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How To Use Bewildered In A Sentence

  • Leicester were full of verve and energy and, basically, bewildered most of the opposition last season. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bewildered, I watch her eyes flicker with the memory of sudden shock and amazement.
  • Mid morning a young girl arrives after a harrowing journey, bewildered by her new surroundings.
  • Some shoppers looked bewildered by the sheer variety of goods on offer.
  • Some people miss out on care and support simply because they end up confused and bewildered by the process. Times, Sunday Times
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  • In that context, I found phrases like these kind of disconcerting and hard to read: the passions of his bewildered heart … a maelstrom of melancholicaly erupted emotion … causing a bit of the guilt to spatter through his brow … that would never permit his repression, never allow for nothing short of predetermined apocalyptic salvation. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Frank Murdock’s Review Forum
  • Bewildered by the suddenness of this blow, I could but watch in helpless silence the advancing throng, with my poor friends in their midst, their hands bound, their tottering footsteps directed by rude shoves towards the pipul tree, the accustomed assembly place of the villagers and the village council. Tales of Destiny
  • The first couple he tried were both profoundly deaf, and he didn't get much reaction beyond a bewildered smile.
  • What happened to this mother is tragic, and right now she'll be feeling bewildered and confused. The Sun
  • She feels flattered by the clamour of attention, if a little bewildered. Times, Sunday Times
  • I spent an hour recently trying to explain limericks to a Chinese from Tientsin; which left him bewildered, me frustrated, and the staff of the bar we were in, in hysterics.
  • Many people feel bewildered by the speed of technological innovation.
  • When he produced his first few results on 4-manifolds, the ideas were so new and foreign to geometers and topologists that they merely gazed in bewildered admiration.
  • Many are walking around dazed and bewildered at the shape of things and the grasp of power.
  • In the blue world we need more understanding of the economic plight of those left behind by globalisation and bewildered by a new multicultural world. Times, Sunday Times
  • Conan glared bewilderedly at the cryptic golden door. Wings in the Night
  • The friends stopped again -- poor, short-winded bodies -- on the crest of the low hill and turned to look at the wide landscape, bewildered by the marvelous beauty and the sudden flood of golden sunset light that poured out of the western sky. In Dark New England Days
  • Foresters are often completely bewildered that local communities resent them.
  • She stood across the crowd, with something I could only describe as bewildered fascination written all over her expression. Crescendo
  • Your utterly bewildered and terrified but loving Ma. Spitfire Women of World War II
  • The three guards selected exited rapidly to carry out their monarch's wishes, and the four left huddled together like a bewildered flock of sheep.
  • Somewhat bewildered, they abandoned the search and the world heard about yet another maritime tragedy.
  • Rubbing their eyes, they said in bewildered voices, Catholics shouldn't have voted for Obama? President Obama's Abortion Plan?
  • He was not so bewildered in his own hurried reflections but that he remarked, that the deadly paleness which had occupied her neck and temples, and such of her features as the riding-mask left exposed, gave place to a deep and rosy suffusion; and he felt with embarrassment that a flush was by tacit sympathy excited in his own cheeks. The Bride of Lammermoor
  • The trembling women were smitten into an ecstasy of bewildered fear (as one of the words, 'affrighted' might more accurately be rendered), and his consolation to them, 'Be not affrighted, ye seek Jesus,' suggests that, in all the great sweep of the unseen universe, whatsoever beings may people that to us apparently waste and solitary space, howsoever many they may be, Expositions of Holy Scripture St. Mark
  • Some people miss out on care and support simply because they end up confused and bewildered by the process. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although they were shortened because of the long introduction, I was still bewildered - and a little unnerved - by the fact that Mme LeFay, our directrice, had started our daily routine… on the very first day.
  • They all looked bewildered and unkempt and had apparently had a very long journey.
  • What happened to this mother is tragic, and right now she'll be feeling bewildered and confused. The Sun
  • She is confused, bewildered and despairing. Times, Sunday Times
  • I wish people would expect the unexpected, to be confused and bewildered. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead, we look upon a bewildered bear dressed incongruously in a white shirt with cuff links. Times, Sunday Times
  • The only reason they are bewildered is the trust he has broken? Bartlett rips McClellan, calls allegation 'total crap'
  • The child was bewildered by the noise and the crowds.
  • The human mind bewildered is ever looking for crevices in the great mystery that inwraps the visible universe, and ever hoping that some struggling beam from beyond may point to the best path. The Faith Doctor A Story of New York
  • His Grande odalisque, with her soft, curving body and dream-like face, bewildered critics at the Salon of 1819.
  • Making warding signs and mumbling fearful prayers to Caelus Nin and the Seven Brass gods, the bewildered people of Sumifa fled before her, making for the cliffs, their chickens and goats squawking and bleating in front of them. Song of Time
  • On every page there are unhappy husbands, bewildered boyfriends, disappointed lovers and delusional relatives.
  • The marines had bewildered expressions as they unlimbered their assault rifles.
  • When I first met him 35 years ago Darling was pressing Trotskyite tracts on bewildered railwaymen at Waverley Station in Edinburgh. Decca Aitkenhead ignores Alistair Darling's Trotskyite past
  • There were a number of scared and bewildered children crying in their parents' arms.
  • He spoke pityingly, as if saving a bewildered tourist from a cultural faux pas.
  • He looks mystified, bewildered, but he likes the idea of these nuns. Times, Sunday Times
  • The old general store had gone but the shade thorn tree was still there, bewildered by its surround of concrete pavement.
  • He has gone from sublime form at the end of 2012 to looking confused and bewildered. Times, Sunday Times
  • And he abode bewildered about his case and knew not what to do, but, as he was thus behold, in came Abd al-Rahman from his lurking place without the door and said to him, “No harm shall befal thee, for indeed thou deserves” safety. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • We don't complain because we are embarrassed, bewildered and shocked, too ashamed to do or say anything.
  • Timothy, with a swift motion of his hand, broke his pen and the ink squirted mercilessly over the bewildered woman.
  • She was totally bewildered by his message.
  • Meanwhile it is the bewildered and shocked members who have borne the brunt of the uncertainty.
  • Her dishevelled hair flew wildly in the wind, framing a bewildered look.
  • Many people feel bewildered by the speed of technological innovation.
  • But, throw some big numbers at us and we are left baffled, bewildered or just bored. Times, Sunday Times
  • On Saturday night, Robbie and his partner Ola were tasked with performing the cha-cha-cha, a dance of Cuban origin that apparently involves a bewildered looking man in a black rhinestone-studded hoodie standing ram-rod straight and occasionally flapping his arms about, while his partner gyrates suggestively around him in a manner not dissimilar to a naked Britt Ekland on the other side of Edward Woodward's hotel‑room wall in The Wicker Man. Bad boy Robbie Savage finds life tough outside his comfort zone | Barry Glendenning
  • Both appeared dazed and bewildered. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fluctuating wildly between bewildered Dr Jekyll and psychopathic Mr Hyde, Dafoe plays the role with unremitting glee, energy and panache.
  • I am totally bewildered by the clues to this crossword puzzle.
  • Some people miss out on care and support simply because they end up confused and bewildered by the process. Times, Sunday Times
  • The audience, not to mention the bewildered cast, were not amused.
  • Auntie became excessively pale, and was sometimes quite "distrait" and bewildered-looking, which was little wonder, considering all she had to do and arrange. The Laurel Bush
  • He was shattered and bewildered by this trenchant criticism.
  • Shaking her head bewilderedly, Annie said ‘No, I don't understand.’
  • It takes a variety of forms and has long bewildered scientists and philosophers because it appears to lack biological purpose.
  • Cassandra is bewildered, in fact, when the judges in a courtroom ask her if she was a machine. REVIEW: Crossover by Joel Shepherd
  • The shot cuts back to Hal, who looks bewildered, and glances back towards Rosemary.
  • The immediate result is a confrontation between an angry and bewildered Pharaoh and Abraham.
  • Then Gletkin would clear his voice and shove his cuffs into place; and Rubashov would rub his pince-nez on his sleeve and nod bewilderedly and drowsily; for he had identified the tempter with that dumb partner whom he had believed already forgotten, and who had no business in this room, of all places: the grammatical fiction ... Autumn
  • But in the face of a furious grilling from a clutch of increasingly bewildered MPs - including Motherwell and Wishaw's Frank Roy - he refused point-blank to tell them the correct number to dial.
  • The substance of the conversation remains private, and the media have wondered aloud in bewildered fashion where the "teachable moment" might be. Archive 2009-07-01
  • Book written in Heaven, too good for the Earth; as a well-written book, or indeed as a _book_ at all; and not a bewildered rhapsody; Sartor Resartus, and On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History
  • But there are no sharks today, only bewildered beachcombers, who start to scatter as we approach our beach landing strip.
  • Charlie looked from one to the other bewilderedly. Arcana Magi - c.1: Oryn Zentharis, Seeker of the Truth
  • He was staring at her, his expression totally bewildered. A Hopeless Romantic
  • What is the matter with you, Hanneh Breineh?" cried Mrs. Pelz in bewildered alarm. Hungry Hearts
  • He looked totally bewildered and kept on repeating, "What are you saying?"
  • A bewildered Uncle Sal scurried next to him, almost identically dressed, supported by Herman's tanned arm. RUNNING FROM THE LAW
  • As the cavalcade of over 25 cars passed through Glenade that evening, the sheep in McGloin's meadow huddled together bewildered by the hooting horns and flashing lights.
  • He was frankly bewildered by it all.
  • Whenever Billy comes visiting, she becomes bad-tempered and angry, leaving Sarah bewildered and Annie even more upset.
  • Bin Rahim shot up with a start, bewildered as to why he had a sudden pain in his side.
  • We trot along in a whirlwind of dust, blinded, bewildered, jolted, we cling to the bar of the cacolet, shut our eyes, laugh and groan. Sac-Au-Dos 1907
  • The call came from the Department of Dunning, a bewildered soul who kept repeating that our August payment was due even as I ventilated on the subject of the check the bank has acknowledged and, more important, cashed and, more broadly, the perfidy and general loathsomeness of her employer. Alfred Gingold: CHASE HOME WEASEL UPDATE
  • Reaching the ridge, a logjam of bewildered novices develops.
  • I wish people would expect the unexpected, to be confused and bewildered. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘I'm getting some big moola from the car insurance,’ Gary winked at his bewildered aunt and uncle, ‘so I need to borrow your car to get to LA.’
  • In this preview for “War, Inc.”, private contractor John Cusack executes a war for the American government and then watches bewilderedly as a hip-hop star and her entourage invade the country right behind him. Disney goes to baghdad
  • They buy a thing that is plainly too big for a pocket and are bewildered, baffled, betrayed and vengeful when the pocket fights back. Times, Sunday Times
  • When I opened my eyes I saw a bewildered look on his face.
  • Over a million bewildered Americans wondered why their country had abandoned them.
  • She feels flattered by the clamour of attention, if a little bewildered. Times, Sunday Times
  • That last word indicates something that is hazy, confused, difficult to grasp and bewildered.
  • I watched his eyes blink bewilderedly and then focus on her. Renegade's Magic
  • But it's the stick-in-the-muds who become increasingly irritated and bewildered about everything around them.
  • The entreaty was the entreaty of a child, a frightened, bewildered child. The Iron Woman
  • At first I think the firemen were a bit bewildered but after 20 minutes or so on their hands and knees they were finding seed pips.
  • A crowd puller at the Park with his Kitty, magic and wit, Vinod says that children are bewildered by a talking monkey.
  • They seemed to mill around like a pack of comically bewildered animals.
  • For all its dark intensity, What Animal is a measured, almost quiet collection; if we come to the book as bewildered onlookers, we leave understanding the yak's sorrow is much like our own.
  • They buy a thing that is plainly too big for a pocket and are bewildered, baffled, betrayed and vengeful when the pocket fights back. Times, Sunday Times
  • In his native England, he's earned himself a reputation for being brash and arrogant, but he was sincerely bewildered and grateful at the big turn-out for their first Canadian show.
  • The dollar regained its composure, remaining stable against most major currencies, while gold prices slipped after hitting a high on Monday as a haven for bewildered investors.
  • As for night cover detectives, where I come from its 6 per night for the county with a cover Det Insp. Also the problem with bullsh*t bingo is that you always start laughing. on September 26, 2007 at 8: 08 am | Reply Bewildered at Dawn Blood Red Shoes « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • I wish people would expect the unexpected, to be confused and bewildered. Times, Sunday Times
  • It takes a variety of forms and has long bewildered scientists and philosophers because it appears to lack biological purpose.
  • With blood on my hands and forearms, I followed them downstairs and wandered through the crowd in the lobby, a crush of scared and bewildered reporters and hotel staff.
  • Somewhat bewildered, they abandoned the search and the world heard about yet another maritime tragedy.
  • This said, they turn their backs on the bewildered babushka and ride off.
  • He was bewildered by his daughter's reaction.
  • Mr. Doonan admitted he was "bewildered" that he hadn't been contacted as we sat in the elegantly eye-popping Greenwich Village apartment he shares with his partner, home-furnishing designer and potter Jonathan Adler , and their Norwich terrier Liberace. A Royal Pronouncement
  • She was somewhat bewildered by the new feeling, but felt a duty to care for her fellow journeyer.
  • The good citizens of Banbury pointed and stared and looked bewildered. Times, Sunday Times
  • The phone also comes with changeable Xpress-on covers in four unique colours: Illicit Green, Mysterious Blue, Elusive Gold and Bewildered Red.
  • When it stops seconds later and backs up to let him off for the next take, he stomps his foot in bewildered frustration.
  • Now I felt doubly and bewildered. Times, Sunday Times
  • The face that stared back at her was ravaged, bewildered, numb.
  • Writing from the perspective of an intelligent though lonely and bewildered child, he uses incisive humour to expose the lunacies, vagaries and hypocrisies of traditional and alternative belief systems.
  • His bewildered, regular dope is one of his best performances.
  • The attention paid to young artists in recent decades has grown increasingly disproportionate, for no good reason apart from the follow-my-leader media circus which keeps their antics before an increasingly bored and bewildered (if not downright cynical) public. Closely guarded secret
  • Remember that the principle is not simply entropic: the idea isn't to become a zombie, with chaos and clutter mounting around you as you sit bewildered and slack-jawed. Busy doing nothing? Pat yourself on the back | Observer editorial
  • As I looked I saw a tall figure moving ghostily among the crumbling tombs, and I shook my head bewilderedly. Wings in the Night
  • Yet even his phlegmatic character would have been bewildered by the mountain of a task which he had roped himself into.
  • Some of us are just a little bewildered by the kneejerk reaction to anything about the church. Christianity Today
  • Belinda felt bewildered by his apparent about-face.
  • She is confused, bewildered and despairing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Arriving in a strange city at night, I felt alone and bewildered.
  • Hence it is necessary for us to realise that these rude and simple worshippers, of all the different forms of worship, really would be bewildered by the ritual dances and elaborate ceremonial antics of John Bull, as by the superstitious forms and almost supernatural incantations of most of what we call plain English. The New Jerusalem
  • The nurse in charge simply gave me a bewildered look.
  • He carried a brown calfskin briefcase and had a red scarf around his neck and looked classically handsome but as always, bewildered. AN OLDER WOMAN
  • In flights over the park, Fraser and Kes Smith have found huge numbers of elephants killed for their tusks, at times with wounded and bewildered babies standing next to their slaughtered mothers.
  • So I have been hurt and bewildered and unable to reply to you.
  • And men can be bewildered by the co-existence of these apparently hostile forces.
  • I am benighted, bewildered, taken with art-magic, transmuted, TRANSMOGRIFIED, not myself nor yet another, but, as they say in Mississippi, 'a sort of betweenity. ' Charlemont; Or, the Pride of the Village. a Tale of Kentucky
  • What happened to this mother is tragic, and right now she'll be feeling bewildered and confused. The Sun
  • She was bewildered due to the general lack of people running the place, apparently.
  • Some shoppers looked bewildered by the sheer variety of goods on offer.
  • But the most extraordinary thing about his success here is that Mr. Swann is basically an ordinary player: There ' s nothing flashy about him, he doesn ' t bowl a " googly " or a " doosra " or any of the other mystery deliveries that can leave batsmen looking bewildered. Swann on Song for England
  • He has gone from sublime form at the end of 2012 to looking confused and bewildered. Times, Sunday Times
  • Amazed and bewildered, is it strange that she should have reeled? Strength in Sorrow
  • By the time I have said all this, I have tired my fingers, and when I set about telling you how this poem and that story have affected me, I am at a loss for words; I am bewildered and bemazed, as it were. Arthur Mervyn Or, Memoirs of the Year 1793
  • The driver was bewildered by the conflicting road signs.
  • A bewildered Uncle Sal scurried next to him, almost identically dressed, supported by Herman's tanned arm. RUNNING FROM THE LAW
  • For my own part, I fairly confess that I am bewildered, and have not certain postulata enough, not only to found any opinion, but even to form conjectures upon: and this is the language which I think you should hold to all who speak to you, as to be sure all will, upon that subject. Letters to his son on The Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman
  • I left bemused, bewildered and even more interested in a region of complexities and complications.
  • In retaliation, the bewildered girl says, one of her small hands was burned on a red-hot stove.
  • I couldn't begin to explain my enthusiasm (much less the style and content of the films) to the bewildered friend who accompanied me.
  • "This was supposed to be my big break," he cried to the bewildered audience.
  • Only a short time ago, such a call would have been greeted with bewildered questions about what exactly anapests, sapphics, trochees, cretics, dactyls, amphibrachs (my favorite), and alcaics were.
  • You dont want to spend the rest of your life looking back with disgust at every picnic and curry you shared, regretting the times of ringing in sick to spend the day in bed together, recalling festivals, boat trips, backstage passes, crazy French bars, trips to the all-night beigel shop at five in the morning, the night the Tories were kicked out, the bewildered newspaper man in the snow, as merely part of a marathon mistake. What's Going On
  • The strong swimmer is in the lake at Glencarrick; he swims for life and death; the little child is on his back; wet and bewildered; he feels the touch of its small soft frightened lips, pressed coaxingly on his neck, on his shoulder; he hears its terrified cry over the waters: "Clephane! my darlin 'Clephane!" he sees Clephane sinking - sinking - sinking - among reeds and a tangled network of weeds. Stuart of Dunleath: A Story of Modern Times
  • I cannot bear to hear certain words and hearing them earlier made me feel strange and now i feel disconnected and bewildered.
  • The downside of this is that the noise of running a tap, cleaning your teeth or doing the washing-up can blot out words and phrases leaving you astonished or bewildered by what you think you heard.
  • Fordham was bewildered why he was included in a list of broadcasters Hadley "disdained" in a weekend interview with The Sunday Telegraph, especially as Fordham is an A Current Affair journalist and not a fulltime radio host. | Top Stories
  • As he approached the city, all that festive and gallant scene he had quitted seemed to him like a dream; a vision of the gardens and bowers of an enchantress, from which he woke abruptly as a criminal may wake on the morning of his doom to see the scaffold and the deathsman; -- so much did each silent and lonely step into the funeral city bring back his bewildered thoughts at once to life and to death. Rienzi, Last of the Roman Tribunes
  • She was totally bewildered by his sudden change of mood.
  • IT'S the top-secret code which has baffled and bewildered England managers for decades. The Sun
  • I was at first confused, then annoyed, then bewildered.
  • Some people miss out on care and support simply because they end up confused and bewildered by the process. Times, Sunday Times
  • He looks mystified, bewildered, but he likes the idea of these nuns. Times, Sunday Times
  • The child was bewildered by the noise and the crowds.
  • What happened to this mother is tragic, and right now she'll be feeling bewildered and confused. The Sun
  • It was an amazing turnabout that must have left Tramore baffled and bewildered as to how they left this game behind them.
  • I was bewitched, bothered and bewildered! Times, Sunday Times
  • Turpin's dandy appearance bewildered campaigners and Downing Street police officers, who eventually banished him from the houses of power - but his message struck a chord.
  •   "Geez," Daniels says with a bewildered look on his face. High Stakes Transform Innocent World of Spelling Bees
  • The old general store had gone but the shade thorn tree was still there, bewildered by its surround of concrete pavement.
  • It more than confused him, it bewildered him completely.
  • He has gone from sublime form at the end of 2012 to looking confused and bewildered. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bewildered, the composer answered in monosyllables, until a frustrated Churchill gave up and turned to the guest on his left.
  • I was bewitched, bothered and bewildered! Times, Sunday Times
  • As he lay down on the mat, with a bewildered expression on his face, he heard a clear and ringing laugh from the girl, a genuine happy laugh.
  • Each day the bewildered, distressed young woman who sat with Barnes in the dim "parquet," whispered in his ear: Green Fancy
  • I guessed he must be getting his fair share of the evil eye too, if the bewildered expression he threw her was anything to go by.
  • His family are obviously heartbroken and utterly bewildered that anyone could harm a man like Geoff. The Sun
  • Amanda shook her head bewilderedly at her friend, ‘You are not making any sense.’
  • From jockeys to poets, singers to nuns, barbers to bewildered sportsmen, they all combine to bring you on a two hour side-splitting journey of pure entertainment.
  • Serena, who was only a girl herself, dandled the doll impressively before her bewildered eyes.
  • So Cuhelyn was reflecting bewilderedly as he untied the ropes that pinioned arms and legs, plucking the knots loose with grim patience with his single hand, and unwound the twisted rugs from about the heaving body. His Disposition
  • They then informed the slightly bewildered audience that we had just heard their first song.
  • A young man and would-be dancer who comes to New York from small-town Ohio and is bewildered by the city's intensity and fakery, and rediscovers his passion in a tragic act of self-destruction.
  • A bewildered self would be enthralled in its merciless depths of shadows and kismet.
  • She is confused, bewildered and despairing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her dishevelled hair flew wildly in the wind, framing a bewildered look.
  • According to Apter, the mother-in-law is genuinely bewildered by her daughter-in-law's rebuffs of friendship.
  • But, throw some big numbers at us and we are left baffled, bewildered or just bored. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Chief continues to act confused, nonplussed and bewildered but after giving the matter some serious thought, he suddenly remembers the details of a conversation he once had with the Apache.
  • Bewildered, she attempted to fight her way across the hall to another large staircase, pulling out her schedule from a back jeans pocket and looking desperately around for signs denoting the halls.
  • I observed those flat, evil faces sweeping down on us behind their glittering lance-heads and kampilans, and decided they weren't open to discussion; there was nothing for it but to sit and blaze away in panic - and then a red-hot pain shot through my left ribs, and I looked down bewildered to see a sumpitan shaft in my side. Flashman's Lady
  • Liz Hurley has been forced to withdraw this picture of her son off her website, after critics complained she was exploiting the little bitch boy for financial gain: A bewildered little Damian — Liz's son with US millionaire Steve Bing — is seen sporting a vile neon pink swimming cossie in a campaign for Liz's swimwear range for kids. Archive 2007-07-01
  • His brother looked totally bewildered, which was a rarity.
  • Many's the bewildered soul misdirected here in search of some nugget of information that I know nothing about, or that I covered in depth months ago but is no longer on the front page.
  • ‘It is well’, the Saddhu whispered, jammed in the calling, shouting, bewildered press — a Persian greyhound between his feet and a cageful of yelling hawks under charge of a Rajput falconer in the small of his back. Kim
  • Carol, a bewildered student, comes to her professor, John, confessing her inability to cope with her course.
  • Instead, we look upon a bewildered bear dressed incongruously in a white shirt with cuff links. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has gone from sublime form at the end of 2012 to looking confused and bewildered. Times, Sunday Times
  • Victims have been bewildered and hurt when the Church has adopted a defensive stance. Times, Sunday Times
  • His family are obviously heartbroken and utterly bewildered that anyone could harm a man like Geoff. The Sun
  • He was surprised by this absence of reproaches. He stood there all bewildered, the glass globe held arrested in mid-air. He did not understand this quiet sweetness.
  • Fluctuating wildly between bewildered Dr Jekyll and psychopathic Mr Hyde, Dafoe plays the role with unremitting glee, energy and panache.
  • The old general store had gone but the shade thorn tree was still there, bewildered by its surround of concrete pavement.
  • The subtitle of my article published in last week's Mac Weekly leaves me bewildered.

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