How To Use Betwixt In A Sentence
And when they espied the dukes daughter, that was a full fair woman, then by their false covin they made debate betwixt themself, and the duke of his goodness would have departed them, and there they slew him and his eldest son.
Chapter XV. The Thirteenth Book. How Sir Galahad Fought with the Knights of the Castle, and Destroyed the Wicked Custom
Howbeit when they should come to sit downe at dinner, there kindled a strife betwixt the said two bishops about their places, bicause the bishop of London, for that he had beene ordeined long before the archbishop, and therefore not onelie as deane to the see of Canturburie, but also by reason of prioritie, pretended to haue the vpper seat.
Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (3 of 12) Henrie I.
Betwixt the gracylament of the foote and the cuppe, it was knitte together with a handle of inestimable workemanship, and in lyke manner the foote and the bowle were of an excellent anaglyphie of foliature, monsters and byformed Scyllules, so exquisitely expressed, as could be imbossed, chased, or ingrauen by proportionate circulation.
Hypnerotomachia The Strife of Loue in a Dreame
Although the process has not turned them into ordinary men they have, in some degree, become betwixt and between.
He had been out, I believe, in 1715 and 1745, was an active partaker in all the stirring scenes which passed in the Highlands betwixt these memorable eras; and, I have heard, was remarkable, among other exploits, for having fought a duel with the broadsword with the celebrated Rob Roy MacGregor at the clachan of Balquidder.
_] He was tall of stature, and well proportioned, faire and comelie of face, so as in his countenance appeared much fauour and grauitie, of haire bright aborne, as it were betwixt red and yellow, with long armes, and nimble in all his ioints his thighes and legs were of due proportion, and answerable to the other parts of his bodie.
Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (6 of 12) Richard the First
The Frenchmen diuerse times required to haue some dower assigned foorth for queene Isabell, but that was at all times vtterlie denied, for that the marriage betwixt hir and king Richard was neuer consummate, by reason whereof she was not dowable.
Chronicles (3 of 6): Historie of England (1 of 9) Henrie IV
It had been part of his plan to stun and confuse Ravenswood's ideas, by a complicated and technical statement of the matters which had been in debate betwixt their families, justly thinking that it would be difficult for a youth of his age to follow the expositions of a practical lawyer, concerning actions of compt and reckoning, and of multiplepoindings, and adjudications and wadsets, proper and improper, and poindings of the ground, and declarations of the expiry of the legal.
The Bride of Lammermoor
Near four hundred years ago, as your grace knoweth, there being ill blood betwixt John, King of England, and the King of France, it was decreed that two champions should fight together in the lists, and so settle the dispute by what is called the arbitrament of God.
The Prince and the Pauper
The Miller swore to murther him, betwixt a pair of Stones.
Archive 2008-08-01
And think not that the felicity of the heroes and demigods in the Elysian fields consisteth either in their asphodel, ambrosia, or nectar, as our old women here used to say; but in this, according to my judgment, that they wipe their tails with the neck of a goose, holding her head betwixt their legs, and such is the opinion of Master John of Scotland, alias Scotus.
2009 February « Anglican Samizdat
Howbeit king Henrie hauing married the foresaid quéene Elianor, after the diuorse had betwixt hir and king Lewes, made claime to the said countie of Tholouze in the right of his wife.
Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (5 of 12) Henrie the Second
In that there is no harm; for it importeth nothing else but that betwixt my wife and me there will occur some toyish wanton tricks which usually happen to all new-married folks.
Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
Use they not, our noesmall termtraders, to abhors offrom him, the yet unregendered thunderslog, whose sbrogue cunneth none lordmade undersiding, how betwixt wifely rule and mens conscia recti, then hemale man all unbracing to omniwomen, but now shedropping his hitches like any maidavale oppersite orse-riders in an idinhole?
Finnegans Wake
It tuk him back too, but he gettin round after a bit, an 'he tacklet me agen, an' we had it back'ard and for'ard betwixt us for a good haaf hour.
That Lass O' Lowrie's 1877
The form of the elegy is a dialogue betwixt a passenger and a domestic servant.
The Bride of Lammermoor
The completion was no further off, than the very next morning; which was that of the storm of the counterscarp betwixt the Lower
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman
[Sidenote: Tmesis] _Dissectio_, a cutting, when the ioynyng of a compound worde is losed by putting somewhat betwixt, as: Hys saying was true, as here shal appere after, for hereafter.
A Treatise of Schemes and Tropes
Thus of their goods and bodies we can dispose; but what shall become of their souls, God alone can tell; his mercy may come inter pontem et fontem, inter gladium et jugulum, betwixt the bridge and the brook, the knife and the throat.
Anatomy of Melancholy
Afterwards experience comes in play to persuade us that two bodies, situated in the manner above-describ'd, have really such a capacity of receiving body betwixt them, and that there is no obstacle to the conversion of the invisible and intangible distance into one that is visible and tangible.
A treatise of human nature
So he scoot past dat buryin'-ground whut on de hill, an 'dat cemuntary whut betwixt an' between, an 'dat grabeyard in de hollow, twell he come to de pumpkin-patch, an' he rotch down an 'tek erhold ob de bestest pumpkin whut in de patch.
The Boy Scouts Book of Campfire Stories
So thus it was, in the dusk of the evening, that we came into Tonbridge Town, with never a word betwixt us -- myself silent from sheer amazement, the Captain for reasons of his own, Sir Harry Raikes for very obvious causes, but mostly
The Honourable Mr. Tawnish
I saw how it had been betwixt you, and I sent him out of my company with a wanion — I would rather have a rifler on my perch than a false knave at my elbow — and now, Master Roland, tell me what way wing ye?”
The Abbot
Do you think one can remain continually betwixt and between or is there a point at which this approach to life would become a burden?
Elizabeth Gilbert - An interview with author
He leads by following opinion, he trims, he shifts, he glides on the silvery sounds of his undulating, flexible, cautiously modulated voice, winding his way betwixt heaven and earth.
“In doing so,” returned the bishop, “thou wilt best atone for the injury which thou hast done to the law of Heaven upon former occasions, and thou shalt prevent the causes for strife betwixt thee and thy brethren of the southern land, and shalt eschew the temptation towards that blood-guiltiness which is so rife in this our day and generation.
Castle Dangerous
As a Potter I make clays my first article, after which stones vitrifiable will follow, but I cannot draw the line betwixt clays and some of the stones.
The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
In the middle of a plain, betwixt Orgon and this river, we met the coach in which we had travelled eighteen months before, from Lyons to Montpellier, conducted by our old driver Joseph, who no sooner recognized my servant at a distance, by his musquetoon, than he came running towards our carriage, and seizing my hand, even shed tears of joy.
Travels through France and Italy
Where the bloody blazes is the dang hyphen betwixt “Zero” and “Tolerance” in your stupid title, you daffy bird?!?
2009 January « Motivated Grammar
Scarce two gentlemen dwell together in the country, (if they be not near kin or linked in marriage) but there is emulation betwixt them and their servants, some quarrel or some grudge betwixt their wives or children, friends and followers, some contention about wealth, gentry, precedency, &c., by means of which, like the frog in
Anatomy of Melancholy
Christianity; and this necessarily draws on and engages them in a dispute of the particular points and differences betwixt us; which is the very thing they would avoid by this method, and which I have now plainly shewed they cannot do, because they cannot possibly prove their church to be the true church, with out shewing the conformity of their doctrines and practices to the doctrine and practice of the primitive and apostolic church; and this will give them work enough; and will, whether they will or no, draw them out of their hold and fastness, which is to amuse people with a general inquiry which is the true church, without descending to the examination of their particular doctrines and practices.
The Works of Dr. John Tillotson, Late Archbishop of Canterbury. Vol. 04.
But now cometh my dear lady to stand beside me, to steal her hand into mine, and never a word betwixt us for a while.
Black Bartlemy's Treasure
The difference can not be the same as betwixt sins that are called venial and mortal: for he says, that if a man pray for his brother, who commits a sin that is not to death, life shall be given him: therefore such a one had before lost the life of grace, and been guilty of what is commonly called a mortal sin.
The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Book 69: 1 John The Challoner Revision
Betwixt the canes and the infant is a kind of matrass of the tufted herb called Spanish Beard, and under its head is a little skin cushion, stuffed with the same herb.
History of Louisisana Or of the Western Parts of Virginia and Carolina: Containing
[Sidenote: Strife betwixt the prelates for preheminence.] and his chapleine (whom he appointed [15] to beare his crosse before him at his entrance into the kings chappell) was contemptuouslie and violentlie thrust out of the doores with crosse and all by the fréends of the archbishop of Canturburie.
Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (3 of 12) Henrie I.
In like maner, Rafe archbishop of Canturburie returned into England, after he had remained long in Normandie, bicause of the controuersie betwixt him and Thurstan archbishop of Yorke, as is aforesaid.
Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (3 of 12) Henrie I.
Emperours Maiestie, and your Queenes Maiestie, their loue and amitie may not bee seperated at any time, but to continue: and you request mee that I should be good vnto the English Merchants, and to defend them from all such domages hereafter: your honours louing letter I haue therein throughly considered: and as I haue bene heretofore, so I will still continue to be a meane betwixt our
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
But therewithal came the tidings to Gudrun, and when she heard thereof she grew exceeding wroth, and cast her mantle from her, and ran out and greeted those new-comers, and kissed her brethren, and showed them all love, — and the last of all greetings was that betwixt them.
The Story of the Volsungs
_symbolum_ to be disbursed -- in other words, a mutual exchange of courtesies take place betwixt Beaujeu and his guests.
The Fortunes of Nigel
Near four hundred years ago, as your grace knoweth, there being ill blood betwixt John, king of England, and the king of France, it was decreed that two champions should fight together in the lists, and so settle the dispute by what is called the arbitrament of God.
Vietnam: Solutions
Ancient withal were its adornments, and its halling was of the story of Troy, and stern and solemn looked out from it the stark woven warriors and kings, as they wended betwixt sword and shield on the highway of Fate.
The Sundering Flood
a night between regulation blankets, on a straw mattress, with rank grass for a bedstead, is as comfortable as the peaceful slumber they enjoy betwixt their own white sheetings.
The Civil War in America
Whose arms," said Master Michael, "I have seen over a stone chimney in the hall, -- a cross patonce betwixt four martlets.
But here I cannot forbear taking notice of a remarkable subtilty of the Roman law, in distinguishing betwixt confusion and commixtion.
A Treatise of Human Nature
There were six in a round circuit, one towardes an other: And betwixt theyr shoulders in the Center point of the trianguled base, there rose vp a steale like an olde fashioned Candlesticke, holding on the toppe thereof suche a bowle or vessell as aforesaide, and so broade as did fill vp the voyde place in the middest betwixt the other six.
Hypnerotomachia The Strife of Loue in a Dreame
Scarce had she time to wonder if the boat would obey her spell ere it began to stir beneath her, and then glided out into the lake and took its way over the summer ripple, going betwixt Green Eyot and the mainland, as if to weather the western ness of the eyot: and it went not a stonecast from the shore of the said mainland.
The Water of the Wondrous Isles
We all know about pheromones, the chemicals that supposedly float betwixt us carrying certain messages, such as sexual availability.
The whole secret of health, said my father, beginning the sentence again, depending evidently upon the due contention betwixt the radical heat and radical moisture within us; — the least imaginable skill had been sufficient to have maintained it, had not the school-men confounded the task, merely (as Van Helmont, the famous chymist, has proved) by all along mistaking the radical moisture for the tallow and fat of animal bodies.
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman
He had already almost crossed, without the least hazard, the great gulph which is betwixt
The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 16
With a swifter pace than his half-pay leisure usually encouraged, or than his habitual dignity permitted, Captain MacTurk cleared the ground betwixt the Spring and its gay vicinity, and the ruins of the Aultoun, where reigned our friend Meg Dods, the sole assertor of its ancient dignities.
Saint Ronan's Well
Now the matter went so forward, that the mariage was celebrated betwixt the said earle and empresse vpon the first sundaie in Aprill, which fell vpon the third of the moneth, and in the 27. of his reigne.
Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (3 of 12) Henrie I.
I jumped out of the carriage, pitched fraternity to the devil, and, betwixt desperation and something very like shame, began to cut away with a couteau de chasse, which I had provided in case of necessity. —
Saint Ronan's Well
The Duke had now recovered his breath, and was able to sit up and give attention to what passed betwixt Dunois and Crawford, while the former pleaded eagerly that there was no occasion to mention in the matter the name of the most noble Orleans, while he was ready to take the whole blame on his own shoulders, and to avouch that the Duke had only come thither in friendship to him.
Quentin Durward
However, be there this distinction betwixt them, or some other, or indeed none at all, yet I presume they were both doctors of traditions, and expounders of that which they called the oral law, in opposition to the scribes, whether amongst the Jews or the Sadducees, who employed themselves in the textual exposition of the law.
From the Talmud and Hebraica
A dark and smoky passage led, as usual, betwixt the exterior wall of the house, and the hallan, or clay wall, which served as a partition betwixt it and the interior.
The Abbot
While traversing with a rapid foot the space betwixt the tower and the sallyport, Wayland in vain racked his brain for some device which might avail the poor lady, for whom, notwithstanding his own imminent danger, he felt deep interest.
There is to be perform'd a monomachy, Combat or duel, time, place, and weapon, Agreed betwixt us.
And further that it will please thy Maiestie, not to giue credite to false reports, and vntrue suggestions of such as are enemies, and such as neither would haue mutuall amitie to continue betwixt your Maiesties, nor yet entercourse betwixt your countries.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
Now they commended him for it; but St. Paul teacheth otherwise, Better marry than burn, and as St. Hierome gravely delivers it, Aliae, sunt leges Caesarum, aliae Christi, aliud Papinianus, aliud Paulus noster praecipit, there's a difference betwixt
Anatomy of Melancholy
Betwixt the third couple of towers were the butts for arquebus, crossbow, and arbalist.
The Best of the World's Classics, Restricted to Prose, Vol. VII (of X)—Continental Europe I
Now, my fellow-sinners, to show you the difference betwixt worldly - mindedness and unworldly-mindedness, betwixt kingdoms not of this world and kingdoms OF this world, here was a letter wrote by even our worldly-minded brother unto Brother Hawkyard.
George Silvermans's Explanation
So he scoot 'past dat buryin'-ground whut on de hill, an' dat cemuntary whut betwixt an 'between, an' dat grabeyard in de hollow, twell he come 'to de pumpkin-patch, an' he rotch 'down an' tek 'erhold ob de bestest pumpkin whut in de patch. An' he right smart scared.
Humorous Ghost Stories
The relation whereinto God here expresseth that he will and doth take his people is one of the most near and eminent which he affordeth to them, a conjugal relation, — he is and will be their husband; which is as high an expression of the covenant betwixt God and his saints as any that is or can be used.
The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
He answered and said, “Let there be peace betwixt us; I will atone for thy brethren with gold and dear-bought things, even as thy heart may wish.”
The Story of the Volsungs
Their road led them along the side of the same brook where Quentin had overheard the mysterious conference the preceding evening, and Hayraddin had not long rejoined them, ere they passed under the very willow tree which had afforded Durward the means of concealment, when he became an unsuspected hearer of what then passed betwixt that false guide and the lanzknecht.
Quentin Durward
Thus LMitytxi was again brought in; but not long* alterthe Earl of Botbtxl have: flain him. ro the Queens Chamber, nad not her Majefty come betwixt and lived lurar but helled the next day and tarried with the Earl of Atbtk As. to roe I was hot oft at Court but now and then, yet I chanced to be there at the marriage.
The Memoires of Sir James Melvil of Hal-Hill: Containing an Impartial ...
The Athenians refused a virtuous law, because the person was vicious who proposed it; and it is generally esteemed that there is a correspondency betwixt the principles and practices of those men who earnestly profess the promotion of those principles, so that they are mutual producers and advantagers one of another.
The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
And here she turned her back fairly upon us and crossed to the window, while we looked at one another but with never a word betwixt us; wherefore she presently went on again.
The Honourable Mr. Tawnish
I think it is not to be doubted that Swallows have been taught to carry letters between two armies; but 'tis certain that when the Turks besieged Malta or Rhodes, I now remember not which it was, Pigeons are then related to carry and recarry letters: and Mr.G. Sandys, in his Travels, relates it to be done betwixt Aleppo and Babylon, But if that be disbelieved, it is not to be doubted that the Dove was sent out of the ark by Noah, to give him notice of land, when to him all appeared to be sea; and the Dove proved a faithful and comfortable messenger.
The Complete Angler
Last night, ah, yesternight, betwixt her lips and mine
But if you hold this phial from the light, so that your eye be placed betwixt the window and the phial, the liquid will appear of a deep and lovely ceruleous colour. '
Six Lectures on Light Delivered In The United States In 1872-1873
While her ladyship declaimed, the clergyman's wandering eye confessed his absent mind; his thoughts travelling, perhaps, to accomplish a truce betwixt Saladin and Conrade of Mountserrat, unless they chanced to be occupied with some occurrences of that very day, so that the lady was obliged to recall her indocile auditor with the leading question, "You are well acquainted with Dryden, of course, Mr. Cargill?
St. Ronan's Well
Promises he accounts but a kind of mannerly words, and in the expectation of your manners not to exact them: if you do, he wonders at your ill breeding, that cannot distinguish betwixt what is spoken and what is meant.
Microcosmography or, a Piece of the World Discovered; in Essays and Characters
However, I hope to catch up on a few posts today and sometime next week (in betwixt mixing down the next podcast and all the crap that's been keeping me busy lately).
Z0mbieastronaut: .Ha HA!! I am here!Sorry, fellow a
It was a period of awful suspense betwixt the opening of the outward gate and that of the door of the apartment, when there appeared — no guard with bayonets fixed, or watch with clubs, bills, or partisans, but a good-looking young woman, with grogram petticoats, tucked up for trudging through the streets, and holding a lantern in her hand.
Rob Roy
I start from the premise that it is betwixt materiality and language that the dancing body is produced.
Now, this I hold to be a breach of the paction betwixt us, by which — that is, by that which
Saint Ronan's Well
Now, the diapason is the ad interium, or interval betwixt and between the extremes of an octave, according to the diatonic scale.
Gov. Bob. Taylor's Tales
This Gelemasius (to auoid the dangers that might insue to him by reason of the schisme and controuersie betwixt the sée of Rome, and the emperour Henrie the fift) came into France, where he liued not long, but died in the abbeie of
Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (3 of 12) Henrie I.
In the novel Oe illustrates the concept of liminality developed by the cultural anthropologist Victor Turner, the "betwixt-and-between" state characterized by invisibility, outsiderhood, and marginality, yet also the locus of great potential for renewal.
Kenzaburo Oe: Laughing Prophet and Soulful Healer
Scarce had she time to wonder if the boat would obey her spell ere it began to stir beneath her, and then glided out into the lake and took its way over the summer ripple, going betwixt Green Eyot and the mainland, as if to weather the western ness of the eyot: and it went not a stonecast from the shore of the said mainland.
The Water of the Wondrous Isles
King Dauid also was of a fierce courage, and redie inough to haue giuen him battell, but yet when he beheld the English standards in the field, and diligentlie viewed their order and behauiour, [Sidenote: An accord made betwixt the two kings Stephan and Dauid.] he was at the last contented to giue care to such as intreated for peace on both sides.
Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (4 of 12) Stephan Earle Of Bullongne
This river has been absurdly enough by some supposed the Rubicon, in all probability from the description of that river in the Pharsalia of Lucan, who makes it the boundary betwixt Gaul and Italy — — et Gallica certus
Travels through France and Italy
a truce betwixt Saladin and Conrade of Mountserrat, unless they chanced to be occupied with some occurrences of that very day, so that the lady was obliged to recall her indocile auditor with the leading question,
Saint Ronan's Well
Having ridden the old bike over 20 years and 10,000 miles I didn't even have to think when and how to change gear and could slalom betwixt taxi and bus with graceful and flowing curves.
“I think,” replied Morton, “that if the young galliard resemble a certain ancient friend of ours, as much in the craft of his disposition as he does in eye and in brow, there may be a wide difference betwixt what he means and what he speaks.”
The Abbot
Thus rode they, and with never a word betwixt them, deep and deeper into the wild until the moon was down and darkness shut them in; wherefore
The Geste of Duke Jocelyn
That done, he fleaeth it, and taweth the skinne betwixte his handes, vntill it become very souple and soft and kiepeth it for a hande kercher.
The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie
The faun is a natural and delightful link betwixt human and brute life, with something of a divine character intermingled.
Passages from the French and Italian Notebooks, Volume 1.
I would expect, f course, a teleconnection betwixt Goddard and columbia..
Central Park: Will the real Slim Shady please stand up? « Climate Audit
I hope that the following conversation betwixt some of my neighbours underscores my proposed scheme.
Last night , ah , yesternight, betwixt her lips and mine there fell thy shadow, Cynara!
Thomas Randolfe was with vs at our Citie of Vologda, and wee dealt with him about our Princely affaires, whereby amitie betwixt the
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
There is another people dwelling in that Ethiope that lyeth aboue Egipte, called Ryzophagi, whiche bestowe muche time in digging vp of the rootes of Riedes growing niere aboute them, and in wasshing and clensing of the same, whiche afterward they bruse betwixt stones till thei become clammie, and so makes wiete cakes of them, muche facioned like a brick a hande broade.
The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie
Therewith speech failed him and his wit therewith; so betwixt them they unarmed him and did him what leechdom they might do there and then; and he was nowise hurt deadly: as for Child Christopher, he had no scratch of steel on him.
Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair
Japanese themselves have to say on the question of the relations betwixt the foreigner and their own Government, and it is not likely that the subjoined translation of a document, purporting to be a protest addressed to the tycoon's ministers, but intended as a complaint against them to the mikado or spiritual emperor, will be found too long for perusal:
Continental Monthly, Vol. 4, No 3, September 1863 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
‘So let me get this straight,’ said I, squeezing the bridge of my nose betwixt two fingers.
But clear as was the fashion of the mountains, they were yet a long way off: for betwixt them and the ridge whereon those fellows stood, stretched a vast plain, houseless and treeless, and, as they beheld it thence grey and ungrassed (though indeed it was not wholly so) like a huge river or firth of the sea it seemed, and such indeed it had been once, to wit a flood of molten rock in the old days when the earth was a-burning.
The Well at the World's End: a tale
As yet, wars betwixt the two nations, though fierce and frequent, had been conducted on principles of fair hostility, and admitted of those softening shades by which courtesy and the respect for open and generous foemen qualify and mitigate the horrors of war.
The Talisman
At the same time I desire one part pt the dispute betwixt us may be finished by an answer to these questions: Is not calling a guiltless man an impudent slanderer, pdumny, and quite a different revenge than a slight joke? anc) has not Mr. Warburton done that in the note in question?
Literary anecdotes of the eighteenth century; comprizing biographical memoirs of William Bowyer, printer, F. S. A.
To stay ye no longer herein (concludes Laneham) I dare say he hath as fair a library of these sciences, and as many goodly monuments both in prose and poetry, and at afternoon can talk as much without book, as any innholder betwixt
Bibliomania; or Book-Madness A Bibliographical Romance
We will post reminder nownsemints peery oddically betwixt now and tehn.
Hmmmm… - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
And when they espied the duke's daughter, that was a full fair woman, then by their false covin they made debate betwixt themself, and the duke of his goodness would have departed them, and there they slew him and his eldest son.
Chronicle and Romance (The Harvard Classics Series)
Whereupon, Bentley yielding to my humour, we rode on with never a word betwixt us.
The Honourable Mr. Tawnish
After this we went on side by side and never a word betwixt us until we had reached that pleasant champain country where flowed the river shaded by goodly trees, in whose branches fluttered birds of a plumage marvellously coloured and diverse, and beneath which bloomed flowers as vivid; insomuch that my lady brake forth ever and anon into little soft cries of delighted wonder.
Black Bartlemy's Treasure
Marvellous quick was he and nimble save for his tongue, he being less given to talk even than I, so that I have known us march by the hour together and never a word betwixt us.
Martin Conisby's Vengeance
'Tis International Talk Like A Pirate Day, so ye'd best be puttin' a lively seafarer's tongue betwixt those pearly teeth, if ye don't fancy a cutlass in yer gory tripes.
Arrrr, Me Pretties
There was a bitter and personal quarrel and rivalry betwixt the author of this libel, a name which it richly deserves, and Lord President Stair; and the lampoon, which is written with much more malice than art, bears the following motto:
The Bride of Lammermoor
Mysie Happer made no answer; but blushing scarlet betwixt joy and shame, mutely expressed her willingness to accompany the Southron Knight, by knitting her bundle closer, and preparing to resume her seat en croupe.
The Monastery
We distinguish betwixt what we call the ceremonial or the political law of the Jews, and the moral law.
Christian Doctrine of Sin
So many casualties there are, that as Seneca said of a city consumed with fire, Una dies interest inter maximum civitatem et nullam, one day betwixt a great city and none: so many grievances from outward accidents, and from ourselves, our own indiscretion, inordinate appetite, one day betwixt a man and no man.
Anatomy of Melancholy
There is no love lost betwixt them these days. And Elen had ever been capricious and headstrong.
13 A bundle of myrrh is my wellbeloved unto me; he shall lie all night betwixt my breasts.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
Charcoale fire, let your Grid-iron be hot, rub your Grid-iron with some ruffe Suet; the skinne will not burne; this is good; but take the skin off, and stew the Eele betwixt two Dishes, on a Chafing-dish of
The Art of Angling Wherein are discovered many rare secrets, very necessary to be knowne by all that delight in that recreation
Hamiltown relict of Thomas Mitchell ther, prisoners in the tolbuith of Borrowstownes, are found guiltie be ane assyse, of the abominable cryme of witchcraft committed be them in manner mentioned in their dittayes, and are decerned and adjudged be us under subscryvers (commissioners of justiciary speciallie appoynted to this effect) to be taken to the west end of Borrowstownes, the ordinar place of execution ther, upon Tuesday the twentie-third day of December current, betwixt two and four o'cloack in the efternoon, and there be wirried at a steack till they be dead, and thereafter to have their bodies burnt to ashes.
The Mysteries of All Nations Rise and Progress of Superstition, Laws Against and Trials of Witches, Ancient and Modern Delusions Together With Strange Customs, Fables, and Tales
Both are figures caught betwixt and between, either compromised or radicalized by virtue of being women within a culture.
In doing so," returned the bishop, "thou wilt best atone for the injury which thou hast done to the law of Heaven upon former occasions, and thou shalt prevent the causes for strife betwixt thee and thy brethren of the southern land, and shalt eschew the temptation towards that blood-guiltiness which is so rife in this our day and generation.
Waverley Novels — Volume 12
Blood-soaked surgeons tangoed with beer smelling pub men; a traffic warden spazzed out an energetic Manumission rave, and a mother River-Danced betwixt the splayed limbs of a silent corpse.
Famously, this film was banned in Swansea but not in Cardiff, so busloads of eager Welsh heathen were transported daily betwixt the two heaving metropolises to watch it, then placarded on their return.
There is fuch an utter inconfiftency and oppo* fition betwixt good and bad, that there cannot be any communion or harmony betwixt them: For what com - munnion hath light with darknefs? % Cor,
Sermons preach'd upon several occasions
At last I turned my haggard, burning eyes upon her murderers -- four of them there were and all staring into those cruel, black waters below and not a word betwixt them.
Black Bartlemy's Treasure
Let thousands upon thousands alone, aw leading the like lives and aw faw'en into the like muddle, and they will be as one, and yo will be as anoother, wi 'a black unpassable world betwixt yo, just as long or short a time as sich-like misery can last.
Hard Times