How To Use Betrothal In A Sentence

  • He wrote, `I was saddened to see that your injury prevented you from joining in the dancing at my betrothal festivities. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • And you have been loth to part with her, even in betrothal .... Love and Life Behind the Purdah
  • It is not her own betrothal, but mine with Winnie's wraith, that is deluding her crazy brain. Aylwin
  • The buckle of her waistband is also his work; I am not quite sure but that it is a token of betrothal when a girl wears the buckle her suitor has made. Insulinde: Experiences of a Naturalist's Wife in the Eastern Archipelago
  • And when I find myself once more on board, when the scene enacted on the hill above recurs to my mind, it seems to me that my betrothal is a joke, and my new family a set of puppets. The French Immortals Series — Complete
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  • From the moment they were considered ready for betrothal, women were under an enormous amount of societal pressure to marry.
  • In honor of her betrothal the neckline had been cut lower than she had ever worn before.
  • On the occasion of the betrothal she had arrived late, dressed in indescribable odds and ends, with an artificial red flower stuck into her frowzy wig. The Promised Land
  • Hey, I've arranged a lot of betrothals, you can't expect me to remember each one!
  • I tell you, Mr. Le Noir, that your manner of speaking of my betrothal is equally insulting to myself, Doctor Rocke and my dear father, who never would have plighted our hands had he considered our prospective marriage a mésalliance. The Hidden Hand
  • The contract of betrothal is made at the village temple and the caste-fellows sprinkle turmeric and water over the parties.
  • The impeccable and perceptive draughtsman Ingres is represented by one of the anecdotal pictures in which he delighted, The Betrothal of Raphael, and the last of his four versions of Oedipus and the Sphinx.
  • Answered the other, "I seek connection with thy house, and I come desirous of betrothal with the lady concealed and the pearl unrevealed, which is thy daughter. Arabian nights. English
  • Perhaps I will see you tomorrow night at the baroness's betrothal festivities.
  • To speak of breaking a betrothal is a serious matter! The Frozen Heart
  • But after the betrothal, a teepee is erected for the presents that pour in from both sides. Life Among The Piutes: Their Wrongs and Claims
  • Food is important at ceremonial occasions such as naming ceremonies, betrothals, marriages, and deaths.
  • Perhaps we should have felt glad of an unseen power urging the Narcheska to make strong her betrothal to the Prince. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • The period between the betrothal and the wedding also allowed the bride to prepare her trousseau, while the groom could use the time to make preparations for the wedding.
  • He regretted, with some causticity of humor, that her father should show such inequalities of temperament as to keep Grace tightly on his arm today, when he had quite lately seemed anxious to recognize their betrothal as a fact. The Woodlanders
  • Saint Bernard, attend in a body at the "Annunciation" -- as if it were any of their business -- hover everywhere at the "Betrothal," and look on wonderingly from the rafters, or make fun of the Wise Men in the Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great - Volume 06 Little Journeys to the Homes of Eminent Artists
  • The play revolves round the betrothal of a duke to a doctor's daughter.
  • A spot on a collar can spoil a betrothal.
  • Their betrothal is interrupted by an argument between their fathers and Guido has to defend the family honour in a duel, killing Lotario.
  • Some held the erroneous opinion of private dissolubility, because they regarded such a union as no real marriage, but simply as betrothal, and therefore they treated it according to the juridical principles in regard to betrothal. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • The process that the Waynes chose, called betrothal, requires a man and woman to make a binding commitment to marry before beginning any romantic -- much less physical -- relationship. It Takes More Than Two
  • Italian rabbis divided on the question whether the number of witnesses to a betrothal should be the talmudic pair or ten, reflecting a clear need for more to enhance supervision of the proceedings. Italy, Early Modern.
  • It could be the same one I encountered on the road the night before the Prince's betrothal. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • This speech does not report the movement of the betrothal message, from kingly words recounted, to messenger, to scroll, to herald's voice.
  • The betrothal was arranged by the parents as a strictly business contract.
  • And the keep and the town are full of Outislander folk and nobility from the other duchies for the Prince's betrothal. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • Ne Temere_, which means, "The Form of Betrothal and Marriage according to the _Ne Temere_ Decree. Luther Examined and Reexamined A Review of Catholic Criticism and a Plea for Revaluation
  • He wrote, `I was saddened to see that your injury prevented you from joining in the dancing at my betrothal festivities. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • Betrothal vows were often as binding as wedding vows, and ‘plighting the troth’ was often an excuse to consummate the marriage ahead of the actual ceremony.
  • So maybe Vanderbeek sees the Kovalchuk deal, and the long-term betrothal to the even more important
  • The betrothal, the money transfer and further guarantees for the period between the betrothal and the marriage itself are recorded in a written document (sefer erus), established before the court and witnesses. Karaite Women.
  • Some initiation ceremony perhaps or unspoken betrothal?
  • The family can't celebrate Dasha's betrothal, because they're so worried about you. THE BRONZE HORSEMAN
  • “Good!” said the smiling Torres; “it is what you might call a betrothal journey.” Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon
  • There is a single feature of the situation in the spring of 1527 which might be taken as pointing to a belief on the King's part that the validity of the marriage would be confirmed: namely the betrothal of his daughter to England under the Tudors
  • Uncertainty plagued her, following every move she made, surfacing every time anyone mentioned her betrothal.
  • She had seemed so girlish, chattering on about clothes and gossiping about the recent betrothals.
  • In those days the formal procedure of a wedding scarcely differed from that of a betrothal and both these ceremonies could be called by the same name 'sponsalia'.
  • Churches now combine what were once separate betrothal and wedding ceremonies into one.
  • In front of the two male imperial figures a diminutive courtier or herald holds open the scroll, presumably reading aloud the announcement of the betrothal.
  • As Bobby had so often predicted, the Jackie-Ari betrothal created a worldwide furor best characterized by a front-page headline in the Los Angeles Times: “Jackie Sells Out!” Bobby and Jackie
  • People are never equal to the romance of their youth in after life, except by fits, and Ferris especially could not keep himself at what he called the operatic pitch of their brief betrothal and the early days of their marriage. A Foregone Conclusion

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