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How To Use Bewail In A Sentence

  • From his initial statements, we see Antony bewailing his outcast state and blaming it on Cleopatra.
  • A mezzotint plate produced fewer impressions than a line engraving, but the engravers bewailed its invention, as being an easier and more facile process.
  • A writer in the left-wing magazine Mother Jones recently bewailed that "in any other year [Toomey] would be among the most conservative candidates in the country," but in this one he "is on a glide path to take Arlen Specter's old Senate seat. The Moderates of 2010
  • I was reminded of the old Eastern saying: `Loss of money is bewailed with louder lamentation than a death. TANK OF SERPENTS
  • For several years there have been letters and articles in your newspaper bewailing the traffic conditions along the main road arteries and particularly between Morecambe and Lancaster.
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  • The song, from which I removed the family name, was published in the 1890s, and bewailed the loss of the family name, in the 17th century, by Royal proscription.
  • He bewailed the breaches of discipline.
  • Carrion crows bewail the dead sheep and then eat them. 
  • Landlords and administrators complained, contesting the legality of the takeover, bewailing deforestation, and, most interestingly, arguing that the latter caused dangerous soil erosion.
  • Carrion crows bewail the dead sheep and then eat them. 
  • Lyrically, it's the musician at his most personal and revealing, bewailing a love affair turned obsessive.
  • She bewails the fact that the street's turned so quiet since it's been pedestrianised.
  • Indeed, this could be just another way to point the finger at young girls, find another reason to bewail the fact that they're not "sugar and spice and all things nice". So girls are not all as nice as pie. And your point is? | Barbara Ellen
  • Bunning reached some new climacteric of pathetic whining when he bewailed, on the Senate floor, the fact that his own filibuster had caused him to miss a big baseball game on TV. Kara Vallow: Jim Bunning: Too Mean and Weird for the GOP
  • I "fretted" -- as the servants expressed it -- to such an extent as to affect my health; and I fancy it was because my father's attention was called to the fact that I was fast fading after the mother and sister whose death (and my own loneliness) I bewailed, that he roused himself from his own grief to comfort mine. A Flat Iron for a Farthing or Some Passages in the Life of an only Son
  • I caught the newsreader saying, ‘We acknowledge and bewail our manifold sins and wickedness’.
  • FROM MTV. COM: It seems to be a critical tradition to bewail the awfulness of each year's movies. Kurt Loder Picks His Best Movies Of 2009 » MTV Movies Blog
  • Bewail my parting from my fere compellèd thus to fly (vol.v. 44). The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • But we've been told it did happen, narratively speaking, so we can either throw our hands up in the air and bewail the whimsies of writers with no sense of reality, or we can deal with it by asking how could it happen? Archive 2010-01-01
  • I dare say you think it was very idiotical on my part, thus to bewail my grief to another person; and allow a few empty words to change the current of my feelings? She and I, Volume 2 A Love Story. A Life History.
  • All that acknowledging and bewailing of the manifold sins of wickedness made this extended act of contrition a bit of a downer.
  • Media academics of the 60s bewailed the fact that we had little interpretive journalism.
  • Clouds and brightneflefs, both in the na* fural and moral World follow each other: the & verfity of the earth followeth the diverfity of heaven; there i9 not One drop of water falleth on the earth, more orlefe than is expedient * and fo of mo - ral events 5 whofo knoweth caufes fhall iftfver bewail efFefts: the ignorant may Petrarch's View of Human Life: By Mrs. Dobson
  • Bewail and bemoan the fact as much as you like, but that djinn is just not going back in the bottle. The Volokh Conspiracy » Sex Education, Dirty Words, and the Due Process Clause
  • The choir opened with a number of madrigals exulting the joys of love the wonders of travel and men bewailing the pain of unrequited love.
  • I was going to write a detailed rant about why I'm fed up with seeing so much discussion about rape that ignores the realities that women of color have faced since colonization and slavery and continue to face, even as white women bewail the existence of 'rape culture'. Culture.
  • There lieth by the ships a dead man unbewailed, unburied, Patroklos; him will I not forget, while I abide among the living and my knees can stir. The Iliad
  • When some people will not have enough to eat this year, it may seem selfish to bewail the loss of a small subsidised poetry publisher; but in fact several livelihoods are involved here; most of the others have closed down already – five in one week last year – and food for the mind and spirit is also very important. Letters: Short-sighted and dangerous cuts to the arts
  • We cried, we rent our hair, we bewailed the fate of our children. Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off
  • Carrion crows bewail the dead sheep and then eat them. 
  • But I do slightly bewail the way publishers pack the talent into the second half.
  • Republicans bewail what they say is a likelihood that Democrats will sit on nominations.
  • Carrion crows bewail the dead sheep and then eat them. 
  • Journalists, most famously Margaret Hebblethwaite on BBC television, bewailed that "Rottweiler Ratzinger" now held the Keys of St Peter. Alcuin Reid: We are Lucky this Pope is Ecclesiastically Incorrect
  • He bewails the fate of this ‘eccentric’ building, ‘wantonly’ demolished in 1938 for a municipal garden.
  • • A 1593 Petition from the union of Thames 'watermen' bewailing the loss of business when playhouses on the Southbank were closed due to plague Media Newswire
  • The filmmaker bewails the attitude of the educated sections towards serious films.
  • Bewail my parting from my fere compellèd thus to fly? The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • A warm genial spirit; a glowing fancy, and a friendly heart; every faculty but diligence, and every virtue but 'the understrapping virtue of discretion:' such is frequently the constitution of the poet; the natural result of it also has frequently been pointed out, and sufficiently bewailed. The Life of Friedrich Schiller Comprehending an Examination of His Works
  • Now the night was long upon Kamar al-Zaman, and he sat, bethinking him of his beloved, and bewailing what had befallen him and versifying, The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • In such a county as Leicestershire, foxes are not "accidentally" killed, but when so, what bewailings over the "late lamented!" what anathemas upon the villain's head who is suspected of "vulpicide"! Practical Taxidermy A manual of instruction to the amateur in collecting, preserving, and setting up natural history specimens of all kinds. To which is added a chapter upon the pictorial arrangement of museums. With additional instructions in modelling a
  • The business section of the newspaper bewailed the consequences for an already fragile economy and suggested that even more drastic austerity policies were required.
  • Peter DavisLondon • I do not find it strange that so many of your correspondents Letters, 25 February bewail the fact that they do not know what Labour wants and find we have no strong leadership. Letters: Jobs for the boys in a biased media
  • Let them meet first, as women, to bewail and commemorate the dead. Family
  • I used to ‘acknowledge and bewail my manifold sins and wickedness’ every week.
  • Egypt, with a mother to bewail his loss, another we buried in the dismal lazaretto cemetery. Notes of a Journey From Cornhill to Grand Cairo
  • In his book she should be sitting at home behind closed curtains, in half-mourning and bewailing her lot. A WORM OF DOUBT
  • Carrion crows bewail the dead sheep and then eat them. 
  • This penitency consists in three things -- First, An inward insight of sin, and sense of mercy; Secondly, A bewailing of thy vile state; The Practice of Piety: Directing a Christian How to Walk, that He May Please God.
  • The other group of opinions came from closer to home and bewailed the errors of the past.
  • Hand held speed cameras are deployed to facilitate enforcement evidence aimed at the minority of cyclists who flout the rules and who react in an aggressive manner, usually bewailing the breaching of their civil rights.
  • This statement bewails the prospect of the mixed-race characters' disappearance and establishes their identity as a third race within the context of the story.
  • Mariner and Dag Daughtry, while the trio of partners raged and bewailed. CHAPTER XIV
  • Francis Pangilinan yesterday bewailed what he called the insensitivity of the Arroyo administration for talking about the 2010 - Articles related to Gloria leaving for Switzerland
  • Keep in mind they past life and present lukewarmness, to bewail them, and what is still wanting to thee for thy going into heaven, that thou mayest live in fear, which is a source of great blessings. Archive 2009-04-26
  • Officials bewailed what they called the feeding of false information to certain quarters, which are now questioning the NIA project. Undefined
  • There was nothing so boring, she thought, as some one who was continually bewailing her lot.
  • He is in from height merely ice bewail, be at a loss unexpectedly rise.
  • Even as when the daughter of Pandareus, the nightingale of the greenwood, sings sweet in the first season of the spring, from her place in the thick leafage of the trees, and with many a turn and trill she pours forth her full-voiced music bewailing her child, dear Itylus, whom on a time she slew with the sword unwitting, Itylus the son of Zethus the prince; even as her song, my troubled soul sways to and fro. Book XIX
  • Other regions might scream and bewail their fate; the homeless coasters simply looked slightly puzzled.
  • Instead of bewailing the number of people of high ability who are lost to this country through the ‘brain drain’ it is surely time to offer them an incentive to stay here rather than an increased burden to drive them away.
  • This is the season to be jolly and maybe also to bewail our lack of will power as we knock back a few too many drinks at the office party and generally overindulge all our vices from smoking to eating.
  • Historians must, as usual, do what they can with the materials which lie to hand rather than bewail the absence of that which is missing.
  • I occasionally bewail getting entirely too much education and taking it far too seriously.
  • The editorials in yesterday's major newspapers bewailed the crisis and expressed vague hopes that wiser counsel would prevail.
  • We acknowledge and bewail our manifold sins and wickedness... Elizabeth Cunningham: Credo: Community Without Conformity
  • Rashe regarded a murderous allopathist as near akin to an executioner, and only bewailed the want of her minikin doses. Hopes and Fears or, scenes from the life of a spinster
  • He bewailed Ireland's "credit-fuelled Ponzi scheme" economy of the last decade and accused fellow economist Patrick Honohan, the central bank governor, of committing "the costliest mistake ever made by an Irish person". Barack Obama and the Queen to visit Ireland during its time of despair
  • She bewailed his evil lot, with many shrill cries, and flung the useless flacket far away. French Mediaeval Romances from the Lays of Marie de France
  • Yea, such is the power of deceivable lusts, that many will admire at the blindness of others in former generations who considered not the works of God (as the Jews in ` the wilderness), when themselves are under actual contempt of no less glorious dispensations; like the Pharisees, who bewailed the folly of their fathers in persecuting the prophets, when themselves were endeavouring to kill the Son of God, Matt. xxiii. The Sermons of John Owen

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