has also led me to a worrying conclusion.
  • I'm a bibliophile by day and… well, the same thing by night.
  • I highly recommend it for bibliophiles everywhere – a book about a book and the protectors of books. A Bookish Day...and the Sarajevo Haggadah | The Creative Penn
  • The sacred edifice, completely in their hands, was soon laid waste; they broke down the altars, destroyed the monuments, and -- much will the bibliophile deplore it -- set fire to their immense library "_ingens bibliotheca_," maliciously tearing into pieces all their valuable and numerous charters, evidences, and writings. Bibliomania in the Middle Ages
  • While an average visitor to these fairs may leave with two or three books at the most, these seasoned bibliophiles will settle for nothing less than an armload of books each time they come to the fair.
  • This "gentle madness" that characterizes librarians and all kinds of bibliophiles and bibliomanes may well frighten historians of economic thought.
  • For the bibliophile there are essays on small presses, blogs, ‘the book,’ poetry and fiction, along with the regular roundup of book reviews. 2009 March 20 | NIGEL BEALE NOTA BENE BOOKS
  • It was only with the proliferation of bibliophiles who often had to step over books to reach their beds, and who were at a loss to contain their books, did bookshelves become a necessity, an invention.
  • The British Library is asking bibliophiles to adopt a book and save it for the nation.
  • Take me for example. I am a confirmed bibliophile, but I also have a strong respect for books that borders on bibliolatry.
  • A bibliophile from a young age she has always had an affinity for the genres of science fiction and fantasy. Kelly Melcher | Fandomania
  • You see, for years, Silas had touted himself as a renowned antiquarian bibliophile. ALL ABOUT LOVE
  • Henry Gamadge, a modest, endearing man, scholar, bibliophile, expert (he hated the word) discerner of forged manuscripts, found himself in the midst of murder in a Maine resort. Working Murder
  • Between these, a narrow, winding rivulet-track of rugs leads up to the armchair of the happy bibliophile, who is to be seen dimly manifest amid clouds of tobacco smoke by the fireside.
  • Presumably, many of the big-name SF/F authors, editors and publishers you have featured in other Mind Melds are bibliophiles and have amassed a large collection of books over the years. SF Signal is Looking for Mind Meld Topics - What Do You Want To See?
  • A knowledgeable bibliophile, he also assembled a collection of books utilizing various photomechanical processes that he eventually sold to the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.
  • The Bodleian Library, Oxford is a marvellous place for bibliophiles! Literary Oxford: The Bodleian Library | The Creative Penn
  • What becomes clear is that today's book buyer is different from the patient bibliophile of yesteryear.
  • Bibliophile Bullpen: bad day at the brattle skip to main | skip to sidebar Bad day at the brattle
  • He was succeeded by his son Wacaw IV in 1378, a passionate bibliophile who commissioned a number of superbly illuminated books.
  • ROMANO: I didn't even know the word bibliophile before this. CNN Transcript Dec 12, 2005
  • The process of going over to gaze at the bookshelves or running mental inventories is, for bibliophiles, roughly the equivalent of the miserly millionaire greedily counting the cash in his vault.
  • Here is a brilliant gift idea for bibliophiles – Adopt a Book and help preserve physical books Literary London: The British Library - by Joanna Penn | The Creative Penn
  • My grandfather, a solicitor, was an amateur geologist and anthropologist with a special interest in Aboriginal languages, and a bibliophile who passed on his passion for books and reading to my father.
  • But there are bibliophiles the world over it would reduce to tears of joy. 'The Last Werewolf'
  • Set up by the city's most famous poet in 1919, it still retains the musty, order-through-chaos atmosphere of a true bibliophile's den.
  • Yahoo’s new Red Planet dropkicker is a bibliophile Archive 2009-07-01
  • It is said that the invention of half-binding originated among the economists of Germany; and some wealthy bibliophiles have stigmatized this style of dressing books as "genteel poverty. A Book for All Readers An Aid to the Collection, Use, and Preservation of Books and the Formation of Public and Private Libraries
  • Bibliophiles can enjoy a literary chinwag and dinner at Books At the Brewery on Tuesday night, Nov 2.
  • Bibliophile Bullpen: I believe in fallibility* skip to main | skip to sidebar I believe in fallibility*
  • You see, for years, Silas had touted himself as a renowned antiquarian bibliophile. ALL ABOUT LOVE
  • As John Carter has observed, such attempts at definition are a favourite game among bibliophiles.
  • A loose-knit band of authors, bibliophiles and intellectual gadflies began showing up at Library Commission meetings to denounce the New Main.
  • In fact, what this episode demonstrates is that everyone should read a little Marx, particularly Rob Port, the self-described "bibliophile" who snapped the picture of the White House library during a tour in order to blog his cheap shot. Redskins Insider Podcast -- The Washington Post
  • A haven for bibliophiles - mainly because you can browse leisurely without being disturbed - the place has that friendly feel which not every bookstore can boast of, and which probably only booklovers can recognise.
  • Bibliophile Stalker interviews Ellen Datlow, Editor of (among many, many other things) the upcoming anthology The Del Rey Book of Science Fiction and Fantasy: "It's not that the genres have weaknesses or strengths but that the purveyors of genres write well or badly and use the genres ambitiously or in hackneyed ways. March 2008
  • He was author and publisher, or journalist and editor, the whole of his working life, and a bibliophile, if not a bibliolater, from his earliest to his latest years.
  • My bookseller has dwelt so long in his corner with folios and quartos and other antique tomes that he talks in black-letter and has the modest, engaging look of a brown old stout binding, and to the delectation of discriminating olfactories he exhaleth an odor of mildew and of tobacco commingled, which is more grateful to the true bibliophile than all the perfumes of Araby. The Love Affairs of a Bibliomaniac
  • Coppins, however, hearing himself described as a bibliophile, and surmising that a bibliophile must be a person of some importance, permitted himself the luxury of remarking that he was a bibliophile -- a forty-third-degree bibliophile. Knowledge is Power
  • These may be tough times, but never have they been so filled with bargains for the bibliophile. 2009 January | NIGEL BEALE NOTA BENE BOOKS
  • Hui Dong is the famous bibliophile, emendator and confucianism of Qing Dynasty, founder of Confucian Classics of the school of Wu.

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