How To Use Betrayer In A Sentence
Dan escapes into the noir world of a novel he wrote called The Singing Detective in which foul deeds are done, women are the betrayers and Dan himself is a cool dude.
So now, as Robin points out, us anti-war, would-be dissenters, deserters and betrayers are to be offered a wide-ranging smorgasbord of humanitarian pledges to get us back on the New Labour bus.
He and the heads of other human rights groups have accused the Commission of allowing the worst-offending betrayers of human rights to protect each other from condemnation.
Instinctively Lenoir divined that his betrayer was the young
Jack Harkaway's Boy Tinker Among The Turks Book Number Fifteen in the Jack Harkaway Series
To his astonishment, people he thought were his friends turned inexplicably hostile, merely because he had publicly denounced them as betrayers of their profession.

You're the traitor, the betrayer, I know and you know it.
(Jeanne the betrayer could be a soul sister to Jean Seberg in "Breathless.")
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He has three sets of wings and three faces and in each of his mouths he chews an archetypal traitor: Judas, the betrayer of Christ; and Brutus and Cassius, the betrayers of Julius Caesar.
Michael sat in one of the chairs against the wall, trying his best to look strong and stoic, but the worry in his eyes was his betrayer.
He has been warned that he might be found guilty of being a mosser (a betrayer, another crime punishable by death in the halacha) and has not been heard from since.
'Israel's Demons': An Exchange
No girl is left to languish and die forsaken by her betrayer, for the betrayer is a worthy young man who marries her as soon as he possibly can; no finger of scorn is pointed at the fallen one, for all the fingers in the street are attached to women who began life in precisely the same fashion; and as for that problematical Day of Judgment of which they hear so much on Sundays, perhaps they feel that that also may be one of the things which after all do not happen.
The Solitary Summer
There are hit men, murderers, philanderers, thieves, betrayers, and other assorted riff-raff.
From his arms thou shalt start with horror, as from those of thy wronged father's betrayer, -- perchance his deathsman!
The Last of the Barons — Complete
As Cooper suggests, aren't they the real betrayers of the Left?
They primarily conceive of the Church in just the way their betrayers do: as a nexus of power to be scrabbled over and fought for in order to achieve domination.
If, on the other hand, he jacks up, he is a snivelling traitor, an America hater, a betrayer of Australian business and/or a pawn and lackey of selfish vested interest groups, a man who puts cheap populism ahead of his country.
When Brophy first met Sir Anthony, at dinner among the sailors and art students "probably both," she suggested of his Courtauld Institute apartment, not even the British security service knew that the aesthete was their betrayer.
Peter Stothard - Times Online - WBLG:
But now, you're a betrayer, and a back-stabber at that.
It took longer this time, because of the amount of soldiers who we were traveling with, and I saw visions of Adam wherever I went… not visions of the traitor and betrayer, but visions of the Adam that I knew.
Hong Xiuquan ( 1814 - 1864 ) was not only the successor of Christianity and Confucianism, but also the betrayer.
Full time, well-bonded mothers are dismissed by these angry women as betrayers of their gender.
Marion, night-garbed or ungarbed, but with sword drawn, first hanging over her slumbering betrayer, then dealing the stroke of vengeance, and then falling -- white against the dark towers and the darker ravines at their base -- to her self-doomed judgment.
A History of the French Novel, Vol. 1 From the Beginning to 1800
I knew about Judas, the betrayer, Mary Magdelene, the Garden of Gestamane, Roman soldiers, the Last Supper.
Consider the contrast between the two apostles, the free choices that each made: when the betrayer Judas pointed Jesus out to the mob that came to arrest and murder Him, Peter drew his sword and stepped forward to defend Jesus.
The man's an out-and-out stalker --- he's a pest --- a betrayer.
Investigators and prosecutors must be seen to attack with full force the betrayers of the public trust who are aligned with the gangsters, racketeers and terrorists keeping this country under siege.
There are hit men, murderers, philanderers, thieves, betrayers, and other assorted riff-raff.
While you’re at it, ask the misfit, the prisoner, or even the naughty child to explain why Judas—already identified as the betrayer of Christ—was also given the bread and wine, the body and blood, the nourishment and the promise?
Beginner’s Grace
The channel is to news what reality TV is to reality: its calculated subverter, its smirking betrayer.
These people were known as traitors and betrayers of the crown.
Why did many left-liberals regard him as a self-serving betrayer of their principles?
a precaution against treachery, insisted upon the page going with them; and thus Estela became informed that her betrayer was a woman, and also learned the reason for her conduct.
The Woman in Battle: A Narrative of the Exploits, Adventures, and Travels of Madame Loreta Janeta Velazquez, Otherwise Known as Lieutenant Harry T. Buford, Confederate States Army. In Which Is Given Full Descriptions of the Numerous Battles in which She P
With Lawson at his mercy, Cal is free to vent his anger on his betrayer.
Therefore, women who do not identify as lesbians, especially women who sometimes have relationships with other women, are branded as traitors, turncoats and betrayers of the greater sisterhood.
Babearth regarded the middle classes as the betrayers of the Revolution.
The fluid levels in the special bath that protected her betrayer from the dangers of hyperspace flight ebbed, then began plunging.
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While it is almost inevitable that a biographer will either be a hagiographer or a betrayer, his betrayals are, actually, of a special order.
Investigators and prosecutors must be seen to attack with full force the betrayers of the public trust who are aligned with the gangsters, racketeers and terrorists keeping this country under siege.
The problem with this superficially attractive strategy is, of course, that betrayers can always re-betray.
_ I have not acquired that sort of good breeding, sir, which isn't founded on good sense; -- and when I call the betrayer of female innocence a bad character, the term, I think, is too true to be abusive.
John Bull The Englishman's Fireside: A Comedy, in Five Acts
The stories about her render her variously as victim, betrayer, seducer, and translator.
In The Scarlet Letter, Hester Prynne becomes coolly exceptional in her idealistic determination to lie beyond the common ground of social expectations, unlike her betrayer, the Reverend Dimmesdale who wallows in self-recriminations, guilt and discomfort, as if he had taken the conventional female role in relation to illicit passion.
And Again, Love « Tales from the Reading Room
No, but it does mean you have to consider an opinion other than yours before you start ranting and bullying and labeling dissenters betrayers of your version of patriotism.
December a list of the subscriptions was called for, and on the 16th they resolved, that if any lord, spiritual or temporal, should attempt to obtain a charter to erect a bank, "he should be deemed a contemnor of the authority of that house, and a betrayer of the liberty of his country.
The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D. - Volume 07 Historical and Political Tracts-Irish
But once the Turks go in, you can rely on a large movement of the New-Old Iraqi Army up there to fight the Nato-linked, EU-corrupted apostate betrayers of the capital of the Caliphs.
People were told on a whim that their husband or wife was a "fallen one" or "betrayer" - if that person became inconvenient to mom's agenda.
Planet Atheism
But now, you're a betrayer, and a back-stabber at that.
There are hit men, murderers, philanderers, thieves, betrayers, and other assorted riff-raff.