How To Use Bevy In A Sentence

  • Everyone in the cast was superb, a bevy of attractive young girls and handsome young men who could all sing, dance and act with such enthusiasm.
  • he was surrounded by a bevy of beauties in bathing attire
  • Once a year, a conglomerate of children's literacy-type people (librarians, teachers, museum workers, etc.) from the Pittsburgh area put together a lovely one-day conference featuring a bevy of children's authors and illustrators.
  • When the hero goes back in time the same garage is shown as sparkling clean and attended by a bevy of service attendants who, if I've remembered this right, sing in harmony like a barbershop quartet.
  • duenna" would be filled if she attempted to "look after" a bevy of typical American girls, with their independent -- yet confused -- ideas of social requirements in the matter of chaperonage. Etiquette
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  • Giasone" (1649) is a comic farrago on the Jason-Medea-Golden Fleece tale, with Jason as a serial debaucher, Medea switching from jealous harpy to generous relinquisher of said Jason to her rival Isifile (both women have given birth to twins sired by Jason), and a bevy of clownish servants. On a Tattered Shoestring
  • Watch as, in a glib aside, he patronises a culturally-hungry bevy of 50,000 people and, in the aftermath, ponder the unspoken insinuation that popular music is just a cacophony that only appeals to thickos.
  • Consuming an inordinate amount of bevvy has always been one of the qualities that makes hacks so irresistible to you fascinated readers.
  • WASHINGTON - Barack Obama moved emphatically Wednesday to erase the legacy of the past eight years by calling a bevy of Mideast leaders, circulating a not-yet-released executive order to close the Guantanamo prison and deliberately diminishing the powers of his own presidency. Top Stories - Google News
  • I went for a bevvy, thinking I might feel better, or feel less depressed.
  • Seems the fake Brad was barhopping through the stunned Midwestern nightlife with a bevy of bodyguards, garbed in a black cowboy hat and goatee.
  • So he's releasing a bevy of albums of late, and I shan't cachinnate nor chortle at this dispatch.
  • The roof of the cloisters was a terrace flagged with stone, and on the occasion of cricket-matches a gay bevy of ladies assembled here to look at the exploits of the young Rawdon Crawleys and Pendennises of the day. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 11, No. 25, April, 1873
  • In his summing-up to the jury the trial judge noted that the witnesses had arrived in court in a blaze of publicity and many had faced a bevy of photographers.
  • A bevy of Party spokesmen went on television interview programs Sunday to justify the advertising campaign.
  • President Delaney, the Speaker of the House, and a bevy of civilian and military officials sat silently as the count slowly approached zero.
  • He also kept a bevy of alphabetized 78-rpm records, none of which were released post-1930. The Perfect Home for Old 78s
  • If ye feel like a bevvy, ye can ayewis huv a few cans put by in the fridge. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • While the lopsided score may look discouraging to Warrior fans, it is important to consider the bevy of national calibre talent that McMaster has when passing final judgment.
  • The only aggro this observer has witnessed in the past couple of seasons has been completely spontaneous, usually involving too much bevvy in the pub after a game.
  • Some are ragged drifters, but most disturbing is the sight of entire families - a haggard and exhausted father and mother, accompanied by a bevy of grimy children - sprawled around a campfire of twigs.
  • Voter interest was sparked by both the unexpected calling of the election and a bevy of celebrity candidates.
  • Clicking on any category brings up a bevy of lovely women.
  • Mattie Ulrich's striking costumes included some that made of a bevy of nurses, escorting maimed soldiers, look like the ninepins that prompted Grete's flight from home. Ringing Down From the Hudson Valley
  • The fourteen dancers melted into patterns out of an old Golddiggers flick and at one point, all posed at the front of the proscenium and twittered their legs like a bevy of chorines from an old Movietone newsreel.
  • I fear I'm going to desert you, my dear, and leave you captive to this bevy of Cynsters. WHOLE SECRET LOVE
  • Filling in their sound with a bevy of horns, keyboards and synthesizers, the explosive troupe leaves a larger than life impression on their audiences.
  • His popular soul classics band continues to impress with a bevy of autumn gigs around the county.
  • You and I might think that he was unwise to try to compensate for consuming too much bevvy by not eating.
  • Simply take a wander down the Todd Mall on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday between 11.30 and 1.30 to check out the bevy of local talent.
  • Millions of dollars are raised from developers, financial institutions, media moguls and a bevy of corporate heavy weights.
  • Apparently he had a bevy of broads from the Bronx caring for him, and, in fact, it seemed as though his apartment had become somewhat of a community center.
  • A bevy of bathing beauties appeared on the beach.
  • The simple "tap-to-drop" controls are great, the bevy of play options is superb, and even though the music and presentation may be a ltitle understated, they fit the game perfectly. 1UP RSS feed
  • Mimi Ritzen Crawford for The Wall Street Journal Mr. Landroth kept a bevy of alphabetized 78-rpm records, none of which was released post-1930. Brownstone with Old-School Flair
  • Covanta Energy Pennsylvania Town Sued Over Missed Payments Adding to the bevy of legal and financial challenges faced by Harrisburg, Pa., the company that operates the capital city's debt-laden incinerator sued the city Tuesday because o f $1.9 million in skipped loan payments. Corporate Watch
  • A bevy of activity in biocomputing is concerned with the formal representation and reasoning about biological pathways.
  • So before you knew it Kate was a part of my life, a lunch here a shopping trip there, the odd after work bevvy, etc etc.
  • The IFilm crew has a bevy of videos shot at the con, including their annual rundown of scantily-clad women.
  • The eponymous bevvy is available in several vintages.
  • Oil sands operations, however, produced the overwhelming bulk of several dangerous substances: for example, bitumen mines generated nearly all of the Canadian total of acenaphthene, one of a bevy of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons released around Fort McMurray. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • The Huntsman, having a bevy of family and friends across South Africa, has been inundated with a series of emails bearing the latest joke about how England cannot find the try line and the latest graphic telling us that The Springboks are going to donder us good and proper tonight. Whistling In The Ether
  • He then goes on to detail the "bevy" of bills that environmental leaders are fighting this session-and where Montana Dems have stood on them. NewWest.Net All Headlines
  • I was a bit worried that the pub would be full of trainspotters but at 7pm it was full of the usual commuter types having a last bevvy before going home.
  • My children are in the unusual position of having only one cousin - on the other side of the globe - and a bevy of doting, but nevertheless, childless aunts and uncles.
  • But while she yet spoke, they perceived a whole bevy of people, pressing round lady Feng, as she egressed from the apartment. Hung Lou Meng
  • It is one of the most anticipated shows of the week, and lures a bevy of TV and print journalists from all over the world.
  • You might happen upon a bevy of larks, chirping or singing together.
  • But together they present a sordid picture of a man who used his status as a minor celebrity to seduce a bevy of women, often in unsavoury circumstances.
  • You will discover that persimmons attract birds you do not usually meet at feeders, such as thrushes and vireos, and a bevy of others who will know a good thing when they taste it!
  • The reality is that there is a huge bevy of precedent and law based on customary rights.
  • Of course, not every company is rushing out to hire a bevy of rainmakers.
  • A bevy of local dignitaries lunge forward to meet and greet.
  • Jigging amongst a bevy of beautiful hackettes and not so gorgeous hacks, George was able to shimmy and twist so that his head was level with most other folk's ankles.
  • Once the preserve of film stars, musicians and muses, the 'frow' - as it is fondly referred to in some circles - has become invaded by a bevy of top models. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph
  • A bevy of consumer products fill our everyday lives.
  • we were visited at breakfast by a bevy of excited ducks
  • While the lopsided score may look discouraging to Warrior fans, it is important to consider the bevy of national calibre talent that McMaster has when passing final judgment.
  • A bevy of other companies, from TiVo to the Washington Post, have announced plans to release Open Graph apps that enable what Zuck called "frictionless" sharing. Top Stories
  • Science historian Howard Markel discusses how the term later came to refer to a bevy of genetic manipulations. NPR Topics: News
  • But the bevy of young girls, whom M. de Charlus in his horror of every kind of effeminacy would have been so distressed to learn that he gave the impression of sheltering thus within his voice, did not confine themselves to the interpretation, the modulation of scraps of sentiment. Within a Budding Grove
  • Your woodman talked of a bevy of roes.
  • Mixed in with the towering mansion blocks are a veritable bevy of posh cafés and delicatessens with plenty of pavement for sitting outside even in these autumn months.
  • A gracefully arched rococo hall, resonant with the sound of violins, its gilded mirrors lit by a bevy of crystal chandeliers. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • It's always a great pleasure to have him with us and his bevy of birds and reptiles and animals and things.
  • A bevy of serial artistes, including film stars, share experiences with viewers in another programme.
  • It did not appear that Sharon Brown had such a "bevy" as the moneyed Osteen's could afford. Pulpit Pimps
  • The Casino is a bizarre little place, with a single room with a handful of mah-jong and craps tables, as well as a bevvy of bored Chinese croupiers outnumbering gamblers ten to one.
  • His idea of an ideal Saturday night is going out for a bevvy with his mates.
  • As we passed along we started many a bevy of quails.
  • Every marriage pandal would have a bevy of babus doing a headcount of the invitees, the quantity of mutton, rice and sugar used for the preparations.
  • At tea-time and again the following morning, we're visited by members of the community, yarning with old ladies like Sheila, Amy and community leader Jessie and larking about in the river with a bevvy of energetic youngsters.
  • a bevy of young beach boys swarmed around him
  • Be careful out on the roads after a bevvy stop with John, as the strength of beer varies as much as the selection does.
  • This time last year, Bevy was throwing me a party in her Marpole penthouse, I hadn't moved home yet, I was lonely, disillusioned, depressed, purposeless, empty, angry, and unfulfilled.
  • At least on the floor he was spared the bevy of animals which formed a furry citadel around Paula. MR GOLIGHTLY'S HOLIDAY
  • A remark which caused the staymaker (if such he was) such huge discomfort that he made off with his wife in the opposite direction, to the time of jeers and cock-crows from the bevy of Vauxhall bucks walking abreast. Richard Carvel — Volume 06
  • The bevy of hagiographies written about him is now being replaced with truth-telling biographies about the Gandhi nobody knew. Irene Monroe: The Gandhi None of Us Knew
  • We were set to shoot the gambling scene where I - a wonderfully decadent aristocrat surrounded by a bevy of beauties - am fleeced.
  • The only aggro this observer has witnessed in the past couple of seasons has been completely spontaneous, usually involving too much bevvy in the pub after a game.
  • He seems to have been aware of this from adolescence: certainly from the time when, in his early twenties, he lived and worked in Rome under the patronage of a bevy of cardinals who admired his precocious talents.
  • The miniature bride and groom, properly veiled and suited, are preceded by a young boy baring a rod and followed by a bevy of tiny, twittering ladies-in-waiting. Donna Henes: Summer Fevers
  • Two gentlemen, hunting some years ago in Rappahannock County, Virginia, came across a bevy of quails.
  • In those days, no bevy of Greshamsbury young ladies had fairly represented the Greshamsbury young ladyhood if Mary Doctor Thorne
  • An online catalog contains a bevy of BSG items and props from the set. For sale: One used Viper
  • He also kept a bevy of alphabetized 78-rpm records, none of which were released post-1930. The Perfect Home for Old 78s
  • At tea-time and again the following morning, we're visited by members of the community, yarning with old ladies like Sheila, Amy and community leader Jessie and larking about in the river with a bevvy of energetic youngsters.
  • A bevy of larks mounted invisible stairs to heaven.
  • Likewise, the second story opens with hands at play and work, the teacher stroking his guitar strings and a bevy of woman kneading bread dough.
  • Mimi Ritzen Crawford for The Wall Street Journal Mr. Landroth kept a bevy of alphabetized 78-rpm records, none of which was released post-1930. Brownstone with Old-School Flair
  • A bevy of white-shirted staff hovered around us, thrusting into our hands rather scruffy menus, more suited to the takeaway side of the business than the restaurant.
  • Instead I tried to occupy my mind with recollections of my earthly friends; I visualized my childhood days in India as I studied under old Chand Kabi, I thought of dear old Jimmy Welsh, and I recalled a bevy of girls I had liked and with some of whom I had almost been serious. Pirates of Venus
  • The English playwright has made an impressive career producing a bevy of hard-hitting, didactic and experimental plays.
  • It took two truckloads of equipment and a bevy of engineers a whole day to set up what could today be arranged in minutes.
  • The following selection of essential libations can be lined up in a row to make the ideal Christmas bevvy buffet, and if you drink with respect, pacing and elegance, you can make your way through all of them.
  • Maybe the 53-year-old singer looks a little out of place standing among a bevy of beautiful models in a music video.
  • Why, she had a bevy of suitors, but she knew about them too, ya know? Darkness Becomes Her
  • We'll also be featuring a Research Room, "manned" by a bevy of bodacious, brainy beauties, who are fully "equipped" to give you insider tips about which games best suit your skills, value and long-term fiduciary goals. David Henry Sterry: Goldman Sachs Resort & Casino
  • Thus has he—and many more of the same bevy, that I know the drossy age dotes on—only got the tune of the time and outward habit of encounter, a kind of yesty collection which carries them through and through the most fond and winnowed opinions; and do but blow them to their trial, the bubbles are out. Act V. Scene II. Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
  • With that said, there's a bevy of new beat-friendly nights coming up for your summer amusement.
  • Each time a subway rider swipes the card, the turnstile reads the bevy of information stored on the card's magnetic stripe, such as serial number, value, and expiration date.
  • Once a week, the Midnight pulls back its blue sequinned curtain to reveal a bevy of bodacious babes performing the hits of yesterday and today.
  • Adding to the bevy of legal and financial challenges faced by Harrisburg, Pa., the company that operates the capital city's debt-laden incinerator sued the city Tuesday because of $1.9 million in skipped loan payments. Covanta Energy Sues Town Over Missed Payments
  • Soviet Assault expansion pack is now available for World in Conflict, featuring 6 new single missions, a "bevy" of new weapons and more. News Tom's Hardware US
  • Mixed in with the towering mansion blocks are a veritable bevy of posh cafés and delicatessens with plenty of pavement for sitting outside even in these autumn months.
  • As she watched, a bevy of emotions colored his expression from happiness to remorse to guilt before his expression settled into a cool mask. Chasing a Rogue
  • That has resulted in a bevy of recycling options, many operated by government, retailers such as Toshiba and Sharp, which sponsor a program called MRM. News -
  • A bevy of Welsh shrinks have modified an existing psychological test to identify people with psychopathic tendencies.
  • Filling in their sound with a bevy of horns, keyboards and synthesizers, the explosive troupe leaves a larger than life impression on their audiences.
  • So then you could have a quick bevvy and stroll leisurely onto your train as you heard it approaching.
  • A bevy of beauties from Bangalore promenaded all over the saloon, sporting some of the trends in haircuts and some wacky coiffures.
  • Point to this program, and a bevy of bugbears, from disaffected employees to muckraking journalists, will disappear.
  • I once surprised a fox that was cautiously making its way towards a large bevy of quails.
  • A bevy of women, old and young, wait their turn to embrace her.
  • Some of the country's top models joined a bevy of our own local beauties on the catwalk recently for a charity fashion show in aid of the Day Care Centre.
  • And it comes with a bevy of advanced features, such as autofocus, face and smile detection, tap-to-focus, and support for USB printing. First Look: Sony Xperia X10 is no match for some other Android phones
  • A bevy of Welsh shrinks have modified an existing psychological test to identify people with psychopathic tendencies.
  • It was large enough to accommodate the family and its dependants, and the bevy of servants who supported them.
  • She rode onstage astride a motorbike, a bevy of similar bikes swarming around her shiny, gold, spandex-clad form.
  • There are snippets here that will surprise even the most die-hard purveyor of the odd bevvy.
  • Finally, there's a bevy of Aussie and homegrown soap stars in Aladdin at the Apollo in Oxford.
  • Apart from enriching a bevy of lawyers, the tribunals have yielded little.
  • It would sound more logical for him to be surrounded by a bevy of beauties competing for his attention.
  • As anybody who picked up a bevy of blue chips during the equity bear market will know, a relatively high yield is a proven indicator of value in financial markets.
  • The IFilm crew has a bevy of videos shot at the con, including their annual rundown of scantily-clad women.
  • I made sure they met some of the club's regulars who are from Mexico, as well as a bevy of beautiful models who speak Spanish.
  • In one room sat the computers -- that is, a bevy of mathematically gifted women toiling away on regression analysis with sharp pencils. Michael Byers's “Percival's Planet,” reviewed by Ron Charles
  • Millions of dollars are raised from developers, financial institutions, media moguls and a bevy of corporate heavy weights.
  • Amid the hubbub surrounding a bevy of proposed trans-Atlantic stock exchange mergers, a faint Antipodean wail reminds that another tie-up also is in the works, and it's not going so well. Australia's Not-So-Foreign Exchange
  • Research In Motion Ltd. is on the cusp of announcing a bevy of new BlackBerry devices, a move the company is betting will help reinvigorate its flagging brand and help claw back some of the market share it has hemorrhaged in the North American smartphone market. RIM Seeks U.S. Rebound
  • A bevy of professional ‘risk assessors’ has cropped up on TV and radio like toadstools after a summer rain.
  • Your guests are sure to take notice if you put a fresh spin on the bridal bouquet toss another holdover from the days of yore, when a bride made the toss to a bevy of barely postpubescent maidens. Weddings Valentine Style

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