How To Use Bettor In A Sentence
Thalheimer acknowledged that slots are only the beginning, and they should be used as a way to convert bettors of that kind into horseplayers.
Bettors deposit money in advance with the OTB and then call when they want to bet on a horse race.
They began a hunt to identify conspirators and abettors of the violence.
Abettors, who instigate others to commit crimes, are not only the instigators but also the disseminator of criminal intent.
A Libya in part or whole under the Gadhafi clan would be a failed, isolated and dangerous place ruled by a vengeful tyrant and a likely abettor of terrorists.
Obama's Libyan Abdication

Yet they leave bettors - those undeterred when they don't at first succeed - with the resources to try, try again.
As most seasoned sports bettors are aware, every bookmaker adjusts his line in relation to which way the wagering is headed.
Whether an accomplice is described as an aider, abettor, counsellor, or procurer seems to depend partly on ordinary language, and partly on specific judicial decisions.
A leading bookie told TOI that the ‘bhav†™ or odds on Sania getting married to Shoaib on April 15 was 25 paise - in other words, for every rupee placed on the wedding taking place, a bettor would get Rs 1.25 paise.
The Times of India
There is a special index in the book rating ballparks for Total Number of Runs per game - if you're a Totals (Over-Under) bettor, this would be helpful material.
And finally, there was the fight in the Mechanics 'Pavilion in San Francisco, when he was secretly jobbed from the first by a gun-fighting bad man of a referee backed by a small syndicate of bettors.
Chapter I
With the football season slowly winding down, many bettors seem to feel that the betting season is over as well.
Betting exchanges allow bettors to accept wagers from other bettors at odds that the involved parties determine.
Betting exchanges allow bettors to accept wagers from other bettors at odds that the involved parties determine.
Though complicated even by Bel Paese standards it's a timely move by the national gambling monopoly to hook bettors before a new law opens up the online gaming market in 2007.
Online Gaming, Italian Style
And it can only abet the bosses against bettors counting their money with totals of 18 through 21.
Also the British High Commissioner has issued a damnifying proclamation against Jameson and all British abettors of his game.
Following the Equator
Returning bettors also have the option of placing a parlay bet of up to $25.
To this the young devotees made their way, and after fastening cords to the bell's tongue they tossed ropes to their aiders and abettors below.
Bettors in Canada were precluded from wagering into U.S. pools under previous regulations.
How much does a hostile nation such as Saudi Arabia need to do before it is deemed an "abettor" rather than an "ally"?
Assyrian International News Agency
He says a destructively crazy thing, the media abettors publicize it, and here we are.
We were led to this research by an age-old racetrack puzzle economists call the “favorite-longshot bias”: horse bettors historically have overbet long shots, and they win less often than their odds suggest.
What A Night! Interpreting the New Hampshire Primary - Freakonomics Blog -
And their biggest aider and abettor is Ottawa itself.
The new underclass : Law is Cool
Swings get wilder for the same overall exposure when bettors vary their wagers.
These successful bettors focus on one strong selection to bet into the win position.
Let not, then, the abettors of Slavery, who trample their fellow-creatures beneath their feet, tell us, in their own justification, of the degraded state, the abject minds, and the vices of the Slaves; it is upon the system which thus brutifies a human being that the reproach falls in all its bitterness.
Wilson Armistead, 1819?-1868. A Tribute for the Negro: Being a Vindication of the Moral, Intellectual, and Religious Capabilities of the Colored Portion of Mankind; with Particular Reference to the African Race.
Shall I welcome this man with open arms and allow myself to become an abettor - an enabler - of the robber, rapist and pillager?
Crime, culpability and punishment
With some arenas holding thousands of spectators, an evolved series of hand gestures between bettors determines wagers.
The government may also prosecute the intermediaries and abettors under relevant sections of the Income-Tax Act.
A bettor places a $50 win at the last second and the teller miskeys the ticket as a $500 or $5000 win.
Why are so many bettors continuing to do business with local bookmakers, and eschewing offshore?
The pointspread is the big number for the sports bettor.
Football Trends Inc. always does a good job in providing the shortcut-seeking bettor with betting angles.
Bettors wagered a total of just under $4.6-million nationally on the Ultra Pick Six, Kirchner said.
The Department of Justice argued that he was an abettor and co-conspirator in a spy ring.
Posted June 26, 2007 5: 53 PM caveat bettor writes:
Anti-Finance Bias, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Actually, considerable amounts of statistical evidence demonstrate that in pari-mutuel betting, an experienced bettor adopting a strategy based on short-odds bets and careful pool selection can generate a positive expected return.
Resisting Efficient Markets, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
There, government regulations require safeguards for the protection of the bettors.
Her aiders and abettors must face similar charges.
What this is really about is a Republican effort to gin up sound-bites suitable to the morons watching FauxSnooze about how Obama is “soft on defense” (if not an outright aider and abettor of al Qaeda).
Think Progress » ThinkFast: April 12, 2010
Swings get wilder for the same overall exposure when bettors vary their wagers.
The nonchalant and lazy bettor will almost always lose their money in the long run.
Terrorism Futures, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Their abettors and backers will not be spared.
New York law expressly allows bettors in other states to make phone bets to New York OTBs.
What this is really about is a Republican effort to gin up sound-bites suitable to the morons watching FauxSnooze about how Obama is “soft on defense” (if not an outright aider and abettor of al Qaeda).
Think Progress » ThinkFast: April 12, 2010
Here criminal responsibility arises if the aider and abettor knows that his action will assist the commission of a specific crime by the principal.
So saying, the indignant Sage nevertheless plunged the contemned pieces of gold into a large pouch which he wore at his girdle, which Toinette, and other abettors of lavish expense, generally contrived to empty fully faster than the philosopher, with all his art, could find the means of filling.
Quentin Durward
It seems as if there will be no penalty for foreign abettors of the hijackers.
He worried that Paulson would want especially ugly mortgages for the CDOs, like a bettor asking a football owner to bench a star quarterback to improve the odds of his wager against the team.
The Volokh Conspiracy » The SEC Split Over Goldman
Phil writes: caveat bettor: sure, that's a $400 million signal if I moved the price completely to its intrinsic value.
Anti-Finance Bias, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
The first bettor opened; the second bettor raised.
This is serious gambling which often causes assaults and killing among hosts and bettors when bettors win huge amounts that hosts are unable to pay.
Posted June 27, 2007 10: 36 AM caveat bettor writes:
Anti-Finance Bias, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Right now, with an asking price of $60.90, a bettor would risk $60.90 to win $100 if a Democrat wins the 2012 presidential election and lose it all if a Republican were to prevail.
Steve Schohn: Shorting the Hype of a Candidate with Momentum
That is, bettors get their wagers back but don't actually generate anything as crass as earnings.
He's probably the most successful soccer bettor in the world," says Keith Sobey, who oversees a London sports-betting academy.
In English Soccer, the Bettors Rule
Some call me a sell out or, even worse, an abettor of dictators.
Tom Doctoroff: Books That Reveal China's Cultural Constitution
It also means that the trifecta payoffs at that track are likely to be smaller than average, due to larger numbers of bettors splitting the pools.
The object of all casino games is to transfer money from the bettors to the house, as you know.
And their biggest aider and abettor is Ottawa itself.
The new underclass : Law is Cool
The mainstream, or what I call the borderline, bettor isn't interested unless it's strung out," said Jimmy Vaccaro, director of Lucky's sports books.
Las Vegas Sun Stories: All Sun Headlines
The U.S. bettor can make his wagers in the safe knowledge that he is dealing with a good, honest business.
The paper gives a detailed discussion on the determination of surplus behavior from the classification of organized offender, executor, accessory and abettor.
What phlegmatical reasons soever were made you," wrote the Queen, who but three weeks before had been so gentle and affectionate to her, ambassador, "how happeneth it that you will not remember, that when a man hath faulted and committed by abettors thereto, neither the one nor the other will willingly make their own retreat.
History of the United Netherlands from the Death of William the Silent to the Twelve Year's Truce — Complete (1584-1609)
TVG hopes to parlay a victory in California with one in D.C., but as most bettors know, parlays are risky ventures at best.
An unnamed bettor placed two wagers at the MGM sports book in Las Vegas back in September, and thanks to the Cardinals' World Series Win, now holds winning tickets totaling $375,000.
Anonymous Bettor Wins $375,000 From Cardinals World Series (VIDEO)
Nevada casinos won almost $6.9 million on this year's as bettors wagered $82.7 million on the title gambling regulators said Tuesday. - Articles related to Singapore opens first casino
Football and basketball are both primarily bet using point spreads and totals, with a built in vig of 10% - easy for bettors and easy for bookmakers.
Steve Fezzik, a professional sports bettor in Las Vegas and two-time champion of the Las Vegas Hilton's sports handicapping contest, said he bets on about 50 college football games the day the lines go up at the Nugget, and generally does very well.
An Early Way to Beat the Odds
Posted June 28, 2007 6: 01 AM caveat bettor writes:
Anti-Finance Bias, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Tiger poaching investigation documents seen by IANS show Kerkar's name slotted as an abettor to the tiger-killing along with the accused persons - Suryakant Majik and Gopal Majik, residents of Majikwaddo in Sattari.
Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
The maximum sentence for war crimes, which they said he had committed as an abettor, is life imprisonment.
At the greyhound track bettors usually have as many as 12-14 wagering pools to select from.
If it is approved, it will then award the death penalty to any aider and abettor of a hijacking as well.
Indian Cabinet Approves Tougher Hijacking Law
The chit of a girl, quite cleverly disguised (wearing "a couple of pneumatic cushions, the kind used by football players" -- best known today as "falsies") turns out to be the brother of the other bettor.
“Living hand to mouth. . .”
It also means that the trifecta payoffs at that track are likely to be smaller than average, due to larger numbers of bettors splitting the pools.
The author thought that the joint negligence principal offender theory can be established, and the negligence abettor or the negligence assist offender is untenable.
An abettor would face 25 years to life for murder.
Because only two Las Vegas sports books—the Golden Nugget's and the M Casino's, run by Cantor Gaming—offer the betting lines so early, and because so little is known about teams at this early stage, knowledgeable bettors say there are under- and overrated teams to be exploited.
An Early Way to Beat the Odds
VoiceBet allows bettors to use either voice commands from any telephone or key commands on touch-tone phones to place wagers, check account balances, or review bets.
The present work supports the idea that loss aversion may be a more universal bias, arising regardless of experience and culture and demonstrates that loss aversion is displayed even by those bettors regarded in the market as “smart money”.
Putting the "Cuss" back in "Homo Economicus "
Think about the thousands of bettors who risk their hard-earned money on meaningless regular season hockey games, hoping to hit the elusive six-team parlay and bring a little joy into their otherwise excitement-less lives.
We have met the appeasers and abettors of our enemies, and they are us!
Blair could have done so whenever he wished but opted to keep this master of ‘tax, tax, tax, spend, spend, spend’ in office until his last moment as ‘First Lord of the Treasury’ and thus is implicated in the Socialist excesses of the last ten years not as a mere aider and abettor but as a principal in the first degree.
Archive 2008-05-18
Savvy bettors - those who concentrate on books that emphasize professional management, competitive vig, and attractive but fiscally sound sign-up incentives - generally experience minimal problems.
Padlin stumbled into the pack of bettors clustered at the waist-high fence.